Prince Rupert Daily News Thursday, October 19, 1950 "...,; Today marlene deitoi. 9:10 thumping the chest and a ter- glad to see them . He congratu-, rif ic shout. ' lated them on the work they had Speaking to the cubs particu-jdone and asked them to enter I larly, he stressed the meaning j their future scouting and guide of the "Cub's honor," and em-' activities with more effort than j phasized what It meant. He hop- ever. ed the Brownies were iiaving a I The occasion started with sing- Industrial Welding has received an order for three more bumper boats of the design produced last spring from Columbia Cellulose Company. The boat was designed by a local boat designer, Harvey Ward. -,...;;efiiGhw' AllthefuryoftheorJ: HE STARTED COUNT Dianysius, learned Greek theologian .Introduced the method of counting the years from the birth of Christ instead of the deth. "Chief Pays Visit Scouts, Guides In Mass Rally Congratulations to tae Girl Guides as being the only group present to use. "sir" when addressing him were the first " won "COMANCHE TERR Use Classifieds for Results. Maureen 0'Hnr ri . lot of fun and that they wou'ri ing ''O Canada" when the com-go on to become Girl Guides missioner arrived, followed by when they were old enough. ( inspection of those on parade. To the Boy Scouts and Girl 'First the Cubs were Inspected. Guides he gave the advice that . then the Brownies, Scouts and they would only get out of their j Girl Guides. After the inspsc-work what they put Into ii.itlon .each group performed one "Knowledge and skills come with ; of their games and exercises. The effort," he said. "You will not J Cubs had a snake dance, the get anything handed to you on a : Brownies an animal game, the platter." He told the patrol lead-1 Scouts a' ball passing contest, ers it was up to them to become I But topping them all was the 1 COLOR BY TECHNICOlq Evenings 7-9 fy Sot. Mot. 2 -4:15 words uttered by Maj. Gen. D. C. Spry, chief executive commissioner of Boy Scouts for Canada, in addressing a great rally of Boy Scouts, Wolf Cubs, 3irl Guides and Brownies after inspection In first class Scouts so they could Gii 1 Guides' rendition of an In IN RE ESTATE OF JAMES WILLIAM LANDELLS (BROWN), DECEASED. INTESTATE. TAKE NOTICE that as Administrator, duly appointed by the court, of the estate of Jimo William Lan-riella (Brown), who dltd at Ocean Palls, British Columbia, on the 8th day of February. 1850, I require all creditors and others having claims against the said estate to send the same to' me. properly verified, at the address mentioned below on or before the 15th day of November. 1650. after which date I shall proceed to distribute the estate to those entitled by law, having regard only to such claims of which I shall then have been notified. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that all persona Indebted to- said estate are required to pay their ln-Jrbtedness to me forthwith. DATED at Prince Rupert, B.C., this 6th day of October. 1B50. 'GORDON F. FORBES. Official Administrator. Prince Rupert, B.C. (Hp) J I 1 fmlnmi D a. naval drill hall yesterday after- I help others and set an example, dian song in which they started noon. Pieid Commissioner of He expressed his disappointment with a loud voice and gradually Boy Scouts in Canada, Maj. Gen. there were no more first class! reduced the volume until the Spry said it was not that he Scouts than there were. He. said song was harciiy audible. The wanted to be called "sir" but! he counted on rect;:ng a .euer j effect was extremely dramatic, that using the term was taught ! from the local commissioner l, Cubmasters and assistants pre-as a matter of politeness. within a year stating the num- j sent were Leonard Sykes, Fourth Before beginning his address, ..ber of first class Scouts therejPack; Bob Morris, Second Pack; the commissioner taught the were compared with this time jW. St. Clair, Third Pack; James assembly a yell different to the and that it would be substan- j Gorman. Fifth Pack. For the customary ones used. It was the tially higher. I Scouts were Rev. Basil Proc- RADIO ARTISTS &SCCITED SALMON CANNERS Or RRITISH COLUMBIA 2 AIL VESTERN STA1 SHOWS and DANCE South African yell. It consisted He thanked the group for their i t ter. ter. urst Troop; Harry Quick s? of two "azees" followed by turn-out and told them he was CIVIC CENTRE2V5 Skinny men, worn en gain 5, 10, 15 lbs. (UtHtwPep, Vim, Vigor . allaces Department Store I oecona iroop; d. Garon, Third I Troop, with Paul Doumont and M. Kaardal assisting. Commissioner Honora Silver-sides of the Girl Guides had Capt. Mrs. Elizabeth Holmes and Lieut: Miss Maureen Keyes assisting her. Brown Owl Mrs. S. E. Williams had Tawny Owl Mrs. Tommy Dahl and Mrs. J. P. Kurdztel Show storts 8:30 PRICES: Dance Only. .. 1.00 Show Only 75c Show & Dance 1.25 Children 50c What a thrill! Boay licit fill outs off? tool low j ill up; body Um it sickly "ben-poL" look. 7 (wound pruM Ottrvx. wtJht-but Idiot toolc, inncbes blood j aid appetite, ditouon, to food ou mar pep. nouiithment. puts ttcah oa tvet ir bone, pw'H't (oar intipt tt. Stop wbea you reach eiht you deiirc. introductory six nip to. Try uc Tonic Tablets lor new pound mw pep. via d4 ntalitj- today. Al alniM assisting. Miss Gerry Prockter.J Dancing starts 10 jionner Brownie leader, also as ; sisted. e Piece Orchwtrs, Brinr lh uh..i. f,.;. Stewart Legion SUmpedinf good time at the Dn Sale of Drapery and Curtaining 11 SILK MARQUISETTE PHONE 79 PHONE 79 r,l..frtij''M'7 1' ......... , a .... l , w 49c NOT First Quality Per yard Full 46" Width Eggshell color. ' Aho First Quality $1 - $1 .50 Quel ty Curtain Net. WA Card Party ! ' j STEWART The Women'a Aux-1 illary of the Stewart Branch I Canadian Leplon, at their regu-1 , lar monthly meeting in the Le- j m I vAnn club rooms on Thursday last ' m Initiated five new members ahdi received one transfer. The inl-, Mates were Mrs. C. Lundstrom, Mrs. M. G. Genge, Mrs. E. A, j Moore. Mrs. Dorothy Stephen and i m Mrs. V. V. P. Mills, Mrs. O. Crouch ' , was transferred from Westview ' Branch. After the meeting the women entertained Legion members and a friends at, crlbbage .and whist; Winners in crlbbage were Mrs. M. Bolovich and Mrs. Joyce Bousek, Don Norton and Roy Sharpe. In the whist Mrs. B Bouzek cut the' ' Balle auair mna Block Suede Casual pjannaru DOTTED MARQUISETTE All first quality Standard widths Per yard Regular 48c - 50c - 76c Qualities White, Assorted Colors, Ecru. A Wallace Value. 39c $3.95 HOURS sJ.i f h r 1 VA i' ii - i i I W h I i i r I . !' I f V 1,1 f 1 i t it" . i t r r r iy h U 1 1 J; 1m 1 ' ; I' SHOE STORE ITM. '' Weekdays 9 a.m. fo 9 p.m. a cards with H. C. Bennett for first i FAMILY aj prize, Mrs. Bousek being success " ' ful. . 't : . ' .-. Regular $4 - $: 10 If AGE SETS Sundays 12 Noon to 2 p.m. Supper was served at the end , Charlie Roberts Box S3S f hone 357 of the evening. 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Brightly trimmed in beautiful colors. Your Choice ... S1.99 Does Your Roof Look SIXTH STREET AND THIRD AVEW DRAPERY -DRAPERY AKD MORE DRAPERY : Like This? h If IS .ji '.ffl FINE PRINTING ATI Group No. 1 Regularly priced at $1.30 through $1.60. Selected from regular stock. Per Yard 99c Hip ULL bl ANDARD WIDTHS. fORMFR PRirP cunAKi COLORFUL PATTERNS IN VARliD WIDE CHOICE. ' ! lyg- Group No. 2 5;?-, H;$2 34 -$250 -$2-76- Y-'r choice WALLACE'S FINEST MEANS TH'i BEST. P, REAL ESTATE i ,nsurance rsf$' $1.49 er Yard .. i Orisit'TAr Blends that fit into any Terrific selection of colors and materials and every room. DON'T MISS THIS! like this ? WALLACE'S DEPARTMENT STORE j IISSIIIItBSialBIHIim,!!;?!3'!;;?!;iBmi0an,i.aaB1 h a 99 TAX I CALL 99 TAXI CALL 99 TAXI CALL-99 call 99 taxi call 99 taxi call 99 taxi 99 taxi Call 99 taxi call 99 taxi call 99 call 99 taxi call 99 taxi call 99 taxi 99 TAXI CALL 99 TAXI CALL 99 TAXI CALL 99 "Mi:f$mr' -MmmMMki ) See the l I f0m0m ) New 00 T i-all w L 99 TAXI U CALL V9! 99 TAXI 1 1 2) 9 C T C T C .mLAjf I -. ja I y; I AX I L 99 TAXI :i CALL 99 L 99 TAXI U CALI og CALL 99 99 TAXI fS' Washe With Pump Control only $159.50 The Pioneer Druggists DAILY DELIVERY Phone 81 CALL 99 TAXI CALL 99 TAXI CALL 99 TAXI 99 TAXI CALL 99 TAXI CALL 99 TAXI CALL 99 CALL 99 TAXI . CALL 99 TAXI CALL 99 TAXI 99 TAXI CALL 99 TAXI CALL 99 TAXI CALL 99 CALL 99 TAXI CALL 99 TAXI CALL 99 TAXI 99 TAXI CALL 9? TAXI CALL 99 TAXI CALL 99 If you want a roof that's weathertight and loogi lasting then get Barrett Storm King Roll Roofing. The 19" overlay provides double cover, age over the entire roof. It conceals nailheads, locks them inside, prevents them from drawing witii frost or rusting away. The individual rolls lie flat and firm. They're acjually used together when you use Barrett S.I.S. Roofing Cement. Ask your Barrett Dealer for "Storm King" Roll Roofing-three attractive colours to choose from. NORTHERN B. C. WW , PRINCE RUPERT ii ii i a 'i ii I BOYS' . COMBINATIONS ic Worm, Winter-weight Combinations. BROADWAY y our Barrett dealer sells Protection Pfus See the Skeena . From the Stage !! Leave Prince Rupert 9:30 AM. Arrive Terrace .... 1:20 PM Leave Terrace 6:15 P.M. Arrive Prince Rupert 10:00 P.M. BUS IS BEST!- Yes We Carry Express!! Phone 555 for Information WATSON ISLAND STAGES LTD. He stocks a complete ljne of roofing. Insulation and weatherproofing materials. He' got what it takes to stop almost any weather. Whether your problem is leakage, seepage, rust or rot-see your Barrett dealer first I ; ! 2 to 5 years .... $1.79 6 to 10 years.... $1.95 12 to 16 years.. $2.25 Now at Hours: j The Spo THE BARRETT COMPANY, LIMITED For take home orders- Phne TMMa mud.,, , Vawonvaf