fc?rinrc Rupert Dailp r2ctos Wednesday, September 15, 1948 STEWART NEWS Queen Charlotte Islands yesterday morning, off Tasoo Inlet and Marble Island. , Average catch up to noon yesterday was 37 tuna per boat. "H'et the k. w ,Piled. PV ment nn sure that Wod fibre l SAYS GRAVEL IS UP TO STANDARD R. H. Hankey, superintendent of Highway Construction Company operations- here 4s confident that, when his company has completed delivery of gravel Latest from Portland 'CanalMining Centre SHIPS AND WATERFRONT to tne city, the material will Mrs. L. A. Behnsen left on the Camosun Monday for Vancouver and Duncan, Vancouver Island. . 1011 !,,. STEWART DEATH . IS ACCIDENTAL AGED SHORE DWELLER DIES Charles A. Newman, 67 year old resident of the district for 30 years, died in the Prince Rupert General Hospital early this morning. He was brought from his cabin on the other side of the harbor yesterday afternoon by the P.M.L. 15 and taken to the hospital in the city ambulance where he expired. For several years he had worked at the dry dock until he retired. Rn Sluorf 9Rvoar "IIS. r. i. ivvio " H' art- Milo Moore .director of the State of Washington fisheries department, left Seattle with his party Sunday. They are travelling by truck and are expected to reach Lakelse today where they will arrange transportation of 600,000 Pink salmon eggs to Washington State hatcheries where they will be used as objects of research. uu saw H in the Uaaly News! .vj , J""' . . , or..rt tn nn. lrf Wlnrnlith native "ramo u 1UI "Kw . mariners advises that Wiah Point Light, Queen Charlotte Islands, is reported not burning but will be attended to as soon as possible, i ; 1 Mariners are being advised by the -Department of Transport that Klewnuggit Light in Gren-viile Channel may be out of commission for a short period on -or about September 17-19 while repairs are being made to the structure. Another notice to , i nrrrnfTrrrvTHTTi t Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Kasper of Prince Rupert have been visiting with friends here during the past week. At least 20 tuna boats were fishing off the west coast of 1 AIR PASSENGERS To Vancouver D. C. Stewart, Dr. Robertson, D. W. Hornwlll, Ing," according to the verdict reached by a coroner's jury which investigated the waterfront fatality. The young man was drowned in the vicinity of the Standard Oil dock Saturday night, September 11, between the hours of 11 p.m. and 12 p.m. In presenting the verdict, the jury strongly recommended that this float and other floats on the waterfront be kept in at safe condition at all times. Herbert Clayton, 14-year old Indian boy, who was on the wharf and heard the splash as Stewart struck the water, was commended by Coroner M. M. Stephens for his actions in attempting to save the drowning man. Young Clayton had to run back the length of the Bri " E. Lidsin, Mrs. S. Michael, R. Caesar. To Sandspit W. Eckert, C. Duval. From Vancouver E. V. Whiting, D. F. Aikenhead, J. Bum). Mrs. C. Lipsin, N. Nedelec. From Sandspit-W. Walsh, J. O'Brien, R. Greeve. The Women's Auxiliary of the Stewart Branch of the Canadian Legion held a very successful tea and sale of home cooking at the Legion club rooms on Saturday, netting $61.80. E. V. Whiting, superintendent of the local Unemployment Insurance Commission office, returned to the city on yesterday afternoon's plane from a trip to Vancouver on official business. JIBS ) r fornix XX.', X r - 8 P.M. FRIDAY NIGHT SEPTEMBER 17 CIVIC CENTRE Jobs Daughters' FASHION SHOW Styles By Peoples Store Shoes By Brownwoods LADIES' BOWLS (Continued liom Page 5) tish-American Oil Co.'s dock 1 and across a rocky stretch oft beach to get to the Standard Oil Co.'s wharf and go down onto . MMirTTiro the float. to the evi- According M Montgornery n5 103 168 dence he lost no time in get- b. Windle 138 226 191 ting to the scene of the accident A. McMeekin 223 119 285 J and shouted to his uncle, Capt. E- Smith 277 137 200 r. JmUukcub ... 3U i & lao Totals 1043 757 1037 fit ' """ '"TN: 0I1TI1 MANSON'S B. Cowgill 157 260 19t D. Rudderham .... 161 173 187 A PARAMOUNT PICTVKl SWUM f '.' FOR . D. Didorak 114 171 113 B. Rudderham .... 101 141 116 A. Mintenko 119 110 98 NEW LUXURY STEAMER PRINCE GEORGE SAILS FOR VANCOUVER AND INTERMEDIATE PORTS EACH 'THURSDAY at 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT For ReservaUons.Write ' or Call ;' CITY OR DEPOT OFFICE PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. RAY MILLAFID CHARLES UUO Percy Alexander of the seine-boat Kamchatka, as he ran. Evidence presented during the inquest Indicated ihat a combination of oil and heavy-dew had made footing on the oil float very difficult. Principal witnesses at the inquest were Herbert Clayton, Capt. Percy Alexander, Herbert Dooland, Constable Redhead, Constable White and Henry MacKay, who identified the body of Stewart. Totals 652 855 705 The standings to date W L Pts. Savoy Swingers .... 3 . 0 Variety 3 0 Annette's 2 1 10TH AVt!M t ANGU" -Ml J Gordon ii Anderson 2 1 DeJong's 2 1 Manson's 1 2 Taft & Odowes 1 , 2 Scuby's 1 2 Orange Ladies , 0 3 Westview 0 3 I Alexande rand Doolan are brothers-in-law of deceased. Eye- : glasses were still on deceased 12 hours after the body was recovered. , The jury consisted of Douglas Wood, foreman, William" H. Nesbitt, Leonard F. Brewerton, Connor Thermo Advertise in tru. Daily News! Has made thousands ( lf How to give women say: "I saw Ibt 1 othrrn . . . thrn I bousht John Hewsick, Ralph Heaton and Victor Preston. Stewart was 25 years of age and had a widow and three children at Hidden Inlet, a salmon cannery on th eAlsaka side of Hidden Inlet. TIRED EYES a CONNOR." Prince Rupert Florists 300 3rd Ave. Box 51C Tel. 777 Flowers For All Occasions COTTAGE CREESE , New Creamed Fresh Made ' VALENTIN DAIRY Tour DrIIj ALL-WEATHER BERV1CB a quick rest BEE Tl&H MAKE THIS SIMPLE TEST TODAY Rupert Radiol I J 'I I! "5 I 3 1 1 i i I'9 i i -4 (i (2IKTBCLiniJ tYEJ TIRED? Soothe and refresh them In seconds with two drops o! Bale, geatla Murine in each eye. You get WOOD'S and DS IRON FIREMAN Industrial Sanitations QUICK RELIEF. Instantly your eyes feel refreshed. Murine's skillul blend ol 7 ingredients cleanses and soothes eyes that are tired lrom overwork or exposure to sun, wind and dust. STOKERS OIT 30 MOII MEAT AM) MURINE FOR YOUR EYES SMITH & ELKINS Phone 174 Box 274 JANITORS' SUPPLE Paper Towels Paper Cup-I Sisal Compound Disinfectant - Ozitox Liquid and Spirit etc. PRINCE RUPERT SUPPLY mi Pniw 712 Second Avenue I'hotif K32 DON'T WAIT--WINTER OKDKIt YOUR iNKW FAtt'CEll We have the men and the time to P! 1 - Installation now. Past experiencf that the first cold snap of winter brmf orders. Be art for winter havr s KawcHt lurnan ' you Instant and nmslunt r,m ' THOM SHEET METAl 253 EAST FIRST AVENl'K - Roofing Rep Fibre! :J( Ready Roofing Tarred Sheathing Fibreoii BRITISH COLUMBIA ' Hospital Insurance Service Announces ... A LOCAL OFFICE IS NOW OPEN AT BESNER BLOCK Prince Rupert, B.C. Every citizen of the Province is required to register under the B.C. Hospital Insurance Act. Residents who have not received forms through the mail and who are not covered as dependents should apply to the local office for a registration form. Payment cf premiums by instalments starts on the first of October and payments should be made to the local office through the mail or in person. Residents in the Prince Rupert area are advised to register immediately as the closing date for registration m this area is September 30th, 1948 Be sure to register early, returning the completed form to the local office. GOVERNMENT OF THE PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA 370-B Stops Leaks The ever-prwent opportunities for ldvancement, coupled with the generous pension plans, make the Army 1 a 1 prize career. The Canadian Army Reserve Force offers much to meo with time to spare: training in the most modern weapon and equipment; organized sports and recreation; dancef. and parties... all-round good fellowship. You will receive Active Force rates of pay for time spent in local drills and at summer camps. For further particulars about either the Active Force or the Reserve Force enquire at local your armoury or contact the nearest. depot listed below: . Sept 20-26 .. i rr th TiiAiiKf All II 1 nnllil Up I wv r w m It s "Open House" for the Army unit in your neighbourhood from September 20 to 26. There will be special field and tactical demnnstrarintsc nn . .kif Dm RUPERT MARINt -j wu j n i l ttiMiui every phase of Army activity. See for yourself the No. 11 Personnel Depot, 4th Avenuf 8c Highbury Street, Jericho, VANCOUVER, B.C. 44 BC ' (J. CLAt'SCN & We Take Listings of . . . , rr ... "'pu'cni oi tne new Canadian Army, the special military displays. Watch for the local programme as announced in your daily newspaper or r 1 ever vour local radin statinn . . - r A I L I ll v . BROKERS IN BOATS. MARINE AM The Canadian Army Active Force offers a career to younc J,, Canadlao soldier has his cho,'ce of many trades . Wiib l full wiucauqnal andjfiuning pro-rammes. ...mvf. rea RUPLK1 'V'TrnAB FOR QriCK SAI.ES Ot(J r(r0t(, (Just East of Llpsctts,wai Box 54S