H Hotel. . HOW c pttat Rupert Oaflf f3etni LtD. Saturday, September 4, 1948 Kwl Uay itnm r&. il o JrJ) Waterfront ' Whiffs 1 B AN: Q- Shomd globes be clf CAic Fi'vert Kicdson, B. M. p.. . it Carneu, much Vancouver; G. Gay, Prince soiled George; Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Kay, throwing out . , inn- '"nil, me , eouver; m. a. uixun, h. B. Paying jor Stormy Weather Holds Up Tuna Fishing Juneau Lumber Cargo Heia 'Hot' Here riercey, wuui tcuuy , u. ri. far- sue in riot (i nell, Kumealun Inlet; . Swan-! Q- Huw ti 2 fcasia tJf T i son Houston; o. Hansen. R. lm touet article. Jack, Vancouver; G. Duplisse.j A. They Cai Osland; M. and Mrs. M. Skip- 'ant jjoliKh ness and family, Mr. and Mrs wn't Vaseh H. Haugman, Houston; Mr. and1 ltn soil t Stormy weather which has prevailed almost continuously throughout the past week brought practically all" fishing operations to a standstill, including the new tuna harvest on the west coast of the Queen Charlotte Islands. The run is still there, the Department of Fisheries stated last night, and the fishing Mrs. a. iwi)W)i;i;ifr.i luna Mrs.i"'J " Keep A. I jForfit, i Vancouver; Mr, allft j wood has ab - ' AEF" ;;";;''"r i Hf "' Mrs. F."li. "Wright and family. . Q H' uw car J. J. Mans, city; Mr .and Mrs. Vancouver. vessels are still hovering neiirby 'lands caused A. Use a g,. dishwashing, tbc handi a; the Rivers Inlet area. With Fisheries Inspector Charles Lord he visited here on more than one occasion. Mr. Weaver served for seven years with the Royal Advertise In ttie Ialiy tows! cnina and Ei but the catches in the new Marine bonanza have been reduced to a minimum. So far 600,000 pounds of tuna have been landed here. There has been a drop in the price this week to $550 per ton. It was $600 per ton before. TODAY at 2.00 -4.25-6.5 Canadian Mounted Police in the - s Arctic before the Second World b-t' ' War in which, despite his as ' of 34. he became a flight lieu-1 Another barge shipment of tenant air-gunner, doing a tour of duty in Lancasters. He is survived, in addition to his. widow. some twenty carloads or 400.000 WOMEN PROTEST HIGH r.:2AT PRiCiS Lady Crusaders in New York City picket a big Dutcher shop in an attempt to drive .,,11 nipat. nriros Reekine the co-ODeration of the retail "At least, you won't be bothered by peddlars! f I MM Mptf ta ta -a US usi i Ut lit KSUB tfiM mJ feet of lumber from ths Juneau Spruce Corporation's sawmill at m m m by two children in Vancouver.; butchers in thelr campaign, the housewives have drastically w mil mn ni u . wim . d II i the Alaska capital arrived at Prince Rupert on Monday of this week behind the motor tug San- cut down meat consumption. Throughout the nation meat dealers declare the spreading boycott is beginning to affect sales. m m WALLACE'S SUNDAY MIDNITE Whether or riot a big overhaul job is to be undertaken soon on the veteran Canadian National Steamships coastal liner but still remained un m ! tnna ed seven placer dredging opera-1 EDDIE DEAN AI. LARUE lions and also broadcast from Dawson radio station. At White- (HI loaded yesterday at the lumber assembly wharf here. It is the second consignment of its kind, the first having been made last spring through the dry dock pier. Since then the Juneau mill had been tied up by labor trouble. Prince Rupert will be carried out at Prince Rupert is the question upon which enlightenment is being awaited here. Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce has instituted inquiries for definite IMPRESSED WITH NORTH British Information Hirector Sees Great Tourist Traffic Possibilities horse he addressed the Kiwanis. He spoke before the Rotary Club here Thursday. WILD WEST' HEAK ! The lumber is considered "hot" City Merchants Starts MONDA cargo here because of the fact that it was not loaded by the j School Opening SALE 5 GIRLS' and BABIES' E READY-TO-WEAR SALE NOW ON at WALLACE'S of Course! information loaowing the announcement yesterday that the Rupert was being withdrawn from service at the middle of this month, being replaced by the new Prince George. The Greatly impressed with "the most interesting part of the! world' 'he ha$ ever seen and he I regular longshoremen at Ju 7SU maitataH4 pot tc 3300 iaitj) tea has travelled extensively In the neau. There seems to be uncertainty as to the final disposition of the shipment. City merchants are asked In future to have copy for all display advertisements Into the Dally News office by 4 p.m. of the day previous to their publication. Imperial government service, Peter H. Bennett, deputy direc J George was in port northbound i yesterday from 10 a.m. until 2 tor, United Kingdom Informa-', With fourteen carloads of j p.m. on her final voyage of the frozen fish from Sitka for trans-1 season in the Alaska tourist tion Service at Ottawa, see.i tremendous possibilties from a This co-operation will greatly assist thc mechanical A shipment East over Canadian National Railways, Northland tourist standpoint for all the department In keeping to thc north country Northern British regular hour for publication After an absence of several Columbia and Yukon when it. becomes better known. Mr. Ben- Transportation Co.'s big refrigerator motorship Lucidor was in port yesterday from Alaska. After discharging here, the Lucidor sailed for Seattle. CUNARD WHITE STAR i weeks on a cruise as far down j the coast as the Gulf Islands. I Dr. W. S. Kergin is due home ' today with his power yacht Fi'Jl nett motored over the Alaska Highway from Whitehorse to the j Kluane Lake country and was TO SEE IT IS TO KNOW ITS $!".; Moon. He also called at Van Ken Weaver, fisheries Inspec Code Cterk, USSR fmby, 0!Uwj. (mil Mvelilions ol th itom bomb spy pW tkit couver where his parents, Dr. and Mrs. W. T. Kergin, reside i and met his brother, Dr. Fred 1 Kergin, who has been on the tor at Alert Bay, who lost his life in a plane crash near Alert Bay this Thursday, was no ctrnnupr t Prlnp R.imprt. In particularly struck with it. i Mr. Bennett, whose trip has been partly on vacation and partly on business, flew into Whitehorse. He also visited Dawson and came here Wednesday afternoon on the Princess Lou- I 1111 I TO SEE IT IS TO FEEL ITS If- ct from Toronto. Mrs. Kergin 1945 he was engineer on the and family are returning homo "Th House On 92nd Street." "Booraen"!'" w til fisheries department cruiser Beldis which was stationed hi by steamer next Wednesday i,sc from t h e north. Yesterday K Consult u lur your needs in all types of printing work. Everything inr high-class stationery. Fountain Pens Cards for. every occasion lHItlt Printing PASSENGER SAILINGS CANADA TO EUROPE j he left by plane for Sand.spU Seiners operating in Nadentand wl" spcnri four dayii on thc Harbor and Mauett Inlet have!UPen Charlotte Islands visltine, 'ifted slightly more than 500.000 ' 1('KSing operations and native villaKes' After u" ln Van' pinks from the Queen Charlotte daf Ic,j ,,. i .1 ! iouver he will proceed East. ANA SAWMILL EQUIPMENT 'Little Giant" Portable Saw In Dawson Mr. Bennett visit- from Montreal Monrteal " Montreal " Halifax " Halifax TO LIVERPOOL ASCANIA Sept. 9 ASCAN! Oct. 8 ASCANIA Nov. 5 ASCANIA11 Dec. 3 SAMARIA . Dec. 10 Calls at Greenock TO SOUTHAMPTON opened. There were, about 40 of! the big netters operating in Mas-! sett Inlet during -the week but since Monday storms have ,prac-: mills with 3 sizes In carriages. Little Giant" Edgers for 2 and 3-saw arrangement and the roi BESNER BLOCK THIRD AVENUE "Little Giant" Improved 4- RJNfHAWC iim UROtGtR tnH6ut9i.! sided ball - bearing Planer, ! AND ASTHMA HAY FEVER MtKATtlKANY CANADA Mil. Vancouver. HC 3 complete with heads, knives belts and shaving jexhauster. In Stock and Ready to Ship tically put a stop to their ae-! tivlties. The southeastern por-1 tion of Butedale fisheries area will be open to seiners at mid-! night Sunday, September 5. With the exception of Roscoe Iniet, the whole of the Bella Bella are will also be open to seirers at midnight Sunday. Most of the catch in tru area will consist of chums and cohoes. According to reports, the water ievel of most rivers leading to salmon spawning grounds is AQUITANIA Sept. 18 from Halifax AQL'ITANIA Oct. 7 " Halifax AQUITANIA Oct. 28. " Halifax AQUITANIA Nov. 18 " Halifax AQUITANIA Dec. 9 " Halifax ' , AQUITANIA Dec. 30 " Halifax TO LONDON SAMARIA Oct. 2 from Quebec SCYTHIA Oct. 16 - ' Quebec SAMARIA Nov. 6 " Quebec SCYTHIA Nov. 20 " Quebec SCYTHIA Dec. 24 " Halifxa BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL 3 Specials! MARGARET McLEOD OPTOMETRIST CUSTC FOR OUT-OF-TOWN higher than average, a condi We carry a complete line of Dodge Steel Split Pulleys, Steel Belt Lacing, Ball - Bearings Saws and Power Units, both gasoline and diesl. Truch Winches, Boomers, Power Take-offs and Steel Cable. Your inquiries will receive prompt attention. ' MACHINERY DEPOT LTD. 1029-30 Tenth Ave. West CALGARY, ALBERTA tion that permits the fish to FOR YOUR HOCK AND CONCRETE WORK CALL BLUE 939 M. .T. SAUNDERS New, Modern Equipment All Work Guaranteed The new Model 231 Marconi BatW1 short wave radio. In New, Offices ROOM 10 STONE BUILDING RATES OF PASSAGE SCYTHIA, SAMARIA Flat rate $175. ASCANIA Tourist $140. 1st Class from $210. AQUITANIA Tourist $160. 1st Class from $220. REGULAR SAILINGS FROM NEW YORK Queen Elizabeth Mauritania Queen Mary . .. Parthia ' Britannic Media Apply to your local agent or to ... inil rrrorn v l 2. . ...n..n, rase for battm "1 Sain their spawning beds without too much difficulty although when the streams are high, salmon eggs are likely to be deposited too far ud the banks in many cases leaving them exposed to frost when the water recedes. . . .... f- SlrowK New Phone BLUE 503 3. Modern ana rnp.i.a,- - t PIANO TECHNICIAN Tuning, Voicing and Repair MIKE COLUSSI Phone BLACK 758 972 10th East THIS AND THAT tery pack console i ' with K F 8lae. P L IT S many ot her t'd battery ' NEW LOW list prices. comply We carry at all times a able EVEREADY batteries - T YF DR. P. J. CHENEY DENTIST SUITE 5, SMITH BLOCK Phoie 765 P.O. Box 1401 General Agents 626 West Pender St., Vancouver, B. C. HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waviig Beauty Culture ln all 1U branchei 204 4th Street Phone 65S SI E FHun RUPERT RADIO & JOHN F. L. HUGHES Chiropractor 21-22 BESNER BLOCK 611 Phone Box 1321 P.O Box 894 Phone Blue 442 " - Complete Requirement GEORGE L. RORIE for . one4 HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS Public Accountant, Auditor, etc. Income Tax Returns Compiled. Besner Block Phone 387 Power Building and Repairs of all kind Roofs, Chimneys and Oil Burner PUBLIC AND HIGH SCHOOLS Textbooks Scribblers Pens and Pencils Crayons - rulers Protractors Set Squares " TERMS STRICTLY CASH Eay Fn.f Dpiifiiidablc PRINCE RUPERT BOTTLE COLLECTOR PHONE BLUE 810 j. .nil I . g (lie W PHONES: An ideal iooi i p! Black 637 Red 894 evenings and pn- For particulars TERRACE DEALKB-"EBB 1 or IP Serving tho Fisheries Industr" WelU (P.R.) Ltd. Cartage, Labelling, Weighing PRINCE RUPERT 5 QUALITY REPAIRS For Downtrodden Heels and Worn Soles MAC SHOE HOSPITAL Box 771 Second Ave. 712 Second Avenue BLUE 780 BLUE 080 "Hot dogs! Hot dogs! Anybody here want a hot dog?"