I j sleeves and a lace yoke dotted I with seed pearls. She carried a Prince Rupert Daily News Thursday, May 25, 1950 osal of IDisp It Starts Where the "Jolson Story? Ray Reflects celebration of another birth. This time it will be Canada or, as we've been saying for eighty-three years, Dominion Day. Yet there are some who dislike the expression ! JP' ; Garbage Aired land Reminisces Couple Married In Quiet Ceremony bouquet of red rosSs bound with white streamers to which roses were attached. Her finger , tip length veil and lace cut work was borrowed from her sister for the occasion. A halo like crown studded with seed pearls com pleted the ensemble. Airport accommodation in i j Wallace's have another B' shipment of T-R-O-P-l-C-A-N-A-S Two well known Prince Rupert families were united Saturday Matron of honor, Mrs. John when Lorraine Barbe, youngest Christensen, sister of the bride daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alex'Was gowned in mauve princess Unsatisfactory garbage collation methods in the city were brought to the attention of the city council in regular session Monday through a letter from Dr. D. M. Black, director of Prince Rupert health unit. The letter stated that, although the methods used before the war might have been suii'i-cient before then, the increase. i population had caused garbage to be collected in unsuitable containers and left too loiu, thereby causing a hazard to Barbe, became the bride of Gor- nne wlth bolero jacket of em-Idon Lee Dell, youngest son of bossed nylon organza, a picture No fewer than thirty Russian fishing vessels have appeared off Penzance on the southwest coast of England. Warships of the United Nations are about to conduct practice manoeuvres on the Atlantic not so far from France and England. We like sea food as a matter of course, and can understand a Russian's yearning for fish. And now it becomes necessary to try and understand what looks like a coincidence. u. j. lku, in a tciemuiiy ou ftat of Whtte jn tne same mater- Andrew's Anglican Cathedral at ial. She carried a bouquet of 8 p.m., Ven. Archdeacon Hodson jris and lily of the valley, officiating. , Bridesmaids were cousins of Given in marriage by her fa-' the bride, Georgina and Edna ther, the bride was gowned Gardner, who wore identical heavy whit satin with long gowns of eyelet embroidered or- ganza in blue and yellow with i .long white gloves and coronets Prince Rupert has still a long j way to go, as the recent presence , here of airmen, trying to go J from Seattle to Ketchikan would indicate. Despite all that's taken place In thirty years, there Is still a decided lack. One likes to recall how George Beirnes, pioneer rancher near Hazelton, felt about it. In 1920, an attempt was made to fly from New York to Nome. George cut a swath through his oat field, then harrowed and rolled . the stubble, thus providing a makeshift but serviceable and badly needed runway but of great and timely nerd. Had there bedn more like George there would have been more airports in the north long ere this. The city will engage a hydraulic and electric engineer to make a survey of the city's water system which, doubtless, will be BUILD B. C. PAYROLLS" L H "Horrible," saiu Premier St. Laurent, after viewing from the air. effects of the Manitoba flood. For the short time he's been in office, a good deal of grief has been felt in Canada. William Lyon Mackenzie K.i j had his flood, too, but Red Riv-r has far outclassed the valley of the Fraser. health. The letter asked that the matter be looked into before ( the summer season arrived. i I Aid. D. F. Fitch said that collections had not been in:rea,ed since the influx of new people' and neither had revenue from ; collections. The letter was turned over to health and works committees with the recommendation that they have a joint session with Dr. Black to determine what Evenings 7 9:05 Sat. Mat. 2:00-4:40 m J'3,fWf BABIES li ! FINEST FOOD ,10 HiiM of white openwork plastic fastened in the back with flowers Their bouquets were pastel colored carnations. Groomsman was Vernon Cic-cone. Ushers were Neil Strom dahl and John Christensen. The church was decorated with flowers for the occasion. Peter Lien played appropriate music while the register was being signed. About 200 guests attended the reception which followed at the Navy drill hall. Mothers of in-. bride and groom received th? guests. Mrs. Barbe wore a floor length gown of rose silk crepe with matching hat and long white gloves. She carried a corsage of carnation and lily of the valley. Mrs. Dell was gowned in Rev. L. i. Hales, wno has been iay and will !nvp conducting services in 8t. An-1 night's train on h dreVs Cathedral here during his homei n KmMi. the month of May, will conclude cwan, where he has his ministry on the coming Sun- for the past ton y A year ago there was some expectation that by now Prince Rupert might have a second theatre. There is nothing of the kind. The long line-up and incidentally the long wait continue. True, excavating started at Third Avenue and First Street, but further work seems indefinitely postponed. Meanwhile, patience, faith r.nd hope. That is, hope of long life. - Just Arrived More ' TROPiCANAS Of Course At WALLACE'S money well spent. Today, the j city with an abundance of pure j water, and its mechanism and distribution functioning smoothly, is away ahead of the game. And there is no reason why Prince Rupert should not be in, 1 and remain in that class. ! measuies could be taken and to report back to the next council meeting. cake for the guests. Refreshments were served by friends o the bride, Mrs. Paul Quick, Rupert Holkestad, Howard Lavigne, the Misses Rusty Thain, Marjono Brain, Anne Dumas, Arietta Hamilton. The evening was spent fn dancing to music by Andy Mc-Kaughton at the piano. Vacuum packed Pacific Milk is used exclusively by thousands of mothers for their infants' formulas. Doctors recommend homogenized Pacific Milk for infants and growing children. Try some today. PACIFIC MILK ""flUWn-iiii'inntar Mil nil ii.-:-; Next public holiday will be the floor length black silk crepe with CHANDLER'S PORTRAIT STUDIO Film Finishing Enlariirtf Flash Photos Taken it Home Phone Green 389 216 4th St. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. a lace yoke &nd panel and a Vacuum packed and Homogenized matching hat. Her corsage waa MUSTARD : MAYONNAISE GIVES A SAQ.ADS 9 ' Into well-brarpfl volki of 2 JOHN H. BULGER pink roses. I The bride and groom stood under a white arch, decorated with pastel flowers to receive congratulations from the guests. Toast to the bride was proposed by Jarvis McLeod. The groom responded with words of thanks. The best man proposed the toast to the matron cf honor. Neil Stromdahl proposed the toast to j the bridesmaids. The wedding cake was cut ir. rv7 fir I tepoon or i oiman muitiru. 1 tenp"fi of wit, 1 tempoon or bowdcred sugar. Add 2 ublespooni lemon juKc Add t'l to 2 cups salad Oil gradually, bntini ronttantly. If too thuk to beat, nid little more lemon iuire, chrn the remainder of oil. for free recipe book, "Culinary Art", write to Keckm A Oilman (Canada) Ltd.. Station T-, Montreal, OKI OMETR1ST SINGER ! We repair all makes Sewing Machines j WORK GUARANTEED j For Free Estimates Phone 864 Singer Sewing Centre as m rrr- W .. .... 1 . ; i Jnkn Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue traditional manner, after which, s. Jack Christensen cut the 0p Seagram's Sure Scagrcuivs HV.O." Seagram's "83" Seagram's Croiu n Royal Seagrams Kings Plate Seagrams Special Old less than iJ . . per cup I &yiMft!SrZ U ' radio to B.f;. MOSPMLMIMRAKE SERVIC E - KEN'S This advertisement is not published or displayed bythe Liquor Control Boardor by the Government of British Columbia RETURN BILLING CERTIFICATE WITH YOUR PAYMENT !MI Day Guarantee We )ick up and deliver Phone Blue 993 it- -A EAST or WEST... SMBTH and Plumbing & Heating ioniji and Efficient Service Fine tT'mliiy." say the MURRAY 5 ' - --"'A. . . Nabob selects joung tea leaves. Clioice flavor . . . Nalwb tea leaves arc harvested at flavor peak. Satisfying strength . . Nabob blends to perfection. All three in Nabob give jou ''tea as it should tc." You'll understand the Murrays' enthusiasm when you get going with this "miracle" wall paint. You'll marvel at the way Kem-Tone covers one coat will do for most surfaces without any primer or scaler. It costs so little to give every room in your home the durable, washable beauty of Kem-Tone the resin and OIL wall paint that's been tested and proved by millions of users. HOMES "I rciilly lliink kem-1 one is Kondcrlul," says Miss Rose J. Murray, 205 Germain St., Saint John, N.B., "the way it goes on so smoothly, evenly and easily. And it dries ' I was aniacrl and of mutsc dt'liKlitot. ' avs Mis. l.dna M. Murray 205 fit I Ave , .VitkalMMi. -Sask., "when I loiiml lli.n only one coal of Kcm l one was ncclcil lo cover our old painted walls and that otdy one gallon was needed lo do a peileol joli on a whole room " almost immediately." f J . Ml . - It's l St IMPERIAL GALLON Concentrated Pasta Form your best tea value ONLY $525 The Miracle Wall Paint . Made with OIL - Mixes with Water Kcm-Tone is made with Kent Thcrnio-Teinjicrcd Oil fortified with One gallon of kcm Tone paste, when thinned, makes t3 gallons of Keni-lonc wall paint. 1 his iiic.ins that your adual tost o Ketone per gaHo,, TWELVE IOVEIY REGULAR COLOURS and KFW.TOKJP TlhJTiur. Build your new home thru the National Hous-ng Scheme. Easy payments Long terms For Expert Advice Call Your Local Builders GREER I BRIDDEN 215 1st Ave. West v Trlnce Rupert, B. C. Phones: Office Black 367 Night Red 561 ' N CHECK THESE ADVANTAGES OF KEM TONE : 1. One gallon does a large room. 2. One coal covers most surfaces, including wallpaper, -3. Lafes, smartest colours. 4: Dries in one hour. 5. No disagreeable paint odour. 6. A hard, durable, woshobla surface. 7. One gallon of Kem-Tont paste makes a gallon and a half of finest wall paint. durable resins. These are scientifically combined with 23 other quality ingredients! to give you the Miracle Wall Paint. r GunraTittH wo-ounce tubov which bv giva you an un- v uuHtitHninz 1 m lea rona at rn nun tn I INSIST ON GENUINE TRADE MARK REO'O. The Original Resin and Oil Wall Paint i