about him prompted the Lord pounds . over last year, the P.1.?? Rupert Datip f3coi Butler Canada's - B.C. Professor Chancellor, Viscount Jowitt, to Bureau of Statistics reports. Thursday, November 24, 1949 reply that Britain, in consequence Of the nine cities only Quebec POLICE In Limelight of Krajina's experiences, Slock Is Larger and Vancouver show stocks CAPTTRES - ranging in age Irom eight to 15 may be "driven" into changing VANCOUVER Police are held in the McBride lower than a year ago. were Kra-jina. her laws governing diplomatic OTTAWA ( Canada has a Vlaulmar holding a 16-year old youth School annex by five youths' U3NDON ( ) of botany at the immunity. almost 51.000.000 pounds of Big Increase is reported in following the Imprisonment ol who threatened to "slit their professor of British Columbia, Krajina, a former professor creamery butter stored in nine Montreal, Toronto and Winnipeg. 30 boys by knlfe-ulelding hoodlums throats" when they tried to get University central figure in House at Prague University, last year cities, an increase of 20.000,000 last - was a night. The boys. out. ! Wednesday. failed in two libel suits against of Lords debate on What Lord Vansittart, former Tass, Russian news agency, be JUST A FEW DROPS hpad of the Foreign Office's cause that organization produced German section, had to say in court certificates say Relieve Sinus ufomaisc Gil flat ing therefore, it was immune. a state organ and. ficf RADIAUS!...- es3k ;0 LADIES' BOWLING LEAGUE SCHEDULE Nov. 24 Toilers vs Lucky SEE Instantly-soothing relief starts when you put a few drops ofVicksVa-tro-nol in each nostril. This st t:oi-izea medication (1) helps shrink swollen membranes (21 eases irritation t3 helps clear out corniest! j.-. and 14) gives sinuses a chance to drain. You'll like th.- L prompt rrliLi Jli aa. 1 1 and gr eater ciffcciMrfsi..., RAONT-CI!iCULATQR Strikes; Variety. vs Pin Heads; Rupert Radio 'vs Lyons; Plun GilleHo makts it oasv .u. , gers vs Belmont; Commercial - All UW- -S bottlc toa; F--,laaS Christmo list. Any en of th. Gin.it. Gift s... U .r.,;i ?ChP., vs Black Cats; Big Sisters vs Boosters . vorvwhoro or f.n,: ,L ' mn U i S Modfl No. R32 from $1.32 to $5.00. ' PrflC,ico1 Automatic Draft Control! Low Flame Fuel Beautiful GriLe Cabinet! Duroplastic Finish Automitic Fuel Saver I A Real Value! Phone 051 Con; roil DEALER'S NAME S Gift Pock Of 50 Gill.M. o loJ, I, n;tn. lUn drtrimrrt n not published dftpUyed by tht Lqvo CoAttot Boeud mt by Govniifrt of BfrtiWi Colwnbt. 1 Phone 311 We Deliver Here's a gift thaUontains real ihavine luxury I makes blade changing a cinch. Attractive holiday pack of five Blade Dmpcnscr., ' tach holding 10 Gillette Blue Bladci 50 Blades in all , $ 2.5 0 'A3. Living Room ANOTHER LJERE'S the perfect "extra" radio for every room in A A your home And you get that "extra" enjoyment for so little cost. These eye-appealing table radios are now available in six beautiful colours, specially designed to harmonize with your decor Add a sparkle of colour to the living room, bedroom, kitchen, workshop, den or recreation room with Admiral's perfect "extra" set. An extremely handsome radio cheerful companion to ease the monotony of routine household chores. It's the value leader in table radios. Price-wise, style-wise, colour-wise Admiral is your best bet all ways See and hear these brilliantly styled 5-tube AC-DC radios at your nearest Admiral 1 .,.- Al 3 wi"n nmnii win af viay window package contains Rocket One-Piece Raior and 10-BUdt Dispenser two tubes Gillette Shaving Cream and f Z an extra Dispenser holding 10 Gillette Blue Blado. dealer today ! V (BONY I JlflJ. muwm One Day Only run 1:1 ... -4. 1 : V U n " "if I' in i i it. in i hi. ii. i jn mm U Bedroom A Gillette Shaving Kit Complete shaving service 8t low cost. Includes the popular Gillette Tech Razor, three packages of Gillette Blue Blades it, nd a tube of Gillette Shaving Cream. Workshop Mil HJtt We have lots of odd lines which we want to clear out and at the same time please our customers. We do not expect to make money on this sale but we can use what money we get to buy different goods. All the articles ore useful but we have too many. Such articles as Souvenir Spoons, Compacts, Dres-serTrays, China goods, Pearls, Jewellery, Earrings, Glass Stemware, Leather goods, Fountain Pens, . Mirrors, Book Ends. All regularly priced from $T.25 to $4.50 going for t Only . Gillette Milord Razor Set Gold-plated One-Piece Razor and 10 Blade Dispenser in sturdy travelling case tube of Gillette Shaving Cream, plus extra 10-Blade Dispenser. $4.62 ' $30.95 j I f INK fir 7k'ss . il i.fct Raerootion Room LSI 1 Assorted smaller articles 2 for " . i - . I fc- : $28.95 ) ei is Other smaller articles 3 for IJ1 ?V GilleHs Ariilm One-Pie With 10 Gillette T Blado in DupfW fitted in smartly f de luxe traveIl;og $5.00 if li 1 1 - iu r ' r -r. Still smaller articles 4 for Kitchen J 4 ., J J J I Dn 2- t '4 FINE PRINTING $25.00 and $30.00 Men's and Ladies Watch es with 15 and 17 jewels for only $19.95 $35.00 to $40.00 Watches for only $28.95 $1 8.00 to $20.00 Watches for only .. $1 3.95 $4.95 Umbrellas selling for only . $3.95 Plenty ol Other Bargains Too Numerous To Mention. But Remember It's : Only On This REGAL PRINTED Mm n w t ? " LIT .J-' m . I i t i 222 Second 1 PHONE 21 V $30.95) Admiral perfected superheterodyne circuit gives extreme sensitivity Rich, clear tone New checkered grille Exquisite easy-to-read dial 5 lnnj life" tubes Built-in aeroscope Alnico No. 5 speaker AC DC Superbly styled in polished plastic. BIG in performance! SMALL only in price! A' Billmore Beauties V a. . Finest in Hats O Latest in Styles (ZoKcuCat, SmanC Set O Most Modern in Color,. Plus High Resistance to Rain Priced from .... $5.50 to $8.501 AT THE BEST BY BILTMORE mr nrrr DIIV Dll TJUflRt ' CANADIAN ADMIRAL, CORPORATION, LIMITED M ALTON, ONTARIO THERE IS AN ADMIRAL DEALER NEAR YOU: Distributor for British Columbia and Yukon Territory CORDON AND BELYEA LIMITED 101 Powell Street, Vancouver, B. C. NOBBLE amid WICK inc DUI DV I .' A kk mRY? ri ftTnl!'. STORE 201 3rd Are. W. Phone 100 Third Avenue