Musical Delight. Prince Rupert Daily News Thursday, September 14, 1950 RAIN COATS Singers Are sentimental, passionate, comedy, , classic and straight ballad items T were intermingled with selections from such unforgettable works as 0(5 SALE Impressive Friml's "Firefly," "Rose Marie" and "Vagabond King," Monck- Five Granted Citizenship 'Five more people became Canadian citizens at county court here Monday. They are Harold Magnus Lien, Ling Bo Shong, Chow Yuen Que, James Wong, Mah Tan and Mar Chick; all cf whom received certificates of naturalization. Six additional applicants were examined, one of ton's "Country Girl," Herbert's NAVY BLUE GABARDINE k DOUBLE BREASTED STYLE SILK LINED SHOWERPROOF $35.00 Mile. Modiste," "Princess Pat" Horsfall Group Charms Prince Rupert For Third Successive Year High in enthusiastic apprecia- and "Fortune Teller," Coward's "Third Little Show," Norton's AYS ONLY ! tlon if not in numerical strength 'Chu Chin Chow," Offenbach's 'Genevieve de Brabant," Verdi's Rigoletto," Cole's "Girl From whom was turned down. was the audience which attended at the Civic Centre auditorium Kay's," Moncktons "Orchid," Fri 15ih, Sat. 16lh, Mon. 18th Fraser and PayneT) last night and was. transported TREE PLANTING ' The-Alberta Agriculture De to realms of tunesome delight Ruben s "Mis Hook of Holland'! and Lehar's "Land of Smiles," "Count of Luxembourg" and "Merry Widow." Solos, duets and quartettes all being admirably by Horsfall Singers paying partment Intends to plant 100, NO EXCHANGE I third memorable visit to Prince 000,000 trees in the next 25 years. Rupert The attendance ap adapted to the talents of , the artists. proached three hundred, unless Prince Rupert people lend better Using only English translations patronage to such affairs, they are in danger of losing them. An i ; of their renditions of scenes and I that would be too bad for a city s,ongs from the operas and oper where it Is a often lamented ettas, some of which are rarely TOMATO CATCHUP heard except in foreign tongues, ii that there is cnlv too little of such type of high class enter made the show completely understandable and, therefore the Late-at-night sandwiches . tainment. Sandwiches can be different! more ot-HMitlui. Ivr tins did detract from the effective 9 Add one cup of Libbyt II 11 0 Tomato Catchup to 1 can of A 0 crabmeat. Mix with 1 tsp. II horseradish, 'i cup , chopped celery, 2 tsp. I I ness of gesturfs and emotional Back for this show were the -itmure and ciminutlve soprano Vera Bryson, the sultry and tem-restuous mezzo-soprano Wini Hutt,, vigorous tenor Karl Nor- outbursts of the artists. Civic Centre Manager Don man while har.diome Derek Mac--Forward was assisted in putting lemon juice. Spread on I buttered bread. if' i Dermot is a newcomer who made jen tlie rrnw by members of the p highly pleasing Impression with jsoroptimist club in the persons of Miss Muriel V Mrs. Mattson i m r w anil mm. m m m sm DIES BRIEFS LADIES; HANKIES ' 3 99c . 9c IES' RAYON HOSE POCKET COMBS 3 pa r 99c 6 for 29c LADIES' BETTER DRESSES REN'S ANKLE HOSE Reg. $14.95 to $17.95 , 4 for 99c v NowS4.99 No Try Ons IE COATS 6 Only PAYDAY SPECIAL TABLE OF ODDS AND ENDS lor $18.95 to $24.95 Reg. $2.00 to $5.00 o Clear QQ 99 , Now QQo his fine bass-baritone As piano accompanist Reg 3. Hawken is an able successor to the late lamented Badl Horsfall whose spirit lives on wHh the bow although his presence may be gone. Rpni'-mhrr'ti'! the prpvlous "Ni-ht in Vienna" ot 1948 and "Oavalrac'e of Sons" (19491. local music lovers anticipated "Melo and Mrs. J. J. Ehiy who acted ae usherettes. The singers rrrived in the city trom Vancouver They are now commenced cr. a tour of the prcvincc which will take them through the central interior by enr with th ir next stand tonight at Terrace. dies Immortal" with keen Interest nnd thev were not disannointed. t r ,,, ., Gr&s revenvc of tnc Canadian Delightful memories of the pre- Mfre last vi,u, reduction were kept green mrw!" with cjMb Prepared which ,uu way n,iuvi.i. u. man mite uuiiu; , bv this TfT rffering MUSTARD he 1534 figure. with yfyptfd' Sweet Mixed PICKLES Take left-over ham . ; . put it through the meat chopper. Add mayonnaise, salt and pepper. Spread on rye bread. Smother with Libby's For those who like liverwurst ! Make a paste of liverwurst, finely diced onion, Libby't discovers Heme on complete pr if not excellinr in some respects. The fast-moving melodic program, made colorful with Its Introductory and closing numbers In costume, commenced with a full-dress scene from Julius ' Benedict's "Lily of Killarney," a rreparea mustara. spread on a crisp white roil. Presto! A iueet Mixed Pieties finely chopped. Anything better? C y " " lunch-box special I i wlrpl version of the "Coller Eawn," rendered with admirable ! lyrical expression and portrayed : Remedy This clean stainless antiseptic Known all over Canada as Moone's Emerald Oil Is such a flue healing aser.t that Eczema Barber's Itch. Salt Rheum Itching Toes and Feet, and other inflammatory skin erup-Mons are often relieved in a lew days. Moone's Emerald Oil is pleasant to u and U Is so antioeptic and i with stirring emotion by the full ccmrany. The program ended with a LADIES' SILK NIGHTIES $199 'amil'ar episode from Verdi's ome Early, Ladies! LDREN'S T-SHIRTS 2 for 89c "II Trovatore' with its high N-netratlnx that many old stubborn rases of lonn standing have yielded to Its Influence. Moone's Emerald Oil Is sold - by Ormfs Drus and druggists everywhere to help rid you of stubborn pimples and unsightly skin troubles satisfaction or money back. ; 'Irrnia, also In costume.. Between the two Impressive operatic excerpts the audience was treatid with a succession of ' -on-T hits which passed in quick and smooth sequence. Recitative IV. IV 1 . . . u u u u uiJ iyj u u u u u V .1 mm n ftr(i 1 JOE McKAY, PROPRIETOR 1383 Sixth Avenue East Phone 677 OPENING TOMORROW, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 15 A FULL AND SELECT LINE OF FRESH MEATS, GROCERIES, VEGETABLES, AND FROZEN FOODS Economy Prices Your Patronage Soliciied Call And See Us Tomorrow BEST WISHES AND CONGRATULATIONS FROM- JERSEY FARMS, H. Swaffield KELLY-DOUGLAS. Wholesale Grocers A. E. SMITH, Wholesale Produce GREER AND PPJDDEN, General . Contractors RUPERT RADIO AND ELECTRIC, Electrical Contractors SAAIIICH PLUMBING AND HEATING Mi 'J