For New Work or 3 rfnce ttupctt Daflp ii3cto Saturday, November 6, 1948 Local News Items . . . Repairs Specify ARE MARRIED III SASKATCHEWAN Miss Yvonne Simonson Be-comes Bride of Paul Quick, R. C. N. aw n.p V 'It S II I 1 II Moose Whist Drive and Dance every Saturday night, 8:30. (252) Cash for Old Gold, Diamonds etc. at Manson's Jewellers. PRINCE RUPERT WEARS POPPIES Prince Rupert started wearing Its poppies "in remembrance" today. Chilly autumn showers notwithstanding, fifty taggers, ladies and boys and girls, took to the streets to offer their red blossoms. Passers-by were generous in their response. Many places of business were adorned for the occasion, some with marked ingenuity. Automobiles also had fWFHALTSHIK6LE$ Four shades and black $10.75 per square fir in A pretty wedding was solem. nized at St. Johns rectory, Mar Cash for old gold. Bulger's. Cathedral Guides, Brownie3 and Cubs will parade tomorrow for the 11 a.m. service. (It) E. R. Carawell and O. J. Mos-crip, Standard Oil Co. representatives of Vancouver, left today by air to return south after a brief business visit to the city. Meredith, Jacqueline Moored Mary Doane, Larry Parent, M. Miller, Tom Mooreliouse, Joyce Moorehouse, Ricky Watts, Pat Hall, Rodney Philipson," Pat Tipton, Ellen Roper, Ernestine Moorehouse, Ethel Shaw, Ger-aldine Moorehouse, Jimmy Sav-ille, Reg. Rainbow, Jimmy Moorehead, Glenys Owens, Len Griffiths, Theima Pavlikis, Alex Wesley, Stanley Marshall, Clyde Trudeau, Bert Tipton, Earl Den Work Clothing union HADE ..f nP Products in ctwU m.o, oasnaicnewan, recently when Yvonne Dora Simonson, daughter of R. H. Simonson of Prince Rupert .and Paul nr. 1 range ui - - "'uuuiu8 Insull-Brick Siding and Wallboard IBERT & McCAFFERY LTD. Cette Quick, R.C.N., youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Quick , Major D; Grant of the Royal Canadian Corps of Signals arrived In the city Friday on the Coquitlam from Vancouver. Robert Gilmour of the staff of Edward Lipsett Co. left today by air on a business trip to Vancouver. In the Salvation Army Citadel, Saturday, , Nov. 6, 8 p.m., their windshield stickers. Regular Moose ton, Phil Lyon, Adena Hanlin. Direct tagging operations from LUMBER iiUILDING SUPPLIES Yvonne Jackson, Eddie Findlay, Meeting, Tuesday,! Nov. 9, at 8 p. m. sharp. (It) Canadian Legion headquarter are Mrs. Dan Parent ajid Philip Theima Hillyer, Audrey Hiltz, Louise Woods, Gordon Finlay-son and Carl Jackson. M. Ray. Ladies assisting in W ilk Work m a nship And Finish cluding Mrs. Frank Ellison, Mrs. The Rev. Samuel Cassells of the William Rothwell, Mrs. M. Gil Sudan Interior Mission will show christ, Mrs. Garbutt, Mrs. F. R. 9 To all our customers our famous Art Vogue Shirts that you have been waiting for have arrived. Acme Clothing Store, 366 3rd Ave. West. (205) a series of pictures from Sav ages to Saints. . (2624 Mastell, Mrs. T. J. Boulter, Mrs. E. P. Smith, Mrs Andrew Hardy, Mrs. Wright Davies, Mrs. C. arownlee, Saskatchewan, were united in marriage by Rev Father McMahon. The bride, given In marriage by R. Westltind, brother-in-law of the groom, was charmingly attired in a floor-length gown of white brocaded satin with nylon yoke and lily point sleeves. The skirt was brought up in the front and caught by three bows to show rows of lace. Her full-length veil cascaded from a cornet of seed pearls and bugle beads, and she carried a bouquet of American Beauty roses. The groom's sister. Miss Ann Bib Overalls EASE peurtic CANADIAN LEGION CHURCH PARADE, SUNDAY, NOV. 7 to t Salvation Army Citadel. jtf&HK All ex-service personnel gfovfl invited. "Fall In" at T$r Legion Hall, 10:30 a.m. sharp. Berets or forage Mike Colussi is taking a limited number of accordion pupils. Start to learn this popular Instrument now! Phone Black 756. (262) Canadian Legion W. A. Overall Jackets 0euttlqi PAIfJ Boulter, Mrs. P. Andrews, Mrs. Henry Smith, Mrs. William Wallace, Mrs. Bodger, Mrs. R. Montgomery, Mrs. Hugh Killin, Mrs. Carl Syrand, Mrs. J. S. Black and Mrs. Hill. The children taggers are: Bobby Watts, Arthur Parent, Molly Peterson, Jack Anton, Robert Peterson, Eugene Nelson, Rocky Terry, Emmett Bridge, Whist and Crib, Legion caps (if owned), medals andor Waist Overalls Quick of Regina, attended as OENUIMI ASrltlM If r f ribbons, ..also Legion buttons, to be worn. Philip M. Ray, Sec'ry-Manager. maid of honor and chose a long gown of pink net and taffeta MAIKEO IHII l-TI"n with blue Chanel veil and , Coveralls (2C) matching accessories. Miss Eth- Rooms, Nov. 8, 8 p.m. Everyone Welcome. (263) SPORTSMEN. Please attend meeting of your Rod St Gun Club on Monday, November 15 at 8 p.m. at Civic Centre. (N10-13) ATTENTION LEGION MEMBERS Owing to the extensive program arranged for "Legion ellne McKinnon, also of Regina, acted as bridesmaid and wore Carpenters' Overalls- Announcements All idvcrtisetnutm a tills column will be charged for a fuU montb at 25 cent a word a gown of blue lace with yellow Delightfully Designed-Wonderfully Warm cnapel veil and matching accessories. Both carried colonial bouquets of baby mums and carnations. The groom was at Prince Rupert symphony Painters' Overalls Week," the Executive Meeting Orchestra Concert for Boy Scouts' Association, Civic Centre and the Regular Monthly Meet tended by Donald Schwabe who ing scheduled for Monday and November 5. acted as best man and Helmer . Wednesday next have been pos" Work Shirts Lindell as usher. ' Piano Concert by Mr. Joseph poned until November 15 and !7 For the occasion the groom's Franky, Presbyterian Church, respectively. . (263) mother wore a teal blue dress November 9. I REDS RELEASE JAP P.O.W.'s-Japanese men and and black, accessories with pink Canadian Legion W.A. Bazaar, Work Gloves rose corsage. November 10. shown in Hiblya Park, Tokyo, where thousands de-, as part of their hunger strike against Russia's deviating Jap prisoners of war still being held in government officials and party leaders spoke Reds. Protest demonstrations were held throughout' A reception for thirty guests was held at the home of the ' groom's brother-in-law and i Wool Windbreakers ... is this soft virgin wool all-N climate coat. With the new length and full back this coat is styled in a variety of winter-right shades. A substantial reduction is now offered on our fur coals of muskrat backs and flanks. Our wool and crepe dresses have been reduced in price. BUY NOW AND SAVE. sister, Mr. and Mrs. E. West lund. The beautiful bride's table was highlighted by City Merchants City merchants are asked in future to have ropy for all display advertisements into the Daily News office by 4 p.m. of the day previous to their publication. This co-operation will greatly assist the mechanical department In keeping to the regular hour for publication. Presbyterian Fail Bazaar, Nov. I t8. , Valhalla Whist and Social, November 20. , Salvation Aru.y Home League Sale, Nov. 23, 2:30 p.m., Sons of Norway Hall. Cambrai Chapter, I.O.D.E. Sale November 25th. St. Andrew's Cathedral bazaar, November 27. three- tier wedding cak flank FUNERAL OF S. K. CAMPBELL ed by silves tapers In crystal RKETS holders. Mr. E. S. Cox, uncle of the groom, proposed a toast to the bride to which the groom re Funeral services for S. Campbell, retired manager the main Victoria branch K. of of sponded. range Ladies' Bazaar, 1st. Vegetables 1 ib Mashed t lb. t'SE SWEET SIXTEEN'S PERSONALIZED BUDGET PLAN. NO INTEREST. NO CARRYING CHARGES., .15 .20 .21 .09 the Canadian Bank of Commerce and former manager at Prince Rupert was held at Hay- i ' rr. 1 i i ri. Out-of-town guests included the Misses Kay Hoyle and Shirley Weir of Edmonton and the Misses Ethellne McKinnon, Ann United Church Bazaar, Dec .07! ember 2. gjj waius runerui viiapei in vit- A. MacKENZIE FURNITURE LTD. A Good Place to Buy Quick and Dorothy Cox of Queen Mary Chapter, I.O.D FOR YOUR 'CHICKEN IN THE ROUGH CALL RED 705 CIVIC CENTRE DINING ROOM Regina. . Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Quick will make their horne in Prince E., Bridge and Crlbbage,: Civic Centre, Dec. 3. CCF1 Bazaar, Sons of Norway 1 Hall, December 4. St, Peter's Fa Bazaar, December 9. toria..Rev. T. H. Griffiths, assisted by Rev. Dr. W. O. Wilson, officiated. Cremation followed. Mr. Campbell began his banking career in his native province of Prince Edward Island and was later staloned in Kamloops, Salmon Arm, Vancouver arid Victoria. :e. bunch .is each 15 s. 2 bunches 15 ji.iuns, 3 lbs 25 ) 08 , 25 it 14 . 1. lb .55 lb 25 ltd Wrtables sal 1.99 Runs, fev 17 fanrv 14 tables .19 oer tin ..:.,,...x... .15 choice .21 and Carrots 21 15 BED MATTRESSES Ask 'for them by name. Beautyrest, Decpsleep, Slumber King, Lady Bcaty and many others for your Fall requirements. Phone 775 327 3rd Avenue i r I U! A IIT I II Hill A is. 20-oz. tin a 18 Prince Rupert Florists 300 3rd Ave. Box 510 Tel. .777 - Flowers for All Occasions Am I loo oli to buy life insurance ? Constable W. D. McLatchie of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, formerly stationed here, arrived In the city Friday on the Coquitlam from Vancouver. Following the closing ,of the R C. M.P. office here ljour months ago. Constable McLatchie was posted to Grand Forks and has since been transferred to Victoria. He will be ' In the city about three weeks and will be accompanied south by Mrs. McLatchie and children. J. -la-oz. Un..r45 Fruit Glace Fruit Cherries, , lb. Kt 39 Almond Paste, ID 42 Coconut, lb ; j Fruit Cake Mix, lo 45 Dates, fancy, 1-lb. pkt 3o Seedless Raisins. 2 lbs 47 Seeded Raisins, 1 lb. ..t .24 Shelled Walnuts, V, lb 47 Shpllpd Almonds. V lb 49 TO KNOW D, Me. 2 lb. .. .25 .. .25 . .31 . 3 lb t. doz. 44 Shelled Brazils. , lb .45 Texas (white)'; r nr- II I The miil(lle-uf (1 man lio ake this question feared that at hit He the rost of life insurance would be prohibitive . . . but even were he muth older, Mutual low-cost life insurance would still prova good business. Unfortunately many people realize the importance of life insurance only vhen through age or other disability they are no longer .'bl" to secure it. A life insurance programme should be started as early in life as possible. , Consult your Mutual Life of Canada man today. r . " s. J tor 'wli 25 f'esh Milk Dint .31 .25 .49 .28 .22 .12 .28 mow ! JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST . . John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenu Jams Pure Strawberry, 24-oz. 64 Raspberry, 24-wz 61 Blackberry 4 lb 89 Cherry. 24 oz 63 Peach. 4 lb 87 Apricot 4 lb 8' Soups . Canned Soups 13 to .19 Meats ' Hum hnnnd and rolled, lb. .. .80 PILES , Mrs. J. D. Mclver. Regina, writes us: "Four of my club members have taken your PYUTONE treatment on my recommendation. In each case It worked as well as mine. Md. loz. .78 .74 Hiilier . Id Milk I've had one year of perfect health.' HEAD OFFICI WATMIOO, ONT. Mitchell Currie LIMITED Phone 363 BUILDERS and CONTRACTORS frovirfing ifa iniuronc arvic tine 1869 Ham. rag. lb 2 BoolRna, lb 40 Wplners. lb 40 Milk. ' 2 l'r . 33 (heese Don't let- yourself in for a disappointment. Order cards now have them in time for Christmas mailing. MBit Printing BESNER BLOCK J v i V. A Garlic Sausaee lb 4d Bacon, pka., A lb 4a Bacon, side, piece go Pnttaoo Roll lh 70 .57 . Hour REPRESENTATIVES : I. t lh en Thanks again for, your wonderful remedy." . The now PYLTONB treatment gets results that last because It goes direct to the root of the Internal trouble, removing the cause. Plant extracts that help nature rebuild broken inflamed tissue. Get one bottle of PYLTOrJE (a liquid taken by mouth) you'll get the. same results or money refunded at once. Your druggist has It or cau order It. ! Liver Sausage lb."". 45 Snare Ribs, lb 50 No 1 hard wheat 2!99 Richard Sephton, District Agent, Vancouver, B.C. R. E. Mortimer, Representative, Prince Rupert, B. C. Will Robinson (E. T. Kenncy Ltd) Representative, Terrace, B.C. 1 and Coffee Fresh Pork Ham, lb 58 Pork Chops, lb 6o Pork Tenderloin, lb 0 Pork Sausage, lb 43 Stoalr T-Riinp .lh 80 ,; 1.3 J'Hy, in .1.14 Juices Stpnlt' Round, lb 70 tin, per tin THIS AND THAT .24 .28 .59 .14 .35 .15 .18 .33 .38 .41 .32 !an and l- 20-oz GREER & BRIDDEN BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS Repairs Construction - Alterations Floor Sanding a Specialty v-m CORTICELLI FULL-FASHIONED HOSIERY "Choice of- the DiscriiiVihatiiig" AVAILABLE IN PRINCE RUPERT AT . . 20-oz. I t" UUICP Larci 5 ' - T - i; 42 e. ;42 P.O. Box 721 Phone RED 561 Sailings for ' VANCOUVER VICTORIA SEATTLE Tuesday, 1:30 p.m., Camosun Sunday, 11 p.m., Coquitlam ALICE ARM AND PORT SIMPSON -(Stewart Fortnightly) Sunday, II p.m. FOR SOUTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS s.s. Coquitlam, Nov. 7 and 21 I OR NORTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS s.s. Coquitlam,'. Oet, 29, Nov. 13 and 27, 10 p.m. I FRANK 3. SKINNER Prince Rupert Aeent Third Ave. Phone 568 Wore Cafe g) Ormcs Drugs Phone Red 400 518 3rd Ave. W. A IP T D N E PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS STORE HOURS WEEK-DAYS, 9 A.M. TO 9 P.M. SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS 1 2 NOON T 2 P.M.. 7 P.M. TO 9 PM. DAWN PINK WHITE MELLOW. BIFF IVORY PAGODA GREEN PEACH TIBET GOLD POWDER BLUE PAMPAS CREAM 'TEl.Y em, REAL ESTATE INSURANCE INCOME TAX RETURNS PREPARED The Wonder Wall Paint Emergency bicycle deliver from 7 p.m. till 9 p.m. and Sunday Daily car delivery service from 9 am. till 8 p.m. WrT.hanEver, . 4 and Service in I Thr V.rmp- M.llli. r. T THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. R. E.MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. (Near CFPR) ve. iv,.,., . 3 "I ligured I might as well get themall off at once PHONE 81 avia chmu and get iv over mun