I its merits but we do not need the P.l"II.DIXG Br.TTFrt CITIZEN'S j asked a player comnlg off the ( R. A Shrub.sall of the p0st Prince Ruprrt Dafl? nrtos Thursday, November 24, 1S49 I consent or approval of the Pro floor. "Who is your check?" (Continued Irom Page 1) uiiicp stair is sailing toniuht on the Prince George for a trip t0 lie fM..,. -o . ,'u"am!sft. and nparly swallowed his j Adam's Apple whon the players vincial Government. The Mayor) ' ' ;and Council can .pass ft by&w ' . ,,. , , LETTERBOX ANSWER TO McKAV Editor. Daily News: Vancouver. i "" Junior cy Jt Check? I don't know." j authorizing the city to appoint ' ""' " .aid. 1?omm In,flZSpaF?t I he upbulidins of Prince Rupert (Autho?i?i2 s,'imsw,ll.,nhern and centra! BrltiKh Columbia. (Aumoried as Secona Class Mall. Post Oftlce Department. Ottawa) Prln Ru.ert ny, t f very """noon except Sunday bv O a K? Mewa VW v""d Avenue- ""l"- '-" Columbia. time in coaching a winning a City Manaper. This would save m. Principals J. S. Wilson Ia regard to Bob McKay's tea tne c the C0, of Mr McKay-3 and Ft. G. Moore were there m inaimrMo, i wuum utvr p proposed trip to Victoria Money and Trouble Can Be Saved " UKMBKK UhK OP OP rKnT;T5ii,Vk',,A"- " u Managing Director R RE9S Am,IT BUREAU OF ClRCULATIOr.9 " lAN!ArPQIA'fDD'LY NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION . 7 T SUBSCRIPTION RATES iipre Miss Trotter . and S. A. In closing. Mr. Editor; I would .cneeseman. Oh, wel lit has happened in other places. An old-timer would be ready to comment, as he watched the games, "Umph! I'm not surprised at that boy, his dad used to be good at spurts." Over It all and In ever so vner. per VVee. " ' - 20c: Per "r Morua. iwonm. 75c; roc; Per per Teal. Tear, f8.00. 8.00. sgZ S5iy KKiiTc-. - By Mail. Per Month. 50c; Per Tear. 5 00 like to asK Mr. McKay what spe- Referees are in the making. Dick Large. Alvln Adkins. Robert Smith and Dick Wesrh all Xmasi! exception ui a lew 01 nis siai-e-ments: H. Carl Goldenberg. in his report issued in 1947. while Mr. McKay was an aiaerman, condemned the form of taxation advocated by Mr. McKay. Mr. Gol-denberer is a Qualified exnert and cia qualifications he has that would qualify him for special consideration from the . Provincial Government. ; ctia a very cuie joo wi.n im- mMy ,,iaces at once was thp Thanking you for your space, support by the players. Decis- Rezl ni ways helpful, bright and en- were taken without ques- j cuurai,m he ,, mikln. made his report after a detailed Mr- t-all0T- ions a suc- or argument; and surely; . " " " "'' uon if municinnl taxatii.nl ... survey The next time you hear of a fire say to yourself, "I must get my heating system checked by THOM SHEET METAL to make sure that it is In shape for winter weather." And the next time you hear of a fire say to yourself. I meant to phone THOM SHEET METAL but I'll do It now. And then maybe the next fire you read about won't be yours either , . . For furnace, oil burners and general sheet metal work .this is one of the most delight-, Ue basketbaU scnedule : ful features ui of school o.iuui games s"'"" i ! rhe boys . ,,..., Safety First ONSEQUENCES of fire that destroyed the the ,steamship Noronic and took the.lives of more than a hundred passengers at Toronto last September mean litigation. The official report of the disaster, as submitted to the Federal Government, .makes it clear that responsibility can be attached to the company and the skipper. Those " are deveUiuinc Dlavers 4 If. 1 Pr"! from..,,,, "' J fine .it. throughout British Columbia. After all we do have "to consider rerommendations made by such experts as Mr. Goldenberg. ome will be good team players v. . , - w . . ......... 111.. a t 1i ' V. V" VU v v - Vice, lice or dice? Exterminate manshup. They spelled off too them! You camevinto the world as time keepers and sciue- The present Council, of which wilh "otllinK and yu 8 ut keepers with F. Kristmanson I am a member have alreadv eoiuts. Mji;; some will be all-stars, but ail will be better citUeas for the experience. Membership In the Civic Centre Is a good investment In Good Citizenship. Substitutions nothing n persun musk oe iree. aitir iisauituig. i contacted Mr. Breckenridge and Mill friced fnim sn . he advised us that he would not I be available. Several other ex-! wno suffered losses were awaiting the authoritative findings and can now proceed to whatever ectiun from s., ft. MEVSM-iT'UJ were properly made and players had to report. The whole was a most enjoyable experience. Of course the players have a I lot to learn. As one team re-. Phone Iilat k 881 THOM SHEET .METAL LTD. jperts have also been approached, j in this respect. I might mention' i here that our own City Engineer,, IDon Stewart ,is in agreement' Prince Kupert Florists I result court action will bring. That there was negligence no one can now I Flowers for All Occasions . v. 1C u a '"-13003rd Ave. question. There was more than that. Box 31 6 Tel 77- The investi- 1With havJng a consulting engin icivcii it piuyri on ine oencn He cannot be bought or sold. ERNEST HAINSWORTH. ' AIR PASSENGERS .To Vancouver J. E. Dalton. A. C. Harrison, R. M. Howard, C. L. Jones, J. Sutherland, G. B. Ladner, A. C. Lucas. To Sandspitr-H. Helin, C. J. From Vancouver E. L. Jonah, A. F. Smith, A. Harrison, E. A. Sadler, R. Graham. M. J. Sta-pleton, A. Man, G. B. Ladner. From Sandspit O. Bjerkson R. Christiansen, S. Auderson. l.UATV-Bfamijmij u Three colors. Ru, at f; . . jrt-i t-iigagci? iui some in our ma . ganon took weeks , and it appears evident that, ijor problems. BoVS' Ilro j " J$& FATHER SON... The next Mayor and Council will certainly have some problems to contend with. In my I opinion water and sewers are the first utilities to be given im- mediate attention. Contrary to "" Si''"'! Boys' Denim 'fXS election. Special price from Boys' I)ress and S. SHIRTS Good sltfiii,, irom the minute inquiry and careful probing of all the circumstances, discipline and system ab-rd the Noronic, on that night at any rate, had been permitted to drop to a low point. Whatever is done to enhance the security of the travelling public, mpst in future reach to the very root of where a possible source of danger exists. Any recommendations must be fearless and searching and, as far as humanly possible, forestall the risk of disaster. Nothing less than this will meet the views of the millions who, when they tour of travel take for granted that they are safe. WATCH FOR THE BIG 95c DAY Advertise Ui tne Daily News. Bvs- Plaid All Wrti,,' SIIIRTS-RraJSavmnli Xmas Girls' and Bow' tvnu .' Mr. McKay's statement, all pipe and fittings are not on hand to complete the line from Shawat-lans to the underwater main. As soon as fittings are available tenders should be called for this work. I believe that the recommendations as reported by our telephone superintendent are very sound, in short, a pay as you go plan. Most certainly not the Sit supto siiAHsod MINI KM. MT (Kiirin K.) Certificate uf ntroemeit NOTU'K NABOB and Jennie Mineral Claims, situate in the SKEENA Mining Division ol RANGE 6, Coant District. WHERE LOCATED on Porcber Island near Surf Point. TAKE NOTICE that J. A. RUTHERFORD. F. M. Certificate No. 2S725P. as aent for PRUDENTIAL TRUST COMPANY LIMITED. Free rur .masSpfrij!v LADIES. FrirtLd Inn -lothes with 4 nipkin , natch. Beautiful patm tegular to Jl 00 ow, a set , same plan as was put forth last 1 vpa r COMING THIS SATURDAY AT City Hall We believe that co Miner's Certificate No. 30823F. In-! tend, sixty days from the date here- , of but not later than one year, to apply to the Mining Recorder for a Certificate of Improvements for the I operation can be had from any or alt employees. It depends a lul 411 "1C "i wmcn it LS SOI-.for the purpose of obtaining Fathers and their som like Old Chum bee ause it fits into a man's smoking pattern. It's just right for day-in-day-out smoking. Enjoy Old Churn's slow-burning qualities and fresh, cool, rich flavour. Ask your tobocconist for a package or half-pound tin. Mmm b likt 1 ttkmtc Hnrt't fwar ri icited. As a member of the I Crown CJrant of the above claims. rvnr.r-ii T i-o.,o . i . . 1 Ana lurtner lane notice mat mc- tion. under section 85. must be com- such menced before issuance of was being given tne run around as stated by Mr. McKay. Certificate of Improvements. nateri this 17th dav of November. jUOGeO MST KATt SlNCf 't A city managership will have 1P4B. mi I ULAGN0 noni I Phone Creen "X hi TRIBUTARY TO RUPERT SINCE mining resumed . at the Premier, near Stewart, at the Silver Standarl, New Hazel-ton, and at Alice Arm, all wilhin convenient distance of Prince Rupert, the difference seen in a business way has become obvious at once. The properties had their reasons for having been shut down. Minng camps have a certain similarity in that respect and, as such, are different from the average town without dependence on some other natural resource. The fact of Premner, New Hazelton and Alice Arm being busy with hundreds of employees regularly occupied, whereas not so long ago there was no production, is today most gratifying. Indirectly, the new earnings to a substantial extent, find their way to Prince Rupert, becoming- recognized more and more $a the northern industrial and commercial hub. WE SERVE HANGOVER 5 VoSaece o louitif. REAL ESTAT BREAKFAST ll'imilVHi:.! M JI J B lali Mil.'lM INSURANCE INCOME TAX It'' K.K- 2 raw eggs 1 small tomato Julrp 2 aspirins AND ALL OUR SYMPATHY ALSO Best Hamburger in Town AT RETURNS PR EPA,-! R. E. M0RTI.M- Odl Gunlrff Earning Common Stocks Income Of 324 2nd Ave. (NarfH 4cc to 10 BOOKINGS I t CHANDLER': Do it the easy way put the de SNACK BAR PORTRAIT SIUDK Film Finishlrn - Enter. Fla-h Photof Takrs it 1 Phone Green 32 2i5f PRINCE RIjPERT, S PEN 6 a.m. to 1 .m. DAILIi Just off Third Avenue J18fthSt. Ph. Orders Blue 92 A number cC Common Stocks of sound Ginadian Corporations can now he purchased at prices liich, at current dividends, yield from 1" to 10",. or even hiyiier on the investment. X'e stull be glad to send you a list of them on request. VC'e do not suggest putting "all your eggs in one basket", but by diversifying your investment in these stocks, it should tarn you an average of about 5 2" or even more. Write now for this interesting list. James Richardson & Sons tails of your trip overseas in our hands. They'll all be taken care of passports, travellers' t h'-iues, etc. Passage can be arranged either from Atlantic seatiorts or via the Panama Canal Register now lor 1950 bookings. For Information, Call or Write CITY TICKET OFFICE 528 3rd Ave. Prince Rupert, B. C. tfwtf PHONE 79 ESTA8LISHLD IB57 CANADIAN ITXfTITSMTI T Hlallarr Pacific Coast Offices; M11UNAL VANCOUVER VICTORIA THS RAILWAY TO tVSMYWHflil IH CANADA Pltanuari) TIIK " f 'jig 'ST '"At-''V BIBLE SOCIETY Has Printed and Distributed The Scriptures In Over 10(H) Languages ORMES DRUGS DRUGS HOURS Weekdays 9 a.m. to !) p.m. Sundays 12 Noon to 2 p.m. 7p.m.to!)p.rr.. A Delicious Treat For Ihe Whole Family The Young Peoples Societies of the Prince Rupert Churches will Canvass the City for Funds to Carry on This Work. SIXTH STREET and THIRD MAPLE LEAF PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS STORE HOURS WEEK DAYS, 9 A.M. TO 9 p.M 8UNDAYS AND HOLIDAY8-12 NOON TO 1 PJH 7 P.M. TO 9 P.M. NOV. 21st TO NOV. 28th BIBLE WEEK Daily car delivery service from 9 a.m. till 6 p.m Emergency blcycl deiUftry from 7 p.m. till 9 D.m. and 8unday GIVE ALL YOU CAN TO HELP SPREAD THE SCRIPTURES DECORATE FOR ' CHRISTMASTIME With TREE LIGHTS, HOUSE and .J a. . x m A mODCCT OF CANADA PACKERS LIMITED KtMcMBER YOUR FKIcNLo v,,n,rri.i A CARD FOR CHRISW TREE DECORATIONS Xmas Crackers, Candles Angel & Star Tree Tops Xmas Napkins & Cloths- "OVER-ALL OVERHAUL" SERVICE .Steering is all too often a matter of life and death. For maximum safety your front wheels should respond instantly to your every movement. Our wheel alignment srevice may prevent an accident. DRIVE IN NOW! MARCIIAND OIL HEATERS Carol Cords - 17 tor 4 . Mixed Assortments 21 for $UJ COUTT'S XMAS CARDS from :. 59c to $5.00 per box Name Imprinted on Personalized Cara Call in today to VORTEX OIL BURNERS IRON FIREMAN STOKERS Plumbing: & Heating- Alterations W 1LSUL SMITH & ELKINS LTD. i PHONE 174 BOX 274 (18 3rd Ave. W. Box 1118 Phone Red 400 i