! Prince Rupert Daily News Thursday, October 19, 1950 mentr he failed to win Britain's coveted Diamond Sculls in 1894 ! More than 35 years later, how- ever. In 1928 his son, Joe Jr., won this classic event. :oc; ;;.: r..-u waiting tonight on the Prince George for a trip to Vancouver. IN RE ESTATE OF CHARLES AND-FRSON 8ANDEN, DECEASED, INTESTATE. tains ai-uund Yancouvu, U taking a long time being discovered despite the fact of most of British Columbia's people live conveniently to it. The press play it up and urge visits. The situation is somewhat the same elsewhere. In London, thousands have never seen the inside of St. Paul's or Westminster. Sport bhots i Greatest fam.e of Joe Wright sr., who is dead In Toronto, was achieved in rowing in wnicn ne won 13 national titles and was one of the first to do the 100 yards in ten seconds. "Old joe,'' or "Mr. Joe," as he I 7?aj Reflects 1 324 2nAv, ?:;,nr I TAKE NOTICE that as Adminis and -Reminisce 'London. Enelanrt utm i,. trator, duly appointed by the court, of the etnte of Charles Anderson Sanden. who died at Miirgaret Bay, i , , . u iiuj uaii l a visitor in the city for the past I British Columbia, on the 28th day icw uays, is sauing on the Prince CJeorge tonight for Vancouver. was uest Known in later life, illDessert I Handsome cars are multiplying in Prince Rupert. Some seem almost too dainty to use. One hates to think of any part of such spotless creations discolored, or stained or marred In any way. Just where all the automobiles will be parked five years hence is a puzzling enough .peculation. of July. 1950. I require all creditors! Hud others having claims against the ' said estate to send tne same to me, properly verified, at the address mentioned below on or before the 15th day of November. 1050. after which date I shall proceed to distribute the estate to those entitled by law, having regard only to such cialms of which I shall then have been notified. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that all persons Indebted to said i eft ate are required to pay their ln-j debtedness to me forthwith. I DATED at Prince Rupert. B.C., thlsi f, ' f if?-'' U; Considering the quantity of liquor consumed in Prince Rupert it would be Astonishing if cverjon remained cold sober all the time. The first store here was a small building in the old Court House square nar where tfie post office U located. Tiled it was moved to Fraser Street. The premises became too small. The next was built at Third Avenue and Second Street, with extra space in a vacant store opposite. The fourth, now under . jiisiruction, will be on Second Avenue near Seventh Street and ith its 100 feet frontage, should be sufficiently spacious to serve satisfactorily until Prince Rupert is twice its present Garlick Heads Stewart Legion STEWART The election of officers for the Stewart Branch of Canadian Legion was held on Friday and resulted as follows: Presidents J. P. Uarllck. First Vice-President, Roy Sharpe. ' Second Vice-President, T. Palmer. , Chaplain J. Bouzek. Sergeant-at-Arms S. Klrk-patrick. Executive committee F. Hunger, L. Behnsen and J. J. McKen-na. 1 ' The Installation will take place on November 3. ' Preparations are well on the way for the 1950 Poppy Campaign and Armistice Day services. Manager of Mine Resigns STEWART J. C. McCutcheon has resigned his position as manager of Silbak Premier Mines Ltd. So far there is no Information as to who will succeed him. D. L. Pitt, managing director of the company,. Is still at the mine. Rapid progress is being made on the construction ot the two mile tram to the' Indian Mine. This Is expected to be ready oefore the end of the year. ' w (rice; YES - Carnation Evaporated Milk costs only half as much as light cream - yet millions prefer it in their coffee! Carnation undiluted has the consistency of good thick cream is rich enough to whip. No 5th day of October. 1950. GORDON P. FORBES, Official Administrator. Prince Rupert, B.C. (Hp) - ' " - . i Today is somewhat reminiscent of life in Prince Rupert during the second great war. If not a city of strangers, there has . arely been a time when more residents were following the process of gradually becoming acquainted. Once, we knew everybody. But not now. For one thing, the change indicates tha. Prince Rupert is busy and growing. And isn't that what we al! came to see originally? wonder it gives coffee such wonderful color and flavor. "4 ' V ii FROZE!! RASPBERRIES IX, &m Double-Rich Milk This is Double-UseTui A partly prawn bear, evidently trying to trace rich whiffs o bacon and eggs, found himself near the kitchen door of a First Avenue home, Sunday morning It is all very well to compare the number of visible drunks in Prince Rupert, and in gr.eat cities such as London or New York. Conditions are totally different. In a metropolis, a wide variety of liquor is taken, of course-but not exclusively in beer parlors and in the beer parlor way or in the privacy of a bedroom. One can eat and drink in London, out, to do so in oaer toni-aunities thst might be inen-.ioned could mean prosecution. . i. mik evaporated to double-rktmea C"HT" riSiS -Zn sM bu, vitamin D. ZZSttSXZ because it'is bomogeiMd and he. ,e6ned. Safe becauK it U ttiUd. undiluted meet, .11 your require ,. CM AM US Crn.,ion 1 f &ti& 1 'from Confenfedfl While he had no intention o causing anyone to feel alarmcc in the slightest degree, his presence, nevertheless, did have that effect. After all, like everyone else at that hour, he was only rustling his breakfast. menu. ' dilute c"'Mlioa llh for mi m ru'0 .mount of water. a tqual I Ml Z, This advrt b.tfemtut is not published or displayed bv the Llouor Control THE BEST in Plumbing Service PHONE 108 j Board or by the Government of British Columbia. Try a Duilji News' Classllled Prince Rupert's population is around ten or twelve thousand. Y' ...-i-1 i What's that, to seven or eight million. This city has many men who have no home life. Perhaps many are transljnts. Here are not tha thousands of opportuni- i .ies lor free and gccd entertain- That part of the British House of Commons bombed by the Germans has been replaced and is about to be formally opened. While long needed changes have been made, dimensions remalr the same. Heating, lighting and acoustics are Improved. It has been the architect's aim to "keep heads cool and feet warm In conditions conducive to alertness." A pretty good idea for any Parliament. t - ent of ".rd a man in far larger centres. What's one going to do? Sit in a lonely lodging house ani twiddle his thumbs? PRINCE RUPERT i PLUMBING & ! HEATING j UVD SCHUMAN j in Pi,t Office BldR ) Beef steak is ten cents cheaper .' .ajniy. Arrt it's lust as weii ko cut it thicker, too! For general purposes, the R.C. M.P. wear the dark brown tunic and peaked cap The red coal mm r vs uniform is worn only on -pec!al occasions Th(s is the ex-lanation given the Vancouver General MacArthur, in every day compaign dress with tunic open at the throat, had a two hour wait fcr Pres!dnt Trumpn at Wake Island and when the plane finally did come zooming down, his first act was to walk over and shake hands. Then they lost no time in driving off i Wake Island's well worn lookin car to disappear in a D'.ai "-i''t. A"veiatl3n's request that the "scarlet and gold" officers be posted at border crossings into the province as a tourist attrac tion. It should alwavs be remem ibered that the mounties were not little house for a straight-for originally organized as an at- ward talk. And after this, it wx N ol VEB -VICTORIA traction. That can te found at Just a prompt return, to tlv HollywxxKf. ' ' t United States and Japan . It wa- . as simple as "that N 'side,', nf Garibaldi Park, in the moun- ceremony, and next to no dignity IStinday. 9 p.m.. Camosurn Tuesday, 1:30 p.m. Coquit.'am . ) i U.tVK ARM. STEWART ASD i mm an n mm (Gm u ts s i Remarkable New Instant Coffee Saves as much as 40 a lb.! PORT SIMPSON Sunday, Coquitlam, 11 p.m. H)il NORTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS s.;. Ca.-nosun Oct. 13 and 27 10 p.m. FOK SOUTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS Camosun, Oct. 6 and 20 FRANK J. SKINNER Hnnce Rupert Agent Third Avenue Phone 568 v-Vi - Jancfl- : 1 H0?l - Now at your grocer's Instant Chase A Sanborn saves you time, saves you fuel, saves you washing-up. saves you grounds, saves you MONEY! Get some today. ACTUM sa m vl one one -y-:W -r Crown Brand Corn Syrup CM P . It t Exceptional Flavor There a brand new way of aervtiig fine coffee with savings almost sensational! Chase & Sanborn, makers of fine coffee for over 85 years, has perfected Instant Chase & Sanborn. This means an Instant Coffee made by coffee experts people with a tradition for fine, rich, full-flavored coffee! And the new Instant Chase A Sanborn fully lives up to its name' The most jealous coffee connoisseur will drink It gratefully and exclaim, "Man, that's real coffee!" Housewives acclaim the sav-ing as much as 40 cents a pound over regular coffee! It's like pouring every 3rd sup free! And such wonderful coffee! SEW Yourself and SAVE ! BUY A WHITE '; -; v- i , i ; "... You'll never know how good instant coffee can be until you try y I -5 S-h, 'A te w It's Animated. ..See the legs Dangle! Set with Full Cut Imported Austrian Stonesl Genuine Gold Plated Finish! Genuine Safety Catch! High Styled with Full Court Jester Suit Details! t and A Beautiful Ptarl for tht Headpitttl ALL THIS FOR ONLY 50 AND ANY CROWN BRAND CORN SYRUP LABEL! V n 3 ( To, l..m Lene' t'" ' -A becked by 85 years of I coffee experience Sin 'mm ssa 5" 88S""" - Hi JANE ASHLEY, Th Canada Starch Company Limiltd, Bex 29S, Teronls, Ontario. Pleats tend me the following j" Court Jester Glamour Pin(s).. ' Set(t) of Matching Court Jester Earrings. nn;on set c .... .tii rnniuu1 " Available also is a scintwanny r KEEP WARM!! Stanfield's Underwear Infants to Teen-age O Snow Suits O Parkas Q Ski Pants matching glamour earrings, iden' u, (9 05 value! Encloted find 501 and 1 Crown Brand Corn Syrup label or a top from a Crown Brand Cone-top Tin for each Clamour Pin ordered; and 75( and 1 Crown Brand Corn Syrup label or top for each let of Matching Court Jeiter Earrings, (DO NOT SEND POSTAGE STAMPS). Liberal trade-in allowance De Luxe head with reversible action Complete with attachments $209.50 Hemstitcher $5.95 extra Buttonholer $11.75 extra McRae Bros- addrt A All you do to get yours is mail an and an additional Crown Brand torn i (or top from a Crown Brand Cone-top NAME (rVK). addhess.;..';..!...:. town . ..;, province.. folly Dlfl Get yours now they're beauti -mi O Mitts Wool, Leather and the ever-popular White Fur Mitts Doms Department Store ens1" ACTU SIZS every designed to complement your Limited Quantity Offer expires December 31st, 1950. ' , Money refunded If supply is exhausted. , I This offer good only in Canada. I. ....... , . . I -