PROVINCIAL LI3HA3Y, 0RL1ES DRUGS Victoria, s. c. ,. .. Daily Delivery NORTHERN AND CSVTH L Hk . rlHH COi uMSIA KWBPAPXB PHONE 81 Vnhlih.d Ht ( jtnHria'8 Most Stratninc P-ifii. Port- "Prince rnprt. th Key to the Great Northwest." , VOL. XXXIX, NO. 12. PRINCE RUPERT, B. C, MONDAY, JANUARY 10, 1950 PRICE FIVE CENTS n p Potent rM nan rzzz More; ydrbg omb en II u u United innilAniDteeslrrific Weapon Hay l) AIIAl AnAfl Rlf ssea naoss 3? 52 Below Al ui .B w, " jet Continues Its teiake United Mates iiou i test At Chinese As far as local reports are con-; WASHINGTON D. C. (CP) The Truman adeemed. Burns Lake appears to i . i have hit the low mark for cold ministration is nearing a momentous decision lotialists Presence weather over the week-end a atom to work toward whether wnetner to to r put put the uie hydrogen njuiugtu " v" . local business concern received received word from its branch th Here to- development of a .super bomb far surpassing even the " . ' ; IsK Sl'CCKSS (CI') Soviet bloc delegations day that the inermo.m u;r u;r na had jHtust Htust atomic atomic weapon weapons. nil OA w low. iviittiiuiiii'-, tin- .u- , ficial weather report for the day The nrmppt. hiis taken on UnrenCV from the lis- (,ut f three United Nations bodies today in nviT continued presence of Chinese National-, showed Lac La Hachc to be the, . - ' quieting knowledge that Russia mav also be working desperate coldest spot In British Columbia with 72 below. said they would spread their boycott to ail Nations organizations. . first new walk-out occurred in the economic ,1 council's commit- - ' ly toward the same goal. The whole subject of the hydrogen bomb Is surrounded by deep official silence. Energy released would be twice that al uranium fission. Plane Strip Considered tUTtllll'l'. , n..t....,l iv;ikia anu mw" Cold Takes Death Toll ,sia la ii.s pimcbi, ui- ,t v.iram partleipa-st run. her purtictpa- maxlmiun length o the runway would accomodate modem four ; Local Committee Working on I'ossibil ty of Held At Tug- Break With jolin Lewis Dlliit-rs Defy Hi OnVr to Itrturn l Work on Thrr-U.iv Basis VANCCUVFR 'f - Wiot T coii-1 ! engine machines that may some well , Island ; tinue-s hj IwW British Columbia ' day land at Prince Rupert reg- i:i an lev rip. Record and near; l'ropo.'cd landing strip on ularly, providing the airport ' romrri W- tenwraturcs have Tua well island, the only leas- is secured. Motoribip Iff Jopon taken three lives. . iblc location for an airport to I At Lilloet Mrs. P. Mlauick wa-i i serve Prince Rupert and dls- j found dead in an unhealed nbln. j IMH. was considered by the alr-SUe hud Iroen to death. ! Port conuidUec of the Junior K l'i . l he thirty -tun KiM'l Maru Mink off idn coast today. F.igh- PITTSBURGH (f - A bij fironp of striking western Pennsylvania mtal is hrarinc the wuKC-and- DirSCUJuS WAOK DKMANDS--A federal concilia turn boaid in Mm At the wcek-eml an aged wo- i .cnamuer 01 commerce uuiu s ;in,lsoft coal miners yesterday voted to right: Isaac intblado, iis arc mis;. inu; a ncd. man was found dead in a fucl- Oilier two strips are across the north end, a length ol 4,100 feet and down th east side of the Island al a distance of 5,000 feet. "In the latter two cases," instrument approach would bt hazardous due to the mountains. j The southeast approach would he clear ol obstructions. hour U;inands of inoie thai) 100.000 railway wir 'yvs. Front ni.v. Wimtinrv railway retirescntat ive; Mr. Justice J- O. Wilson of th Ii remain on s,,im uciyhig an order of John L. Lewis. Who n few f'Mpr.'ine .Court of British Col- mt.hhi .le.n-nmii. a-ul Alfred J" Wickfiis. MiiOse .'u. Sasl:.., el Uie railway uwoiik. wpty suburban home ill Chilli-wuck tifteT i)v mother had to be ' arried to h isrUal on a si rets-lvr days inso snvKfst.fd that, they re- ail llUUi 1UU1 UlL-UbUIB Itucumji with Norton Youngs, chairman ol air trasportation for the se-niur Ciiamber of Cmmerce, and Phil Linaey, secretary of the senior Cnamncr. V K'Hini returned i" ,,iini to work tomorrow on a Hack row. Ii It to! : I 0. McNeill. Canadian u-f- Hallway v-.T-J'ient, in charge of personnel; Frank Hail, chairman of tin; iieuotlnUn n.iunii!t"e of ttv- intertiation; X brotherhoods of Yailwav ointjloyers ' ' and R. C. Johnston, Canadian National Railway! yice-pre:;idi-nt for personnel. i c. p. riiuioi when a taxi was snowbound. Over on Vatxouver Island la-dysinith i.s running short nf wa An airport committee with t KaKinl -y sil'enioonV j UirW-tkiy a wick bas-'s. The a a brW Ilyiiir trip t men want to work five days. j At. least 22,000 United Mine j Woi hers Haiti lli"y would .stay at , -,..,.. home. Local after local in llv. Down the east side of the is Protest Consulate Seizure TMC WLAYHFR ..I.. I. C.....II.. I., n.,l.l ni'it- Kd VV.lHams, agent for the C. P. A. Here as chairman was organ- j . .:d some time ago to assist the Chamber of Commerce effort to i .creel an airfield . for wheeled i aircraft. The "Tnov"'resutacf fri 1 a visit from W. R. May, con I.UI . 1,11 d, ' .'MIIH0I ..... ! Unluiitywn, I'l nnsylvanla, ignor I . 1 um iuvcr .. -.. Sfa nre: tc followln!!: the freeznl'j up ol the reset voif ly.d Mayor Iw ar;! Byan has. made an appeal for conservation of dwindliin: sup-iiy :.uuly,' WuUt is alEoruniiioy low at Uuncait. Gas was cut off in three sections of Greater Victoria where kindergarten and primary grade children have been sent home from school. ed pica.-; ihini' tliMr Icadera fhat 1 Ihey (iiit their, unexplained .strike, l wis iliil liol Siiy u word. Paul 'JVi rt 'a, president of o!"- of tin' United Mine Workers i :ii( l .ii-r tliat. mrnib is Evt reinely Knv I"! ri';,?:i""i m tti' UrUish Cl.'ii!hi i in'criur Uiis liioniiiu: luclmted 1Z llo. ut Luc I.u liaelii . eolde.-t spot on 11 if continent." Kamkovjw set a (ua rt i . New nected With" C. F. A. hi Vancouver, who was here lo locate satisfactory location for an airfield. An explanation of the geographical features of Tugwell Island was idven by Mr. Nor Offbiai. Personnel Out Of Communis! China oo 1 2! .17 .20 r .. 3.2'l Mascot. ltd Bii:.t-m iwn'iim lvtia i v recmd at 1,7 bHw. jwcre ' clis'inatocl wiUi the present I ,. n.,.. ,i.. the Ioi-ihi r record set ' lu.l i" ' t " .... rf land, the approach from tilt north would also be difficult due to the mountains in close proximity oft the end j?f tin rufiwayMnciir' landing "wtiult" prevail Irom the southern approach. ' . : ' ": ' If plans for an airport an okayed, clearing of the laridirn strip would entail three week, work, the committee airreed The island has a small amoun: of rock with a nominal amoun of muskeg and sulfldeni. Hli-h close ot hand to make a' solk foundation. In regard to service between the proposed airport and the office here, the committee stated that the time element would bt much the same s from downtown Vancouver to Sea Island which Is a distance of twelve miles. Tilie Ii. !(( r r week inslvad of the three-day i,rE,a,,n . the .-an. 10 nulcs wrs . iweek orderly Lewis. Ho said Vancouver ... d old a ., l ie :(1,e miners are stayinu ont so .03 .13 HI" M 1 Mt 'It'll i 'in u' ",'-" WASHINGTON I). C. (CP) In contempt f Ainen'caii protests, Chinese Communists Saturday took over the United States consulate office in Pei-ping. The State Department immediately ordered all its official personnel out of Red China. It is reported io have acted with President Truman's direct ap ton Youngs., who stated the island was an Indian Reserve controlled by the Metlakatla tribe. He Informed the group that necessary steps had been taKcn by E. T. Applewhalte M. P. In Ottawa to see that the island can be obtained at a reasonable price, when ami 11 the occasion arose to obtain the cround for an airport. ,o:i:l , 1 Hi .'.i't .It's .1 1 V Id Ofi ! a head. Another miner said: R e.ard-less of what Lewis says now, there'll ! no contract-no wnik. .The miners want a showdown." I'l'l'inief vi r a (if id :,liy Vancouver area later UiU week but for the next two day !( will continue cold, onow lurries are cxpeeled in llv southwestern part, of the province today and Tuesday, Tlii- nortii.-rn sections will, remain clear and extremely cold. General "Hap" Arnold Dies SONOMA. Cul. (P General Henry P. (Hap) Arnold, who directed the United States air war against Axis powers, died at his ranch home here yesterday. He was C3 years of age and a veteran airman. The wartime commander of the proval. I Rescuers Digging 'For Biricd Miner Mtt"sV f'lTV, rM-i!vv.i W '.iiiadian There are three possible meUi- i ods of runway construction on Tugwell. After close study and; (I'm ccast The State Department blast-id at the Communists' latest unti -American move as "flag-vnt violation of our treaty ih's end of the most elementary standards of elementary i -;a.:e and conduct." 1 2i l.r3 ..')(! 1.37 12 :u .(KM l.i due deliberation, the group concluded the most practical land-inii striu would run down the Two calls were answered by city ambulance over the weekend Fl i his residence on the Co-op road, William McLcud was tak'.Ti to General Lo.-pUa! Sauir-day at 4:15 p.m. At. 10 am. Gan-day. Albeit Bartiett, was l.raiv,-frrred to General Hospital from ; n,, ve"r-" iate snnrn-a hv i North Coast Keon Mostly I,,,. e,, ; (;,. tranred c,,l ! miner today, made renewed ef- clear hot rr .Mona'iy cloudy with fl). , ,,,: his brother still en- Wm Hurries r Ihe nuunland col- shore. Co;,: ii : very cold. 2 1 1, ,,!, ,5 n :hde i Wind, i.nio 1 ' '15 miles Hurda. 3. was here. John hcry '. f,,,.,: , sarfaee .Sunday hour, xc pt .some mainland m- west side of the Island. Its length, the maximum of the Tuesday, January 17, 1850 three, would be 7000 feet. This ; nai'ticular strln was chosen lor The first Bible from the Cambridge University Press was published in 1023. , J C... !,. '.f I S I '! Ill'tl.' ' i..." i- Army air force succumbed to a: heart condition. He had been ill ! since 1941. H was not. until June j 194G, however, that lie allowed , hiiiLseU to be retired to his 50- acre ranch, 40 miles north of San j Francisco. Arnold wus ona of four five-, star Unitod States generals. The others arc George Marshall. ; Douglas MaeArthiir and Dwight F. Eisenhower. 1.50 .37 0!i ;) 10 and hihs ills home at 329 Seventh Avenue .alter oeinii r.iinieo ui j , '. m llw. Is houri. Lows totilBliI 'anadian Port Hardy, 15 and East. nours. r iii oiri nwwi. ..... i . ,w broliur. iiddie. 25. Rercucrs tomorrow a jo fost 22.4 feet 8.5 leet 1.0 feet two .reasons: first, no obstruc- High 1-0' Hons for Instrument approach 12:32 and landings from cither north Low 6:32 or .south exist and. secondly, the 19:18 lti and 21; Prince 2;; saiiosi'ii Toronto 'held out little hope that he was Rupert, IP and 2(1. .0 i still alive. 12Va I. - i f n .52 .27 .13 Mf- II: I . . - - ;no flash victory Prince Rupert Jets Are Clear Masters Of Smart Aggregation From ll.B.C. ik Three Missing Gillnel Boat Men Safe After Trying Trek , After three days of trudging along the ice-clad land desolate shores of Burke Channel heading for 1 the nearest known human habitation, a homestead-! er's cabin at lonely Kwatna Inlet, three men from ; two gillnct boats, which had been missing for eight ! days on a projected trip from Namu cannery to Bel- la Bella, were sighted and pick- ulliv V. II. e'.knili; ,37 !.7" i 1) ,.:r. .. , .07 HOCKEY SCORES ' SUNDAY j National Detroit 1. New York 0 Chicago 5, Boston 1 SATURDAY 'Chicago 0. Montreal 3 Hostoti 3, Toronto 4 New York 2, Detroit 4 Western International Nelson 0, Klmberley 3 Spokane 4, Trail 1 Pacific Coast Victoria 5, New Westminster 7 Los Angeles 5, San Francisco 5 San Diego 4, Fresno 2 in- i;V;i,! , Prinet ! S!:il iird:iv .... i-.i c-itnniuv riprnoon ! Chic! wh en located the tnrec r.,1 UU llllV 17UU11IVIB,, . v (if I. " . rnl t vi c o ( O 11 ?i:eb(.i uuaii' men una iook mem aooaro by cy the mi. B. C. Packers search- llH,y lwci tl0t euten for Uue. boat, Uie packer Tahsis Chief. ; wero suffcrtag some ! They were speeded back toj wbat fri;m the effects o Icon .03' ; .15 .00 .71 .05 , .05 .47 ' .5'. in the pan variety. im;v wo., o i their two-game series by a niargin with a o.) u iiri I :; Luc. Namu where, at last reports U wcattitr exposure. Tiiey hat Uie provincial police, they were beached ami abandoned thei resting comfortably over the, two boat", which were travel :5 score. This gave them the series .y . i to the ("hiefs two game total of 7S. H iied Lake , "' Red Lake for ling together, wiieu ice ciosei r, around them. It was not fa: week-end, little the worse Uicir arduous experience. Mauaecr M. M. McLean -a c ickslnilt ofi from Kwala Inlet, their des CVaeh AtiKiis MacpUee put nay 'sprini; to hold the hie,h-.sconn iltaplis in check .'or lac cveniiv, 1 , ,11,1 so verv cffeclivrly. 1 ..cored I'u in by 1 rcinl to nake i'l!-c s"!n-e 25 !!. In tli'' third -er-'iod the Jets had the Chiefs com-I i,.i,-iv hit I ico mi and outscored Uuation for shelter, that the: were sighted by the searcl III) 'a .Mir A boat. Ice conditions had bee: NOTICE OF MEETING The annual meeting of Uie Civic Centre Association of prince Rupert will be held Friday, January SB. 1050, at 8 p.m. kit the Civic Centre Auditorium. The order ol bULilnci will include the presentation of Annual Reports, election of directors, etc. All paid up members of the age of nineteen years and over will be entitled to voting privileges. C. G. HAM. Secretary. (Hi Uantis seorin;: only " P"'"-' the mlil points to ft. i;oiuu' into t-ue while "aprlug uinisclf scored 12, qUBrler with hampering the Tahsis in he ir.irl, Crow Namu promptly reported the safety of the men by radlp-' telephone to Inspector F. B. Woods-Johnson oi the British Columbia Police, enabling the calling off of a. search which had hicluded two days of reconnaissance Hying by a Dakota Aircraft of the Royal Can-nriinn Air Force from Vancou 2.3) 1 i 07.: i .i.-'j 1. - .( H: . 3.:.'. .Vi 2.12 2. -3 .'3 .'1 Mlllilonio i,,,i v-iM-cii . a cm to nuiu uon o W'it Rouyn search but she kept resolutei on and can very likely be give: the credit for saving tare lives. The three men were Georg Robson, Leonard Crowe ; an Marshall Cole, all of Namu. Kfil Cordon VETLIIAN NEWSPAPER MAN -Frank BitrU. on ins CUUi birtliday anniversary, mark? completion or a years w-iui The Vuijiuuvt Daily Province. Fellow emp'oyecs gave iiim 80 roses". Mr. Bind started as advertising manager and ended his active newspaper carear es president of The Province. He now is an adviser to the younger men carrying on his work. (CP. Photoi ; Ruck lxm Kchcik, who inacle u am. plavcd a first rls gumc. The Jets took the lend rigii-ifrnm the first, cndlns up the ! quarter 7 points ahead at 10-B. lead v. as whi -i i At the half their tied down a bit as the Chiefs put- the Jots- v.'iui oui.M'.onxt Hum with , 10 and of' won the gain with a whopping big 21 point ' lead.' (Continued on Page Fowl Iaiuh River ver However, it was the Tahsis lUt if' Miller . Canada ....