i Nwi3 Thursday, October 19, 1950 SHIPS and WATERFRONT Fenson, "Mr. and Mrs. L. E6y, Mr. O'Neill, H. J. Knowles, Mrs. F- Wright. Mrs. A. Weatherly. Mrs. L. Giordano, Mrs. H. RobD, E. Lund, D. Nesbitt, L. Mackle,; Annettes. Miss Vina Lavigne, R.N., wr.o Extra Special at Gabardine suits, ree VIP PASSf'GPP.S T- Masse. (Tuesday W. Kelley, C. Edgar, Mrs. P. Bed-ard, Mrs. 8. Wilson, F. Wilson, Miss E- Jones, R. Collinson, H. Marshall. To Maset (Tuesdav) M. and Mrs. B. Williams, Mr. and Mrs. E. Williams, Miss G. Jones, Mrs. L. Gray. To Port Clements (Wed.) B. $89.50, to has been nursing at St. Joseph's R. McEachern, D. Collison, D. C. clear at $35.00. Annette Mansell Mawhinney, J. B. Kennedy, J- L. While tVi (tfdmw Prince Rj Ladles' Wear. (245 Mr. and Mrs. V. C. nurt kn. tonilu fin fot V ' WatSOn, Right for trarel:a K) M. IT ft Hospital in Victoria, arrived home on the Prince George f rem the south yesterday. Extra Special at Annettc3. Gabardine suits, ree $69.50. to federal1 Nick Myromck, EParnell A. In compliance with new P.-m Parker, local manager of Kelly-Douglas Co., returned to the city on the Prince George yesterday from a brief business trip ta. Vancouver. Annette Mansell iBedard. clear at $33.00 ladies' Wear. URQPE uiuc uisaouci uj J', w TrnMn P (245) I To AHfard Bav (Wed.) Mrs. steamer Prince George is con- XV. 1 uciiion, a, vv . " , i. . r I XT T nr!rrna AM VQ Coulombe. tinnier fr at loo cT Qnnthpr "WlUlU, li0 w. - S. O. N. Whist and Dance Mrs J. R. Brown arrived in th'; F. Brophy, A. MacDonald, C. To sVncuver (Wed.) J. La month on the run between Van Friday, Oct. 20. Whist, 8 o'clock, city on the Prince Gesrge y iBreche, H. I. Hansen, Miss Ruth Rupert and anaia, - Music by Mike Coiussi. Refresh couver, Prince Ketchikan. Later , Strum, Miss Mary Rosak, D. lBEC-LIVERPOOL terday from Vancouver for visit here -with her sons, T. In November The American refrigerator ) wn lams ij j uoswen. wmiam ments. Everybody welcome. (24jc) the Prince' Rupert is expected FRAHCORJA Brown K.C., and A. B. Brown. Jeffery w H p. Clark. U k. iu h ,m shin Lucidor arrived from Alaska Robert. Hunter nf Iho ' Mr gnil Mr Cianraa DvhVinvn. 1 TO .c"fldSOit (Wd.) E. Mc- ,, tho ii-lnt.fr weanesaay aiteriiuon wiui am Nov. 1. 0 ' OUIBEC HAVRE LONDON "SCYTHIA" Oct. 24, Nov. 21 HALIFAX HAVRE"- LONDON "SCYTHIA" Uc. 22 income tax department arrivM -wh3 have been spending several Laup;hlin, Earl Baaken, D. Shep- yeslerday m0rning at 11:30 the cars of frozen halibut for ttanf herd. W- Findlay, Mrs. B. Green, weeks In Vancouver, returned to In the city on the Prince George VTRtAl-llVEKruui Prince George, in command of ler easi Dy rau nere. um Capt. William Eccles, arrived was last in port about a month from Vancouver on her weekly ago. i flSCflNIA" O-.m city from the south on ths Prince George yesterday . yesterday rrom Vancouver and will be here for. the next several days on official duties. Vjrt. 18, Nov. 13 f The great Inventory Sale of voyage and sailed at mianignis for Ketchikan -whence she will' PERSONALLY CONDUCTED SAILING Mr. and Mrs. T. Pearson, Mr. T. Shepherd. T- Pert Hardy (Wed) S. G.! Clayton. From Vancouver (Wed.) R. Vincent. Dr. R. H. Ball, C- P. Ralph, E. D. liauiun nd dauii-ter, N. Nelson, J. Parker. From Sandsnit iWednesdayi A general; meeting of the drygoods Is now on at the Cow Community Ratepayers' Asso- Bay Store of the Prince Rupert return here this evening south bound. Disembarking here were vnitrn Vin1' Nov. 29 from Quebec to Liverpool I elation will be held at the Civic Fishermen's Co-op. Be early to Centre on Thursday, Oct. 19, make your choice of the many 1950, at 8 p.nv Please attend, bargains. s Mrs. O. Lord, W Saunders, A.j 1 J. McLean, Mrs. J. R. Brown, E. Johnston, Maj. Gen. D. C. Spry,1 H. W. Hamilton, J- Hammett, B. ! SPECIAL CHRISTMAS SAILING -14 ; Agenda: Discussion on City Manager Plan. (it) (PUMA Dec 13 from Halifax to Greenock l Liverpool )vMrl II (Conductor! J. t. Cowor or Caar ToroMa) Allen ,W. Iverson, B. Parker, L.' A. Sauve, V. R. Mason. R. Young, Mrs- Young. Mrs. G. Young, Mrs. M. Anderson, H. Jones, M. Briscoll, J .Green, Mr. Crosby, A. Young. Harvey, G. Aspinall Mrs. McMillan. Mrs. C. H. Elkins. R. FROM NEW YORK Mrs. Douglas Sutherland, who has been spending the past few weeks in the south, returned to th.i city from Vancouver on the Prince George yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. L. C. rov returned to the city on the Prince CAR0NIA" "MEDIA" Vfn ELIZABETH "uuttn wakt -tumuli- "BRITANNIC" "PARTHIA' i Miss Elleabeth Clement, R.N., j lady superintendent or the prince Rupert General Hospital, : is sailing tonight on the Princo George far Vancouver to attend I the annual convention of the British Columbia Hospital IT. Hunter, Mr. and Mrs. G Dy'o-; havn and child. A- Allicott, Mis. McBroom, L. Phillips, V. Chan-' cellor. H. Ayers, Miss C. Barrie, I Mrs. C. Barrie, Mrs. W. R. Smith,' 'j. Whitcook, L. Quinn, H. T-. Anderson, Mr. Cootes, K. G. AROUND THE WORLD MEDITERRANEAN and WEST INDIES CRUISES Mrs. C H. Elkins, who has been on a visit to Vancouver, Victoria nnrl plwwtipr in the south, re- George yesterday from Vancou LiYow Local Agent: "No on can erve you batter" ver where Mr. Ehv receiv.-d sur- turned home on the Prince gical treatment for his eyes. I George yesterday. STETSON; For journeys in planes'1' -or trains, you'll be dressadij . just right in a ; u lightweight, jaunty Stetso Flagship. See it today. Watts " Mrs. D. C. Stevenson and child are sailing tonight on the Prince George for a trip to Vancouver. They will meet Mr. Stevenson who has been attending a meeting of CUFCARO DONALDSON LIMITED GENERAL AGENTS . 36 West Pender St., Vancouver, B.C. SPECIAL MEETING-r-Trades , and Labor Council at the Carpenters Hall, Fraser St., Friday, Oct. 20. Time 8:00 p.m. sharp. I I Delegates be sure to attend. (245c) nonitnl exp'-utiv.-s In WinniDes and who will attend the forth iN TtNSf coming annual convention of the Eritish Columbia Hospital Bernard Allen, British Colum- i bla manager of Canadian .Na-1 tionaL Railways, arrived in lrr ! Association in Vancouver. city on the Prince George yes-' Soroptimist Club waa in regu and CANADIAN WHISKY Nicker s6h terday on one of his periodical visits of inspection here. He will gall tonight on his return to Vancouver. ; Yes . . There is at least one way that you can make your dollar stretch in this day lar session at Its dinner metins Monday night at Civic Centre. Among other matters, there was further planning for the annual Chlstmas Seal campaign of which Mrs. C. G. Ham is chairman. Miss Muriel Vance, ps-Ident, was in the chair. me U) Safeguard! Prince Rupert Florists WE MANUFACTURE AND INSTALL OIL BURNER STAI1DS HONE 884 !of rising prices, and that is Dy shopping at the Cow Bay Store of the Prince Rupert Fishermen's Co-op. There are- plenty I nf harcalns at their great In- J i Flowers for All Occasion 300 3rd Ave. Box 516 TM.:T" entory Sale. be prepared with good-looking Anr.incmni j Cards tournament commenc-, ing In Catholic Hall, Thursday, Oct. 19, 8 p.m. j Reserve this date Conrad School P.T.A. card party Friday, October 20, 8 p.m. Refreshments. Everybody welcome. Remember United Church Bake Sale, 11 to 4, Saturcay, Os- Tired Aching sure-protection Tender Feet tober 21. at 429 Third Avenue SMttl - 610 : Semi Gloss & High'oloss 'n many beautiful tints for interior decorating. QUICK DR rNG THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. .LTD. Your feet may be v tender anci inflamed that you think you. can't west, next to Wallace's-Salvation" Army Fall Bazaar orm Boots, Rubbers DISTILLED IN CANADA BLENDED IN CANADA BOTTLED IN CANADA for , CANADIANS WHO APPRECIATE THE FINEST CANADIAN WHISKY FRANKFORT WSTlUBtS (CANADA) ITD. go another step. Your shoes may leel as It they are cutting right Into the flesh. Vou feel sic all over with the pain and torture; you d give any Sheet Metal Ltd. thing to eet relief. I Two or three applications of : j Moone' Emerald Oil after a good hot j 1 1 : foot bath and in few minutes the ! 1 and Galoshes. 1 pain and soreness uisappear. k No matter now aiscouranea juu v . haAn If vnn hAVe not trieu 1 Oct. 24. Legion Auxiliary card party Oct. 25. St. Peter'o Fall Baaaar. Oct. 26 Sonja Bazaar, October 27. Conrad School P.T.A. Halloween Hoedownr Friday, October 27th. 8 p.m. Games, prizes, dancing, refreshments. Everybody welcome. Moose Bazaar, Nov. 2 and 3. Let.1011 A"Maiy f all Bazaai 1 Novi'aiber b. Emerald Oil then you have some-j J thlnK to learn. Oet a bottle today at ; 4 e our handsome group today! or displayed by the Liquor This advertisement Is not published Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. YOUR ALL AROUND SERVICE Ormes Drugs or any. good drug store.' : SHIOU FOOTHEAR mil) Presbyterun Fall Sale Nov IR St. Andrew's Cathedra. W.A Fall Sale. Nov. 18. lO DE lull uu.aar Sttveiubet 23 L.O.B.A. Bazaar Dec. 1. United Church Fall Bazaar December 7. Lei II Rain! it Yes, let it rain for you will be smartly protected in one of our NAVY BURBERRYS , .. and for. the Men we halc a larg 6cf option of ' feurborrvs and Crovdon TRENCH COATS $23.50 up STAND NEXT TO NEW LIQUOR STORE;- mm We Appreciate Your Purchases of Our FALL SPECIALS km Clothing Store Serving the Public of Prince Rupert - for Over 33 Years I il K3j fhcrCS 0111 yri ; I . MADE fRESH DAILY IN THE WESTBY CANADA ACKERS LIMITED )l Extra comfort and less work W j you with a Coleman Oil Heater if; HI Low in Cost Efficient in Operation !', ' . 11 Available now at f, THE Though Our Ssile is Over Continue to Phone Red 656 FOR SliRVICE. INK SPOTS Always Favorites ' Now available at Rupert Radio and Electric Phone 311 McBride Street DOH'T PUZZLE THE OLD CHAP! 50NIDECCA We have a Grand Assortment OF TOYS IftiT AIIIIOUIICEMEMT . fr We are not taking, any clea :ing or pressing at present We shall attend to efficient service on Tailoring,, Alterations and Repairing New Fall Samples have just arrived. Order now for better choice LI II e THE TAILOR Box 286 220 - 6th St. Phone 649 COME CHOCOLATE CAKE IN AT TIME ANY Like Mother Used to Bake! If They are Purchased at KrKI AT Manson's MM BAKERY LTD. Your Friendly Jeweller