735 623 00 Prfncc tlifpcrt DaHp Jctos ' Wednesday, September 15, 1048 Totals ........ "ff-Trt-Wrrr-TfT JOE LOUIS SUCCESSOR Elimination Toum . Dtbb ....... 140 125 P. Wallace 88 144 S. Hartwig 546 146 IE. Mastell 174 185 158 79 111 159 278 785 783 . M. Plynn 112 137 Totals .... 660 737 Totals 660 737 o both know .urtlon. mlnBntim fcnarga. wo. Birth RotloM: foTi P" T,tb Kotkcet wnl NotlcMi, lauriag BENEFIT -SOCCER FUND IS PLANNED would be Acceptable to National Boxing Association PHILADELPHIA, W The Na- Ladies' Bowling League Starts TAFT . ODOWES -nd WSPLAY. DOUBLE PRICE J. Nowak 107 0- f4 TW B from telephoning. j la y-;- F. MeKinnon 92 D. Nelson 161 O Maundrpll 141 FOR SALE The chief matter discussed at 116 127 .O S CS - 146 273 ( tj i JN? . K. Reid 128 Savoy Swingers and Variety Store Commence with Clean SweeD Victories a meeting of the Prince Rupert Football Association last -evening was what steps can be tak Totals 629 F'"& " , Im, i DUAing Association nas a plan for the selecting of a successor to Joe Louis if and when tie retires as world's heavyweight boxing champion. Abe J. Green, president of the National Boxing Association said that the Association was GORDON "&' ANDERSON fM. JA . flirt fZ&ZZz. PGR BALE New and Used Fur-ittftmre, Ken-aware nd Office fiixwires. Wish rde Quality liMgfctty-aueo 'C he 8 fe 1 1 1 e 1 il Bulee; feetfroom Suites; Trf- Ly September' en hi -connection wicn raising Season's play opened In the;!.' Garner S.".'.'.Z'...'. i65 Ladies' "A" Five Pin Bowling B. Smith 168 League Mondav nieht wffch the L. Anderson 188 funds to take oar of the expenses incurred y Doug Chris-tison as a result of his unfOT- liehto; Electric Lamps; Oil- . U o.". ,.:.. 1 . C. Barrie 15a prepared to recognize the winner of an elimination tourna T6tals 836 ' tunate accident 4h breaking his ;three -games to nil -Clean sweep ment between Jersev .Top Wii. vu-tw-v vnr fVPtmPe Lftdies RniBV'R leg in Sunday's football game. The Association Association has has Only only a cott, Gus Lesnevich, Jimmy Biv- ! while variety Store was w4nningi J. Thornton ........ 130 balance but fe planning to West-1- Woods . 151 e substantial mowrt to I ' 9- G. Van Van. Meer Meer 167 167 View. In other fixtures, decided m-h small raise l&uTrre totxtfien 'Stoves; Sevang Maohhre; Kitchen Sets; hrulatlng Heaters; Rifles, ihtgheflt JO&lfty; 'Underwood "TypwWfeft-. -perfect ,onditior.; ikv Brttitsh India Rugs. Everything at the lowets prices. BC. FURNITURE CO. Blade 824. (tf imbs you J1- j alte L' Ikng l inr the W-i jrit to tooe yoW fli ever landw. d by hlK Dwi. allan. d1 L. Smith 215 ms ana tzzara Charles as the new heavyweight king if Louis officially quits. He still has until December to make up his mind- meet the hospital and other B. Uziek 128 toy two games to one counts, Annette's won over Manson's. bills. y A committee will meet with 'Gordon end Anderson over Taft Totals 791 DE JONGS A. Pierce .159 E. Moxley 132 A. Wrathall 105 J. Shenton 218 V Wrathall 231 he Chief Petty Officers' me odowe8 &n& w in connection with one ftem-:gcljBV Try a ClaJisinefl Ac in The Vews VflTICE tOR "RENT The Canadian Legion loomiij Tne g,ngle was m committee Is also planning . . .,,,T w ,t- " 279 1531 -i 219 i83 Easy to roll- 0Ol rirv. Satwir- SALESMEN WANTED FOR RENTSieepliig rooms. 801 l Totals 845 wime artion and the neral r 11. 1M8. -while Shenton of DeJong's, witn Borden Street. (tfi '650, had the high tlrree -games. SALESMEN, CREW MANAGERS V TJ ' enthusiasts enthusiasts will will be be eiven given an an op op- (Continueo on' V age Six) FOR RENT Flat tn Band Block new patented tool multiolim The Individual scoring was as n portunity to show their interest in the case. Douglas has al- Apply Max Heflbrorter, Jeweler. follows jBhnny" StewM't, g son of Mr. andi ,$-wart of Kin-: jnal services will HOrenvflle Court m Wednesday, (tf) was established fine record SAVOY SWINGERS FOR RENT One sleeping room. man's strength 31 times. In-dispsnsible to thousands around you. Amazing earnin" possibilities. Immediate deliveries, no waiting. Write or wire, Palcoseel Co. Ltd., Cornwall, Ont. U i . with Hev. 650 7th Ave. East, phone RcJ 171. ' (tf) as a gentlemanly player, cap- u. Macrnee uj able on the field and modest- Knutson 214 P. Menzies 141 oft ll- ' !L. Erickson -208 A benefit football game be: R McCallnm 170 tween two teams-4,he Fresi-, Tota-ls 906 Aston efficiatinfi. 4L l( Ik 144 134 tn fa n 154 f4 -pJ; I wk 199 'i 200 wi Mi fA i I i 961 797 m J j , 63 55 I i S f I I W I .fcockieT will eorr-d It's th e K.ex Cafie ... for Tasty Meals 0 ChopSuey ChowMein rt services at i dent's Eleven versus the Vice-1 okanoi!- nice quar-Apply Suite (219) FOR RENT Suite, tens for bachelor. , Cow Bay Apts. iedral at 2 pm, r....,Jl. -ci-. ai taV'i- wiuiaen no F Van Horn '98. 120 Wmber IS, -in A. Rund -64 80 112 C. Adams 109 m THE HUPREMK OOtmT OP BRITISH COLUMBIA TN -PROBATE IN THE MATTFTt OF THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT" ' and TN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE low in FaTrvlPW FOR RENT 5 -room duplex t Undertakers tn apartment, unfurnished ; vac- Chinese Dishes a Specialty place on Sunday week. This will be the last official game of Uie reason. The renort of the referee, C. Willson - 117 Totals 454 1. Second Avenue opposite Prince Rupert Hotel ! 7 00 a.m. to 3:30 am. Apply 735 "5th (220i ant "October West. 80 93 -V I s is o ,31fifiLGD I Ingements. SUE when two iplayers were benched VARIETY I. Krlstjansson .... 194 OF WKCHNALD GILBERT LIPTON I TAKE NOTICE that by Order of His Hommr JiKttt W. O Pulton. mRde the 7th day of Snpti-mber, AD. 1948, I FOR RENT 4-room Wartime honse. Jolly furnished; close in. Box Dally News. ( 2 1 8 1 H Dodge Sedan, V Kaien Island ' . Lykegaara hi R. Ramsay 72 B. tThristianson .... 130 -A. McLean 212 (tf) recently, was considered and the players concerned will toe reprimanded. Present at the meeting were J. S. Wilson, S. P. Woodslde, Darrow Gomez, Nick Pavlikls, Stan Veitch and Ralph Smith, secretary-treasurer. was appointed Administrator of the Estate of Heniniild Ollbm Llpton, de-ceafted. ALL PARTIES having claims against the R1d Estate are hereby required Wo Friction Please! HAVE 'COMFORTABLE front bedroom for rent overlooking; the harbor. Cean and nicely furnished, which would b-sultable for business woman. to furniih same properlv wrifled to me on or before the 20th day of fWnlw A II 144 after wbleh dnt.p tj fWfl mi "Piif pr nn vmir car been changed at the manu- iiao vi w - j f0cr.rpr' renommended mileage? And while on the sijjject Chandler & Cowgill Photographer Developing, Printing Fnlarglng Box 045 216 4th St eliilms filed mav be oaid without ret' erence to any claims of which 1 then have all the other points requiring periodical niwjuuu f coat size 38 to K 815 th Ave. (218) i,good variety ol Spears and ap-ritt: A, Bar-jft-ace, B.C. Box I (216) Diuvtftto rum PHONE 654 had no knowledge PARTJF.S Inriehtd to the Bala Estate are hereby required to pay the Close to town, across from Bortien Street School. Enqul-'o fttter 5:30 p.m. at 895 Borden Street. Uf Wheel Bearing Repack Change of. 'transmission lubricants - Cleaning and Re-Oiling of Air Cleaner etc. Baseball 3core National League St. Louis 8, Philadelphia "0. Chicaeo 3. Boston 10." mount oi tneir indebtedness to mc forthwith w tairpn enre nf ai;jordlne to the instruction dook.- ?5c Per Dozen PaW Fr Umptles Many of these details are overlooked even By tne owner Pittsburgh 5-3. Brooklyn 8-7. who conscientiously has his car luoncatea reguiariy.,:.i HELP WANTED DATED at the City of Prlnw Ru-nfrt, tn the Province of British Columbia, this 8th day of September AD. 198. GORDON rl.SER "FORBES Official Administrator, Prince Rupert B C. (224 We remind our "Regulars' as tnese services uecume-ouc houses on two IMS walk from Kmreal?41 9th i (219) tta advertisement a not pnbttshed or llaplayefl by the Ijlqu or Control Board British Oolwmtola, y one Oowrnrrant-ot HELP WANTED Experienced ladys' ready - to - wear saleswoman. Apply Sweet Sixteen. (21C LINDSAY - MOTORS LTD:. Wartime House, JM, PHnce Ru- low Available! NOTICE TO CKF.IHrOHS VUI.I.MM HKVRY IMF.KCE IIKCKlSKIk PIIONE866 t (tn WANTED Bus Driver. Apply Kaien Island Stages Ltd. (tn NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN thnt all persons havinn claims anainst the Estate of Wllllnm Henry Pierce, deceased, late of Prince Rupert. British Your Best Eating Place HELP WANTED Female. Ward; 1SU.I "ffii-e on two lots 1 Columbia, who died on the utn oa nialrU for Prince Rupert Gen-j maids ior rrint.e aui . . . i nf Anni HKH are hereby required on American League Philadelphia 12, St. Louis 2. Boston 4, Chicago 1. New York "6, Cleveland 5. Washington 1-1, Detroit 2-12 . Western International , Spokane 6-15, Tacoma 3-f Vancouver IS, Yakima 2 Victoria 4, Salem 3 (12 innings Wenatehee at Bremerton, rained out. Pacific Coast Seattle 3, Los Angeles 2 (11 inningsi Sacramento 4, Hollywood 2 .Oakland 6, San Diego 3 San Francisco 7, Portland 2 Pacific Ooast league Los Angeles 6, Portland 4. Western International League ' FULL COURSE MEALS ll a.m. to !p, Banquet Hall $75.00 ior beore ttJe 16th day of Octobert Appiyl8. to deliver or send by prepaid We can supply all your needs in . BUILDING SUPPLIES erat Hospital, salary per month and board, to the Matron. 3lfiining two suites fj-jn. letter run parm-mma u - :aias and bath. Pri- for Luncheons, Dinners LOST AND FOUND . including dulv verified to the undersinnea -ai PO Box 368. Prince Rupert, B.C., as Executor of the sRid Estat. AND TAKE NOTICE that after the last mentioned date I will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled thereto having regard only tjp the .i.in. nr m-btrh I shall then have LOST Lady's green suede slip-Phone Bluo (218 infie. Good location. TOR RENT n Bafurnished apart-.J, $27,50. -ER ii CO. LTD. per. Small and Parties CMnese Dishes . BROADWAY CAFE had notice. LOOK FOR THB NEW RED AND WHITE GOLD SEAL LABEL DATED this "!th day of SeptemDer, 1948. -I Besner Block FOUND Bunch of keys in front of Government Liquor Store. OWrter -may have same by calling at the Daily News and WALLBOARDS, FINISH LUMBER, PHY-WOODS, S ASII AND DOOR, NAILS, ; 4 rLUMCING SUPPLIES ';' PAINTS" 1 pHapon EVin &C0.1TD. Wenatchee 4, Bremerton 3. Victoria 6, Salem 3. Yakima 9, Vancouver 8. Spokane 3-10, Tacoma 1-lk I e, ttsuwnce, Rentals RICHARD GEDDES utiut, Executor of the Estate of William Henry Pierce. Deceased. (234) R08 3rd Ave. W. Phone 200 1 1 1 :i (tf) paying for this advertisement. (tf '-'iiHiii . '-Studio lounge, used e 3 weeks. Apt. 1, JOwIc. (216) PERSONAL BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL BABY SITTER -Phone Blue 701 (221 fOR YOUR LtM-room Wartime U iecoraied, on lot, COW BAY ROCK AD -CONCRETE "Serving the North Since 1920" Phone 651 652 LUMBER FOR BEST HOTEL SERVICE in "ROAT WORKS jfcsemrnt possible. 9M. Apply Robert C tm rpTTC PAINTS IN THE COAL f-LW. (220) the Interior, stop at Teiicwa Hotel, 244 miles from Prince Rupert, Just half way to Prince George. (M) A. P. CRAWLEY GREEN '391 Designing Repairs Pine Workmanship Estimates Agents for Kermath Marine Engines WOKK CALL BLUE 939 M. J. SAUNDERS New, Modern Equipment An work 'Guaranteed &ung man's heavy 1FLY Seabee Amphibian Plane Non-Schedu'e Charter Service Commercial Hunting iahinrr Sip-htseein2 a overcoat. Fit size 'y cot. Like new, PCRsnNAL The Termina1 Lunch and Newstand open ? w times. $15.00 all day, eVery day, to give you I12 or call 218 6th 1 I (218i SKEENA AIR TRANSPORT LID. the best we can In every way. And now the best coffee too. . . (tf) MARGARET McLEOD OPTOMETRIST In New Otflces ROOM 10 STONE BUILDING tiiecp PIANO TECHNICIAN Tuning, Voicing and Repairs MIKE COLUSSI ' Phone BLACK 756 972 10th East J "ahogany bedroom 35 Terrace: W. H. Martin, 23; E. T. Kenney Ltd, Black 528. (220) Prince Rupert: Prince Rupert Hotel, oo RELIABLE YOUNG LADY would Babysit two or three evenings per -week. Apply Box 398 Daily News.' .(1U How do you like our Service? , We hope you like the -way we do business. ( We are doing our best to give you good satisfaction, i Metric sewing ma 'mp, kitchei "hairs, bahv'a erii, New Phone BLUE 593 P;0. Box 1184 MEYER'S STUDIOS will be visit FOR THE BEST IN AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE see Your DR. P. J. CHENEY DENTIST SUITE 5, SMITH BLOCK li chair, heater, -filled mattres3, -KHays Cove Circle. J (218) We try to keep posted on the values shown hi other cities and keep our prices as near as possible the same. ing Prince Rupert again. Mako a-ppolntment when salesman calls." (218; GENERAL MOTORS DEALER Phone 765 P O. Box 1401 Cbev. Trnckf MACHINEKX FOR ALE We try to keep the best possible Hierchandise.; We try to do your repairing and engraving as Chevrolet Bulck pnntlae Oldsmoblle G.M.C. Truck TO SAW better lumber more HELEN'S ' BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Wavfig Beauty Culture in all Its branches 204 4th Street Phone 655 MACHTNK WORK A "SPECIALTY r-ft- troller, fuiry ';PPly Canadian -4 Storage. (221) -ALE28-ft. tror-1 T)mu"; 8-ft. hoam quickly and as well as it can De aone. We try to be the earliest with the latest. JOHN F. L. HUGHES Chiropractor 21-22 BESNER BLOCK Terrace .Machine Shop & Garage No one is perfect and we try to right any mis economically use the modern and op-to-date type National Portahle Sawmills manufactured .by National Machinery Company Limited, Vancouver, BXj. (i P.O Box 894 Phone Blue 442 TERRACE, B.C. engine, in good Owner lcavlnt, t takes we happen to run nto. We try to deserve your business. -k- Apply New Floats. GEORGE L. RORIE Something from Bulgers is always something METAL WOKK (221) HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS special. Public Accountant, Auditor, etc. -1948 Plymouth PLUMBING Installations and Income Tax Returns Complied, vonalra flHF.ET METAL NO JOB IS TOO TOUGH When the trouble lies oe.r, m the motor of Besoer Block Phone 387 sedan, fujiy, $y good condition.! Pte , Strtte after i . (It) Building and Repairs ol all Kndi VORK. Tar and Gravel. Roofing. Letourneau St Sons, 629 Blxth West. Phone 543. (tf) Roofs, Chimneys and Oil Burners WANTED 'oisehold Purnl- your auto, you can depend upon our expeil-enced mechanics to get of it. to the bottom PHONES: PRINCE RUPERT BOTTLE COLLECTOR PHONE BLUE 810 WANTED Car batteries, car aiichen range,! sort a i . radiators, brass and copper, Red 894 evenings tnairs, I' donhlp ,u Black 687 rnvlnir priori nrlces. See B.C Drive In today for 'St nf ,j tTJRNlTURE CO.. Black 334 umwers, t&blp JxrA -.41 complete check-up. i ii WANTED TO RENT 4 or 5-room QUALITY REPAIRS For Downtrodden Heels Soles Serving the Fisheries Industry Wells (P.R.) Ltd. house or flat, for young couple with Child under two. Box 398 Daily News. . 217) 1801 7th Ave. rT"'vellot8, f" Pft tJffice.1 5U tk 8e. Phone tv MAC SHOE HOSPITAL n .-a A PLACE AN AD IN THE DAILY !TEW-CIRCTIATIOJCOOT Cartage, Labelling, Weighing Second Ave. 1 .. ..:Tr..r-'r3rs TO I LgUSa llll , T89 .t.ire BLUE fSO tfi 1 Box 774 BLUE WANTED TO BUY Good violin. r" 1228 Park Av- Phone Green 507, between 8:00 (222) a.m. and 12:00 noon. (222) J