Prince Rupert Daily News Thursday, May 25, 1950 the Women's Association the 24 months 'cooking a compiete renovation of and candy contribution men present prepared the ' ' floors the church interior. made by the men of the Club. . for sandine. reDaired the eh. Game Maflers larch . ...w. ijna wurK nas an oeen under- ui, j-. m. uinuc. . - . , pews and readied them for a re- Vice-President, A. S. Nickerson Affi MlCrilCCOfl taken taken bv by the the Men-. Men's nA Club at , no Rppretarv - To0..r, B A HIV VIJVUJJVU finishing jod. expense to the Church treasury. Morlev ' i i iment had been made aware of the situation and that a business-1 like program of game manage- ment was in the offing. 1 TROUT EGGS COMING ' Other business settled at the meeting was the matter of planting Kamloops trout eggs In local waters. It was agreed to plant the majority of the 100,000 eggs in Rainbow Lake, with an experi raunuay me same crew was out The Club an(l Uun tlob Meehn has undertaken to i a p ,t, o,0, ,. u.. to put In forms for cement side- raise $300 through their own ef nei Church will ',, j3y terms, take (.!, is responsible . ,, - i iiears i;orvenlion Delegate man of the tea and sale of work And M ' L ' A ' committee. ! , walks and to start the re-finish- forts witn tre first event taking lng work on the pews. Tonight p ce m lwo weeks time wnen W'U be hsU the cement will be poured and T" . the .pen at par' j Rod and Gun Club members, Ed. Daly, safety inspector for Tuesday night heard a detailed the Canadian National Railways' and comprehensive report or', from Kamloops, arrived 1 -nthe mental batch to be deposited at ch twice each the re-finishing job completed. M .,. . ,. C!)' the I.9k at. th heart nf. Dnise " vvw "u atviu VJl WU1 IK, X 111 Next weeK comes the after a Umrsday. floor- tea will be featured bv Derson- 1 citv on Tiiesriau niahP train in the recent British Columbia Arm BnnA ,-,, vf,llin. sanding and during the summer ally autoeraohed and euarantapri the course nf an nfMfini tmir tame convention from Jarvis H. i..nif.r.j v.ainl.h.n th provided by I -Miff CANADIAN WHISKY McLeod who represented the spawn arrives early in June, ( north coast zone at Vancouver.! The meeting conclude! with The snnrtsmen PrP pnthustai,. the showing of an interesting . film by Sgt. Potterton. In their approval of the delegate's effort on behalf of game organizations in this area. 1 A recommendation from the Prince Rupert Club to control big Mr. and Mrs. Ross Mansell are sailing Saturday afternoon on the Princess Louise for Vancouver enroute to Peachland or Okanagan Lake where they 'wi'l spend the next four months. AW I mj mm game shooting by non-resident hunters on a quota system was rejected although Mr. McLeod found considerable support. Another resolution requesting the Game Department to have biologists study causes of depletion of certain game populations with a view to restoring satisfactory conditions was unanimously ap DISTILLri) 1 CANADA II.KMKI IN CANADA lOTTLEI IN CANADA CANADIANS WHO APPRECIATE THE FINEST CANADIAN WHISKY FRANKFORT DISTIUERS (CANADA) ITO. f Skinny men, women gain 5, 10, 15 lb:. Get Hew Pep, Vim, Vigor Wh thrldl Bout HmUt ll out; Oftr iollo til up: Mil no Ionr kt.wht; Dojr kw. hu-trve4) iicklF " bii-pol" look. 1 housnndi ol irl. mnrtfi. mm, wbo nerer could lain J"'. art D..W prouil of ihnpelT. hmltlin-looSml tKKll. Tliey tli.o IM Kt a llor-buildlr. rUli-nullln onM, Osirtl. IU VM. IDViottor, Iron vtifcinln Hi. ealclum. enrich blood. Improv ftvpetlt nd diseetloD M fcid you nior irengw and nourishment; put nah on bare rxjiiee. Don't leal getting lot lal. Stop alien yon ve gained the 5. 10. lb of 'i lb, you need tor normal weiel.t. Ox little. New "get aaqualnuer onlt mt. Try lamoul Iwtrel T.nlc TabUw for vx vll a&d adM a aa taia vary day. At all Oniewat proved. I Mr. McLeod reported that officials cf the Game Department This advertisement is not publisneu or dlwplayeU hy tne Liquor Control Board, or by the Government of British Columbia were sympathetic to delegates requests although they found themselves in a position where it was Impossible to do much ( planning in view of the lack of a long range program by the government. Game Commissioner J O. Cunningham reported that hi.-i department was severely handicapped by a shortage of biologists and a reduced budget. ' At the meeting Jack McRae, M.L.A., reported from the view- I point of the government and j stated that, while strong repre- i sentations had been made at the ( last session for a definite game l program, the budget had been J brought down and it could not be change. The local member j feltj however, that the govem- THE BEST in Plumbing Service 'Pjiffl FINE PRINTING 8t ' REGAL PRINTERS I J! rZ0 PHONE 24 222 Second Av.-; - f -EVERYTHING your dog needs for sturd gro '"f I s energy ond all-round tip top cpndition is contained in " i I 3r. Ballard's veterinarian-tested formulas. f 4 v 1 W everything your dog's appetite craves in the way of meaty LiJ 1 allying goodness is right there in Dr. Ballard's famous pet " - , I Ensure your pet s well-being by feeding him ONLY TTl'MIUJi iTinTITl 1 .Bollard's the food that has EVERYTHING! ffi I ( MfflMB rw j ) M metal dog tag . . engraved with your dog's name and Vv iTTiYrVjfilYM flTllik 1 I Ve for ANY THREE DR. BALLARD'S labels. Moiling in- V M KHX&y J ;frucfions on each package. . y r,m Mwmmmmmmmmimwmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmwmmmmmm 108 . PHONE I s SPRING CLEANING, ' your c n needs 1 v 'I 1 PRINCE RUPERT PLUMBING t , HEATING BUD SCHUMAN (Old Post Office Bldfc..! esu mm 0 r t lfefStnl '! 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Da"S Most colors in 2-3 and 4 ply yarns ' SUpI LADIES' SLIPS "9 cut Slip Striped rayon bias cut Slip :rs,ea rose & white ' Colors tea rose & white Eoch $1.(J9 I Sizes 34-42 Eoch $1.19 Cardigan Sweaters JbWon Cardigan style. Cofors I f QC 5s38ue heather' & 9reeh heQther C8C M THE UNIVERSAL 3rd Ave. of 6th Street Broken Lines .Odds & Ends' Reg. up to $10.95 3n98 Paper napkins Butcher's wrappings Towels ShnppMTi' & Cellophane Notion and grocery bags Toilet tissue bags Wax papers Wrapping paper CALL COLUMBIA PAPER CO. LTD. ' Chickrn In the Rough" TO TAKE OUT From CIVIC CENTRE DINING ROOM Phone 868 Boys Crepe Soled Oxfords Reg. $4.50 Black 931 Free Delivery WATCH FOR OPENING 1 Bonded Sub Standard Nylons Fur Storage """l 974 9ie 01 Ol L. Always Prompt ana Courteous Moans Insurance Against Moths, Fire, Heat Theft & Dust We're Here to Serve YOU . I Commodore Cafe Bill S by Fu i rs cu "Hospitality and Oood Food"? FAMILY SHOE STORE Phone 357 Chas. Roberts Box 638 'Phone 17 for Send-Out Orders 3rd Ave. DavW Chow, Mgr.J classtf:ed advertising in THE DAILY NEWS PAYS!