Items . . . 'S prfnei nupert Daflp J3tto JLto. 3 Tuesday, August 17, 1948 " ' George Green left by air this afternoon for Vancouver where he will attend a meeting of Imperial Oil Co. officials. Rev. Basil S. Prockter and daughter Muriel left this afternoon on the Camosun on a holi . . - T T 1? nlQUUOU sating ISLAY RAMSAY PRETTY BRIDE United in Marriage to Edward Garner at Ceremony sailed night on me rnncess Aaeiaiae for a trip to Vancouver. , cafflosuijf lor Steamship Movements Daylight Saving Time For Vancouver Monday ss. Princess Adelaide 11 p.m. Tuesday ss. Camosun, 1:30 p.m. Thursday ss. Prince Rupert 12:15 midnight. Friday ss. Catala, p.m. Mri. Agnes Brodie of Vancou-"rived in the city on the Pnncess Adelalde "Jt Eight members of the naval wireless staff here Ji for f1' he ncess Adelaide Victoria to take courses. They were the Misses M. Hew- ?arr' Hamllt"n-Grant, M M- m Black, H. Leadbetter, M Saturday Night A wedding of much local interest in view of the popularity prettieststore : Tiiatf Are w Gift "eet. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Black and family, who have been on a motor trip to the Okanagan district, are expected home today or tomorrow. Mr. and Mrs. A. Morgan, who day trip to Vancouver. Miss Mary Peterson returned to the city Sunday night on the Camosun from Victoria where she has been working for the last few months. PULLOVER SWEATERS For Ocean FaUs Monday ss. Princess Adelaide, 11 p.m. Thursday ss. Prince Rupert, 12:15 p.m. August 18 and 28 ss. Prince George, 12:15 midnight. From Alaska Thursday ss. Prince Rupert p.m. August 18 ss. Prince George, 8 p.m. August 21 ss. Princess Louise p.m. of the well known couple who L j sf tt and are engaged in missionary work, I ,n ona motor .. irf else- August 18 ss. Prince George, 12:15 p.m. August 21 ss. Princess Louise p.m. August 25 ss. Princess Norah, p.m. August 28 ss.' Prince George, 12:15 p.m. 4 reamed to Mrs. Vic Houston sailed on the Camosun Sunday night for Stewart where she will visit with friends for the next couplu of weeks. ; wee-fiid. sailed yesterday afternoon on the Princess Louise lor Ketchikan. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Hanson, formerly of Premier and more recently residing at Smithers, I fraser left were united took place at 7.30 j Saturday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs.' John McLeod, 833 Borden Street, when Miss Islay McLean Ramsay, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Ramsay of Cardale, Manitoba, became the bride of Edward Allan Garner, son of the late T. Garner and Mrs. Garner of Nanaimo. The ceremony took place before a fireplace which was banked profusely with late sum amZr 6mHh M. Noel Jones of Prince Rupcrt found It very interesting Est Saturday evening, at the Capita Theatre to see his niece, M ss Pat Jones of New Westminster who disntiguished herself at the Olympic Sports, August 25 ss. Princess Norah -oner cruise From Vancouver Mrs. F. J. Skinner and daugh p.m. August 28 ss. Prince George, Sunday ss. Camosun, p.m. Monday ss. Princess Adelaide ters Sharon and Sandra re turned to the city Sunday niKhl on the Camosun from Vancou 8 p.m. For Alaska Wednesday ss. Prince Rupert midnight. - a J ver. They have been holiday ,,n the rnn- ing at Granthams Landing. . iam weeks' mer flowers. Rev. A. J. Lawson of First United Church offici August 23 ss. Prince George, 2 p.m. uncouver and Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Gerrard of August 20 ss. Princess Norah ated. The bride was given in mar ' - p.m. Wednesday ss. Prince Rupert 11 a.m. Friday -ss. Catala, 5 p.m. August 20 ss. Princess Norah a.m. August 23 ss. Prince George, 10 a.m. August 27 ss. Princess Louise a.m. August 30 ss. Princess Norah. a.m. a.m. riage by James Campbell and V Dixon, who August 27 ss. Princess Louise Vancouver left this afternoon by the Camosun on their return south- after visiting their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Neville E. Gerrard for the last few weeks. wore a grey suit with brown ac -".uUtl, appear on the screen in a news reel. Mrs. A. E. Martin and son and daughter returned -to the city at the end of the week from Wrangell where they have been spending the past couple of months. In about a week they expect to leave for Port Coquitlam to take up future residence Mr. Martin is stationed at Wrangell as Canadian customs officer during the present the logging ,ailed by the last night fur a.m. August 30 ss. Princess Norah a.m. cussones. me Dndesmaid was the bride's twin sister, Miss Sheila Ramsav, who wore a beige suit with brown acces-For Alice Arm, Stewart, sories. Port Simpson Horticultural . ,1 1- 41. A For Queen Charlotte Islands August 21 and 31 ss. Coquitlam, 11 p.m. From Queen Charlotte Islands August 20 and 30 ss. Coquitlam, a.m. omgnt in Rev. S. J. Green left by the Camosun this afternoon on his return to Vancouver after visiting his son and daughter-in-law. Mr nnri Mm rinnrirn r;r.nn IN YOUR favourite shades and fabrics The famous Grandmere Pullover in the English type, a mixture of Australian wool, Asiatic cashmare and French Angora Jantzen and Pride of The West pullovers in soft Botany wool. A beautiful range of pastel shades, consisting of blue, yellow, grey, fawn and camel at prices FROM , $6.50 to $9.95 Of IOCS 1' Sunday ss. Camosun, mid-light. From Alice Arm, Stewart, Port Simpson Tuesday ss. Camosun, a.m. Rev. Basil 8. Prockter sailed 'for the last few' weeks. ,w. All mein-rested plmM (H) f Life and ioaay on the Camosun for Van Many friends attended the ceremony which was followed i by a reception. " A toast to the bride was proposed by Mr. Campbell and responded to by the groom. The bride cut - a handsome wedding cake. Delicious refreshments were served with the Misses Ruth Ramsay and Helen Balagno In t rom Ocean falls Monaay ss. Princess Adelaide Wednesday ss. f rince Rupert. 10 a.m. August 23 ss. Prince George, 10 a.m. Benny Lamb, who has operated a tailor shop on Third Avenue for the last six years, left this afternoon for Vancouver where he will take up future residence. He has closed his business here. arrived In the city at the end of the week from the interior and plan on taking up future residence here. Mr. and Mrs. John Bremner jr. and children, after a visit here with Mr. Bremner's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Bremner, Fifth Avenue East, sailed by the Princess Adelaide last night on their return to Vancouver. Sisters Sabina and St. Jerv-alnse of the local Sisters of St. Joseph sailed last night on the Princess Adelaide for Vancouver enroute to Toronto. Sister Isadora also went south but is going only to Vancouver. Mrs. Hugh Killln left on last evening's train for Jasper Park where she will pay a visit with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Ross. She also expects to visit In Edmonton. J. H. Scott, managing director of the Riverside mine in the Portland Canal district, and Mrs. Scott and Mr. and Mrs. T. Barton were passengers aboard the Camosun today returning to San Francisco after a week's visit to the property. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Drysdale, accompanied by their daughter, Jean, moving south following the closing of the Silbak-Prem-ier mine, were passengers aboard the Camosun today going through to Vancouver. Fred Olsen, well known pioneer citizen, had his first trip H. H. Sparling, general manager, Canadian National Railways, western region, with headquarters in Winnipeg, will arrive in the city tomorrow morning on an official inspection tour, proceding East by the evening train. He is being accompanied by J. F. Cooper of Vancouver, general superintendent for British Columbia. couver. While in the south he will attend the Provincial Boy Scouts' Akela course at Camp Byng, Gibson's Landing. During the rector5s absence services at the Cathedral will be conducted by Bishop J. B. Gibson and Archdeacon E. Hodson with F. E. Anfield taking the sprvice on the evening of AugUot 22. ; San Fran-j :iiquoin was : passengers! r Chllcotin ; A. KfHctt seen spend-1 at Lakelse MANY CASES IN POLICE COURT Magistrate W. o. Vance hau one of his busiest days in police court this summer Monday when ht handled aimost 30 cases re Mrs. George charge. The bride and groom have left for a honeymoon trip to Manitoba after which they will return to the city to reside. The bride has been for some time identified with the staff of Gordon & Anderson. The groom Is one of the operators of the North Star Bottling Works. there by car Robert McFarianc was fined $5 in city police court Moncli; on a charge of common assault. Mr. and Mrs. Jonn Rowlands of Boston, who have been spending several days in thi district as Mr. Rowlands gather material for articles he will to con- CHANGE of LIFE? sulting from cne of the liveliesi Announcements All RdFrtMmriii n tb column will be chnrged for a full month t 26 cento a word r, Reipsamcn ,t bi'cn vlalt- week-ends experienced by the j police here in some time. Since ' Saturday, the Magistrate has en . . I their son-ln- write for Atlantic Monthly Rev. and Orange Tea. Proceeds Protestant Home. Oddfellows" Hall, magazine, returned today on NOTICE naiiuicu u' tusra, me majority i iter lor the .eft by train Are you void through the functional 'middle aRe period peculiar to women (iift to 52 yra. )? 1 Joe this make you suffer from hot flaahen, feel go nerwua, higli-strung, tired V Then DO try Lydia E. Pinkham's vegetable Compouud to relieve Such symptoma. Pinkliam'a Compound also has what Doctors call a stomachic tonic effect! the Camosun after making the round trip to Alice Arm and Stewart. They will proceed return home. MEMBERS OF Y.P.A., HAZEL- URm Deln8 "Quor cases 1 0N We are now collecting $1 charged under the Government for our new hall fund in care j Liquor Act or the Indian Act ;jf Johnny Moore, secretary, or ! They N dealt with drunkenness September 1. Barbecue Feed and Logging Sports. Grand Home Site Drawing, auspices Terrace Civic Cen district en- V LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S l,x!i un luiuui row iiignis irain, ! "Smith SiUonal Rail- president, Box 41,! and supplying and possession o'. stopping off at Jasper enroute. 1 Hazelton. (103) (103) j liquor. liquor. Atailuhlel . . ()IC j BUTTERFLY NYLON I HOISr.RY I i " i i I "mmmi; n . 11 I', .j j ji.i ii "1 " 1 sgvV tre Association, Terrace, Labor Day, September 6. Moose Bazaar, Oct. 14-15. Evening entertainment. Queen Mary I.OD.E. Bazaar, October 20. over the highway on Sunday, tile city on im Irom one ips over the cs. kit by yes-p.diie on his r alter hav- travelling as far as Rainbow Lake with H. B. Wallace. On the Sons of Norway and Sonia Fall Bazaar Oct. 22. Y vxount fine sunny day, the scenery was very impressive and Mr. Olsen thought the road was in excellent shape. WEEK-END EXCURSIONS to Canadian Legion W.A. Bazaar, lather, the -h. vs sailed by ifternwn on orn alter a ' M-in-law and Mrs. November 10. Presbyterian Fall Bazaar, Nov 18. Salvation Army Home League Sale, Nov. 23, 2:30 p.m., Sons of Norway Hall. Cambral Chapter, I.O.D.E. Sale November 25th. Dance. Every Saturday night Oddfellows' Hall. (197) Terrace and by Kalen Island Stages Ltd. Terrace return $345. Lakelse return $4 20 Bus leaves Prince Rupert 7:30 a.m. each Sunday. For ticket; and reservations call 09 or 229. (tfi fu fl M i.V A MV! y LOOK FORTH rp Uft$rr, M I I ,t p" Vis NEW RED AND pPTrrf CL ? . -white feS , I P? GOLD SEAL LABEL on, who has SandsDlt. nds, sa.lerj afternoon home in wmm B.I.T of North 'tpd to ar- r J -1. VS'STS? "" New Stock of ! JOHN H. ;7r C --P '- SKIRTS - BLOUSES T. "L"' jrfr'"?! iFl' DULOlK , KIDDIES' SNOW SUITS v f-----r,Tn!k V! f L CARDICAXS and I'ULLOVER OPTOMETRIST . I I - . -Lt-- T:tr - SWEATERS l- ff) V.M M 11 ! - or about August 15 ; Announcement We will be closed from August 16 to September 3 Inclusive. CIVIC 'CENTRE DINING ROOM .15 Week t,, latiKhter-in- I C. Archi-1 be In the imths. president of olroad, New 'he round e steamer SALT LAKES FERRY SCHEDl'LE Dally except Mon. & Tues. Leave Cow Bay Floats Wed.. Thurs., Fri. 2, 2:30, disembark e tomorrow Princess Line SAILINGS 0 East by ft 4:30. 6:30, 7:10. Tycho a r- ffom Burrs Third Avenq. CV,0 6 6th Street dtt&& -.rNJK ! MAIM IS T,,E T,ME F0K every itX:i .--t-.'" "$5N' ! WOW OOI) MAN TO come to 'Nv ifiv v'X.; ' - - SSt2SSM 1 TIIE AI,) 0F ,,IS family- v riplsf- V ''SSStij ! PROVIDE FOR THEIR COMFORT THIS ! V hfi v" 'JjsTlSS ' WINTER HY INSTALLING A NEW ! K V 4''' ' ' ' FURNACE! I L:Lfi: :ik2LJ 1 THOM SHEET METAL LTD. 253 East First Ave. FAWCI.TT DEALER Black 884 " Make Make it it for for Eaf Eaf - - H" i easy easy yourself! yourself! right right - - - - - - 'Bht's train. ' relieve madian Na- Saturday Every hour from 10:30 a.m. Sunday Continuous from 10 a m. Last boat returns 10 p.m. Adults 50c. llnder 16, 25c Return All schedules weather permitting. Inquiries 123 Taxi Mrs. Tycho '? Frew of to VANCOUVER and way ports Every Monday 10 p.m. to ALASKA Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway August 20 and 27 toALERT BAY and Vancouver ( August 21 and 25 ""it of the Pas Rmil Mrs- Wilson . U I II I II UUI1ICI . Passengers in the kitchen . ; ; in front of cool "herb garden" window. Use 'SS t.nnlt- ' to r,hfti- 'torn Van. wm has treat.. ''dining table" that drops down out of the way between meals . ; ; And then most important of all put down a sparkling bright Gold Seal Congoleum rug! Its smooth surface is easy to clean with the swish of a damp cloth. And durable! Why, its wear-layer of heat-toughened paint and baked enamel is actually equal in thkknas to 8 coafs of best floor paint applied by hand. But when you buy your Congoleum rug look for the familiar Gold Seal. Without it remember! it Isn't Movlnp, Packlnff Crating, Shipping and General Cartage and Storage For Complete, Reliable and' Efficient Service, call Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Cor. 2nd and Park Avenuea Established 1910 Phones 60 and 68 NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home 50 Rooms, Hot and Cold Water PRINCE RUPERT. B.C. Phone 1 P.O. Box 198 Congoleum. You'll be surprised how much Check Your BATTERY Regularly Never over-estimate tlw power of a battery. It needs conscientious care . . . the kind we give it. We make sure the water's at the right level and that the plates are not corroded. Drive in now! quality you can buy for so little money. Gold Seal Congoleum Rugs . product of Congoleum Canada Limited, Montreal. Your dealer may b temporarily out of Conooloum because supplies are still very short. Please try him ogato as he receives limited shipments from time to time. (0NG0LHM ' I sLsATWArnoiiasAtAimtt V ee roue Maeir imx Mf Two sallines per week for VANCOUVER VICTORIA SEATTLE Tuesday, 1:30 p.m., Camosun Friday, 5 p.m., Catala STEWART and ALICE ARM Sundays, 10 p.m. FOR QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS s.s. Coquitlam, Aug. 10, 21 11 p.m. It's th e Rex ae ... for Tasty Meals Chop Sucy O Chow Mcin Chinese Dishes a Specialty Second 'Avenue opposite Trince Rupert Hotel 7;00 a.m. to 3:30 a m. Agents for Congoleum Rugs A. MacKenzie Furniture Ltd. Local Representatives for Congoleum Rugs Gordon and Anderson Ltd. FRANK J- SKINNER Prince Rupert Aeent Third Ave. oaa aba