12 MONTHS FOR MITCHELL KILLER ' ftr- 2. Ths l:-."":':vrnt boom con-jtinued unchanged. I 3. The country made recovery iall. Th i ! i Prosperity Is Unprecedented 5 tog. A ILiAIX IA V' Hugh D fir -....it 4 'CWi... ' from a heavy debit iraae oaiance 3 tfri!icr tluprtt Dailp 3ctof Thursday. November 24, 1949 OM lltiboii is sailing tonight cou5!e of weeks on business on the- ri'noc OeorRe lor Van- lir-tr, at SinlthTs and clsowhorc couver utter .Niwiutuitf the last In the Interior. a taxi driver, convicted of Ul. ' whl r Kay Reflects . . . ami Reminisce voluntary manslaughter for th .. "t in favor of the United States. 4. Foreign Industrialists showed renewed Interest In establishing plants in Canada. Canada U Still Kiding on Crest of Postwar Boom traffic death of Margaret Mit-'bv r t' chcll, yesterday was sentenced 'a,, , iu'i ""bl u Oil drllllns Is about to com- OTTAWA. 9 Despite a gstate of monopolism in East-ranuda is ridins the yott Saw It In The News! IUUAT 7-9 p.m. in " i .... Island, ground is ix-mg yie- pared for a SliKUHKl thetrt . work a loud voice. Mr. Vishhisky. the other day said to a committee on atomic control: "We are raxing mountains; we are Irritating deserts; c are cutting throufih jungle and tundra." It could have been mentioned that atomic i 'has started on a ountruei to provide new newspaoer premises J and. with nominations comlnft. the annual election ramnatsn 58 postwar world's trade boat on aj crest of unprecedented prosperity . This and other sigmiicanl features of Canada's postwar domestic and export trade were highlights of the annual report of the Department of Trade and Commerce which was made public Wednesday. It's A Boys' Xmas At Th RUPERT MEN'S & BOYS' STORE power has also been demonstrated In the razing of cities It wasn't, of course. Smiles "Atf V Whenever you buy a cHMieUe, the (uvcrmiictit takes a cent. FRI. -SAT. EVES. 7 - 9 p.m. EAT MAT. 2:00 - 4:20 But what's a cent? A. whale of a : The Department syas: 1. Production, employment and trade in 1948 exceeded high for municipal administration is muter way. Ther Is also a well known corner, around which J Christmas Is certain to be found. Oieral Montgomery was in 5 1 Washington Tuesday. on what has been described as a private visit to this side of the Atlantic. 5 General Wavell has bvu In Ot- ; tawa. the guest of General Alex- ; atuier. Fven In peae they are Bj pursued by eirresvHndents who I pubab!y would like to w ish thrm r the compliments of the season levels of 1947. lot when it's realised Canadians smoke about 46.00O.0OO.000 cigarettes annually. And the habit Is not becoming any less. i ' BOXED CHRISTMAS CARDS r or rnr D Petwe n October 1948 and June 1919. no fewer than 4.873 Ordrs-in-Council were passed hi Ottawa. The passing of an Onler-in- ersona J: 18 Ai-orted Xmas Cardjj i Council is said to largely con- 15 Brilliant PolnUtrttia At Cards Vi;h fUisluxl features and " ; crrn the approach of an cmerg-1 : s ency. As a matter of fact there Boys Pullover SWEATERS Up From . $2.25 Boys Cordiqon SWEATERS Up Front $3.25 Boys OVERALLS Up From $1.49 Soys PARKAS Up From $9.95 18 A?s't "Jolly Old Santa" 25 Beautiful A?sortp1 Card 13 Bamwd and Embrd a t 16 colorful Snow Set-ties 12 Cards "O'achiug Pays" w as one oil the way -or a lot jof folks scnttcred over Canada i thought , at the time. Jii As-s t Canadian Snow Sw.m 9 AMAZING VMIE ftanklin Rtxsewtt's ,,sus are turning public life. One would again give the White H.wise a Roosevelt for an occupant, and a brother U out to run for the ASSORTED ('()U)UHLl'i Only $1.25 & HJWjrkM Lall intotiav to i gorenvrship of California. Am- eriean history, how ever, is not jrvr'eie with examples of prrssd- etns offsprings becoming Bovs Dress SHIRTS Up From $1.50 f- 7ir - . . nrwpi"Un I Boys TIE SETS $1.00 Boys Winter CAPS $1.45 'Ready to Go" at th pnh ( fcttbn Bovs Gauntlet GLOVES $1.89 5! 'VxllvJA r.'"" Try This Grand : V " IUIKH or SUPPER V3 TREAT! t ! r5 : Goodyear Batteri for Passenger Cars ar.dTrx PRINCE RUPERTSUPPHE 712 Second At. Bovs MITTS $1.15 " 1 r,.;: '. '" ' f " I IP I 'Bovs Zipper JACKETS l Up From $4.25 2 tz i I l muLLn uuucAFt or Ttsrr nis t rv Rex Cat e 5IOST UP-TO-DATE CAFE LN ? Bors Lonq PANTS ortN nto.M i it r.M u : 3t ft Up From We S?e32ze la CZ:za $3.50 CHOP SUEY CHOW 1E1 rriow MELN r t4 Oriert fHOM W i Bovs Dress Short PANTS Up- Frcy . . $1.98 l.vnj Aieau wCjiM KriJC hittwn kltK. 1 CM aA to S. as Ur ITS tor OttUkS Urati 1 !b. Ci nned Salmon, flaked; cup srated cheese; 2 33$, well beaten; 1 cup milk; 2 tbsp. butter, melted; 2 rolled crackers; juice of lemon. Combine the Canned Salmon and cheese, add beaten eggs and milk. Pour mixture into buttered casserole. Cover with buttered cracker crumbs. Over all Rupert Men's & Boys' Store Farji Tib NOBIE & WICK presenl ADMIRAL RADIOS miirnl t TV J. A AlL.liLt. tUK uiiLf"-- ;1 i! I i V i i BROADWAY CAFE . . . f-' Ofrwj in, BEST IOOO " : . . , --"St i pour juice of lemon. )" Cover, set casserole L FINEST CXXIKINC. raL Rri rrr Ur. J UW AC - IX BlU i rtutM. wcr. IOW l TKX Kuperi; n.uu rtKM! ! Hlr T a to I a a t 1 "i A srECI.Vl.TV in a pan of water and bake in moderate oven. 350- O.9.' A Colour For Eery Rccm 375 degrees Fv for 30 minutes. Serves four. Fixing Up For Xmas Canada's Smart set i ? SOC US. ."NT PC rst Smartn wp ycr kitfHen ith r M v? 1 its so economical $ nr A mi l n m . & M V NEW LINOLEUM VENETIAN BLINDS St.U t Ne c t-c 1 . r." V I I RUSH SKlFKw 9 r S;fi.r A""v- GQQffig Woterproof, Sockprocr S3i.95 AIR FREIGHT To: Queen Cri3.:.-'-- ";" lo. -v w WW JuLMAXJ dire cr:vxi?rEi rw in GEORGE COOK, Jeweller . ?JT An ft-es a m tv mn.f vswtcn ut?ox axt