' PILE OF QUESTIONS LIFE "WORK print Huper! DafT? YMzi BASEBALL SCOkEs On April 18, 1949, the Cans- It b fillmatd that Wednesday. June 22, 1949 dian Government Travel Bureau of honey represents the I pouud IS life work .a nu , mu t ra Western International U'- received 3,937 enquiries. or about - 1,000 bees. earl. ear'y V a 1,600 y ll'E fie Bremerton p:'kai:e-2-8 3-5. Wenatchee 8-3, Tacoma 4-13 Victoria-Salem rain. Vancouver 4-9, Yakima 3-5 Pacific Const San Francisco 3-2, Seattle 0-9 Portland 7-7. Ik An;',flcs 1-2 Hollywood 4-'.', H.ieramento 2-G Oakland 7-2, San Diego fi-1 .. yw7 fyir Appliances that r - ft - V- . ' " BIG BjOJOB JOB m ' t f flWf ' G?jr Spokane 13, Brrr.ifrton 10 jjLS Tacoma 14. Wen;; tehee- 4 f Cfr Victoria 1, S.dem 0. Oakland 0, K.ui Diego 4 X&? C'VOSK-WX Try a Classified Ad lor Results. Ilra WH0LE WKEAT AND FRUIT r 4jV--" yS. Serve luscious peaches, t . . eat! v raspberries or any t v "SORE ARM" RACKLEY REJOINS DODGERS Sore arm and all, Outfielder Marvin Racitley, who is seen with Manager Burt Shotton (right) has come back to the Brooklyn Dodgers from Pittsburgh Rackley returned to Ebbets Field because of uproar created by Pittsburgh Pirates Owner Frank McKinney who charged the Dodgers with misrepresenting Rackley's physical condition at the time he was sold In exchange for Johnny Hopp and $25,000. When the charges reached Dodgers prexy Branch Rickey, the latter got In touch with McKinney and cancelled the whole deal. Rackley played seven innings against the Cubs, but didn't have a chance to demonstrate the condition of his arm. ru and S. A. Roberts provided music I LEGION ENDS ENTERTAINMENT for the community singing. Furses and wallets, the handiwork of Don Arney while in Shaughnessy Hospital, were raf- 2 C W vJ1 'r-!-'-w fresh fruit with crisp, . t ...,., , kJ1C'' golden NABISCO t X I 5:-Sf Shredded VC'heat! Rich j. . ., V I nour'sn'nS whole . - rVSTRl5 ilfATl wheat nutrition, i ttVT N?.n NABISCO Shredded V ' I SVSW .nCODCjrQki: Wheat helps keep V , , iSHE'r.i yourheahhuptopar. ' V iWi NtV.irV 'J Try this sunny cereal V - I1 O.fV' -l-SrS with fresh fruit, to- - v" JLmk'ifJ morrow! ' j' . s Canadian Legion held its final Hed. Mrs. George Penner and Bring -Your -Missus" night of lrs- Jvn ur u. - ill . 1 ners of the purses while Oeorg-. ;PLA' ,'$10,0 '5nee 1 jspae , Penner and Wilfred Goddard won the wallets. the season Friday evening, concluding a series of monthly entertainments which have lasted No woman whose home Is eijuippeJ with modern tlcctrical pnlUru:M The Drouram was -in charEO through the winter and spring. o NH, Cameron aml Vic Dun-The entertainment commilU-e ean the laUer at,Ullg M muslr. provided a pleasant surprise with of.eeremonles. It concluded with - You odd olt to t eup boil- "1 ' I af M jJL JkktPXS IkiaS I"a 0,"r. toariely V "wSj .- I I Jr $& X0 crumbl. in 2 NABISCO -t j , - V i 1 JflttjMit Shredded Wheat bltcuilt. o " t a new entertainer, Mrs. Nora wuM dream of trying to get lng without them. Convenience, spied, effkieruy, 4i.o.oruiHn and economy . , . these are some of the I S,-1 jjO' ng, o good-il ready in 1 '.'' Thompson, whose singing and playing were the feature of the CAI HE . ) Hea tJTTr9 net- ,o Pel qualities that women have come to expect and always get from their electric tervanu. -m i evening. Mrs. Thompson revealed herself as a talented entertainer with considerable background of wartime entertainir.g in eastern Canada. The program included sony.; by Mrs. Peggy Andrews and Jock Campbell, recitations by Reg Kings and W. D. Griffiths and c- An automatic iron, an electric tet-ketile, i toaster these are only a few of ikuent of indLspenuhla electric aides wjiting, and ready, to ser you. a in .At . i- v it - is- r.- . u v. . l . - light refreshments served by members of the Legion Women's Auxiliary. NEWSCHOOF IS FINISHED Contractors Mitchell & Currie have completed, at a cost of $20,000, a neat new schoolhouse and teacherage at Metlakatla village for the Department of Indian Affairs. It will be occupied on the reopening of school ' in the fall after the summer vacation. The school has capacity for forty pupils. Sub-contractors were Smith & Elkins, plumbing, and Grant &. Newton, electrical work. I Tenders rre about to be called . v.. . r 'isn s? a guitar and harmonica solo by Archie Brogan. Mrs. J. S. Bla'k 2T Re: . Tf Tlio ,. (HV trici WM bss o ssvied ' joult lotlce It t) Yom Jon -1 Jftcat rUt -alld vritin . PS Ire, h t i km J A ks0; for new Indian schools at Kin-' eolith, Hartley Bay, Greenvil!?' i and Fort Babine. COAST TOURIST RESORTS There-' now are 913 licensed tourist esorts in British Colum Business and Profession bia. ... - .- Soccer Schedule i G ncoi iBe; TINY ATOM An atom . M uranium has a diameter of one hundredth millionth o an inch. June 24 General Motors ys BYTOWN MAC WORKS Agents for SIMPU and Canadian Legion. ' Schedule for the NotMh Rtar GEORGE L. HORIE Public Accountant, Auditor Income Tax Returns Compiled Besner Block Phone 387 Trophy football series As as fol- lows: 1 CUMMINS DIESEL I June 27 H?avr ' Battery v ( General Motors,' July 4 Heayy Canadian Lotion Battery ys. ! Sales Service ar.i Boat owners and usr dustrlai Engines to our showroom to various engines and equipment prablems 1 KEN'S RADIO CLINIC For Satisfactory Service CALL 53 718 Second Avenue West July 8 C. Nadlan Lei'on vs. General Motoii July 11 f Motor." Y3. Heavy BatU July 15 Ci idian Legion vs. Heavy Batterj July 18 Oenual MOU.ts vs. Canadian Legion. July 22 Heavy Battery vs. General Motors. A. P. GARDNEI DELIVERED FREE 61 h()r -i- i i i I i i CHARTERED ACOX 1118 Melville S VANCOUVER A. HUNDEIDE WATKIN'S DKALEK 517 Seventh Avenue. West Phone BLACK 890 Box 290 Health grants to provinces are helping to build a stronger nation. In the first 5 years more than $165,000,000 will be spent by the Federal Government. In the year 1943-49 the sum of $31,270,000 was used. Many projects are already under way: Cancer. T.B.. Venereal Disease and Arthritis Control. Mental Health Hospital Construction; ten province-wide health sur-veys; 13.000 additional hospital beds; training for health specialists; increased health services and research. NW. Phone 554 Tu MATTSON UPHOLSTER Ill 818 Pc n PIANO TECHNICIAN Tuning, Voicing and Repairs MIKE COLUSSI Phone BLACK 758 912 10th East tnempIoyiTieii orance 330 Second A'1'1 Prince Rupert. SSc per doit paid (or tmptiif lbU1 by toy B.C. Brtwtry Tkil dertin4 b not publiiiitd w diipl.yed by the Liajoot Control Board by tdt Government of Sritiih Cohimbie, TTANDYMA I C i Commodore Cafe J "Bettor Th-n Ever" HOME SERV GENERAL CONTWl Dry Kindling Wood 50c Sack Delleved Strap Wood Random lengths $10 per load PHONE B & W TRANSFER Oreen 188 and RePjlr; Building 1 J Best Food and Service in City J kinds Canadian unemployment insurance benefits are now $18.30 per week for married persons. Since the inception of unemployment insurance our people have been protected against temporary or seasonal loss of employment to the sum of $22,964,714. This sum has been paid out in the Province of British Columbia. Protect your stake in Opportunity - Prosperity - Security i IjKttK & . nnvz CHI uuiib ii ior sena-oui uracrs DTI. BU'NI J Third Ave. David Chow, Mgr.S CK BRIDDEN PHONES 7 Red 834 NOW AVAILABLE CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS MARGARET McLEOD OPTOMETRIST Room 10 STONE BUIDING DR. P. J. W DENTIST CONSTRUCTION $ ALTERATIONS LlllElRL SUITE 5, SMTIfl PHONE BLUE 593' P.O. BOX 1184 Phone EN'S PUBLISHED BY B. C. LIBERAL ASSOCIATION REPAIRS O FLOOR SANDINO A SPECIALTY i ITT. BEAUTY I Permanent Beauty Culture ! iu wand LOOS FOR THE NEW RED AND WHITE GOLD SEAL LABEL FOR YOUR ROCK Si CONCRETE WORK CALL BLUE 939 M. J. SAUNDERS New, Modern Equipment All Work Guaranteed I In Sheena Support Ted AppleWlttite Your Liberal Candidate RED SSI P.O. BOX 721 204 4th 'Street,