jcveiyuiiiiK gained by tne ass- thai none i uiia i evet uSi'd opic - -iiut uiowei to waste ln An inquiry hi to the death of Prince Rupert Daily News I elation from the higher price to feed the u.H. army, navy cr neias or roi m caves as is nu Joseph Brown, whose bodv ! BITES Thursday, October 19, litoO 'decline as much as 12 per cent down the profits of business cl"s 1(1 ' -'at lie had met his oe-.th (remember in three years thsy organizations. So it .must be VANCOJVER The SiI .k I oy ucoid niii uiowiu, p went down 19.49 per cent) .the hoarded. board of Vancouver will author- ... . Su ATn... 'i net loss to the association woul't; TTnriPr nv sane svstem th. ize the teaching of the Russian' W A- Chambers, assistant sud. I 41 V.. I J U , J . , . . . ..... ..lnraiA . ... .... r I As I See It be three hundred thousand dol farmer would be paid a guaran- language in ai least one city nign wwnucm, oi irainc, Canadian! teed price for everything that he school in the 1951-52 curriculum, lines, Canadian Pacific Air i in. i i i . . . ...... i ...... .... .1 ; ... v. t . " S, ' vn independent dally newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prince Rupert and northern and central British Columbia Member of Canadian Press Audit Bureau of Circulations Canadian Daily Newspaper Association G. A. HUNTER, Managing Editor. H. G. PERRY, Managing Director SUBSCRIPTION RATES lars" 0O0 prouueeu. dui. iu tuiai yiuuuv- pcuuiug yriuiioaiuu ui uic w 13 in tne city on a short h DR.CHi be delivered to the partment of Education. trip. By Carrier. Per Wee. 20c; Per Month, 75c; Per Year, 3 run. mwutcra ana con- lian would sumers of milk in British Columbia are caught in the same vicious circle that now bedevils the whole economy of North! America. We now live in a bas- 58.00; By Mail. Per Month, 50c; Per Year, $5.00. By ELMORE PHILPOTT THE PRICE OF MILK TUP rnVPPMlffNT lara system, pan, capiuiusm, i& U1U ' ' ipart socialism, that has all the of British Columbia is worst features of both and the hesitating about pemU..BS'-Bterprl,e tintr a boost in the nrice . would work far better in fixing FOB . BEST . the price of milk in Vancouver v V ancoil- t!mn the hodge-podge' fascism of milk sold in VJ00BUUUU ver. For OOPOsition to the that we now have. Sooner or '.ttel Hie KUVrilimviu ww II"" Monmtl lolvtr your pjlntinj pcoUwa wK yo raqultc tmeothj buuliful, durable RnUh. Mofumtl U hi(hly rctlitont to tcj, IImIIi, alcoholi, )', im tni tottchtt, Euy to cltan . . . Il'i toubUbltl High quality tnd txb Uttlnj power viatkti Monaitl your ot eenomlul finih for ll interior woodwofk, Monamel HIGH GLOSS to do either one of two things: I Either restore free enterprise and let the price of milk be governed by the law of supply and demand or Take over the whole machinery for processing and selling milk in all forms. I 0O0 1 AS THINGS NOW stand both1 in Canada and the U.S., our governments are subsidizing scarcity. Our government owns 23j million pounds of butter. The U.S. government owns 192 million pounds, and a vast stock of meat, cotton, eggs and fruits. All this is kept off the regular market Yet I was astonished to read in the New York Times proposed price boost comes not only from consumers who sim-oly cannot afford to pay more than the present 17 cents per quart. The Fraser Valley Milk Producers Association has aiso cried STOP! LOOK! LISTEN! j Its general manaeer, A. H. Mercer, points out that an increase in the price of milk sold to the homes may well mean heavy financial loss to the farmers. 1 Most of the dairy farmers sell their milk in two ways: 1; A fraction of the total milk produced is sold on the so-called fluid market that is in bottles to the home of .actual consumers. 2. The larger part is sold AT A MUCH LOWER PRICE to plants w h 1c h make butter, cheese; milk powder, etc. 0O0 ScoutingA Good Work I T MIGHT be a good time today to acknowledge I a. .very valuable community work which has been going on in Prince Rupert for the past few years and which has now reached a high point in the city. We refer to the Boy Scout and Wolf Cub movement which received a due modicum of attention as a result of the visit yesterday of the distinguished executive commissioner for Canada, Major General D. C. Spry, who, in addition to inspecting the Scouts at a fine rally, had occasion to meet and address citizens at a luncheon and a dinner and tell the Scout story. Many of us may not need to be told what the Boy Scout movement does in keeping boys of a community on the right track through healthful and useful activities, thus developing them into the channels of good citizenship, training them in cooperation and leadership and inculcating in them through indoctrination the principles and practices of true democratic processes. In other words, Scouting may be acknowledged as a fundamental approach to good and useful living with inherent understanding and practice. Scouting is an education. No comment on the matter would be complete without acknowledgment also of the public spirit-edness and inspired service of District Commissioner F. E. Anfield and his executive and practical ' workers. Theirs is a work the value of which we might commend to the appreciation not only of the parents concerned but to the citizens as a whole. - And with the appreciation we might also draw No mi.mt with w.t.r 4 i( (U-your b.u,h moothly-,,,,, Cotf In M on, cc, ' ciliB turfeo. Dfl qutwy to ' eoUn, of b,y, i, oi, ri M M II.WASHABLEto-t.,ytal(Mpc 5f th wondtrf.il wl.ction ol ude, to'd.y Sec tK Wid Choice of Colon today t HI II.D B.C. PAYROLLS MONAMEL Ql. $2.40 Gal. $8.25! MONASEAL Qt. $1.50 Gal. Pacific! babies ; LOVE l cnuyt PACIFIC tiiordon and Antlcrsou pw 4b NOW LISTEN to what Mr. Mercer warns against in the July 1950 issue of Butterfat," the .Fraser Valley Milk Producers Association magazine: "If the price of fresh milk Is more than the consumer is able or willing to pay then he simply refusesi to buy. When this happens the independent distributors buy less- . . . We ourselves sell less and the total thus made surplus must be manufactured Into butter and powder. ... 3Z Homogenized for easier digestion, ! always' uniformly good, Pacific j Milk is recommended by doctors ' for infants' formulas. Increased Vitamin D content makes It a I m "Certainly if folk in the city vital food necessary for build-, lng strong healthy bodies. Get would continue to buy as much milk per capita at the higher Pacific Milk for your baby today. price as they do now, a higher attention to the need ot further; leaders ior practical assistance in carrying on the Scout and Cub G PACIFIC MILK! price would be an advantage 'i' the F.V.M.P.A. But past experience shows thev won't. If thev don't and sales in the area go Vacuum packed and Homogenized ; i down as much as five per cent " work the main recompense of which, any leader "will tell, is the satisfaction of the work and its results. 'If anybody is looking for an opportunity to assist in a real community benefaction he could well consult with the Boy Scout organization to see ,if, they could not give him. a job to do. . ;., ,' , -' V '1 i . SCRIPTURE PASSAGE FOR TODAY v "Little children, keep yourself from idols." 1 John v 21 ceo the kitchen were Mrs. W. M3-leod, Mrs. J. Delorme and Mrs. E. A. Evans- Mrs. H. V. Tatter-sall was cashier. In the drawings, Leigh Shear-down, with ticket number won the box of groceries; C. Rebekah Lodge Bazaar Success Rebekah Lodge held a cessful bazaar yesterday at sue the ; Viers. with number 25, the cush IT CAN AND IT DOES HAPPEN HERE with ion, and Mrs. W. McLeod, 17, a box of chocolates. HOTEL ARRIVALS Oddfellow's Hall under the con-venership of Mrs. E. A. Evans. Guests were received by Mrs. W. J. Lineham. Looking after the home cooking table were Mrs. J. S- Irvine and Mrs. W. S. Hammond, while Mrs. Thomas Priest and Mrs. F. Green were In charge of (Prince Rupert) R. Hunter, D. G. Crook, H. P-Cahill, A. J. McLean, A. N. H. McClary. Mr. and Mrs. ape ILafeelleS Sewing tables were taken care O. II. Bell, G Harvey, G. Aspin-; of by Mrs. L. Sandvar and Mrs. j all, H. W. Hamilton, J. C. Ham- JC. Viers- Mrs. Owens was selling' mett, J. L. Bell, George Hudson, ' Christmas cards. ! Vancouver; W. W.' Iverson, Seat- ; In charge of the tea room were , tie; Ian W. Coote, Hollyburn; H. Mrs. W. McLean, Mrs. E. Schu-jT. Anderson, Edmonton; H. J. , macher, Mrs. Woods and Mios . Knowles, Vancouver; P- Oneil. ; A. Johnson. Mrs Gammon and I Sherbrooke, Ont.; A. Wldsten, Mrs. S. L. Peachey poured. In ' Bella Bella. , Th4 froo enterprise woy f not uii ' : ' a theory, or something to be observed from afar. Mil V 1' w I i ? 1 ". I - CA Am an n: 1 kt. If u .- ' r n ; . . . . The best place to observe how It works out I) in one's own community. Size up the successful men of the community, and you will And that In virtually -all e,ases they are successful because they worked hard toword the goal of their own choice. mm Successful In this respect does not mean only those who have made a million dollars or achieved wide fame or power. A successful man is one who has gained the place In life to which his ambition directs him, whether that be running a grocery store or practicing a profession or creating a new Industry. You Can't Go Wrong if you invest in Canada Savings Bonds Canada guarantees both the security and yearly interest of VA. Denominations 50, $ 1 00, $ 5 00, $ 1 ,000. Redeemable at any time. We shall appreciate receiving your personal ordtr, and will give it prompt and careful attention. Please write, wire, or phone your order to James Richardson & Sons For flavour . . . texture . . . nutrition . . . Burns fine cheese products are unsurpassed. Produced from rich farm fresh milk . . blended to perfection by Bums master cbeesemakers to tfvt you the most delicious full flavour cheese you ever tastedl There Is a delightful Burns cheese for every taste . . . SPREDEASY . . . GOLDENLOAF . . . GLENDALE ROLLS ... to give added it to sandwiches, snacks, salads and both hot and cold main meal dishes. Look and ask for SPREDEASY . . . GOLDENLOAF . . . GLENDALE CHEESE ROLLS at your food store. The Burns label means cheese at its flavour best, The point Is that the free enterprise system, which is oer Canadian way of life, gives every man the opportunity to become successful according to his' ambition and ability. And it works. Look around you for the proof. ESTABLISHED tS7 Pacific Coast Offices VANCOUVER VICTORIA It Is a way of life worth guarding and preserving. BURNS Ci CO. LIMIT SUPPLIERS OF GOOD FOOD FOR OVER 60 YEARS IITISH COIUMBIA FEDERATION OF TRADE AND INDUSTtV CREDIT IS A SACRED TRUST ..Guard it as a matter of personal honor. Keep your credit Vrecord "PROMPT" by paying each charge account In full Ztoy the 10th of the month, and contract purchases on each Uv date. - Ft credit bureau OF PRINCE RUPERT SUPPORT CANADA'S "NATIONAL CHIESI FESTIVAL," OCTOBER 16tH NOV8MBE" 13th I """'''iSIII mBassM$,; hi i ii i 1 iiiiiiwii'i1"'" ' 1 I ""' i rYrmwa.ifwlr ispin n Pin ii "w