i 113 OIir.lES DRUGS ;"CTO TICTOPJA, 3. C. KAY Z ';t7y Delivery J NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NXWSPAPKB PHOtlE 81 V CABS Published at Canada'g Most Strateeif Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest. VOL. XXXVIII, No. 274. PRINCE RUPERT. B. C THUK&uay, nuvev?K 24. ma , PRICE FIVE CENTS ' " X . 7 .. , 1 iff icoe n . " k: . . I - '-. ,rfr V,;f;.li' j ' . ' 'II i If 4Ad voc '--r -- ....... s Atf in Road is Maritime Commission Presents Its Report the father is Dunstrae's Timothy. They are owned by Mr.' and C. P. Photo) Mrs. William Marshall. I BY THE DOZEN These pups caused quite a stir in Veterinary surgeons say eight is the average Collie 1 he record. Mother of these 12 is Lady the Fourth; Opening Soon I AT CIVIC CENTRE Lji' ';.Vi. ' OTTAWA (CP) A Maritime Commssion re-poi t, marie public today, recommended that Canada's security reqoire! maintenance of only a "small' and ATLIN Residents' of this formerly isolated mining in northern British will have a highway con- Deal I Japan Reds Re'case U.S. Consul WASHINGTON. T Anpis Ward, Amerksn Consul - General at Mukden, has heen released merchant fleet, it also re- efficient" ocean-going nection to the outride world for BUILDING BETTER CITIZENS AND BASKETBALL PLAYERS the first, time in history by the (.0mmended that the shippng and shipbuilding indus end of November. tries should be maintained ''on a nucleus basis, cip- -j-- a0)e of rapid expansion in 'an M. E. ANDERK1V Sv 'A . i . . 5 iT L-.'-y . from jail by Ww Cliinese Cotinii- rs f irain t he a V:meovcr l it -.P -- Th( Vans-Herald said Wed-ci Ir-rn-iiffl details of "I iliiln't. n:ili-.r th;it it. coiilfl liave hi'VM -...v.. soimilsts and nrrirrrd out of the . I I. I I V V.1V VIIMV V V VS.t'l I The CoinmuiiisU also Contractors, working under supervision of Canadian Army Engineers, will halt their season's work within a week, leaving a winter-passable road 60 miles to Jake's Corner, Yukon Territory. While final surfacing of the emergency.' The report, tabled ill the House of Commons by Hon. Lionel Chevrier, minister i of i mil ,rt Ktittt if -infl nr.ll"j rri n rr"' riyllr whllt WMS'""1 ,r''' four consulate aide j who were jailed with Ward Octo transport, was made by John Air Conviction Sets Precedent Aubrey Wcstinghouse Fined $500 in First Case Laid In Canada . ber 24 on what the Stale D-parl- I wheat barter doaiiin thoir minds as they left the Civic Centre gym-pan oiKi the BEejnasum the other afternoon. They had just been V 'li.t WfrZ,r.,n'l. watching the Juvenile School UasketbaH Lea'rue in V. Clyn, chairman of the Mari time Commission, established Imen'. called "trumped up" char-Jges of beating and assaulting two November 1, 1947. It covers tue road will not be completed at, least before next year, the grade is completed and will permit traffic to the Alaska Hmhway Anl thev year ended last March 31. J ! -preventative, Fred one )f the rejular twiee a veek games 3...-I us cmfirmin? WPre Kiraly impressed. SdJ Cost of operating the Can . . ... .! r 1. 1 j BIOCKADE-BUSTER Unconfirmed reports say Bruce Rankin, 31, of Brandon, Man., ut-ed his diplomatic status to ' br.-ak through the Chinese Nationalist blockade of the Yangtze river. Rankin, Canadian trade commissioner in adian merchant ship, exclusive jk- i r atmui t(M.i" , wruld other parents ond friends Chinese, in a wat;e dispute A Communist 'Tenple's Court found Hum all ptiilty and meted out varying prison sentences. Then, the .sentences wercewn-nuit?d to deportation. and its long ribbon to Edmonton : si prosecuuun oi iu M,m and Whitehorse. in Canadian aviation history nni nnsRihiiitv nf traffic be- resulted in a Victoria pilot be- of fuel, was the second highest M MM WW gi ti'iarn i i o p-r oi visuine me ivic venire. 1 AW MM if M ,.i.rf i.o,.r( touu .in? fined $500 on a charge of w freight rharRe will j There were all kinds' of ' aircraft while in .snowfall, but it is expected that Piloting an kethall displayed, from that toxica ted in Magistrate's court 1 l-.w of $6 a ton. The "I leave Vancouver in the road will be properly main i here Wednesday evening. the veriest beginner to with three or four years talned durine the winter. in the world, the report noted. It was inadvisable as well as uneconomic for Canada to consider construction and operation of a Canadian-flagged, ocean-going merchant - marine of sufficient dimensions to accommodate all her export trade or any fixed percentage thereof, the report said. iame. One thins? they all had In common determination Under arrangement between' Aubrey H. Westinghou.se, federal and provincial gov- Petor of Westinghouse ' Air-.mmonu half nf the construe-! ways at the provincial capital Sterling Is Of Concern ia.rs init. Mr. Ottincer I ay what Japan will th-- tiraln although nwvcr'Stcd. Nor is it 'f urn tries will receive jr'cr eoqimodities. Sh.t'i'liai, is believed enroute home on leave. He is said to have been on the British freighter Woosang when stapled at the mouth of the Yangtze by a Chinese gunb.iat. Rankin, pleading diplomatic Immunity, was reported to have been transferred by the Nationalists to a British warship. . (CP Photo) was fined by Magistrate H. F tion cost was borne by the provincial government '-.d half by Glassey following his conviction NEWSI'APKRS SKI.EI) P.I ENOS AIKKS An Are-n-tine oneres.Minal committee today seized business offices ol the United Press and Associated Press and business offices of four newspapers opposes; the and with it went a lot of pers-j pi ration! Some stood out at once as probable future City Representatives. They had ball control, basketball sense, ability to anticipate plays, to develop under federal air regulations the federal. He was found guilty of taxiing a Seabee aircraft carrying two OTTAWA 9' An economic expert yesterday said that Canada has a "deep interest" in any de-'eisloii the United Kingdom takes ' concerning sterling balances which she ho'.ds for other Polaris Taku STOCKS rjasseniers in Ocean Falls harbor last May 31. I Seamen Held On Roasting Plant moves. They snared rebounds, intercepted passes and checked cleverly. It was gralifyin to note how some had that acute fense of timinn so that they .-.V.V.- -"-- ... . ilOCKEY SCURKS an aircraft while under the influence of a stimulant was t ... i;.... ..n....V.t..n rlnn.o Assault Charge regime of President Juan I). Pcroa were seized yesterday. While federal police stood guard, government auditors examined the financial records of the newspapers. The em-mitlee said it would investigate that lncilK and Egypt, two of the VAVAv.VWWWrf dropped with consent of Crown could intervene to spoil the Two seamen of the Royal Prosecutor R. M. Howard, of j biggest owners of sterling, ai e Vancouver. Canadian Navy are being held in dribbler. Then there were the others r-iaalnr4tir ttppeaH' Stlnglwiise" was"aksessed $13 An ore roasting plant which will permit Polaris Taku muie at Tulsequah to ship part of its production ' as refined gold wiM gty into .action soon, according to resident 'Mining Engineer Fred Hemsworth, who has returned from a northern trip. Mr. Hemsworth arrived back I source of funds of the news- i ..... Some dribbled too much, shot court costs in addition to the 3Krtnoi developed nepers and tjic two news too ulteo. fine, with an alternative of making persistent demands that sterling be released. The exact arnormV of fhr'sc "hoidffiss" lla never been made public. Talks towards foriniilalin'; a decision are scheduled to be held among Canada, UniWl States the team spirit or realized the need for eo-oixrat.ion. When three months in "jail. He was allowed until November 30 to Vaiitouvfr ' 9.95 i C3.i 0 tuirl 1.3i I 03 W I.kcuI .30 vMjorix ..', - .03 ;lle 5.05 J 3.35 B.ider 03V2 16 "2 McDonald 2.40 j .04 -k 118 Premier .37','a Uvr-r 14 i 10 Ih.Ul 08 i , WEDNESDAY " if N.I1.I.. rlolu4. Jtium JdWWi-- Hosion 3, Toronto 1 Pacific Coast Los Angeles 4, San Francisco i Tacoma 2, Portland 0 San Diego 4, New Westminster 2. 'TUESDAY Oresno fcan Francisco 0 Victoria ;. San Diego 3 Vancouver 7, New Westminster 3 they passed they did so without planning, or failed to Ret pay the fine. Defence Counsel T. A. Dohn in the city on the Princess Norah ' ance in County Court for election on charges of indecent assault- against a woman at Ocean Falls on Sunday. The pair, Michael Parker and Otto Schramm,' crew members of H. M. C. S. Antlgonish, were brought to the city Wednesday by Sgt. W. B. MacBrayne of the Ocean Falls detaenment of the provincial police after appearing after a fortnight's visit to Tulsequah and Atlin, where he visited said that he and his client and Ihe United Kingdom at a tripartite continuing economic committee established in agr.-i-ies. Kiioixi) Ki:sk;n? OTTAWA Angus Mclnnis (Cf'I'-Vaneouver East) said today .Minister of Justice Gar-son should resign for the way he had handled the report on an alleged price-fixing combine in the flour-milling industry. He made the statcmejit as members continued a claiisc-hy-t lausc study of a bill aimed at strengthening the two of Northern B. C.'s promising gold producers, Polaris Taku and into position to receive a pass. It was evident anions the be-ninners how they !( failed to check tiieir opposite numbers but rather tended to all get In a bunch round the ball and were studying (t;he possibility of appealing the conviction. - Future . of Westinghouse's the Nolan mine . pilot's license, which has been Polaris Taku's roasting plant, under suspension since the in which will go Into use about the leave the opposition . open. These points are what' one would expect among beginners. cident almost six months ago, lies in the hands of the Civil end or the month, will" take tlon about half of the mine's production, reducing the gold to a refined state. Its initial opera before Justice of the Peace Milo Fougner for preliminary hearing on Monday. The two are alleged to have attacked a 29-year-old woman who accompanied them to their ship while It was at Ocean Falls at tho week-end on a training MORE tNF.MPI.OVEI) OTTAWA There are twice as many unemployed in Canada this fall as there were last. In October this year 105,000 were on unemployment insurance payments compared with last year. But it was equally satisfying to iiif.te how much better the Mr. and Mrs;. E. L. Dale are sailing tonight on the Prince George tonight for a trip to Aeronautics Board of the Department of Transport, which launched the prosecution. The trial, which resumed at tion will be on a test basis. I Seattle and elsewhere in the Ore production Is 3Q0 tons ! south.. iinaiij;n) 4.25 . 25 I 1-25 I 7.50 l.duc i.r.o D I 13 50 f -5 I 1 !!) players with even a years experience were. Th"n eich had its coach. Must nre youns players and tlicy ar" doin? a Rood joli. daily, which is redviced to 30 tons 4 p.m. Wednesday, continued through until 9:30 with a brief nipper pause as Defence Coun of concentrate. Half of the con- cruise. , AuUgonish is scheduled to visit Frlnce Rupert on December 3. The light Thai Muj! No! Fail Combines Investigation Act. Mr. Mclnnis said he agreed with George Drew, Progreslve-C'onservativc leader ,that the Minister of Justice had placed himself in a position where lie should not be giv.-i any more powesr under the Combines Investigation Art. , FAGI.K VNltm WAV SKATTMv The Panamanian ship Kafcle, which was helpless t . I sel Duhm presented witnesses. Witnesses for the prosecution wVre heard on September 9 when the trial opened. entrate will be processed in the cyanide roasting plant Currently, about 180 men are employed at the mine. - - At the Nolan-mine, a placer There were Steve Dumas, Jimmy Klewin, Itirold and Roy Webber, and Roy Mcintosh. Two teachers were ctivine of ... . 3 5 38 .07 ... 930 A veteran pilot with 3,067 I llieir spare time and it was NEW HOME OF LEGION operation near Atlin, two under- hours in command of aircraft IVI- .. Toro-iio h" 4 A"1- particularly interesting to note that one was a l.idy. Miss Mau during the last 17 years, West- jSround tunnels have been sunK In3h0u.se admit ted to the court I to a depth of 200 feet. Forty men for 24 hours in the racilic after a fire in his engine room, got under way again" shortly after midnight a.-vi is now heading for port. that he had had "two or three" glasses of beer before an attempted flight from Ocean reen Adlard, of Borden Street, j School, is building up a team of bepitmers into a unit that ...in Hn much better as the Contractors Make Progress With Renovatic.T Renovation from former quar- are employed there. Operation plan, being directed by McLeod White, its new manager ,1s to run drift tunnels along the bedrock formation, taking out four feet of gravel and two .Ill, .11 .55 .2B .H'2 no :; 1 .05 Falls to Bella Bella on May 31. ters of wartime H.M.C.S. Chat-' with two passengers who had t weeks pass by. But then she . from Kimberley, a city note:l ham officers to hie spacious and ' his plane under charter. The R. Boner feet of bedrock. Results so far modern future premises of the passengers were J have been high grade, Mr. Hems Sees Full Canadian Legion is expected to and A. W. Rogers, Vancouver be completed by January but , salesmen. for its prowess in nearly all ;inds of sport. The "Dyna-niters" really U places- Vice-principal Joe Ooscoe, of Kin (Continued on Fays 2) .47 4 75 0 55 1 SwAsW " F'iw&mb not in time for any New Year's j prosecution witnesses, includ-'eve celebration. ling Boner and Rogers, testified James Greer, of Greer and j on September 9 that Westlng- worth said. Mr .White, formerly with Consolidated Mining and Smelting Co. is considered an expert on placer operation. Nationhood Brldden, contractors, staien yes- house had been drunK wnen ns terday that major portion of attempted to take the plane off (House Building 1 mm m Vellow k:iire '" 4r.'i: . i i - 'If" vQiii'a'c. ... Rowan . ;i ... &w gam work was done an only finishing for Bella Bella on a charter TASS MAY SOON of Inside walls and floors re- flight. rrime Minister Allaches Importance to Foilhcomins. Conference OTTAWA, (P-Prlnie Minislel Is Going Ahead BE DEMl-TASS work was done and only finish- j,0t intoxicated? ing of inside walls and floors re- 1 Defence witnesses Wednesday malned. Plastering of walls and indicated to the court that that phase oi renovation yester- j while Westinghouse had visited Ottawa Iff') Canada's L. S. St. Laurent expresses hope .14';: .Oil .70 .06'' i 05 ' j .46 ..a curnnl. that, "by the end oi iyu, iim day made way for further and the beer parlor 01 ine mu mnre ranld construction. I inn for more than an hour on '-"ng L,, !" Red I house butuiing ..,.-1 ahead in the first eight months total of 55,-435 of this year with a constructed, an increase of 12.000 over the same period last year. t t. .!.,.. IV,o earlier slows nf . tVio a ft.pmoon of MaV 31. he ada will have assumed all attributes and "all responsibility of full nationhood." Speaking as leader of the Liberal party, the Prime Minister c i,i "last, traces of colonial Lake ... UUllll MIL vt...v. w ..... . ennsi.ruei.lon. it was decided by, had Showed no signs of intoxi the building committee of the cation when he went to his IMsLM mm LONDON (CP) Ths Government announced Wednesday that it may change the law conferring diplomatic Immunity on Tass, the official Russian' news agency. A British court of appeal ruled last June that Tass had diplomatic immunity and could not be sued for libel. Lord Chancellor Viscount Jowett announced In the House of Lords that the law might have to be changed. r ei tA lpavp the front of the Diane to continue the flight However, starts on new uu..o 3.20 .53 1.67 .35 1.73 67.25 .13 are latsulng. said the Bureau of slaU)..- will disappear only when hniidiiiff untouched. But plans . south wpst.imrhmise said that he federal and provincial govern were changed and a shingle and pic R-ri i.akc W Cbrkshult ... ;t ..z f.-.n "mrt, Crow Si.'.rt, Statistics on Tuesday. i elaht months period total starts was "verv unwell" as a result ments agree on a method of siding front is now being added It was expected opening of the j of a week's continuous flying 57.827 units, com-nared were made on with 60,465 last year. coincide wlUl irregular meais, new building would , :i.ci .(OA He said that he had presumed amending the constitution on matters affecting both of them. A conference to seek that agreement Is being called for January 10. he said, and its success with Armistice Day, but, finding 4C- "'uonio LOCALHDES irri.iuv November 25, 1949 Rouyn .3? out that this was Impossible, I local prophets set the date as. wait until Greer and Brldden, in such matters, de-Everybody Christmas or New Year's eve. experienced wants to be a coincide when opening" ceremonies tractor. But they will have to will be held. will "depend oil gooawm, w- E. L. Hartwlg is sailing on the . 1 Prince Georgs this evening c a trip to Vancouver. operation and statesmanship of provincial governments as well T:t Gordon Rock Von River I Miller !r Canada 2.C t l.f 3 S I T Z.V) ' to- :18 " High S 16-47 18.9 feet Low 10:59 10.1 1 feet 23:3b ' 5.5 feet . . . , as the federal government- ' - . . .... .... ... .