1 - I DROVE FROM NEW YORK TO RUPERT won. Prifnrc ttupm Daflp. rectos Wedneaay, September 15, 1948 coming In here on the muddy Skeena River Highway with 1U loose gravel which shook his car up considerably. ; 30 Eric Wild's Orch. 05 Weather Forecast and Sign Off THURSDAY-AM : 30 -Musical Clock : 00 CBC News 15 Morning Song : 30 Music for Moderns : 45 Little Concert GO-BBC News : 15 Morning Devotions 30 Transcribed Melodies 45 Modern Musicians :59 Time Signal H.ljJ: U:30 Raflio Dia 1240 Kilocycle CFPR 11:45- Might Have Won Medal If They Had Nt Taken Train From Jasper to SrYinfe George Had he not had his car carried by rail from Jasper to Prince George, William J. Massey f Dci-troit, retired construction man for General lotofs, might have been able to qualify for the Man-son Medal being offered by tho Prince Rupert Public Relations Council to the first motorist to drive this year from New York; to Prince Rupert. Mr. and -Mrs.j Massey are in the city with thefr: Piibllshed every afternoon except Sunday by Prince Rupert Dally Newi Ltd., 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, British Columbia. U A. HUNTER, Managing Editor. H. Q. PERRY. Managing Director. An Indept-ii.if-ut dally newspaper aevoted to the upbuilding of Prince Rupert mil all communities comprising northern and central British Columbia (Authorised as Second Clasa Mall, Post Olflce Department. Ottawa) MEMBER OP CANADIAN PRESS AUDIT BUREAU OP CIRCULATIONS CANADIAN DAILY NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION SUBSCRIPTION RATES s?"W City Carrier, rjer wee. 15c: Per Month. 65c: Per Year, 17.00; EftKA!3ni By Mall. Per Month. 40c; Per Year. 14 00. irt- NIGHT OF OPERA PRINCE RUPERT PEOPLE, from all accounts, are due for something really exceptional in the way of entertainment tonight when the Basil FIGHT FOR HAINES ikJftor, Dally News: 1 have received a copy of an article by Richard Newberger and your editorial that appear-ed on t he tame day, September 3. 1948, regarding the Haines Highway. You will note that we :00-J IO-1E 1 4 o Attention... Buick Roadmaster car after a j Retail yotir port, bur longshoremen are not on strike so get freight in here. We will handle it regardless of misinformation, this port cah handle freight Taster than any port in Alaska. I'm sure that you realize thai the Haines Highway is not teeing tgnored as much as 4t ts being Wocfcefl by interests who find It advantageous to i-on everything through Skagway at terrific rates. You must, therefore, realize the fight you must put up to keep the Haines Highway maintained. j Here Is your ohance, a little ! pressure from ship tfnes; cWes of help from needy merchants without the fear f boycotting, practices, nd a little tfftie to do It because of the lack of competition due to the maritime strike. As for the Importance tf the Halmps Highway o Canada, sk Whitehorse mereh-i ants and thets In the Yukon. ; THE PORT CHlLKOOT COMPANY Carl W. frelnrnfller, PresWent-taanagef. 8ubjeet to change) WEDNESDAY P.M. 4:00-Ecmuna ftockriirgt 4:1s Stock Quotation and Int. 4:30 Music by Goooman 4:45--Maggie Muggins 5:00 Music in a Mellow Mood 5:30 Musical Cocktails 5:45 Henri Rene :00 Song Festival 6:30 Musical Varieties 6:40 Rec. Int. 6:45 Plantation House Party 7:00 CBC News 7:15 Arthur L. Phelps (Kingston 7:30 Recital, MU. 3:00 Saskatchewan 8:30 The Canadian Personality :00 Radio 1948 W. -00 CBC- News I0:10B.C. News 10:15 Our Changing Morals PAYMENTS OF TUB 3SUF BE REMITTED BY 20TI1 Of jj trON'T SPINT ..,.... do not all 4t the Hames Cutoff as it lias grown to Toe a highway as per the opinion of many officials of our government and yours. Just recently 1 was appalled to read a-n Article concerning the so-called bottre-fceck here due to poor doc faofHties. Remarks were made that everything had to be lightered Into the town of Haines. In a sense of the word this i true as the town of Haifies Is ahout one-quarter mfle from tort Chfl-koot. Port ChCkoo't owns the wharf which can and does handle ships -of every size that ply in the inside waters. Canadian Pacific, Canadian National, B.C. Steamships Ltd., Alaskai Transportation Company and Northland Transportation Com-' " "isble Tl)( it r..i 1 1 I A X E FORMS AND E( PHONE UKI) 593 transcontinental trip with mary side drives. They have been here for the past few days and will make the found trip to Ketchikan on the Prince George tonight and proceed to Vancouver on that vessel, taking their car With them. Mr. and Mrs. Massey start-'! oot from Detroit and visited Cambridge, Massachusetts, then drtvtMg down the New England Coast to New York Whence they, headed west. They crossed th v border at Ttoosport, south of, Cranbrook, and. Tter going through the Windermere comv' try, visited Banff nd aspe-.: On their way here from Prince George they went np to Btnart Lake and enjoyed fishing and moose hunting. From Vancouver they win go to Vancouver Island ahd spend a Tew weeks at Comox. Then they will go to G. FURI Horsfall Singers present their ''Night in Vienna" at the Civic Centre. Mr. Horsfall, in his presentations which have received great acclaim everywhere they have been offered, is said to combine glamor and romance in high degree in the excerpts he selects from the world's greatest operas and operettas to say notrr- of two complete acts from "Martha and "Faust" in costume and with all words sung in English. All of which sounds like an irresistible combination of the high' class hi highly popular fashion. Even the hepcats should go for this one. One reviewer has said 'the hours fly on the wings of song" in "a veritable carnival of song and duet." Without appearing to be unduly enthusiastic in advance, we can well imagine such to be so. In fact, all indications point to something on a variety entertainment on a plane we have possibly-never had in Prince Rupert before. Who is not to be tempted by cullation from the' library of immortal melodies and songs "Martha," "Faust," "Carmen," "Merrie England," "Flora-dora," "Merry Widow;' "Chocolate Soldier," "Show i Boat,' "Bitter Sweet?" This sounds like something we can recommend not at all because it is a show to benefit the Civic ': Centre but because it is an entertainment that we are privileged and fortunate to have offered to us. No doubt, Prince Rupert will show its interest and appreciation. . ABOUT OU I MONTHLY SALES TAxl Al KJ.ASONABI.E RATES pany all stop here on regular. schedules. I believe that freight gJV CHILDREN going to your local merchants .nam Heiayi Tm must be hauled to the Stores AKt BAP 1 IhKD See'S. G. FURKF an -equal distance of more, as STEWART St. Mal-k' Anpli- from our wharf to Haines. ; can Church was he f o 1 I am sure that the strike of. mass christening on Sunday the West Coast longshoremen when Rev. C. Lomas of thel California for a visit before heading home. PAYROLL KMtVK'K PfCOME ! AfCOLNHVG PROBUms Is konwn to you. I'm also sure mission boat Northern Cross Mr. Massey is not complaining tticularly about the roads although he admits that he did Out-of-Town Retailers Ail; that yon realize Alaska will .baptized six children, four of need supplies, foodstuff nd Whom were born in Stewart, material. Our local merchants They were William, age 4, David, are going to order through Can-ge 2, and Snsan, age 3 eda and pay the duty. Do you months, children of .Mr. and have wholesalers who can sup-1 Mrs. Coffey; Lynetl Janet Sales Tax Service by K have a hard thne west of Terrace Bui No. 2 Stoite HaiMiitK Thr4 Avenue Prin ii ply this area or the interior of Louise, daughter of M"r. and Alaska? Are you interested In I Mrs. C. C Tren; (Donald AMah SUITS to work n I fotends the misfortune of a territory . Norton 1!4 year old son of Mr without supplies In a manner and Mrs. D. E. Norton, and uiai win give your port a , Heather Arleen, ly2 year "old HAVE YOUR 4IOT WAT4R OR STEAM HEATING UNIT INSPECTED NOW! We'll send a man to your house now to make a complete check-up on yaur furnace. He'll make repairs where necessary and then, coitks the first day of cold weather, you'll be nil set no trouble, no worry, Just light the fir?. Saanich Plumbing AND chance to come into its own? , daughter df "Mr. aftd rs. Hec- Career Girls - ..W Mr. Neubergef's article "Seat tie's Bad Dream'' can find some (SlOPjiHEmmi mm nbi.i....M , . .... M I " ?,"'N MKIO jrf II iootitnn..J i HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS T(l fact to ft wfth a concerted ef tor Stewart. The hurdh was crowded to capacity. SALT CVRRBNCt Salt Is used today for money in most of Ethiopia where chunk the size of an egg buys a chicken. fort from your side to keep the Kames" Highway maintained. Keep that roa open and you Will find merchants In the Interior shipping freight through Ch(x- your wardrobe with care. Be Smart Be PracticalSee Sweet Sixteen' select ion of NICKEL STILL BUYS REFRESHING PAUSE 1 4 if! 4 i 3 "f 3 3 ft Li- . i 5 .4 1 t ' I:: ! ; x lit 1 Li:-' fl if .3 i f J , i-ir : I , Heating V I ... McBriile and Fourth Blue 845 BLAZERS 'sweaters 4 SKIRTS and BLOUSES You'll want to see our new shipment of lovely TAFFETA DRESSESswish for dancing. n Movlnf, Packlnf Cratinc, Shipping and Gnerai Cartage and Storag Tor Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service, call Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Cor 2nd and Park Avenues Established 1910 Thonet 60 and 61 0 And to protect you In fall and winter weather . . . GABARDINE COATS Wines, greys, trreens. We haw larp tar: PRESSES. i i! Use Our Personalized BUDGET No Interest-No Carrying Cha? ' Xtr"-' it'k I & '"" I ' " mean the same thing. l"'4 "! The book lend you ' Authorized Bottlers of Coca-Cola, ''' under Contract with Coca-Cola Ltd. ' NORTH STAR BOTTLING WORKS Prince Rupert PhoBe 1JJ To yoit, It tells the most in! iterating Two sailings per week foi VANCOUVER VICTORIA SEATTLE Tuesday, 1:30 p.m., Camosun Friday, 5 p.m., Catala STEWART and ALICE ARM Sundays, 10 p.m. for qceen charlotte Islands s.s. Coquitlam, Aug. 10, 21 11 p.m. FRANK J. SKINNER ?rlnRe RuDert Agent .r. Third Ave. Phone 568 r ii ii TT VEtf Bl n- ' ""strongly alnmlnif-' ' f W-flt yj ""monteW -our '' f f measure U 1 jTinstalther Kaien Co-op JUST ARRIVED ... A SMALL SHIPMENT OF GOLD SEAL RUGS AND FLOOR MATS. CHECK OUR. STOCK OF MOIRE AND JASPE INLAID LINOLEUM, BY THE YARD. See the New Patterns In Table Oilcloth. ' PHONE WRITE . . DROP IN Jhone 179 Box 1127 , J51 3rd West s story iti the wt)H1-esfex-ially it ' yo are tlie Raving kind. You cart translate it int many frarpofMi holidays to come fthreatron for ytntr (Aiilctrra) things for the house; nddeil necurity . But j-oh never lt even your intimate friend ee the contents. Tlie information in your passbook is strictly luetween yow and ymiT hank. Ycnir hank keeps it that wy. KEEP THE1) Ormes Drugs YOU " i Don't discard lt s ..-niture! to new We "d cost- PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS STORE HOURS WEEK-DAYS, 0 A.M. TO 9 P.M. SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS -12 NOON "C- 2 P.M, 7 V3A. TO 9 PJil. - Dall, car deUvery service "wncj W7cle deliver! WEATHERPROOF YOUR ROOF FOR WINTER First protection agamst winte-r'8 cold blasts is to see that your roof Is in tip-top condition. For expert repair or for a whole roofing Job call 363. For estimates and materials consult . . . Mitchell & Currie Limited Builders and Contractors We'll reupholster tneni, " re Besides Upholstering and Wooflw Drapes to order and recover w r. uum i p.m. mi y p.m. from 9 a.m. till 6 pjo. nastahlde seat coveio and Sunday VIM Next to Cf PR L O PHONE 81 5PONSORFO BY TOXIX BANK" (Now operated by Mr. arm