Union steamer Coquitlam 6. Prince Rupert Daily Rewi . V Thursday, May 25, 1950 To Advertisers (Footballers Kicking at Delay Capt. John Boden, returned to port at 11 o'clock Tuesday morning from Alice Arm, Stewart In Starting Play This Season. Hero's Prompt Relief Beyond To Insure publication or display or classified advertising jopy for same mast be In the office of the Daily News bj .4 p.m. the day previous tv advertising. Requirement? ir the mechanical Department make this rule necessary. Mr. and Mrs. D. C. McRae ar-' rived in, the city on the Prince Pupert yenerday from Duncan,! Vancouver Is!and, where they now reside, to pay a visit here with their children, J. D. McRae ; M.L.A., Duncan McRae and Mrs. Jack Bulger. 1 j The footballers are kicking1 They are supposed i to kick of course, hut to kick a football and that on ' the playing pitch. However, it is not that kind of I kicking they are doing. They are kicking against, the fates or whatever it. is that is holding up the start of Belief Prom Thtj Point Off "ARTHRITIS RUEUMftl Try prompt-acting. wy-to-tVe T30LCIW Tablets now availahl In thr convenient size bottle, at rramniable con, at all dru itnrea. Acclaimed try Mimed nif f rn trveryw here, you ran rely on thia fft-rtive product to rive th aimnjr of Arthritii. Rheumatism and Sriat irm. DOl.CIN It prompt and hu no nnpkRMtant atVr JTiTta. Get a bottle of fft-nuine UOIXTN ablt'ta and let them help you And new, comforting relief . . . todarl 100 tablet for i!.av 20 tablets for r.tS alto available in Lottie of SOU tablet. Uoletn I.imiud, Toronto 10, Ontario. f the season. , The weather has been against thrm. Then they have not yet fellow countryman, Referee Sid been Informed of the days wheu Woodside, are planning to ha-vc ' the grounds will be available r.ew referees available this sea- for the games. The exeiutlv;.' son. To this end it is hoped that ha? a schedule all drawn up but those interested will get In until the dates have been set, it touch with Sid and arrange to is not possible to publish the be given the official interpreta- icneduie. it is understood mat turn 01 me ruies. the Parks Board has had a pre-, I liminary meeting but ot!er ' I ONE YEAR TO PAY on the material and labour for your NEW ROOF -"idinn - Insulaiien 6 0 CAtVERT DISTILLERS (CANADA) LIMITED, AMHERSlSUlift CERTIFIED PIPE AND BOILER WELDERS AND PIPE FABRICATING We build dump boxes, steel Stacks, fire escapes, storage tanks, trailers Central welding and repairs All Work Guaranteed Free Estimates INDUSTRIAL WELD1KG CO. 'V 1st Ave. East Green 884 All Work Guaranteed fishing ! '$&s y ' Matured ' 1 and MI d and Tkiit dvenittucot it nor published or diipliyed by the Liquor Cuaui Of hk uuvcnuxai or Dxiutn coiuiuIjml Ullii.it. mretinis have had to be postponed due to the illness of the Mayor. All three teams have had practices and have got some of the kinks o.ut of their systems. Most of last year's players are ready to turn out again and a'.l tt ams will have newcomers. T'.ils is all to the good. PROMISING PLAYERS In file exhibition game p'.ayed two weeks aero the display of the Canadian Legion goalkeeper Vanderheide was the subject of mu.ii comment. His handling of the ball showed experience an 1 abilitv and his clearing kicks had length. McGee jno'.lier newcomer, who has signed for the General Motors, has had experience with North Shove in the Vancouver leagues and his experience may be of value t'9 this young team. Dick Cameron, who started his football in the Prince Rupert school league, has returned to town and will be a force to be 9R0ADWAY CA or Asnhalt Til 'At S Dak e,s) rtnest Cock: i Hours 7 a m. tc ACC'OrNTANTS PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. Incor-ie, Tax snerialist. S. G. Furk.l SUme Buildinit. Ked 593. j 2um)' For Toke-Home Orders--Phone 200 Zip . . . and the handy new is piajiiifj. r.i1ltt T31o,l n;on!r Vol. a"ura " out a Gillette Blue Blade, un- footballers will have anoth,r and fjr good season razor. Edges are protected per-Presuient Ja:k W.lson and his f, Denser costs I nothing extra. You pay only for the blades. GILLETTE BLUE BLADES IN DISPENSER Seen At , . . Civic Centre JvtattJavawr 10 Blade 50c 20 Shaving Edgar We are pleased to announce that GRIT.R & BRIDDEX. your local building contractors, are now in a position to brnr you 30 Blade $1.00 ROYAL NAVY 40 Shaving Edge I Clnsslflprt ArtvprtlRlnir la nnoahl In nHnnra PlonP rpfrnin from telrnhohlnB. Classified 4 IN REGULAR PACKAGE nrA vwva. nQ.tlnn K,lnlrt,iM .1 cn. mi. UaII... EJln ftfAe 1,9 Tlidtilio TVtith Mi it I "um iiiori Liuii, iiitiiiiiiuilt limine UUU. Oil Ul lui-iVi:o uw.. uaiua ui iiunno, vUv 9 for 25 a, superior product for your DEMERARA RUM This advertisement is not putiTished or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the government of British Columbia eral Notices, Marriage and Engagement Announcements $2.00. SPECIAL DISPLAY. DOUBLE PRICE j Movies Operation Muskox, , on interesting film on the jour-, r.ey made by Combined Oper-I stions of the Canadian Artay arid? Air For;e, will be shown in the ' Common Lounge tonight. I I his will replace the usual I clay night show and will tn. ENGAGEMENT? FOR RK1 FOR SALE FOR RENT Board and Room' FOR SALE Electric steam radi-f Mr. and Mrs. Leslie 1 building requirements, with materials from BULBING PRODICTS UJI-TED, the largest manufacturers of asphalt shingles in for working Phone men. rIiia B9i i.r ia Rivt.h Avenue ment of their onlv S Black 900. (tfj I Business and Professiona East 1 1 23 D ' I Marearet ( Mamie' in . - . - - I to Vernon B. Oeo'w FOR SALE ',-ton Dodue pick-: Mr. and Mrs. O C.I ud. 1944: 1-ton Fnruo. 1947: 2- Prince Ruuert. The ? ton Dodae. 1944. Valentin will take Diace June )I Dairv. Phone Red 272. (122pi o'clock urn. at .Fir .-'4 - - Ichnrch. Prince Ruwr k FOR SALE 4 room furnished LOST St Paula j reported to be an outstanding picture presented through the N.F.B. and on loan from the Film Council library. 1 FOR RENT-Garaae In three hundred block of Sixth Avenue East. Phone Red 593 before 5. (121) FOR RENT SleeDine room. 116 8th West. U22DI REPAIRS SHINGLES arc available in house near Seal Cove. Base nurses' eraoiiauon dink with Ked. Cr weights from 125 lbs. to 210 lbs. per square, and feature MAY DAY PARADE (Continued from page 4) ment. 2 lots. $2.0(M) down. Balance on easv terms. For Insoection call Armstrone Aeencies. 342 or Green 297 evenings). (121) the new 105 lb. TITON, the and vear on oa.K please ulionc Greei. reward. BLII.DERS k rONTf: self-locking shiniile in an at DR. GARNET E. H. MONTGOMERY DENTIST Suite 7, Smith Block Phone 52E P.O. Box 1210 A. P. GARDNER & CO. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 1118 Melville Street VANCOUVER, 8. C. tractive design WATCH Repairs nromot efficient service. Georije Cook, Jeweller. Satisfaction guarantee OIL' BURNER "sPECIAUST- Stove Service & Repairs. O. D JRonson. Black 503. (tf) FOB SALE NATIONAIXY KNOWN NAMES Line-belt Sowdor Sliovels; Cranes: Draidtnes: Adams Road. Graders: Liltleford Bros. FOR electrical contr lartre or siiiwi. Newton. lilai'K Eriuinmenf: Owen Clamshell FOR buildme rr .5 Buckets and Rock Grapples:, it's . Northwest Li'- I 654 25e ptc doi.n paid Itw tmptlci. Pl.. I 1 h then may obtn iht Jtivir t.lU. T. L, Smith Concrete Mixers; i umitea. rn"t Clark Forklift Trucks: Nelson . .nPr Bucket Loaders for Stockpile: MARINE anrt "n, " and now Removal: Rice Port-1 mela I work able Centrlfueal fumns: Na-l Metal Work.s, buck FOR SALE "Paramount" Model l', MS Ball Ben-inn. 2-stase, centriluaal PumD ni excellent condition. Also Wisconsin En-nine, model AliH 6.8 to 0.2 h.p.. HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture In all fts branches 204 4th Street Phone 855 tlonal Draailne Scrapers anai Rnckets: National All Steel I pti. hii,prs Gasoline Hotsts: National i .f' 'Jf island C B ing Supplies. Blue 82 Gordon D. Ronson OIL Bl'RNF.R SPECIALIST New wick or pot type burners supplied All types of burners and stoves serviced An unconditional guarantee of perfect satisfaction covers all service 733 5th West Black 503 Portable Sawmills: National Rotarv Screens and Conveyors. new. Also considerable pininif.t Excellent for irricatiori. Apply Bulklev Vallev District Hospital. Smithers. B.C. (12fic)j FOR SALE Deen well pump, in . good condition. Aoolv Bulklev Vallev District Hospital.! Smithers. B.C. (126c) crown. The new Queen grac ibusly accepted' tht royal symbols and, in appropriate phrases, thanked the loyal citizens . o; Prince Rupert and the Kinsmen Club for their undying interest and support. Following were winners in the parade, as announced by Joe Gos-coe : Best dressed boy or gin under nine years Dayle Faught. Charmine Oakle, Eleanor Greene. Best dressed boy or girl nine years or over Louise Wood, Dennis Carlson, Pat Rougeuu. Best decorated buggy, wagon, tricycle ,scooter, etc.T- Blanche Gerrard, Gail Bartlett, Ronnie j Daniels. ! Best decoraCed bicycle Pat Lemon, Anne La Sette, Eleanor Lahti. ; Best decorated car Bob Parker. Best decorated float Swee; Sixteen. 1 ' PFItSOXAl Full information irom national Machinery Co. Limited. Vancouver. B.C tr PLUMBINO aid H .A. it it a til - Wt rK I CHIROPRACTOR JOHN F. L. HUGHES, D C. 21-22 Besner Block Hours, 10:30-12:30 & 2-5 Evenings, Mon. & Fri. 7:30 Phone Blue 442 FOR SALE One eillnet boat. Phone Cireen 803. (135p) Gravel Hoofuw. -fi West. Phyne ' 1 J anj,&ms. . WORK WANTED WANTED Youne working lady desires light housekeeping, or room and board. Room 90. Prince Jiuoert Hotel. (121pi "HELP i WANTED INSULATED SIDING comes ir f rTRTV1" duit- brown hree shades of brick, with Tkn dnitiMiMM la not publnhid o. d.fplayad fc Liquor Central Board h br tk Ge.inn.-I Birliirt Columbia. - white or black mortar lines Uso the popular stone finish aiH))V W Atlin reward. ':' or the new INSULTEX shingl MIKfc COLUSSI Piano Technician Pianos Tuned Repaired PHONE BLACK 389 210 4th Street GEORGE RORIE & CO. Public Accountants and Auditors. Income Tax Returns complied G. L. RORIE, AA.E. S. B. LAIRD, B. Comm. Besner Block Phone 387 ;ypo in buff or birch grey. HELP WANTED Clerk-Stenographer Arfplv In writing, giving Qualifications, experience, if anv. salary expected, etc. Box 7i2 Dailv News, (tf) WANTED Reliable girl or woman' for housework at Frtaell's Hot Springs. Aoolv 2 doors west of Ocean View Hotel, afternoons or evenings. (tfi EBY & SONS SSULATION of FIBERGLASS, :omes in paper encased rolls, if-either 2" or 3" thickness. ' Bo Lost between and ConmioOure U u-to Commercial. Koomi ward. .-1 REAL ESTATE! FOR" SALE Bids are jj FOR SALE-Westlnehouse Electric Range, table toD model, in eood condition. Reasonably priced. Phone Blue 826. (tf) FOR SALE Studio couch. 2 chairs. 1 false mantle. 1 loa erate. 1 batterv radio. 2 foot stools. 4 kitchen chairs. ; 1 table. 1 cupboard, 3 chests of drawers. 1 Hollywood bed,' 2 linoleums, 1 pair Venetian blinds. All like new. 343 7th Ave West or phone Black 973. ; (121P) FOR SALE See the Kermath Sea Pud. 5- h.p. water-cooled marine eneine. Cosv Bav Boat Works. (125) FOR SALE Earlv closlne coffee shop. Present owner has other interests. Easv terms to responsible party. Box 713 Daily News. (121) FOR SALeIb'ov'S full-sized bi-cvele, newiv reconditioned, would trade for three-auarter size. 217 First Avenue East. WANTED DR. P. J. CHENEY DENTIST SUITE 5, SMITH BLOCK Phone 765 P. O. Box 140J LTD. CONTRACTORS REPAIRS -' REMODELLING FOUNDATIONS Let us help you plan that new home under the N.H.A. HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE . GENERAL CONTRACTORS "y".-"" Din. 622 sS and housed Greer & Bridden Offer you this service at attractive and competitive prices. They iuiiy guarantee thr workmanship as well as thr .naterlals. WANTED Accommodation. Dochterman. Box 1000 Citv. (125p) WANTED Scrap cast, brass, copper, batteries and radiators. Phone 543. call (.29 6th West. (tf) WANTED TO RENT-Unfurnlsh-ed suite or small house for i C. ! II lU ... f Da, iimz uicrii ooo DOX Ofltt will be opened June Highest 3r anvbid ;, Building and Repairs ol all kinds ROOFS CHIMNSY8 OIL BURNERS Mtriiv al tl' John ;n w Giirvi tates. per FOR YOUR ROCK & CONCRETE WORK CALL BLUfc 939 M. J. SAUNDERS New, Modern Equipment All Work Guaranteed couple, no children. Phone 340. (121P) 1 (121c) j PHONES . Black 334 - Red 894 & PWKI Vard WANTED TO RENT Three or four room furnished suite or P. O. Box 1670 FOR SALE One Eillnet boat. Phones Green 803. (123p) FOR SALE 36 Troller 14 hp. Heavv Dutv Engine. Fair condition. AddIv 221 5th E. luMise bv Julv 1. Apply Box 711 Dailv News. (121p) T"Kas : between Sund4 WANTED TO RENT Furnished colder Jn pma apt. Couule. no children truck as iw Immediately. B. Beaven. New For free estimate or further information phone or call at ROBERT I IHTADOR : Limited Kovai Hoter (izip) MATTSON'S UPHOLSTERING Phone Blue 818 P.O. Box 52e 330 Second Avenue Prince Rupert, B.C. I (126p) j FOR SALE New St used household furniture and hardware I bicycles for bovs and men. unpalnted chest of drawers, end tables and coffee tables. WANTED Would like to rent ENGINES & EQl'lPMKNT We stoik riml h;e fur Kilo Ciimnlliifi ilicsi-ls. Klmrili'x ;ns Knclnen. Flevllilf flir-el flKinst lilplnr; l'lellp fn linen. TrullliiR Pulp Klfls. Cillchrlst 4m k mill Purtn. IIi'qss anil Iron Iti.w Hiillr-rx. . IMstnn Riiic. Ple ami l'le l'lltliiRS.' KiiIiIiIIpiI llnv IW-miIiik. .law I nl he ,v niii liiir Mscer-liruiK Ntfel and Hrti Slmftlttr;. Dulls. NiiIh, St mil. unit Cap Ilalihiit Klilo Hiillcr ft Mnavr, Amhiir (iiinlv Ms;r-rlifaiK Flat Mild Klffl. Various aiili Ira f ni irlnc harl-wiire nnd r"iiiiiiiipiit, loo niuiirr- IHIH til Hll'lltloll, BYTOWN MACHINE WORKS MARGARET McLEOD OPTOMETRIST ' Room 10 8TONK BUIDINO five or six room house, fur nished or unfurnished. Chem er for well bin wi house in food ! p ment ami furn If vou are o0-i' aslc about o licks listing via" lur Ar-mut.rong AK.i irVl ical Engineer and family from Montreal. R. S. Holmes. Phone 43G. U23P) WANTED Unfurnished three bedroom house, to rent reliable oartv one vear or longer. i. Man 731 i 342 or Green batterv radios, floor covering, rifles, pressure cookers, singer sewins machines, office chairs, sleeping bags, logging boots end scores of other good articles. Good values at lowest possible prices. B.C. Furniture. Phone Black 32i. (TF) FOR SALEfwo piece set davenport and chair for dav and night comfort. Call at 1039 Havs Cove Ave. Phone Blue 830. j Sales Agent Phone 11 3rd Avenue' QUALITY REPAIRS Tor Downtrodden Heels tnd Worn Boles MAC SHOE HOSPITAL Box 774 Becond Ave. PHON1 BLUE 593 P.O. BOX 1184 "xi1lPvNews ( 123P) I roR- sXif8 Jniuq WANTED TO RENT Furnisnea basemt-iii-. Ave nPiir on Eighth 0 L 1 J 2 PayTenlaVw'Bl- suite, young couple with one child. For summer months onlv. Phone 670. Mrs. Alexander: (121p) (125p) ;