- . Wednesday. October 6, 1948 High Class Hoop Coach Coning to Conduct Week's Clinic in Rupert 1 Prince Rupert's basketball players ire to ba.ve th- benef.it for all occasions Birthdays Showers ' CLEVELAND IS ADAUACS ARE HEADING EAST Weddings Anniversaries -e have many others. CLEAN SWEEP BOWLING WINS pecisive Results in Ladies "A" Vf ague Play .This Week Clean sweep victories marked the results of all matches thia week In the Ladies "A" Bowlin-League- The results were as follows: De Jong's 3, Taft & Odowes 0. Gordon and Anderson 3 Savoy Swingers 0. Scuby's 3, Orange Lodge 0. Sanson's 3, Variety Store 0. Annette's S,, Westvlew ft. Ijlrs. Mastell qf estview had the high three game score of 708 with tiw lugn, single game score also of 325. Team scores: STILL FAVORED of some hich class special instruction betore the 1948-4,8 season, opens ltb th annurcemept today by Don -Forward, Civic Centre director, that Art Chapman, manager coach of Canada's only professional hoop team, Vancouver hornets, has keen engaged for the purpose. Chapman will arrive here by plane tomorrow afternoon from Vancouver to conduct a week-long clinic on, fu.nda'men-tals and advanced play for all age and dvism groups. The classes witt commence on Friday, the schedule Veins announced. elsewhere iu this paper today by Mr. Forward. . are a few, BOSTON V In spite ol theh' 1 T Meet Cornwall or UnmiUw For Marm Cur i opening game, loss today, sport? Phone Ked 400 518 3rd Are. W. writers are still ' putting Cleveland Indians down as favorite to win the World Series. Before today's game the betting odd,; were 30 to 16 in favor of the Indians. Those who. are riding with the. Braves feel it would take Boston seven inmit tii VANCOUVER Early next Sun-ckvv morning, October 10, New Westminster Adana'cs will board a TransCanada Air Lines plane at Vancouver Airport on their way to Toronto where they will meet either cornwail Seniors or teams touring Hevf Zealand have played against all-Maori teams and a good spirit has prevailed, but difficulties would inevitably envelop In Sou.th Sport Shots p2j WESTVIEW Hamilton Tfeers at Map? Uaf make thp grade Africa off the Jield of play. Ma- D. nibb ... 69 oris, yould be barred from some A. Parker 117 128 O. Thain ... A HEAVY OVERHEAD That'c what youH have too, if you don't get the heat you should from the c(X you shovel this winter. ron't let a faulty furnace bog your-budget, let us check it and repair it now. ....... 105 South Africa's racial problems are having repercussion accommodation and there E Vfatll 135 ...... laO U'nulH a lilrpliVtnnii nf nn- K riimn urueiuj w 4 uei-ui-Mve series j for b Marui Cup, emblematic ! cut ,iiitwj u i McCarthy stays t charge of Ma.na.ger Brud I Matheson and Coich, Truck M,ac- flfJ WITH RflXTflM in New Zealand where S. Hart 243 1U9 157 ud 85 790 , l- -r"- 1 u uollo Wbile greatly regretting tb.v'j Handicap'' Z.'.'.."" 79 situation, the New Zelaand, Totals . 655 Riiohv llnlnn takps thp vlpw . .B"nt 1 Donald, the western Canada champions wtfl reach Toronto Mnntarimprv 11 leeling is being shown against the decision of the New Zealand Ri-goy Union to exclude Maoris from the rugby team which is to tour South. Africa next year- Unlike in Bputh 153 BOSTON (P General Manager lTHOM sheet metal ltd. 253 East First Avenue FAWCETT DEALER Black 884 184 114 'early Sunday eveulng. ina,v aoiiin, A'Mcan views Pti on M. m. wmdie Wmdle the color Question must be re- McMePkin Joe Crown today squelched ru 151 144 163 I 183 181 spected in their own cojiritr; p Dickens , A full twenty-one in all wiirmofs tnat Joe McCarthy Is on leave at-1 a.m. in a chartered his out way as manager of the aircraft, Boston Red box. Cronin said HandicaD 3t and it is. unwUHng to submit Aii ic. the nauves of. New Zeal-j 31 812 i tnd have complete ea.ua.uiy , Maoris iq tne risK 01 numuia- rouowmg me senea tne piay-i McCarthy was definitely man ers will also return by T.C.A. ! ager-"for life if he so desires. ;.jiih Europeans In, all respects tion. Prince ,M Sra Ave.D Totals 8(SI VARIETY I. Krlstmansson .... 187 I. Lvkeaaard '73 R. Ramsay 156 and both races shoj- the strong Rex Cate Critics of the decision, both leaving Toronto on the morning of October 21. Cornwall and Hamilton meet tonight (Wednesdavt In ths Maori and, E.iirppean, assert J- A. V!.rI,"iSnaon McLean - 18f if Good Hunting In 162 89 152 161 170 88 702 120 127 est resentment of any suggestion oi a color bar. Mauris are excellent footballers and b;i merit would be certain. jp. make the team. ... for Tasty Meals O Chop Sue; O Chow Mein that if South Africa is unwilling tP. rcrcte a' tvUlX representative New Zealand team, the tour final of a Uuee-game series to Tweedsmuir Park Handicap 28 Totals 804 MANSON'S T. Dell 259 B. Cowglll 111 168 153 should not take place. The decide an Eastern Canada winner. Each, team has won ona game to. date. Visitors Come .Into Burns Lake With Good Bags The New Zelaand Rugby Un Wellington Waterside Workers' (Continued un r-age Five) Chinese Dishes a Specialty Secund Avenue opposite Prince Rupert Hotel 7 KM) a.m. to 3:30 a m. inn's dppisifm to exclude them Union nnxspri a rpsnlntlrm nslt BURNS -LAKE Big game was pureiy tq ayold interna-'lng the authorities to abandon declared that New Zealand set HAVE nu.no s re arriving cany irom Uonai friction a.nd to guard the tour if Maoris could not be a good example to the world by Tweedsmuir Park, the Tahtsa ;against incidents through dis- selected. It termed the exclus- trying to remove racial dlscrlm- wdiri-Mreu, nauina ana Morris crimination against the Maoris Ion of Maoris as "an Insult to iniitlon and the principle should PACIFIC COAST FINAl.Fl A Y-OFF OAKLAND Oakland Oaks, who won their first baseball pennant in twenty-one years, YO r-um-e couers are swelling m south Africa.. South African our Maori friends." Speakers be adhered to without deviation. wun iropny rees. .'are starting the final play-off Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Walton of Everett brought in a unique moose head with remarkable horns, the nose guards being excessively long and heavy but the upper horns being onl Sttatiftodtt to aw word par Uuertkm, minimum cfearg. Wo. Birth HoUct: jc P&fd q Thanka, Death Notices. Funeral Notices. Marriage nd Engagement Announcements: S3. ' aPBCIAL DISPLAY. DOUBLE PRICE JUsslfled AdTertlsmg is payable in advance. Please retrain trom telephoning. for the Pacific Coast Leagu-? Governor's Cup against Seattle Rainjers today. They returned home last night from their semi-final triumph over Los Angeles. Charley Gassaway will be starting pitcher for Casey Stengel's Oaks. Big Herman slightly palmated and broken a. rtm sAt- FQI SALE Basketball. eqiu FOR SALE Large ,-ronm;FOR SALE Bessc ill start for Jo Jo White'' hause, good conditiftft. Close! ment: 7 pairs green sathi u.A. and worn down Irom the result of many a battle. They also had a mountain goat. Capt. McNeil, of Ootsa was their guide. Guided by Fay Short, jr., Mr. and Mrs. Duke R. Buerge of Forest Lawn, California, returned from the Tahtsa and Nadina with a record moose land well-furred black bear. - to store and bus stop, good view.'ia70 Hays Cove Ave. (237) BROhI. rayon snorts, a wnite rayop Jerseys, 7 scarlet rayon Jerseys, -7 maroon jerseys, all Professor: "very time I breathe, someone passes into suitably numbered and In ex FOR SALE 1948 Ford sedan,, cellent condition in interme- eteJnlty Friend: "Try cloves.' New'.y conditioned through dlate s'es. Entire lot $70. En out Price $2300; . Apply Ar WRATHA1 Mutvayi m Taxi. (tf) PnOTO FIX quire "C. Bogress, 2505 Cornwall St., Vancouver, B.C. 23fl fOR RENT FOR SALE 1940 2-ton Che v. Developint. M var good condition. Apply Bob Uut: QUICK & Fart er's Oarage. (238) Amatra il Profession)! FOR RENT Flat in Rand Block. FRIENDLY TO YOUR.. FOR SALE Dominion circulator heater, complete. Phone Black 828. - 23) Apply Max Heilbroner, Jeweler. an Movlnt, Ptcklti Sbippint oi( FOR RENT Sewing machines. Carta; li For Complete, K4 FO.R SALE Monarch range, coal and wood, in good condition. Can be seen at Thompson's Hardware. What offers? . (23C) Portable electric. $5.00 per month, includes delivery and return. Singer Sewing Machine Co. Phone 864. Ufi 'i Efficient ie-if Lindsay'i Ci 4 FRIENDLY TO YOUR.. & Stonf FOR REN T Fully furnished front room for lady. Close in. Home privileges and use of kitchen. Apply 'to Box 403 Dally News. (tf; FOR SALE 194Q Chevrolet Fleejjiaster sedan, two-tone flnUh; good rubber, in good conaition. White. Box 6&, Smi'whers, B.C. (236) J77 Cor. 2nd and f11 Established f4 u4e PhODH N ffftS HELP WANTED FOR- SALE Pullets, ready to layi.New H.a.mps.,' 'from, government - inspected '.'s took O L MAIDS WANTED ror kitchen and ward work. Salary to start $81.00 per month less K.Q.P's. $2 00 each. .Leroy's Ranch., KJtwanga, B.C. (230) 130.000 per month maintenance. Uniforms provided. Apply to Medical Superintendent, FOR SALE-Weitlnghouse ; washing machine. Apply 941 3rd- Aw.; west. 3-.ao . to. v.oo p.m. (239) MUler Bay Indian Hospital, Prince Rupert, B.C. (236) WA.VTIiD umil TM 0B WANTED .22 Calibre pislof perfect cool H You'll enjoy the W FOR SALE-m.all hpuse trailer, OVa'xflW with hitch One Edgerite Bench Saw and motor. Apply No. 4 Levin Apts. (235) State price and where seen. T1MIH.R SALE X-4.-,3S Scaled tenders will be received by the Minister of Forest at Victoria B.C., not later than 11 Box 406 Daily News. (235) WANTED Car Datteries, car errlse trie m" Rex Bovlin radiators, brcss and copper; onnpral P-! FOR, SALE 1932 Model B Ford Sedan. 31,000 miles. A-I shape. QoeCtires. Phone Red 496. . ' - (2361 paying good prices. See B.C FURNITURE CO.. Black. 324 PERSONAL th day of November. 1948 for th purchase of Licence X-45382 to cu; ' 30.179.000 fbm. of Fir. Cedar Hem-' lock. Spruce and Baisam on part ot Timber Licences 9480p and laosap Noch Elver. South Bentlnck Ann Range 3, Coast Land District Three (3 years will be allowed far removal of timber. Further particular, .otjtjiafcirti Forester. Victoria. B.cTor District ' Forester, Prince Rupert B.C. urday and SundS noons and evening and Tuesday era PERSONAL Why Cook Sup 9 o clocK. per? Take home Fish and FOR SALE Sacrifice, English pram; O.E. sun lamp; baby-tenda. Owner leaving city. Phone Oreen 213.. 23C) FORT ALE 6-roorn, wartime hoHses. 1336 Pgott Avenue. (237) Chips from the Terminal Lunch for 40o and save money. (tf) w PERSONAL Lewis's fresh-killed boiling chicken. Phone Black 949. . (238) For the gifts you'll give witfv pride JLHL Jeweller, be X giide.' For more than a' quarter of a century the people of Prince Rupert have shopped at Bulger's. There hijve been many changes but in all . that time people have been able tjr depend on the quality .of Bulger's merchandfse. Bulger's have always been very anxious to have tneir customers weir satisfied. This year Bulger's have been fortunate In having had a large stock on hand in many lines before prices advanced. People will find prices reasonable. IRON t)B FOR SALE Sawmill and Box Factory at Georgetown, near Prince Rupert; water power. Apply Box 190, Prince Rupert, B.C. (to WILL COMPLETELY install one furnace in Prince Rupert free of charge over week-end. 6 or 7-room house preferred. f. B. Gamblin, Phone Green 471, 90 Hays Cove Circle. (237) IT ! t i'i CMITII & W. MACHINERY OK SALE phone 1' FOR SALE Labrador pups. Males. $15.00; Females, $10.00. Mother and father. Good hiuntipg dogs. Apply w. Walsh, Telegraph Point, B.C. Will be ready to go by November 1. I (240) rq SAW better lumber more economically use the modern and up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills manufactured by National Machinery Company Limited, Vancouver B.C. (U) rnoNE " 654 METAL WOKS FOR SALE Large four on 1st Overlook; immediate occupancy. Good condition. Priced Tor quick sale. $1200 is full price, of a three-room cottage oh. Ambrose. 5-room modern house, partly furnished, near King Edward School, $2000. ' Armstrong Agencies, Phone 343 or Oreen 297. (240 Curl PLUMBING Installations and repairs. SHEET METAL WORK. Tar and Gravel. Roofing. Letourneau St Sons. 629 PORT CARY ts our t5c iPer Doxen f aid For Empties This advertisement is not gubllshed or llsplayed by the Liquor Control Board oi bf the Oovernment of British Columbia. BDpe Sixth West. Phone 543. (tf) ffMxtiftijummj '