Prince ttupcrt Dallp J3cto0 LtD. Friday, May 28, 1948 William J fowEN CLUB MEMBERS GO TO MASSETT Members of the Prince Rupert SHIPS AND WATERFRONT JOAN CAILFIELD Mil At . J 7 Musical Carte, Ve WoueJIrnow, I REFRESHING AS YOUR FAVORITE DRINK : Ladies Reading Club plan a picnic atmosphere for their regular meeting tomorrow. Eight of the On her regular run on Ine ladies with five guests will leave tonight on the Coquitlam for a. ft . W Ms. - Massett. for the COKE" SET At the Island village they will be the guest of a former member COMING MONDAY TO wpr,.,.. Vancouver-Queen Charlotte Islands-Prince Rupert service, the Union steamer Coquitlam, Capt. Alex McLellan, arrived in port at 3 o'clock this morning from Vancouver via the Islands and will sail at midnight tonight for Massett Inlet points whence she will return here Sunday southbound. Following this voyage, the Coquitlam will be operating on a 10-day schedule, calling at all Island points on the runs both northbound and southbound between here and of the Club, Mrs. J. A. Findlay. Mrs. J. R. Elfert, Club secretary, will gave a paper dealing with the Merchant Marine, during the 'CARNEGIE HAI Informal meeting. If weather permits the ladies hope to enjoy the luxury of a beach picnic. The PICTURES FOR group will return on the same boat arriving In Prince Rupert Sunday morning. Mind." Phyllis calvmar ert Hutton. ac June in 11 j .. Those making the trip are: COMING MONTH Just what date the Canadian auu 12 "(f UI mnn'c a Mrs. G. D. Mead, Mrs. N. Moses, National's new passenger steam Miss O. Johnson, Mrs. K. Dixon, PROVIDENCE TEACHERS PARADE AS PICKETS-More than 30,000 Providence, R.I., high and grammar school students got an unscheduled vacation recently when 600 members of the teachers' alliance walked away from their blackboards and set up a pictcet line about the city's schools. Here one of the striking teachers walks the picket line in front of Nathaniel Green high school while students stand and lend moral support The strike is an attempt to enforce the teachers' demands for equal pay for men and women teachers. ship Prince George will be turned over to the owners, has not yet Mrs. R. E Mortimer, Mrs. R. Davidson, Miss E. Moxley, Mrs. M. O. Kullander, Mrs. G. E. II. Montgomery, Mrs. William Eve, Mrs. L. Gaibraith, Mi s. T. Black, and Mrs. J. R. Elfert. Mrs. G H. Several Interesting Feature Offerings Are Coming lp Notable among feature attractions booked for the Capitol Theatre here during the coming month are the current "Dear Ruth," with Joan Caulfleld and William Holden, as well as "Carnegie Hall," "Fiesta." "Gentle been fixed, but It is thought the time will be early In June. Her acceptance trials delayed, the date of delivery has not yet been announced by Yarrows Ltd. In Victoria. o nKi cement," r.r, Peck and Dorothy Mrfj June 13 and i4-Thn Believe Me." Rob(,rt Susan Haywarcl, and Quentin," Lawrence Tier, Marion Carr June 15 and i(UT. Elizabeth Taylor and'', Murphy and "Alwavs Joyce Reynolds and Robf' ton. June 17. 18 and iu Wore Tights." Betty Gra-' Dan Dailcy. June 20, 21 and t Seaman, who is a member of the Club, is at present holidaying at TRUMAN (Continued from Page 1) the home of Mr and Mrs. Findlay. I man's Agreement." "Mnihcr ' Jss MERCHANTS BEAT MOUSE (Continued from Page 4) ST. ANDREW'S LADIES' TEA . Apple blossoms and spring flowers lent a bright, colorful effect to' the home of Mrs. W K POLISH COUPLE was relieved in the 8th by Eliuk. Twenty eight men were at bat off Letourneau and four off Wait till the 9nS 9tt an tyM of these Double Dtltr Shirts. They're plenty solid . . . nude of Patific Mills cotton twill and printed all otr with jen-ii-ine Coca-Cola bottles nd caps i ftatural color; jivinj like jitterbuss. Sartforized-shrunk, fait color in blue, meiie end ten. Be first with this icircshins jpert shirt for Teen-Age Boys end Girls 8-1 8 ' $2.8 etch Glen Ford anrt Kergin Thursday afternoon rinr. might say that he is fearless because he has no foresight. But the record does not support that view Whether he is bunglingly lucky or really is a statesman, he has a good record and that fact dampens the powder of his own party enemies. Truman hasn't the statesmanlike appearance of War June 23. " ... M(i a Timberlane," Suenrnr Tr Eliuk. Letourneau struck out ing the spring tea sponsored by eight men, allowed six walks and Lana Turner. nine hits. June 27 "Roses a, me women's Auxiliary of St. Andrew's Cathedral. The function was attended by a large number of ladies. For Moose, Rosedale faced 35 Don Castle and Peggy r. I ai WALLACE'S Of Course! Wore Tights," "Cass Timberlane" and "Song of Scheherazarade." The list Is as follows: May 28 and 29 "Dear Ruth," with Joan Caulfield and William Holden. May 30 ":cr Sister's Secret," Nancy Coleman and Philip Reed, and 'Ghost Town Renegades," Lash Larue and Fuzzy St. John. May 31, June 1 and 2 "Carnegie Hal," Marsha Hunt and William Prince. June 3, 4 and 5 "Fiesta," Esther Williams and Rlcardo Montalban. June 6 and 7 "Waterfront at Midnight," William Gargan and Mary Beth Hughes', and "That Way With Women," Sidney Greenstreet and Martha Vick-ers. . June 8 and 9 "Vigilantes Return," Jon Hall and Margaret Receiving the guests were Mis. i batters before being relieved midway in the eighth by Windle. Rosedale struck out 13, allowed 11 hits and one base on balls. MERCHANTS AB R H PO Kergin, Mrs. A. L. Holtby, Women's Auxiliary president: and Mrs. Basil S. Prockter. Mrs MARRIED HERE Miss Bertha Vogcl Becomes j Bride of Paul Vogel J Miss Berta Vogel, a Polish girl, 'Who recently arrived in the city from Germany from a displaced persons camp in Germany, became the bride of Paul Vogel, local fishing boat operator and rooming house proprietor, at a quiet but pretty wedding last evening in St. Paul's Lutheran Church. ' Rev. Earl Solland officiated and Mrs." Berg was matron of honor. James Nlcoll acted as groomsman. The bride was at ana Bowery Burkaro Gorcey and Huntz Hall, June 28 and 29 Cry Erroll Flyn and Barbara wyck. June 30 and July Road," Zachary Scott ant. Smith. July 2 and 3-"Sung 0: herazade," Brian Donie-. Yvonne de Carlo. Hartwig, 2b 4 2 2 2 Holtby was general convener. Smith, ss 5 ren Harding, .Herbert Hoover or Franklin Roosevelt. He is not a good public speaker until he forgets his high office and lets his hair down to speak freely as a man which lie has done off the record on a number of occasions. On those occasions he has captivated his audiences. Not so much for what he said or how Pouring fo rthe first hour were Mrs. J. B. Gibson and Mayor Nora E. Arnold, while for the hour Mrs. R. L. Mcintosh and 1 1 2 1 2 0 0 1 0 0 1 Mrs. A. G. Bartlett ir. Serviteurs were Mrs. H. C Flood, Mrs. R. E. Mortimer. Mr.-,. Dahl, 3b . 4 Abel, c 5 Schroeder, If 4 Dominato, lb 4 Llnney, rf 3 Jones, rf (6th) 1 Forman, cf 5 Letourneau, p 3 Eliuk, p (8th) 0 Maundrell l 39 Advertise m tne Dally Garbage Collections Due to the fact that city, employees are now on a 5-day wtek garbage usually collected on SAT-I'RADY will now be collected on MONDAY. D. CI STEWART, City Engineer, City of Prince Rupeit. he said it, but because he was the supreme head of a great country talking the language all his hearers understood. Jack Bulger and Miss Geralaine Prockter. In charge of the tea room was Mrs. W. M. Watts, assisted by Mrs. T. B. Black anri 8 11 24 Washer Mrs. K. Greer. MOOSE AB R H PO tractively gowned in a full white wedding costume. The matron of honor was charming In blue. Following the ceremony a quiet reception was held at 221 Fifth Avenue East where the couple will reside. "2 Shier, If ....3 1 ' Moore, rf 3 Jl'ST ANOTHER KOTAKIAN Harry Truman is just another local Rotarian or Lions Club man in any town of Canada or the United States thrust by fate into the highest position his country could give him. What has set him apart, discounting the high office he inherited, is his courage which The fancy work table was in charge of Mrs. L. A. N. Potter-ton, while at the flower and plant table were Mrs. P. M. Eve assisied by Mrs. R. G. aopkins. Mrs. W. Cruickshank and Mrs. Keith Dixon. Cashier was Mrs. W. J. Nelson. CHECK THKSE FEATl'KES FOUR YEAR GUARANTEE THERMO ACTION TUB HOW CAN I ? ? ? By ANNE ASHLEY j Kerr, rf (6th) 0 McKinnon, 2b 5 Vanetta, lb 3 Windle, ss, p 3 Guthrie, 3b 4 Hay, c 3 Lavigne, cf 2 Calderoni, cf (6th) .... 2 You saw li In the News! 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 2 1 2 1 0 14 0 0 1 2 1 0 10 24 Q. How can I make chocolate fudge smooth and creamy? A. It will be creamy with MONEL-METAL STAINLESS TU has been his never-failimr at DOUBLE AUTOMATIC WRINCQ Rosedale, p 4 Classified Acrverur.g Pays! Advertise in the Daily Nevu! 32 LIFE TIME SATISFACTION AVAILABLE NOW AT RUPERT RADIO & ELECTfil little beating, if one teaspoon of cornstarch is added for each cup of sugar. An excellent change is to season it with spices, or to add a few chopped dates, figs or marshmallows. Q. How can I prevent chamois gloves from becoming hard after washing? A. They will not become hard If a few drops of olive oil are added to the water. The oil also tribute. Tie challenged Russia in Greece and in western Europe with all the accompanying dangers to world peace such defiance involved. He asked for extraordinary expenditures of United States dollars to rehabilitate Europe. He has successfully fought the labor unions in the railway and coal industries, knowing fully what the consequences might be to his election chances. This delicate election year ore- CEEING . . . ivith CEE PHONE 641 BOX II 313 THIRD AVEM'E WEST J ml helps to preserve the chamois. Q. How can I remove paint from porcelain or glass? A. By using coal oil. It is JOHN H.J BULGER cheaper than turpentine and oftentimes as effective. sident Truman flew straight into the arms of peril when he asked for legislation which would ensure fair and equal treatment of the colored minor A lot of virgin soil has been turned this spring in Prince Rupert and, now that the young green shoots of vegetables and flowers are beginning to stretch sunward, gardeners of unfenced plots are having dog trouble. tJ-.L tC 1 .. .Mill I U This is the time of year when men begin to feel that ties are an uncomfortable ornament to have around their necks. Many of the men are finding that casual shirts arc the answer to their problem. Colors ranye from conservative fawns v iuim janua an-1 DEVELOPING PRINTING ENLARGING Sl'PERPAN PRESS KODACHROME and KODAK FILMS Chandler & Cowgill Fourth St. box 645 PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. Master OPTOMETRIST Timely Recipe Sft John Bulger U Suitable fencing hasn't been t, Third Avenue picnuim in tne past but there is silver greys to deep blues and some available now ,even the maroons. If you get one that is double-scroll lawn type. In a guaranteed washable you will Different Meat Loaf It's good news when one can CROW TESTED Thii scientific instrument tells ui what's wrong when you bring your watch in, and it tells you it's right when you take it away Faster, more economical repairs, with printed proof of accuracy, BULGER'S HI stretch a pound of meat to sej-ve six persons. You can rin inst receive the applause of your wife ity. He invited the opposition of the solid south southern states which now are trying to defeat him. He has opposed tax reduction because he feels the United States is in a perilious stage of world hitory when preparedness must be the constant preoccupation of those charged with defence and offence if such be needed. ' Powerful Democratic interests have publicly urged him to get out of the picture. He has said IN TERRACE that with this "Different Meat Loaf." Bake it with a savnrv A Modern Department Sij pincn, chicken wire can be readily adapted as protection against four footed nuisances. One owner of a former war-time house utilized the small trees on the back of his lot to make the posts and rustic fittings for his very smart looking front fence. Nationally-known line: filling of ripe olives, cheese and spinach in between layers of hamburger. Ladies' Wear, Yard On Girls, too, are finding that togs which used to be considered strictly sportswear are very convenient for business and street wear. Examples of this are the bright colored, short sleeve sweaters some of the girls are wearing with skirts and under their suit coats in place of -a Men's Clothing, Shoes ..1..,. Kir.Krrve I1 snow Miuo a in m he was in to the finish and ii 14 Section with a Free DeM INCOME TAX Service. RETURNS PREPARED SEE! ,he sticks to that decision his party will nominate him at Philadelphia next July. blouse. it's nonskid AIMATEX Rugs won't skitter on Almatex, nor will spilled liquids, even alcohol, mar its gleaming beauty. No waxing or poliih needed! In proven use for over 8 years. ALMATEX IS EASY TO APPIY Dries to a hard glossy 6nish, a) easy to wash as a china plate. Use it indoors and out. 10 Are you one of those husbands who is frequently asked by your wife if you can do anything about repairing a prized brie a brae or piece of china. Liquid plastic THE SKEENA MERCANTILE R. E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. (Near CFPRj may ne the thing you need. Ac- cording to the manufacturer IN THE is waterproof, transparent and also suitable for mending porce Seabee Amphibian Flaw Non-Schedule Charter Servi The Popular S.S. FlY lain ana glass. Meat Loaf I pound ground lean beef 1 teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon grated onion i cup dry bread crumbs V2 cup milk Vz cup ripe olives 1 cup cooked spinach V2 cup dry cottage cheese teaspoon salt Va teaspoon pepper Dash cayenne pepper 2 tablespoons Parmesan cheese 1 egg Blend together beef, salt, onion and crumbs moistened in milk. Pack half the mixture-into bottom of greased loaf pan (7x3 x 3 inchest. Cut olives from pits into small pieces. Drain spinach thoroughly and chop. Blend olive's, spinach, cottage cheese, seasonings, Parmesan cheese and lightly beaten egg. Spread this mixture evenly over meat. Spread remaining meat over top. Bake Commercial - Hunting Fishing Sightseeing PRINCE RUPERT Sails For SKEENA AIR TRANSPORT LTD. Summer time is picnic time which means there is a demand for sandwich lunches. A Canadian manufacturer turns out a simple bread carver equipped with an adjustable slice gauge so that when Johnny or Janey cut into a loaf there Isn't any doubt about which is the slice and which is the loaf. Terrace: phones - Prince Rur a3aMLKT' MM 1 l if '. bright col-o r s, also black, white, aluminum and clear. Sold in Hardware, Department, Paint and Wallpaper stores. A 51 ml!. y.Tvl W. H. Martin, 23; E. T. Kenncy, Ltd. 35 lied Top Ca Modernize your stucco home with Bondex, the decorative paint that covert Water 'atalna and aeala out tlampneu. Eay to apply, juit, ririuh It on. Low cot. 51b.pkq.makaboirt on 9llon, 453W A rubber covered stainless steel Alt honcJt with iritk, Maionry, Coiw.1, lloca. Kttpi founifafieai dry. An xcIbsiV product et FOR THE BEST IN AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE . . Bee Your GENERAL MOTORS DEALER ...La vacuum bottle stoDDer is a in moderate oven (350 degrees P.) VANCOUVER AND INTERMfJDIATE PORTS EACH THURSDAY AT 11:15 PJW, For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT Ft Information call or write City or Depot Tket OfUm PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. handy gadget for this or any 1 hour. Serves 6 generously. G.M.C Truck" Chevrolet Bultk Pontine Oldsmobile Gtt Yw BONDEX Color Chart rpm..., PHILPOTT, EViTT Si CO. LTD. MACHINE WORK A SPECIALTY time of the year if someone In the household carries a lunch. Within limits the stopper is adjustable to various size bottle necks and has a small lever that is manipulated when tightening or loosing the stopper. The merchant smart his fate endues with advertisine In The Terrace Machine Shop & Garage News. TERRACE, B. C.