I l . 3. Prince tluptrt Dailp J3cto0 Wednesday, September 15, 1948 Local News Items... - c HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert M. M. Hunt, Premier; J. C. Pearcey, Vancouver; F. C. Parsons, Kamloops; J. Bunn, Vancouver; F. W. Pahley,' Sunny-side Cannery; Mr. and Mrs. G. Johnson and family, Kincollth; NEW COMMANDER IS TAKING OVER Senior Major and Mrs. C. W. Warrander Attend First Services at Citadel Senior Major C. Neil Warrander has now settled into his new William Brass With Fraser Dyke Board William Brass, for many years draughtsman in the divisional engineer's office of the Cana See "Miss PNE" in ballet at Job's Daughters' Fashion Show Friday night. (217) Jack McLeod of the Daily ATTENTION! W.O.T.M. regular meeting, Wednesday, Sept. 15. (It) "The Communist Menace In Canada" will be the subject of Mr. and Mr3. J. Kempster, Pre mier; Mrs. F. White, Miss Joan White, Massett; O. White, Mas- News staff returned t5 the city on the Prince George today, from a two weeks' vacation trip to Vancouver. Soccer Tonight, Battery vs. Canadian Legion (Mobley Cup), Roosevelt Park, 6:30 p.m. (It) Annual picnic of the Prince sett; P. Wanober, Vancouver; D. H. Gibson, Toronto; Mrs. M. Knudsen, Alice Arm; Miss J. Mc duties as divisional commander of the Salvation Army in Prince Rupert and on Sunday he id Mrs. Warrander took an active part in the services at the local Citadel, being present there, for the first Sunday since their' arrival in Prince Rupert. Senior Major Warrander has dian National Railways here, recently became identified with the Fraser Valley Dyking Board as engineer draughtsman and has been active of late in connection with planning restoration and protective ' measures following this year's disastrous floods. Mr. and Mrs. Brass now make their home in Vancouver. J. T. Harvey, local barrister, who will speak before the Prince Rupert Rotary Club at the regular weekly luncheon meeting tomorrow. . D. C. 'Stewart, city engineer, 'left today by air for Vancouver enroute to Victoria where he will attend the annual convention of municipal and pub r SHIFFER-HILLMAN Made-to-Measure " SUITS and Topcoats lN nd FINISH LUMBER, PLYWOOD, SlBOABD, SHINGLES etc. Rupert Gyro Club, which had been planned for last Sunday, L are now fairly complete was postponed until the com lic works division of the B.C. been a Salvation ' Army officer for 26 years, serving most of this time in Eastern Canada. For a number of years as offi Donald, J. W. Watson, Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. Barber, Vancouver; Mrs. C. Anderson, Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Jensen, Los Angeles, California; D. W. Horwill, Dorreen, B.C.: Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Hammer, Terrace; Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Van Stolk, Terrace; F. W. Penfold, Edmonton; Lt.-Cdr. Rawlings. Sydney, Nova Scotia. ing Sunday. An outing on Tug- & McCAFFERY LTD. Engineering Society commencing tomorrow. cer in many of the larger corps, he volunteered for military ser vice and was sent to Ottawa, MOOSE LADIES' INSURE SKELETONS SYDNEY, Australia U) A Chihese society here set insurance people a poser recently when it asked for insurance on 92 skeletons it was sending to China for reburial in their native land. But the insurance company placed a value of $64 proceeding overseas in June, Witt COMMITTEE MEET fcj eomma FREE OFFER for Deafened Persons For people who are troubled by 1940, to serve as chaplain with the Royal Canadian Army Ser well Island is planned. Lewis's, fresh-killed boiling chicken. Phone Black 949. (220) Jack Pearceyv who has been general superintendent of the Silbak-Premier mine, and M. Hunt, engineer, arrived in the city yesterday on the Camosun and will travel from Prince Rupert to Vancouver by car. Lt. Cdr. J. D. McRae, com- Ladies of the Moose member Paul Postulo, city taximan, vice Corps in England and with ship committee met In month was fined $15 fcnd costs yester k;;on Show on each skeleton, representing ly session Monday night at the the 11th Ontario Armored Regiment in Italy and Northwest cost of disinterment and trans September day in police court when he pleaded guilty to a charge of exceeding the speed limit of 25 i-urope. Since returning from portation, and set a rate r?ntre. miles per hour. overseas he has served as young people's secretary for the Bri hard-of-hearing, this may be the means for starting a new, full life with all the enjoyment of sermons, music, friendly companionship. It Is a fascinating brochure called "Full-tone Hearing" and Is now available without charge. Deafened persons ac tabs W.A. 8, Conrad tish Columbia south division' manding officer of H.M.C.S. home of Mrs. T. Christoff, 344 Fourth Avenue East. After a brief business meeting the hostess served refreshments. Members present were Mrs. Thomas Glenn, senior regent, Mrs. T. Christoff, Mrs.' Frank Parlette, Mrs. T. Morrison, Mrs. J. McLeod, Mrs. O. Giske, Mrs. nt. Chatham, spoke before Prince SKI HIGH IN QUALITY VALUE STYLE Fine English Worsteds. Imported Tweeds. Imported Gabardines. I-1 1 1 T-V .YOU WOMEN WHO SUFFER Rupert Gyro Club today in sup port of the forthcoming naval until appointed as divisional commander succeeding Brigadier ' Gillingham. Mrs. Warrander, prior to marriage, was a nurse in Ottawa and also served overseas with recruiting campaign. President fc-m Meet- j.O.D.E. Tea ir.ber 23. ;ay night. i J. H. Jefferles, Mrs. Robert Arm KlraAln0then rann hdiulv- claim it as a practical guide with advice and encouragement of great value. If you would like a free copy, send your name and address on a penny postcard and- ask for "Full-tone Hear O. G. Stuart was back in the chair after an absence of a month on his honeymoon trip. A strong, Mrs. B. Bellamy and the Auxiliary Service and was a (2331 Mrs. William Wasyk. good attendance of members was augmented by a few guests. i September Guide and Brownie Commissioner prior to coming to Prince Rupert. ing." Write BELTONE, Dept 1 uxedo and uress . 833 Borden Octogenarians Have State Celebration 118. 1450 W. 19th St.. Chicago, I III Also show this imnnrt.ant Cloths. Wober 6 and jrlend who newa a may be Here's Good News! A you between the ages of 38 and 52 and going through that trying functional 'middle-age' period peculiar to women? Does this make you suffer from hot flashes, feel clammy, ao nervout, irritable, weak"? Then Do try Lydia B. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound to relieve such HOW CAN I ? ? ? By ANNE ASHLEY J Q. How can I make a good UJU) 'harrf-nf-hpartna OUTLANDISH SPEED The first motorist to be fined for speeding paid $10 for driv- October 7, 1 ILFORD, Essex, Eng. 0 Celebrating their diamond wedding anniversary, 82-year-old William Coleman and his 80-year-old is, 715 7th sausage sandwich? TRY A CLASSIFIED AD! ing 10 miles an hour. A. Use a filling of 'A-cun aymptoms! It a famous for this! I Tea and ! anv wise 'middle-aee' women mar wife went on the stage of an Ilford theatre and sang: "Well Always be Sweethearts." Cole sausage, chopped fine, Vi-cup chopped olives, Vi-cup mayon take Pinkham't Compound regularly to help build up resistance fci, October, It helps nature (you know what we mean!). This great medicine also has what Doctors call a stomachic tonic efTect. MOTK-. Or yon mi prrfrr LYDI4 E. PINKH AM'S TABI.fcTS with rfrird iron The new fall fabrics are distinctive in weave, color and finish, surpassing any sea-, son's showing since 1940. i against this distress. 0 Pinkhams Compound contains Only naise, and . crisp lettuce leaves. Mix the Ingredients, spread in man, a iormer lanor, wore a . uu uluhict no rutDii-iorming a ruga. ML kT&S' Lydia E. Pinkham's VEGETABLE COMPOUND 'fa, annual Jutiksglvlng j .jpctober 11.; 4 14-15. Eve-1 buttered slices of white or rye bread, placing a leaf of lettuce between the bread and the mix 1 Cup of Meat black pin-striped suit he made 25 years ago and kept specially for the occasion. Greetings were received from the King and Queen. IN THIS ture. r I JE Bazaar, r--i iir i Q. How can I. avoid shiny seams after ironing? ! Delicious Chicken Puff A. When the seams of a gar idSonlaFaU ment are shiny after ironing,1 BRITISH WOOL ' COSEY- PURE BOTANY 3-PLY WHITE LILAC 4-PLY I H cup. Bour cup chicken, cut f 2 teupoona acraped touch them lightly with a piece' of cheesecloth wrung out of tepid water. H cup (rated raw 2 taupoon Magic Bakln Powder H teaspoon wit 1 cup milk 2 tableapoona melted Q. What can be done to1 il P'X sutler or chicken fat 1 X cupa chicken grary hands that are sensitive and roughen easily? Sift together Hour, baking powder and aal AVAILABLE ONLY AT A. Rub them every night with olive oil. After a week or two ... - amJ mK. Add chicken, onlnn, grated carrot and melted fat and ml ,l r-M " BW" egg whl. Bake In greaaed baking dln In hot men at 4IS'F. for about 25 mluutea. Sarra with but chiUuu ftravj. aerrlnga. the hands will be soft and white. ) 1 v.- f 1! n, , I I J'4 I 1 . M tiV I f 1 H x ,, Si ! ' I t 1 1 ! i' I . . ! i I 1 f 'ii.! - V ' TRY A CLAS&rIED AD! Advertise it. the Daily News! I I"Vnber J.' Mr, Joseph jr Ourch, Si Bazaar, luzaar. Nor. j mc League .m., Sons of :.0.D.Sa;e iazaar, De- lfa-'aar, Dec-i I I t i " of Norway 9 Ltzaar, De- I Sir Phone Red 400 518 3rd Ave. W. SUPPORT CHILDREN'S Fine Quality PULLOVER SWEATERS Sizes 8 to 14 from $2.95 to $4.75 Sizes 2 to 6 from $2.50 to $2.95 (STpx f ELECTRICALLY ) 1 AND ENJOY THE the RED SHIELD W ) School Supplies Complete Requirements FOR , PUBLIC AND HIGH SCHOOLS Textbooks Scribblers Pens and Pencils Crayons rulers Protractors Set Squares TERMS STRICTLY CASH APPEAL FRENCH 4lts px, Eng. (?' ' views in-f with the fi policy," fawklnsshas T've parlla-& t!e for the She for necessary funds Thi$ $pac donated by RUPERT TOBACCO STORE DRASSIERS Sizes 30 to 42 Moore's 206 6th Street NOTICE! We are taking orders for TUXEDOS again. Made-to-Measure or tailored iniour shop. LING TAILOR FOR YOUR 'CHICKEN IN THE ROUGH CALL RED 705 CIVIC CENTRE DINING ROOM :nzie Pre to Buy KR MOP Nhes, drys ft need of k in water bending. Third Ave. WRATIIALL'S PHOTO FINISHING ' Developing, Printing Enlareine QUICK SERVICE Amateur and Professional Supplies Stop Leaky Faucets ! Hollywood Cafe Newest and Most Up-To-Date Cafe in Prince Rupert Open from 5:30 p.m. to 3:30 a.m. PU ifY wash day! Save "ur hamls ,et an e,ectric washer do KWalwT the har(j work by gente motion which forces aeaniy; suds through soiled clothing and linens! . Pur nepiu NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home 50 Rooms, Hot and Cold Water PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Phone 2S1 P.O. Box 1M Why endure the annoyance of dripping faucets? Let us fix them today. Dependable service. PHONE 108 PRINCE RUPERT PLUMBING AND HEATING Bud Schuman . (Old Post Office Building) ENJOY Printing 'n hlgh- a cleaner wash! Yes, electric washing is more thorough' because suds are not swished through parts of the garments a few times, but through all parts many times! FOR outside orders Phone 133 CHOW MIEN We specialize in Chinese Dishes CHOP SUEY cfds for Won pM . a. qujcker job! An electric washer does the work, allow-EnjVJT .ng you time fof ()ther nwtters, and in far less time than it takes to scrub by hand, your laundry is thoroughly washed, rinsed and out on the line! SAVOY GREER & BRIDDEN BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS Repair Construction Alterationi Floor Sanding a Specialty JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 P.C. Bos 144 FRASER STREET Prince Rupert Phone RED 561 P.O. Box 721