Prince Rupert Daily News Thursday, May 25, 1950 May Day Parade is entered two floats in the parade. The first bore a display of various types of knots which were attached to the grille of the MONTREAL, May 25th If you're a busy housewife and these spring days seem to be times of great activity around the house you're sure to appreciate the time-saving qualities of Jell-O. Tempting, tangy desserts can be whipped up in a matter of minutes with .JELL-0 JELLY POWDERS and don't think the family won't appreciate the gay and colourful Colorful Crowds of people lined sidewalks and streets from the Bu Depot on Second S'.rcet, and up Third Avenue, Fulton and Sixth Avenue yesterday afternoon to witness the gala "May Day parade make its way up the latter routi to Roosevelt Paik. Gaily decorated floats, automobiles, bicycles, tricycles, buggies, etc., wound their way through an avenue ol Frince Rupert citizens. Kiddies salads that can be quickly and easily prepared, too. The seven exciting "locked-in'' flavors make Jell-0 one of the most versatile products on the market. Yet you caa enjoy Jell-0 for less than 2c a serving. The Season's Here for tub-wnsh drews and here's a Lint to eave yom Carnation Milk is ofwoyj uniform in quality J day - year after year - .very can of Canwi 2 open is smoother, richer-flavored - better for cool better for whipping, better for Baby - ov. ne Ion nr ' What Makei Carnation So Fxr r... - wua It is aood. whole. ' mill i. i . , truck. Both floats were decorated with cedar bows, flags, bright streamers and scout in- signias. I Winner of the best decorated I float, which was awarded the 'prize at the park later in the afternoon, was the Sweet Sixteen ! entry. It took the form of a huge ! bouquet of white flowers. And in the centre sat beautiful, smiling Miss Northern B. O., Joyce Tattersall, holding a gaily col-icred parasol. The Northern B. C. Power float j was colored white and decorated with red and blue streamers and flags. A red lightning emblem, denoting electricity was visible at the front of the float. An impressive entry by the Canadian Legion attracted much interest . Colored red, white and blue, It bore the words, "Lest We Foiget" and held a soldier, H. A. Thorsteinson, and a sailor, H. Lavigne at the top centre. Imie, trouble aim money! Map ana water ninne won t remove grcaoe spot.", tar or fresh paint from vour mtninrr waslial.le. But F.XKIiGINK CLKANINU 11.111) removes these, spots i(iuckly and completely without leaving telltale rings or clinging odor. Lneruine is. absolutely safe contains no acids nor caustics, will not. harm the most delicate fabrics nor lifi'ect colour of fast-dyed material cotton, lace, rayon, silk, chiffon. Ami use it to remove unsightly flams on your slip covers made bv irreasv hands or l appeared in variegated and in-i teresting costumes. ', The day began in serene sunny weather but, by the time the Kinsmen's annual sports day got underway at the park, overhanging clouds burst open and dampened Ihe eager contestants and interested audience. But the rain, in no way, dampened the enthusiasm and Victoria Day spirit of the gathering. Ihe long parade began moving from the Bus Depot at about 1:3 Oin the afternoon led by colorfully masqueraded jumping tots, getting into the spirit of things. Bigihtly colored bicycles, tricycles .wagons, buggies, etc., followed the children. j T?v Queen and her attendants, atop a Kinsmen's float decorated with cedar bows, purple and yellow ' streamers banked by Can- adian and American flags, waved rt? d s'niled to the spectators. The lev My lass. Mavis Cronin and her predecessor Margaret Youngman, j w ore white. The maids of honor were dressed in pink and blue. The sharp, rhythmic Shrine ' band followed closely behind the moving throne of the Queen, rendering military march selections. The bandsmen, attired in red jackets, added greatly to the color and spirit of the occasion. They were led by conductor Peter Lien. The Bey Scouts of the city nilv hair dressings. 'Muff said? And only 25c at drug and department ft ores. . evaporat.on. When you need milk, use half Car-totil and half water. When you need cream, use CarnotiZ undiluted. T Carnation Is processed to rigid standards of qualist A half-century of research Is behind every co bl time you buy, you get the quality that has n,o4 Carnation the world's largest-selling brand. 1 A CANADIAN PRODUCT I Your Dreamt Come True when you sleep "like an anjiel" on a heavenly- Bolt "aiki ua.M ' mattress ("Airloam pillows. KTit-.J-;-"v.3 too!) es tiulv, the Guodvear. tNiner-Cusniuned "from Confenfed Cows" Use Carnation. It saves so much on your milk and cream bill. Your grocer has it. mm "Airfoam" mattress is a miracle of comfort! It's pillowy, featiierhght latex foam whipped to a frothy. aiifiiled texture, then molded and permanently "set"! Its soft resiliency supports every mm 01 your uouy easily ami correctly. Its eleau as clean ran be for it's repellent to germs and vermin and neither rreaies nor holds dust! Cool in the Ftuumer cozv in the winter it lasts many winters and summers longer! What's "more Goodyear "Airfoam" mattress lightens housework for it, needs no turning! To find out ALL about it simply write to m Barbara Brent, 1411 Crescent St., Montreal, P.Q. jor your FREE COPY of the amusingly illustrated "Goodyear Airfoam" booklet! rying a dory and blankets, depicting a Manitoba Flood Refugee scene. Dan Lippett's service station netted $7.53 for the flood loyal subjects. I know ti will continue to give like . to my successor, Queen-eld "I tender my thanks Kinsmen Club for thi,L cheers from the hundreds of men, women and children, who Jammed the grandstand. The Shrine Bund played the national anthem, "O Canada." The retiring Queen, Miss Youngman, in turning over her robe and crown to Miss Cronin, . me, and it gives me wentS A Reserve Army entry consisted of a heavy duty truck, jeep and large anti-aircraft gun. Other trucks and cars entered ' into the celebration with stream-i ers, flags and other decorations. !( One jalopy, ingeniously designed, sounding off notes of "Red i River Valley" with musical j horns, had in tow a trailer car- fund as a result. About an hour later, the Kinsmen float bearing the Queen and her attendants, drew to a halt in front of the Roosevelt Pntk grandstand and crowning ceremonies took place, followed by lure to present to ' Queen. ..." At that moment tt, 1 n thanked all the citizens of the city for "your co-operation and help. You have been patient and w'"t MIC ft Queen handed over her r (Continued na( NOTICE Oe SALE BY SEALED TENDERS ! SEALED TENDERS addressed tu Crown Trust Cornpmiy. Bnd ninrlcvl Tender W. Claude Fox Esfite" will be received up to 12 o'ctirlc noun . n f S rs M I i (t VM M'lnlllllrrllll'lll DS.T. on th 2nd day of June. Hi'iO, (or the Bale of the following property hot, 4791, Coast District. HmiKi ! F III lIlVOtl I i-Z'Wk ' . lr.Jr2il V7TTm I k II iiilAUCItJ'S TEA Prince Rupert, 960 acres more or lesa. 1 rmnimiiu Best War J Know to mothproof your winter woollens while you wear -your summer silks is to do just what the big woollen mills do! . . . -Mothproof with I. AH VEX! Xo need to wrap and it ore winter clothes out of roach, of moths. One "Larvex" spraying actually mothproofs the cloth it-Belt for a whole year! Larvex is fo rure . . . moths will starve to death rather than eat anything treated with it! It's so quick . . . just spray the garment ith Larvex and hang it in its usual place ready for immediate wear lor there's no "moth-ball" odour at all! Larvex is i;iejpei "'f, too. Costs no more to "Larvex" a fuit than to have it dry-cleaned ! Each tender shall be accompanied Erery Woman Knows that lovely hair can do wonders for her appearance and morale! That's why I'm so pleased with my discovery of a home permanent that's really hind to my hair! Richard Huilnut, who are the Fpeeialicta in hair-care, know it's the Waving Lotion that makes all the difference! And now they've developed a Home Permanent Waving Lotion that's been scientifically proved to be 22 ''c more effective I That means smoother, prettier, springier curls curls that ar stronger too! That's why I al wavs recommend a RICHARD HCDNUT HOME PERMANENT for lovely, manageable hair I "Vo Matter Hotv You Serre Them ...Bjn fust coin-se by a certified cheque payable to sweet Kcllotig'a Corn Flakes. SVP 7 Fresher! Crisper! And henrty! lf T0 I VPSSSiX A til -here's the "power" of nour- U " IfsS , CT f Crown Trust Company for 10 of the amount of the tonder. The tale shall be subject to a reserve bid and the highest or any tender shall not not necessarily be acceptors. Termi ne main aisn ior oreaKiasi 2f m rj i j r f t w ; i v -r-om- x Ii that is your bargain in good- JJ 1 & IJ I J ' jTTJscn, cash. (icw-KeUoKK's Corn Flakes. IT B 0011 ' ti fi Offers are Invited subject to ron- dltiona of sale, copy of which may be Inspected at Crown Trust Com-pun y. fit Tenders will be opened ftt the of fice of Crown Trust Company at 1:30 o'clock p. m.. DS.T on the 2nd day of June, 1950. Any June Bride will be starry-(TJ eyed over this JKf'P ir Wonderful gift 4Ftk ...a HADLWT rftV K K T T h K 1 or as a vital part of a main di-h HK1NZ CONDP.NEED J V Ufcif 'liar vol! seen Crown Trust Company and Frances K. GalbraiUi. Administrators with Will annexed of W. Claude Fox Estate, 302 Bay Street. Toronto 1, Ontario. (H) sours will play a starring role at moaltinu ! Thee are ti'j'iitiii varieties to choose from all of , .i i.. lic'in lops in IS A WONDERFUL PICK-ME-UP! ' s ''cry good-looking 1 Made of heavy copper with a htgi'ily polished chromium plating of finest quality. And best of all ! in less than three minute it boi's enough water for four cups of tea oiplacp there's a wall-rdmr handy! This "kettle with l ' won't mark your furniture for the heatin!? unit is well-insulated and the feet protect the surface of your fui nil tire. It's .we it shuts off. at unce if it's plugged in niihotrt water and it shuts off ' au'omaljeally by thermostatic control flip jit never boils dry. And ji' economical ior it raves' power because hears juster, taste! les, each and every one of the Heinz Soups are savoury to thi last sip. Cream of Tomato Vegetable Puree Mongole . . . wonderful soups to start a meal off light! And they're every bit as delicious in stews with fish in sauces! For tips on how to use liemz Soups in your cooking kt'ub to me Barbara Brent, llll Crescent St.. Montreal. P.O. -ami I'll send rou YOLR FREE COPY of "57 Wart to Lse Heinz Condensed Soups"! J Believe In Buying Lemons Br The Dozen for tiiMi zc-ty, tan'iy tartness not only does "luscious" t: iti's Co tea. fruit and vegetable juic' s, salad dressings )nd alljkinds of dessert and pies but to f " ('.i-'.-s U.c tliiji: rTz Z, I. AMI ACT Vollee Of Intention To pplv To I.eiiHe l.aofl In Land Recordlns 1)1: trlet of Prince Rupert at the mouth ol Klolya River. TAKE NOTICE that Culumblu C 'lu-lose Company, LlmlUd of Watsin Island. B. C. occupation ccllulohf manufacturers inienus 10 apiy tor a lease of the following described lands and lands covered by wair Commencing at a post planted at high water mark approximately 2atl feet East of the Northwer.t corner of Parcel "C" of Lot 45. Ran.;e 5. Coast District, thence N 24 dec fc 1430 feet to the North Shore of Klo-jya Bay; thence in an Easterly und Southerly dlrecv.on roliowiiw the Shore line at hlt;h water inark of Klolya Bay and the North bank ot Klolya River to a point 011 said ortn bank 8B0 feet East of tin West boundary of Lot 6:i'2. Rnnije o, -oast District: thence Southerly to hi(?h water mark on the youth bitiir. of Klolya River; thence in n Westerly ind Southerly direction followln,: high water mark of the South brink n Klolya River and tne .Joutn Hnore of Klolya Bay to the point of commencement and containing 8 acres more or less. The purpose ror which the lease Is required is lor quarryias gravel. Columbia Cellulose Company, LUi R. C. Morton, At'iit. DATED May 1, 1050 (II) i-SALMON CORN EI'G i;: Ri? -y m f.. This advertisement is not published oi ' ZZZrZZV y P.' displayed by the Liquor Control Board o, I I ...i, ... ... , mff j 0,4 Government,ol British Galumbia 1 :l AS A SOUND pvj AND SAFE IMVESTMENtL llilit' AS A MEANS OF BUILDING A SAVINGS RESERVE... OUCf II ft Ml SI IT II II IT m i II ft I u i n i Corn Rlne t cu W canned whule kernel co 1 1 jsn.on salt Iiav ueprxr 4 ..-; .on- melted butter 1 l;t ti Sitruahtd crackers 14 cup undiluted evaporated milk Salmon 4 cuds (2 lbs. canned salmon) 14 cud melted butter laDit spoons tounkist lemon juica f.iflLlUn'8 TEA P.:.'.n. 'J?; add, easins. half . molted butter. Place remaining melted r, - 7 . . " n? ?,0,a- aU- half the corn into mold. Mix 1 cup 1-.' Jt'.mh f?". ,and m,lk ai,d add 10 remaining corn. tPack firmly Vii; rt r ? 't ::t layfr- 'iD ,v',tn ft of crackers. Bake in hot oven 1 fr-l'V m,n. salmon, heat with melted butter and t'vei fc- tu corn ,:n" on P'er. fill centre with hot salmon. f-LMvl irv, .,T'IIfl,t','?:r7,,',1',n v""'rp I'Uv'ug lemons, lie sure they're (.AI.UOU.MA LLMuXS-tlay're the fine, jukuxt grown! malkitsi I V BEST 1 ny li tour llnir become dry Tub V 5rrn& to your heart 'a aim b'llt e fioin content . . It i'-f'Cslil r..Ki-'- j using "tiiig drying nrying so relaxing and But rctreshingl ' J i A r ernrrmll.j tehen bottle of rcmeni bcr that 1 REAL ESTATE INSURANCE INCOME TAX RETURNS PREPARED -13- 5o f-'HAMPOO can though soap n water are fina for washing away stale perspiration veil need JCOXSPI In n,,nrA ; 4 yours for iiOIDS Ij 1. c"us. one of the vondirfui Iti.iiis Aut Kreml is that it has E. Mortimer IR. 324 2nd Ave. (Near CFPR. vour a puti.tzA- oil Ira v. h ir f.-uriy ek-aming with fe and V.f :Mll V S,'M m. mBt1 lti p-rT'iraiinn to come! Skin-safe, fabric-safe wonderful Konspi gives your daintiness and your clothes nitre protection for it stopa perspiration. So very simple to) apply with its convenient, Military applicator! Veu'll more than .apj.rove of the way Nonspi piu. tei ts your clothes and vour social assurance! N, xt time you co sboo- I'.aibr.l3,'J5:r-t, mi C:e--e. nt St Mon' -.!, Jfi Bni i n ,r, ,.; re-,.!pf 3'Jr bullle f kreml, I A-now you'll like it! It in - very spe. jal "miracle" in dent railed "Eolisan'' that makes your hair ea-icr to rinse Iavc H cL-an-:r thr.n ever before! ping notice hovv Leading . Urua 7 jSonsju now ! I Didn't Knmc Lw. py Lemon Pie could hc'ti I tasted this won-r,; ; d-rful pie made with DURHAM CUBA STAHCH! Here s the recipe, by Ann Adam - so no wonder r it s dciK ious! ... COJ . LEMON- PIE rt , tC. Measure Into douhte hoiv- i ti rlln. ,.... - 1.-Tj."'- cvsr .'" d"ct heat, Mirrini con . Application for llic purchase of the new issue, just an-noun.-e.l, , ;ln l.e ina.l.: now at any l.raneli of The Koyal llank of Canada. These are an obligation of the Coverninent of Canada, yield a reasonable return, provide the best kind of collateral for a hank loan when needed, and always enjoy a ready market should you wish to sclJ them at any time. WE WILL HELP YOU FINANCE YOUR PURCHASES If you are unable to rash for pay vour bon.U, the bank will be glad l assist y i !,, vour purchase. You may arrant to r,;,y the hank l,y vonvenienl instalment.. Ask for full particulars at uny branch. TO HOLDERS OF REDEEMABLE BONDS... The fnlluu ini Canadian Cn ernmen, ,, mv ,H.illf 1YI,W ()r , I'S!? H ( U h IHTE CALL TKICE 3 ,m Loan. l,ie Juim- 1, V)", 1..,.. , ,. . . June 1, 19.1O Tar T" v t I irsl o.u i( c,ry Loaii, duo June 15, 1951 1 . June 13, 1J30 101 . If o U, ,,,B, m,Bi w mpilnl ia( lh( n w no.mce.1, ,,nh(.B aI1 llllri,,.liv). )MI.lliv for rr.inv(.8,m,.llt ,f funds. Any l,ral:, will br BUd to arranpe ,l,i9 fr you. overborne water. rrrin; ZZ. I en'1: ."ve and .,..,. '.I,,,,, . , raw flavour of itarrli V-Uks; return to double boiler' 'cork'At?- PemoiV:from heat; stir in I I-un .rated l-mon nnrt im' , - s-Juice and 1 th5pn.' butter. Cool f f.ght tmn "to bk 4 ' dP XZSi p.e shclt. Beit J n,'. white, stiff but not drv: prertuiuy a I,-, C t!.,r,n aar; best until meringue wall stand m raks Cover f. hnJ v itn merinpi.e, brincng it out to touch the pastry cdc s-k tl! 5 'a!'l'J caEC' t!ow n oven, 300 rles. F., until golden brown. Look for this Ann Adam recipe, together with other Ann favountes, on tne new, ca.-y-to-ojicn Durham Com Starch pucka Knn Thnt Warmer Weather is almost here Os.-.,t . mil. iltrte nmerlil.. t i .: .. "t Adam ;er ready a ' t J i1 k9 vuiiui louiiuiii ion. Cossard; talented designers create slimming,' ttimming foundations for every figure type and ago group -art you mav be sure, there's just the ricdit Ciassard-ftff you! There's the famed MisSimplicity a sleiji,ill-in-one that does such wonders for the figunx There are coll, lighl-a.-;-uir girdles, gaiter Mfe -an-i front-laeing tor-fs So do help' j-oursi'lrtp a h.wliei figuro this stitninn Choose line or u iai uf the larnoua dUSSARL" .ound.i-tiens liijitr.i.! You'll lite their reasonable price,! r j I If- m nAmi OF CANADA ta6 h (fie "RecfaU'' (if rs There is a CW?ST SSCU IT fir every fosh n