piio i.. ' ' I II 11 , VICTORIA, B. C. Woman Dies PHONE staSsVcabs In City Jail An Inquest was begun this afternoon into the death In the r.itv iail Tuesday of Mrs CRUGS 81 Hazel Stacey, who died in her NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NXW8PAPXR y Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" VOL. XXXVII, No. 235. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 0, 1948 PRICK FTV8 CENTS sleep, apparently from natural causes. Her death was noted by other women prisoners in the women's section ef the JalL Mrs. Stacey, whose age was 30, was serving a sentence after Dleadine guilty to two charges stem Powers of supplying liquor to Indians. She had been sentenced to pay a $50 fine on each charge or serve a month In jail. Apparently the woman died during the night but It was not noted until late Tuesday morn h 1 mzrwnM Jh OWCIOwlni ing when another prisoner at Inn) DC tempted to waken her. Pre viously, it had been thought that she was asleep. ' Dr. R. E. Coleman held an autoDsv last night and an in COMIHFORM MEET quest was set for this afternoon 1 1 Bulletins by Coroner M. M. Stephens. i HELD IN GERMANY Three Blunt Questions Are. Put Before Russia Meantime Discussion of Berlin Blockade Goes On With Russians Sitting In Though They Are Not Participating BERLIN. 0i The United States military government s J W official German newspaper said 7o Receive Repair Here The twin screw motor vessel today that a meeting of the QUAKE IN IRAN TEHERAN, Iran Two hundred persons were killed nd thousands were Injured by an earthquake at midnight last night, a dispatch from Meshed said today. The damage was reported great. The dis-natch said that parts of the Cominform was held recently In Dessau In the Soviet zone of ivuiuiTDQlPV Of WATT T.TnWRATTfW TTora'i a crpnprol Southeastern which went niiiuvui. w ......... ..v. - o 'ITS BULOAKlAll i--'! . I. c.i.AAa rtf Qnfia marlrlnn trift frmrth DnnivorCQrV nf tj a t)tq rpTCritish. United States and French aground Monday on Hunter Island, north of Queen Char inmu " , , ... 4. Germany. German communist leaders attended, Die Beue Zel-tung said. One major item was the attitude in event of open conflict. rade tnruUo1 tuc aiccw w .f..6 wv4 ....... from Nazi occupation. At the head of the parade are young men carrying ' ,1" progressive political leadeers. There are also photos ol Prime Minister 'Vthe "8r,'at friend of the Bulgarian working class" Andrew Zhdanov, who lotte Sound, later refloating United Nations Security Council leaders met idu; w-dav to hammer out a resolution calling on Russia to fimniK Meshed mosaue had collapsed. Meshed is the capi end tne oernn Diocwaue, a. uiiuon i r Khnrsan Province in and docking here at 9 o'clock yesterday morning with a 300-ton cargo, will have her dam-r aged hull repaired at the Prince Rupert dry dock. : The Southeastern, owned by Brlggs Steamship Co., is mak McNeil, British minister ol state, adoresseu uc blunt questions to Russia on the issue of international Eastern Iran. NEW SHIP LAUNCHED control of atomic energy: Dpemer ) Braves Ellin Series GLASGOW The 6,000-ton Prinrru Patricia, second of ing a charter trip to Aiasita 1. Will you agree that a fully effective system of control should take effect before a Union War with emergency supplies from Seattle. Her destination is Cor two new ships for the Cana dlan Pacific British Colum United Nations convention ban dova across the Gulf of Alaska. Ma roast steamship service, THE. WEATHER Synopsis Is Fanned was launched in the Clyde ning the bomb? 2. Will you accept majority-backed proposals for atomic The Southeastern will be taken out of the water onto the nnntnnns at the dfV dock' to- vesterday. The ceremony was Johnny Sain Gets Break In Classic Hurling Duel Brief Lapse in Eighth Inning Proves Undoing for Bob Feller The storm centre off the west ! control as a general basis for " I r ' Three Leftist Chiefs of Logger morrow morning when the exact coast continues to develop ar.d i - . attended by Premier Byron Johnson. The vessel was christened by Lady (Princess) Patricia Ramsay. the establishing of a world con- extent of damage to her bow move northeast. Southeast gale p,ilk-e and .a Extern i'1 i will be ascertained. winds are expected over exposed Stripped or Authority by Court Order VANCOUVER, Three left 3. Will you agree to abandon British Columbia coastal waier :.At distrirt, It is not expected it will be necessary to remove the South eastern's cargo. HOST ON (CP) In one of the most classic this afternoon and tonight. Un the veto In the operation of tne nrorjosed international control aday to battle ist chieftains of British Colum settled weather conditions will Winn bush- World Series history Boston hiav wnnriworkers today were The repairs will be speeded so agency? prevail over the province today is?n trappt'l temnnrarilv striDDed stripped of oi wei their tnan u ab CHANGCHUN ABANDONED PEIPING Pro-government reports said today that nationalist troops had abandoned Changchun, capital of Manchuria, ' and had fled to- McNeil told Soviet Russia tnai -i it ft : n nrmno i i - fm. The men and tomorrow. Forecast a rho found Great Britain and the United powers solutely necessary will De lost in States would not asree .to ,fcuid cUspute-.cod .to.the gemng Jn hef deUvery oI Braves, with Johnny Sain on the mound, scored one run today in the eighth inning to takehe opening baseball's annual classic 1 to 0. tramc of Biff League l i Ai r t - iuu much needed food supplies. Queen Charlottes and North over information W Ce atom province, f - ins. X.ti afU-r tiiftiitown, a iHzson, K;0 I ..r' v. - t - nail n wuc Ki-d luck for Bb teller .r -t( I ternoou. it f '4 . . III INTERIOR ness, 'president, vice-px miuc" tU a supporters in the Atomic En- slUng to this acw- rr.a Crae cap- BURNS LAKE Russ Baker ; .,.-- fit ST PAUL WINS FIRST ST. PAUL, Minn. Airtight fielding and five-hit pitching and secretary of the new woodworkers' Union of Canada. Writs were ordered for these men to ergy Commission, nu nuni-inspection system should be r it , landed at Burn Lake Monday built up. he said, "if we are to brineine Billy McNeill, manage? been walked for pnt.cher. had succor the world from mis (1 Si. tomorrow, utile cnange m temperature. Lows tonight and highs tomorrow Port Hurdy 45 and 52, Massett 42 and 50, keep their hands oil an me, funds and property of the British Columbia district of I.W.A. of Pat McClothin gave t. thP second time and Phil Masl that Inhibits all normal econ of the Circle Guides of Tweeds-muir Park, to hospital suffering from a severe attack of omies and cankers all our nor There was a brief flare-up of was put in to run for him. After sviHif. Stank v had been deliber mal international ' relations. Prince Rupert 45 and 50. appendicitis. He was suddenly disorder yesterday when a news Russia's Andrei VishinsKy, paper cameraman attemptea iu first, showing interest and then stricken while camped at a wilderness lake some forty miles ately passed and Johnny bam filed out. Tommy Holmes cams through with a safe hit to left boredom, sat in silently on the Mrs. Robert Leyda of Spo get Into the headquarters oi the new union. He was knocked down and his camera broken. United Nations opening deDate kane, supreme guardian of the from the beaten path but a local Indian lost no time In getting word to Ootsa Lake and ih Rerlln crisis today, ine international order ol Jods Soviet 'deputy foreign minister to score Masi and that was enough. Not only did the Indians out-hit the Braves four to two but nhh F.niott. Boston third Daughters, arrived in the city Rus Baker responded promptly Paul a 4 to 0 triumph over Montreal Royals of the International League last night in the first game of the Little World Series. The Saints, American Association playoff champs, scored aU their runs in the seventh off Don Newcombe. MARGARINE IN COURTS OTTAWA Validity of the 62-year old ban on margarine went before the Supreme Court yesterday with the Dominion government arguing that it is within the power of Parliament to prohibit the butter substitute. The on the Prince George tnis announced that he wouia nut r,ortiinatfl. He seemed inter- in the emergency. morning to pay an official LOCAL TIDES (Standard Time) Thursday, October 7, 1948 Hieh . 4:25 18.5 feet hnwevpr. when United jrj'j j . s.vr made two errors anu 1 4 T( visit to the local bethel this Sltvnv'i - - s st a t Deleeate Phillip Jes- would have been the sure goat evening before proceeding to Billy McNeill was operated on by Doctor Holmes almost immediately after nis arrival as infection was - threatening. The operation was a success and the patient is resting comfortably.- sup said the United States was Ketehlkan. She Is accompanied In the ninth had his overthrow fit honn followed by In- 20.3 feet bv Mrs. Enola Henry of Porter 7.8 feet 16:09 . 10:05 22:54 Low AJ ilia, rttan scorlne. vllle. California, a past supreme 4.5 feet "determined to taKe sucn injures as may be necessary to Insure safety and subsistance of our forces in Berlin and the population to their charge by crrtardlan. and Mrs. Claire Dov R H r- Cleveland . 0 4 0 niL:t.on 12 2 les of Sookane, wno is ait.o the order. Mr. the Four-Power agreement.- hearing is continuing Early day prospects were for Leyda is also here. Lou Cabin Born Southern Boy for Vice-President ohiiiinir rain and a postpone ment was threatened but the skies cleared partially and en :-: TODAY'S STOCKS : : . ahierf Feller and Sain to go on Vti i' III J I Vi War Not Imminent; Defences Needed Emanuel Shinwell Speaks Senator Alben William Barkley, 70-year-old political veteran born in a log cabin at Paducah, Ky., with the duel for which they had been primed. The rollicking American League champs, with bristling power in their batting WESTIES OF REDONDA King Juan I. of Re- .35 Bevcourt to British Miners .10 .08 Bobjo Buffalo Canadian .... Nov. 24, 1877, Democratic -T ivrpnRS Enz. Minister order, entered the game strong - for IPmaniiel Shinwell tOlQ wheelhorse and a member 'orld's smallest monarchy, poses with his queen, ' telle GUartieau of France, after their marriage in majesty Is bettor known as Poet John Gawsworth. : Irish novelist M. P. Shlel as ruler of the half-mile 1 'n the British West Indies when the latter died y at tVm i-.r on cv.i.1 tvia enn nf a trader s to 11 favorites, an edge whicn Ii moptinff .. of miners - here that . of every Congress since the 63rd was somewhat dulled as a re I ...v., ic nn rianeer ol war iu Consol. Smelters 115.50 Conwest - I-22 Donalda 63 Eldona I-06 East Sullivan 2.85 sult of today's defeat althougn; in 1913, is President Truman's I bilCLC H Ut.. nrownt time. While ri- they are still favored. I wic n oi. iDlliUl waa nn. w- - the Isle and claimed It In 1880. He gave it to his ol'o nurnose is 10 promuvc 1. 1 i . 1 it i ! s i ' vice-presidential running - mate in the United States election. It was Johnny Sain s iweni.y- vam a f 1 - niant Yellowknife .... 5.00 I eannot lenore me "uay girt. Gawsworth, or King Juan, was in mc 1 the wr. fifth victory of tne year his first World Series win. The need for preparing the most God's Lake 52 Rarklev. heavy-set but youth .29 lj,,to Hofpnre for our peo- Hardrock ful for his years, worked his way game lasted only one hour am. pie." He could not understand through school and college io .07 .10 1'IVIC CENTRE Uv,o alarm about tne can-up ui 42 minutes. A toiai oi -.u.i gate of over record fans gave a hppnme a lawyer and enterec Harricana Heva ! Hosco Jacknlf ....e.... TRUMAN'S MATE .30 !?ome had the mea Vancouver Bralorne 700 B. R. Con O2' ( B. R. X 08 , Cariboo Quartz 120 Dcntonla 01 V Grull Wlhk'sne .... 03 Hedley Mascot 33 Mlnto 01,'i Pen.d Oreille 4.65 235 Pioneer Premier Border 2 rt 11 Privateer Reeves McDonald 1-90 MV2 Reno ' 10 Salmon Gold Sheep Creek I-8 Taylor Bridge 30 Taku River 32 Vananda 30 03 Congress Paciiic Eastern -09 Hedley Amalg 02.2 Spud Valley 06 Central Zeballos -01 Silbak Premier -25 politics In 1905, . conducting his flret ramnalcn as candidate for 03 Vi L.t oervhodv would be called asketball Clinic w.-W Jollet Quebec $180,000 for Braves neia. Feller held the Braves hltless for the first four Innings. It was the first one to nothing wnr.(T at.tnrnev on muie JJl UOCV UWUtj Lake Rowan OB'A ..We are not going to do any f One Werk Commencing This Friday back through tne is-emu Hills. Lapaska n'J4 thine of the sort," he statea. ed override the presidential veto of a war veterans' bonus bill. He resigned as majority leader but was Quickly reinstated ..... . . in i World Series game since af, i.uiie Liong L.ac pTRlCTOR ' He was elected to the House f Renresentatlves in 1913 and Lvnx . -06 Manager-Coach Vancouver Hornets Professional Team CHAPMAN Nehf of the New YorK umnu, shut out Joe Bush and the New York Yankees in 1923. Madsen Red Lake 2.55 and soon made his peace wim Walton and Allen held his seat until 1927 when McKpnzle Red Lake .32 Roosevelt. Basketball f undamentals, nays and Techniques McLeod Cockshutt 101 Coming Next Week Barkley is a deep-chestedjnan with a powerful voice and elo Mnoeta -3' STORM WARNING! wamlne is up today- -a ation ppneral mana lcd (Daily except Sunday " and Monday) Sin A -n he was elected to the senate He has remained solidly entrenched there ever since. Barkley was majority Senate tooor t.hrouEh the Roosevelt DCnittiu o Negus - 2.17 quent tongue an lmpressiva - Pnnan an ndLlUiim v n .nun" - . southeast gale u A forty-mile gui, v.- - , Noranda 52.00 nrit.isn uoiui""" old-style orator. He likes to tei stories and wUl sing "My Old LoUVlCOUrt wy, ".""-- ., Rupen TJunert due tonigl ovei . Oils Pickle 'Crow 2.18 expected xpected to to be pe in rn Prince r-r 1 and up to tne RepubH-n Wednesday of next wees. iy r-.nnu victory vitwijr in Kentucky Home" or "Wagon Charlotte Jslands ana oi Rpirronrt. 05 Congressional v.. - tir.l IH can I vyw. 1 . . '"J i ou-juveniles (age to 13). a:30-6:30-Juniors (age to 16). -Intermediate. ,-7;30 nu-8;30-Ladios. . 8;30-9:30Senlors. llFee Ior 8 one hour sessions, $2:00; Students $1.00 'Urik.siTMii.,,. ... .... ... ir Wheels" without too mucn per is understood that w. v; suasion, or play, the moutn t . . . (tlx ton. vice-president in cnarge u coast, changing to bouuiw. 25 miles per hour. NEEDS EARLY DIAGNOSIS 1946. Then he became minority leader. ' He was "dear Alben" to Roose-eit. throueh the tough "New fi,,., ranad an organ. He Is a wiaower wim 'n"u""' . v. at. A. P. Con -41 11 Calmont C. & E 5.58 Foothills 300 8 90 Home Toronto Athona Aumaque Beattle -S8 San Antonio 4.00 Senator Rouyn -44 Sherrlt Oordon ..... .. 2.30 Steep Rock 182 Sturgeon River .15 Silver Miller .30 three children, drives nis owu car. entertains often and lives Railways, will aiso -that time. Mr. Walton years ago ,!.,. p,""t; uay. win De reseivea ior &peciui Every 40 minutes m i. . . j Ponnri n lite. near nerlod and broke with his tre vi.vu per team private moderately and temperately. cer.claimea one "- was general superintend... could leader only once: when he help on nf these deains here. with early h AXL CIVIC CENTRE MEMBERS. REGISTER NOW have been avoided Your Investment In Citizenship diagnosis yReovic .centre JOIM