r t ' Pany win u THIS AND THAT 99 TAXI QUITS INVESTIGATING NEW THEATRE Pring mm VMl Bttof Lto. Tuesday, August 17, 1948 FINAL SERIES Third Av,n, : .' Whether or not Prince Rupert will have a second theatre in the near future will depend First 'treet. Mr paries at TV,. on .Frank U. Gow, B. C. man manage 1 ager for Famous Players Corporation who has been here SHIPS AND WATERFRONT ",uue "llowing City softball league final play-off series apparently dissolved in a cloud of resentment at fog-swept Gyro Park last night when 99 Taxi, contenders against C.N.R.A. for the Civic Centre Championship trophy, withdrew prior to the thud looking ihe situation over." He Investigated the likelihood of future growth of the city and TRY other factors which will deter- CLAS; many of whom were making the round trip. MERCHANTS-. ' BEAT SAVOY The city baseball schedule was extended another gam Sunday when Merchants' tied up the league standings at 10 victories each by defeating Savoy 3-2 in a game that went into ten innings to break a 2-2 tie. With Savoy and Merchants now in equal position in the league standings with 16 wins and six losses each, the league schedule which would have ended Sunday If Savoy had won will now go into another game to decide which of the two teams will be the league winner. After that, league officials plan a best of three semi-final series between Moose and the scheduled game without expla MEET MISS PRINCLRi nation. The withdrawal occurred af 111'00, 4 v$TWiW ON THL STAGE 9piM Iwith' another capacity list of passengers, mostly round - trip tourists for Alaska, CP.R. steamer Princess Louise, Capt. P. L. Leslie, was in port from 10:30 yesterday morning to 1 p.m., arriving from Vancouver and sailing for Skagway and other northern points. In all the vessel had 225 passengers. There were no passengers for Prince Rupert but two took ( passage from here for the north. ter the city fastball commission had ruled that 99 Ta:d could not use Art Olsen, a pitcher whom they inherited from the defunct High School team, but who had not played in the required two games In the regular league schedule. On her regular weekly Inside Passage and Alaska cruise. Union steamer Chilcotin, Capt. Harry McLean, arrived in port at 2:30 yesterday afternoon from Vancouver, sailing at 6:30 p.m. for Ketchikan and Portland Canal whence she will be back here late tonight southbound. The Chilcotin had on board a full list of about 100 passengers including Gerald McBean, general manager of Union Steamships Ltd., and Mrs. McBean and son, Ralph. The passengers consisted largely of Americans, including many Californians, but the following British Columbians were also on board: Mrs. Elsie M. Edwards, Miss Florence C Manager Boyo Gurvich's re WAYNE fc-T J 1 MA" V mark to Neil Ross, secretary of the commission, was a terse "We loser of tonight's game. The winner of the semi-final series then will meet the league winner in a three-out-of-five series for the playoff championship. Merchants had George Eluik on the mound for the full 10 quit" after the 99 Taxi team Temporary changes have taken place fn the masters of two Canadian Pacific coastal liners. Capt. Fred McGraw of the Princess Adelalda has moved over tp the Princess Norah, relieving had conferred on the bench be-: "mam Capt. Graham Hughes who is fore the game was begun. The taxi boys took the first game of the play-offs, then dropped the second to C.N.R.A. "In case you get a shock, dear watch your language." innings, while Savoy had Jack Lindsay on the rubber. Eluik struck out 10 batters and allow taking a holiday. Capt. John Campbell, regularly chief officer PROBABLES vs. POSSIBLES (Continued nom Page 4) Miss Mary M. Gray, of the" Princess Adelaide, has Emblin in the eighth when Cliff Dahl got on base on a fielder's choice and was brought in by after using Olsen despite a C.N.R.A. protest. C.N.R.A. contended that Olsen was not assumed command of that ves- Miss Claire Neal, Fred Oxtoby Specials! sel. - - a single by Eluik. eligible to play for 99 Taxi be The tenth inning saw Dahl ed five hits while Lindsay struck out 12 and gave up eight hits. Fans witnessed one of the best games of the season with both teams going the first five innings without scoring. During that time, Merchants marked up three hits while Savoy de cause he had not played in two FOR OUT-OF-TOWN CUSTd league games as required by the Mrs. Elizabeth Paterson, Mr. ano Mrs. Bcrtil Peterson, Miss Patricia L. Trayling and Miss Eileen Trayling of Vancouver, Miss Mor-va McCreight of Merritt. Miss Dorreen Mackie and Miss Audrey Mackie of Chase River, Mr. and score Mercnants winning run when he singled and came home on a ground ball hit by Bob Smith. commission rules. 1. The new Model 231 Marconi Battm short wave radio. C.P.Rt steamer Princess Adelaide, Capt. John Campbell, arrived In port at 9:45 last night from Vancouver and waypoints, sailing . at midnight on her re turn south. The vessel had on board a large list of passengers Ferguson, Veitch, Olsen, Hutchison, Dunbar, Pavlikis, Chrlst-lson, Wilson, Darrow Gomez. Possibles Brodie, Hebb, James, C. Currie, Yelland, Bob Currie, Bill Murray, Ward, Parkhouse, Wyatt, Dave Murray, Andy Owens. Comments Both teams showed lack of combination. This may have been due to the 2. The latest in hand wind Word playm-i AB R H PO .5013 MERCHANTS Hartwig, 2b ..' livered only one. Ted Arney, Savoy third baseman and lead-off batter, made his team's first hit in the first inning with a 2 14 Lambie, lb 4 The t a x 1 m e n ' s withdrawr.l leaves the commission in a bit of a quandry as to the awarding of the trophy and they an' meeting this afternoon in an effort to iron the situation out. C.N.R.A. withdrew their protest yesterday and for a while it looked as if the turbulen: single. Savoys failed to hit 2 0 1 10 1 0 Mrs. Frederick Irving of North-1 lands and Edward H. Henniker of Cloverdale. FOG BELL AT HOLLAND ROCK again until the sixth Z WALLACE'S 2 fact that they had not played together before but still better a smart leatherette case for battrr; riji 3. Modern and Popular a new Slrombrr. tery pack console 7 tube performance, with K V SUrc PITS many other good buttery moc NEW LOW list prices. We carry at all times a complete stock 0: able EVEREADY batteries. 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 Dahl, 3b Abel, c Eluik, p Linney, If Smith, ss Richardson, rf Forman, cf The hotel men took a 2-1 advantage in the sixth inning 5 5 5 4 . 4 4 . 4 40 Curtain Department 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 1 8 30 fastball situation would quieten I rlnurn Hmupvpr L ITnmiTUN- I when Scoop Bury got on base when hit by a pitched ball. He combination might have been expected. Morgan made one lucky save but otherwise was very reliable. Nelson and Fer was followed by Morgan who A continuous-sounding fog bell will replace the lighthouse Cottage Sets got a single. Both were scored slon's ruling that Olsen is Ineligible seems to have upset the 99 Taxi team to a point where guson were resourceful and on Holland Rock, which was AB R H PO SAVOY- by Alex Bill who singled. I IriclfPri fiiirplv and stronelv PHONE SEE Merchants' first score was Arney, 3b 5 they no longer are interested ir. the play-offs. Pavlikis, If 5 Bury, 2b 4 Lindsay, p 5 RUPERT RADIO & ELEO Curtains Panels And Yardage Dotted Scrim . Net Homespun Cretonne, and others made by Bill Lambie who got a base on balls and came In on a fielding error. Merchants evened the score destroyed by fire two years ago. The Department of Transport lighthouse tender Birnie has been installing the navigation aid for the last few weeks and it is expected to be in operation shortly. The bell will sound 24-hours a Olsen was a good tackier and fed his forwards well. Veitch defended strongly. Hutchinson played in place of Sharpe and was fair. Forward there was a lack of combination. Each did well at times but there was a Phone 641 Box 1321 1 12 0 8 1 0 0 2 i Mayor Advised of Warships' Visit Mayor Nora Arnold has received official confirmation of Morgan, c 5 Gurvich, lb 4 Bill, rf 4 Ciccone, cf 2 Vuckovich, ss -0 Simundson, ss 3 37 REST vs. OLDTIMERS (Continued frm Page ) day, whether there is a fog con irom a aistance. uomez ana dition or not and will be oper 0 2 5 30 I Wilson were the better wing. , ated automatically. At present' out of town, but Leslie was at 1 I Christison was below his usual 1 there is a temporary light on fault when two goals scored. the forthcoming visit to Prince Rupert during Civic Centre Carnival week and Port Day of j standard. Pavlikis was fair Merchants .... 000 001 010 13 I Savoy 000 002 000 0 2 1 I mm HP- the island but whether it will Hansen and Stuart did yeoman be placed there permanently or service at back, giving no quar- but Dunbar was disappointing. not is still under discussion. ter. Both were clever. Ward THE JEWELLERY STOI UMBRELLA All forwards need to use a return pass oftener. Brodie did well and one one-handed stop was very good. James and Hebb were safe. BUI Murrav iimiq frnlnrr nrpll Mil Vlp RBI Abel, Eluik, Smith, Bill1 2; SB Smith 2, Arney; Hits off Eluik 5, Lindsay 8, SO Eluik 10, Lindsay 12; BB Eluik 2, Lindsay 4; HP Eluik 2; ER Merchants 3, Savoy 2; LOB The fog bell Is being placed did a great Job at centrehalf. on the concrete foundations of , He was fast with good ball con-the former lighthouse. Holland trol. Sam Currie was neat and Rock, is in Chatham Sound, nimble, feeding delightful pass-about 10 miles from Prince Hu- J es in every way. Halverson, the Canadian destroyers Cayuga, Athnbaskan and Crescent. Mrs. Arnold has been advised from the office of Rear Admiral E. R. Mainguy at Esquimau that the destroyers will be anxious to participate in any appropriate way in the observance of Port Day on August 26. The IT IS USUALLY JUST A LITTI.l Br THAN THE AYEKAOE Merchants 11, Savoy 8; Time hurt his leg. Yelland was ef- pert. Kerr of Game 2:20; Umpires-and Karashosky. though playing in running shoes, was also sound. The forwards were a delight. Johnnie Murray was fast and varied. this weather makf ton Doesn't Umbrellas? vessels will arrive at 11 o'clock on the morning of August 25 and remain until 10 a.m. on August 28. Sonny Dickens showed many. Hazelton Couple Ul HIS U1U ill luita. duu iviunaj MERCHANTS Io you know that the Daily News in the most effective medium of advertising n Prince Rupert? No one nisses your message If it's ad-'ertised in the News. It's the eally efficient way of putting t over. tf. We place in our stock only the b that we can buy from makers who itill m Married Quietly did well and tried hard. Harrison and Johnnie Murrav were any defective umbrellas. r hard wine to ston. Owens sot A Hazelton couple were mar- t.hP hall nrrnss when he irot the Tied here quietly by Brigadier We have just received 1 ,ff fective and Charlie Currie and Bob Currie had a lot to do with checking the opposing forward line. They were fast, tackled well and used the ball to advantage. Wyatt tried hard and Parkhouse went all out as usual. Dave Murray did well at times and Owens centred 'dangerously. Ward was fast and showed good footwork. Sid Woodside refereed capably. DERAILMENT, TRAIN LATE WALLACE'S DEPT. STORE TOO LA I t. It) CLASSIFY WANTED TO RENT Garag", close in, near City Centre. Phone Green 895 after 6 p.m. .1951 prices from $3.95 to S7..ri0. The handles are In large Tanety and Hliaprs. Also we have Mvrral in thf lll! which can go in a hand bag. chance. J T- Gillingham, divisional Sal- Boulter put up a great dls- vation Army commander, at his play for the Rest. James and apartment in the Killas and Ferguson played a good sport- Christopher Block Saturday af-ing game but with their halves ternoon. The bride was Miss found the Old-Timers surpris- Maggie Green and the groom lngly active and resourceful, was James R. Green, members Greer and Hutchinson were 0f well known interior families sound. Ralph Smith was fast Attending the bride was Mrs. and dangeruos, getting three Mary Mowatt while groomsman goals. Ward and Parkhouse was WUiiam Waie. Both attei.-played well and Dave Murray danU were from Hazeiton. Prior and Bill Gomez showed to ad- , th px(,hanp of vows. ,he FOR SALE Kemac oil burner. Apply P.O. Box 1015, Station "B". (195) A. MacKENZIE FURNITURE LTD. A Good Place to Buy Derailment of a Ireight train near Hinton, east of Jasper, has ABSOLUTE CONFIDENCE That's what you can have when you ask us to do a job. caused the train, due here from the East at 11:45, to be twelve hours late which will bring it ra.ntMe' Z,r6,d Haf alS g0t, group sang the hymn "Breath. into the thick of things. "0!dat40,50,60?" Man, You're Crazy Fwit your ur' Thntjfsndii r rppT at 70 Trj pepptrw up" with Htrei Contr.mt tow for weak, rundown Itvlmv f!u aolelv in body 1 lark of iron whch many mn inl wnmto eH "old " Try Utrei Tonic Tabteu lor op, younger tolling. thtt trrv day. New " acquainted" ftlac omr 60. Pvr aaie a all drag atom arerwliara. MAPLE, OLD COLONY DINING SUITE, Refractory Extention Table, atmosphere of distinction to live with. Phone 775 327 Third Ave. On Me Breath of God." Mrs. Gillingham then led in prayer. Prince Rupert 11??! j Plumbing '& Heating UK? Z f I (Old Post Office Bldg.) ! Bud Schuman Phone 108 y 1 in shortly before noon tomorrow. A fireman is reported to have been slightly injured In the derailment but, otherwise, no one was hurt. Train Schedule For the Emi Monday, Wednesday, Frlday-8 p.m. From the Kast Tuesday, Thursday. Saturday-10:45 p.m. Sid Woodside refereed with good judgment and unexpectedly gave a display of neat footwork that fooled the Rest on one occasion. All in all it was a most successful exhibition. A special word of praise is due several of the "Rest of the League" who had already played in the "Probables versus Possibles." Thpv filled in when some Dlav- - - BLONDIE You Tell Her ... I Stutter ! ByC HOW MUCW 19 K( TEN I I vpcltfpdav 1 V RIGHT H VOU TOLD ME - LEARN ASiTh FIVE AND P.VE?)Vy SVIJX T EIGHT AND TwbTVES, f fHEV KEE" SATIN-GLO O Beautifies the home and Increases the value of thS things you own. Many attractive pastel tints from which to choose. THOMPSON HARDWARE CO., LTD. BLACKHEADS limp! dinol mn4 diumMf by this on .... . . . . . , ers did not turn out, and - they nd Mr, H. ot t. are to be highly 0 commended ' ,'M ""llf 'T '"J Mora, iprinkl on a hot, wt cloth, mni for their sportsmanship. it uj wrr biaekhMd win im fu. It Co-op a 1 en AL JOLSON AL JOLSON AL JOLSON JUST ARRIVED . . . A SMALL SHIPMENT OF GOLD SEAL RUGS AND FLOOR MATS. CHECK OUR STOCK OF MOIRE AND JASPE INLAID LINOLEUM. BY THE YARD. Bee the New Patterns in Table Oilcloth. "PHONE WRITE DROP IN Phon 179 Box 1127 251 3rd West Don't Weaken, Dear, We're Right Behind You! IN HIS LATEST DECCA ALBUM VOLUME 3 24397 "1 Want a Girl." "Where the Black-Eyed Susans Grow." 2439S "When the Red Red Bobbin Comes Bob Bob Bobbin' Along." "Someone Else May Be There While I'm Gone." 24399 "For Me and My Gal." "When I Leave the World Behind." 24400 "There's a Rainbow Hound My Shoulder." "About a Quarter to Nine." " DECCA ALBUM NO. A-649 NOW ON SALE AT JZlX C VWANT ANV ( PEOPLE TPYWGJr f) 1! ' 'tjFV ' $A (andidont '7 to sell, me ffsfll ' -CA ivW'cfyl MW4 Hollywood Cafe Newest and Most Up-To-Date Cafe in Prince Rupert Open from 5:30 p.m. to 5:30 a.m. We specialize In Chinese Dishes FOR outside orders Phone 133 CHOW MIEN CHOP SUEY j.