pftiti KBpJrl Daflf Hirta ES3. .'Saturday, September 4, 1048 I insertion ntouniun otai, S0. Birth NoUum; kort - PJJ jtn Notion Fiuirl Notlo, Uarru, DIRECTORY Service In all churches at 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m.; Sunday fechixil at, 12:1.1 exreut ax showi. 'PBt' m advauca. fieaae retrain from leieuii..,, il ls " ' " FOR SALE ALE THE SALVATION ARMY 5 ANNUAL CONGRESS MEETINGS September 3rd to tt Conducted By COMMISSIONER CHARLES BAl'GH (Territorial Commander fox Canada, Newfoundland and Bermuda' ' Assisted By COLONEL G. BEST (Field Secretary And the Officers of the Northern B. C. Division PUBLIC MEETING FRIDAY 8ept 3rd. 8 p. m. Devotional Service SATURDAY Sept. 4th. 8 p. m. Welcome to Congress Leaders and Delegates SUNDAY Sept. 5th. 11 a. m., 3 p. m. and 7:30 p. m. Congress Rally. Address by the Commissioner "Canada at the Cross Roads" Brigadier and Mrs. Gillingham will give farewell messages. Mr. P. H. Linzey will preside. MONDAY Sept. 6th. 7:30 p, m. Public Welcome to the new Divisional Commanders, Sr. Major and Mrs. C. Warrander, Vancouver. You are invited to these services. AMlLUiAN CATHEDRAL 4th Ave. W at Durum ulr Bk Holy Communion 8:30 a.m. Sunday School 2:00 p.m. Rector: BasU S. Prockter. 8.A.. B O-. (Blue Tii) Wilt A"T- B.C 1210 FOR SALE Sectional bookcase, or exchange for china cabinet. Phone Blue 938 (210i FOR' . SAL E-Kitchen range new $35.00. Emerson PortabU-radio 6 tuba A. C. or D. C. operated. $f().l)Q. 1034 7th Ave East. (210) jTbedar.d mujnlur lapttst (Eliurrit FIRST. BWTMW 8th Ave. K. at Young Bt Mints let: Bv. Fred Antrobui (Green 812) FU1SX PKl.HBST-fcltLVN 4th Avenue Bast (Qreen 083) Phone tg new. idt 248. (Fundamentalist) PHONE 363 and d Fu'- .j nffli'n m SIXTH AVENUE EAST (Near. High, School FOR KENT tre au sliRnuy- 9-iAt, Sjltes, uieM"- FOR RENT Housekeeping room with hot and cold water, in town. 013 3rd Ave. Green 780. (tfi itichen Set". firs i;mtkd eaa atn Ave. west Minister: R. A. Wilson. M A. (Oraen eiS) H;LI. GOHPftl. TAHHRNACXH 221 atb Ava. West Pastor: Paul A. Barber (Green aau) ' HAI VA1ION AJ1MV Fratr Htreeb CO.: Cup I. Earl Jarrett Directory Class 2:30 p.m. Bunuay School 3:00 p.m. (Black 369) 3uret Hnttf ii (Elutrrli 636 6th Ave. W. Prince Rupert, B. C. - Minlstec Rew. R. A. Wilson, M.A. . j Organist Mrs. L. A. Pakin, Choir Leader Mr. J. S. WIson SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1948 "' 11:00 a. m. MORNING WORSHIP Sermon Subject: "Keeping Straight About Lri,bot" 7:30 p.m. EVENING WORSHIP Sermon Subject: "On Lotteries and Labor." "COME AND WORSHIP" Come and Join IPs in the OPENING SERVICES in our NEW CHURCH HOME SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1918 p.m., Sunday School Re-opens fancy Tables , ec!ric Maytag ne nnw cowl ,"fSand Hea--iti used Car- FOR RENT filt'i'plny rooms. 80 Borden Street. at, FOR RENT Flat in Rand Block. Apply Max Hellbroner, Jeweler. Unsils; align t- 2:15 oilier usc- U articles ttt ST. PAUL'S LVTUEUAN Silt Ave. at MrTUlJc St. Pastor: K. Bolland (Blaok aid II 1 I I FOR RENT One sleeping room once. Come over. b.v RKTGM'S ANOLIOAN 050 ?lh Ave. East, phone Red 471. . . (tf) FOR RENT 3-room house. 1234 Park Avenue. (2Uin ltd First Baptist Church, (Young Street) Minister: Rev. F. Antrobus Phone,: Res, Green 812 Seal Cove Archdeacon B. Hudson Sunday School 11:00. a.m. Evening Prayer 7:20 (Blue 827). Mercury V-li en 330 209 i Let us 7: MR. C SPECIAL ADPRESS MR. IVLVNVILLE BEDFORD luvp every one of our old scholars a,nd many new ones in their places) JO p.m., Gospel "Service ; . . SPECIAL SPEAK ER .. ECIL J. CARTER (of Shantyroen's Christian Ass'iv of N.A.) who will Vjring a-.tixnely Message OLD-FASHIONED GOSrEL SINGING COMMUNITY 81'lSrtAY R HOOL - WAvriiU Itmat Bnd Hall, , 2:30 p.m. JSE, Concrete e in, small Dispatcher, WANTED Taxi. 537 (Hi ll NOTICE Miss Helen Collard, leavelllt.!; representative of the British and Foreiga Bible Society will present a report on hei work at a meeting in the FIRST BAPTIST CUCUCII Monday, September C at 8 p.m. You are cordially Intited to attend. . Local Branch, British 'and Foreign Bible Society jpent. jduu.uu iiONO AGEN- 11 a.m. MORNING SERVICE. Beginning today, this service is resumed In our own church. 12:15 p.m. A BIG WELCOME to all our BOYS and GIRLS after the holidays. We shall be happy to see you back again in your class right at th3 start. ICFPR Radio Dia 1240 Kilocycle Third Ave. WANTED Girl lor general launUry worJf.. Apply Pioneei-Canadlun Laundry. uii (212) i (Subject to change)) . , WANTED Reliable taxi driver for 123 Taxi, Cow Bay. (tfi WE BELIEVE AND TEACH THE WHOLE BIBLE 7:30 p.m. Evening Service. Do something for your Lord an t Master today by bringing your friends with you to the SATUKD A"Y. P .M- 4:30 Here's to Romance 5:00 Tea Dance 5:30 Sports This Week: 5:45 Sports college 6:00 CBC News 6:10 The Marsons WANTED Car Datterles, car radiators, brass and copper; paying good prices. See B.C FURNITURE CO.. Black 324 C sell Owner Reasonable inl or five-room . and pantry. n location pm. Weal for y or Dept. of r Call at 19ci $l er 6 p.m., or (2U) SATURDAY SERMON HELP WANTED 6:30 Good Musie by Goodman information that there Is no force outside of a person -that can pry him away from Christ. These facts lead us. oa to some other thoughts. When trials come to a person who Is Christian, such a one Monday, Sept. 6, at 8 p.m. i SPECIAL MEETING of the Bible Soaiety, to hear the report of Miss Helen CHard, travelling representative. All Christian people are asked to, be pcesenU LIFE'S EXPERIENCES (REV. EARL SOILAND, Pastor of St. Paul's Lutheran Church) "Lllu's Experience Contributes to the Christian's Good." 8:45 Perry Gomo 7:00 Serenata, Wpg. 7:30 T.B.A. 8:00 ThiB Week 8:15 John Emerson at Home 8:30 Dance Time In London 8:00 Pacific Pianoforte aldepts the Invitation of Christ .JkClary Royal tre&m enamel; jtl turner and HELP WANTED MALE Carpenters wauled on building project at Jasper, Alberta. Good pay and steady work. Apply Western Construction and Lumber Co. Ltd., 7 Imperial Bank Building, Edmonton, Alberta. (2Ui and calls upon Him m his need. By doing so, he gets the Plione Blue spiritual strength or wisdom 10:15 Canadian Short Stories 10:30 Prelude to Minnighe 11:00 Weather and sign, oil , MONDAY A J. ;ih Ave, East. needed so that he can meet and Romans 8.18-39. How varied are the experiences Gf the average Christian ! Is there any purpose to all of them? Since he lives in a sin-cursed world, there will be more or less the curse of sin to contend with. This has many (2101 solve them. This makes for a 9:30 Chamber Music 10:00 CBe News-10:10 B.C. News 10:15 Fish, Flesh ad Fowl more intimate union with. Vuspreudb Christ. It brings Him near so BOYS WANTED Boys desiring News routes should leave their names at the office as vacancies may be occurring any da. .ue price, ..Jul Clien- that His presence is felt. Such j 10 -.30. -El Passeo Orchestra forms and meets him in many places. Sometimes he First Presbyterian Church Fourth Avenue East Mrs.,E. J. Smith, Organist 11 a-ro-rrPreacher, Ven, Archdeacon E. D. Hodson. 7:30 p.m. Preacher, P. H. Linzey. ' in all colors, meets difficulties from the enemies of God. This may experiences teach us not to.) 11:80 Weatheo Forecast, lean on our own strength alone,1 SUNDAY A.M. but to lean on the strength of 8;30gunriay Recital hie beds $4.99 take the form of persecution,' " ' HELP WANTED Christmas not of this world. Card Agents Let "Style 7:30 Musical Crock 8:00 CBC News 8:15r-Morning Song 8:30 Music for Moderns 8:45 Little Concert 9:00 BBC News & Comty. 9:15 Morning Devotions 9:30 Transcribed Melodies 9:45 Modern Musicians 9:59 Time Signal 10:00 Morning Visit 10:15 Morning Melodies 10:30 Roundup Time i spreads with I- ileMxn. com-I with Chenille Habitant hanri- Other experiences fall to his either in the form of physical pain, or else in the many subtle ways that ostracizes him from the ;eiiowship of others. Craft" be your guide for larger sales and commissions. Write Style Craft Greeting Cards, 2100, W. 5 Ave., Vancouver, B. C. (209i INVESTMENTS He is made to feel that he is 18 xM." well f'H). These ar-V double the STa ANDREW'S CATHEDRAL September 5, Fifteenth Sunday After Trinity, Labor Sunday. 8:30 a.m. Holy Communion. God. They reveal tne ian inai there is a spiritual force at our disposal which we need. Out of. all such events, we learn to trust God. Therefore we can meet all the changes and difficulties In life with the confident assurance that as long as we love' God. each and every one of them will turn out for good in our lives. SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES plus postage. i'ely refunded 10; 4ft Scandinavian Melodies 11:00 Bernle Braden Tells 11:00 a.m. Holy Communion Handicraft r4 Sherbrooke a Story. CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATIONS PREPARE NOW for Fall examination. Write M.C.C. Civil Service School, 301 Enderton Bldg., Winnipeg, Manitoba. and Sermon. 7:30 p.m. Evensong arid Sermon. ; 11:15 Songs of Yesterday. 't-ai, Que. (Si NEW. COMER with limited amount of capital, seeks working partnership in any line of retail business. Box 391 Daiiy News. (21 J i lot, many of them similar to those all mankind meets. Sometimes there is famine, sometimes discomforts to contend with, sometimes Umesomenels that is caused by the loss of friends or relatives. Occasionally some unsolved difficulty faces him, almost driving him to despair. Ill fortune seems to. be his lot at times.. Sometimes ungodly persous prosper whila he does not. So the question arises: "Is there any purpose of-it all?1 Take time to read the whole of the eighth chapter of Romans. It gives the answer to this question. The great apostle lists many of the difficul Preacher, morning and evening 11:30 Weather Forecast 11:31 Message Period 11:33 Recorded Interlude The Rt. Rev. J. B. Gibson, Bishop of Caledonia. tf'iem Electric fc-diu- 1948 mo-f 12. St. Elmo. I ' (Hi tory. triumph 11:45 Famous Voices PERSONAL l,AM KMilSTKY A'T llr: OrimcHle of Title No. :).T!I4-I to Lot IS. lUiH'k HI. hwllon 1, :ity ol I'rliiiT KiiMTt. Map Hit. WHEHEAS satlsiacU)rv proof of 9:00 BBC News and Commentary 9:15 Songs and Singers . 9:30 Harmony Harbour 9:59 Time bignai 10:00 B.C. Gardener 10:15 David and the Man in Moon 10:30 Music and Worship 11:00 CBC News. 11:03 Capitol Reports Ott. 11:30 Religious Pediod, Tor. 12:00 -Hollywood Bowl Sym phony Orch. 1:30 -Church of the Air 2:00 -Music In Nature 2:30 CBC New? 2:33 Home Again by G. Grant 2;45-Glen Shortliffe (Kingston) 3:00 Alan und Me 3:30 Weather Forecast 3:35 Musical Program 3:45 The Red Feather Man 4:00 Songs From the Movies 4:15 Movie Critic 4:30 Concert Recordings 5:00 Record Album 5:30 let L'on Chante, Oue 6:00 CBC News 6:10 The Old Songs . PERSONAL Will store piano for use of same. Box 392 loss of the above Certificate of Title PIONEER OF NORTH DIES One of central interior's best known and most colorful real pioneer personalities passed away in the Terrace Hospital - Roofing Repairs - Dally News. (209 Issued In the name ol Joe Took. has bet-n filed In this office, notice is herebv mven that I shall, at the (xiiimtiim of one month from the jfceeks, bed Hden washing I nd pans, I'rpet sweeper $11) Call bell and 3 p. m. I wt (2H) riur nf tin; first nubllcatlon hereof WILL DO, DRESSMAKING or sewing In my own home. Phon? Oreen 331. (211) Fibrelastic Paint Fibreoid Cement Ready Roofing Tarred Sheathing iKsua a Provisional Certificate of ties that one may encounter and then he says that the pre Thursday when Neil Mclnnes, sent suffering is not wortny to . d t Nortn Buikiey Stops Leaks 'on 3 pi,,cc Title In lieu of said lost Certificate unless In the meantime valid objection b- made to me In wrttlnK- DATED at thp Land Registry Office. Prince Rupert. B.C. this 9th tiny of AuKUSt. 1948. AD ANDREW THOMP80N Di'PUty R!lstnir of Titles. (215) FOR BEST HOTEL SERVICE ir, the Interior, stop at Telkwa Hotel, 244 miles from Prince Rupert, Just half way to Prince George. (tf) le. like new. be dompared with the glory that J 3lnce tne turn of tne century shall be revealed. Then he ; and was identified with the tells us that all things work to-; constru0Uon of the original Yu- "0 and stool 17 or call at THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. i gether for good to tnem tna kon Telegraphs line, died at the are in Christ Jesus. Using "''age 0f 94. He was familiarly words, "And' we know that aU.,known as -uncle Neil" and for things work together for godthe few years had made st- (2141 f't 34 bed and alnut 6 piece I11- All like PERSONAL The Tormina1 Lunch and Newstand Open all day, every day, to give you the best we can in every way. (tfi METAL HOKK COTTAGE CHEESE , ew Creamed Fresh Made ' VALENTIN DAIRY Your Dally ALL-WEATHER SERVICB '-k 248. itf. Pontiac fouiv to them that love God, to them who are called according to His purpose." Here he clearly presents the information that all things we encounter in life are blessings as long as we are Christians. his home at Terrace wttn Mr. and Mrs. Archie Mclnnes. The funeral is taking place at Houston to which point the remains were accompanied today by Mrs. Mclnnes. There are two brothers, Archie Mclnnes of "w mileaue. 6:30 Familiar Muslo 7:00 Open Air Theatre 7:30 Little Symphonies, Tor. 8W0 British Authors. 8:15 World's Greatest Authors 8:30 Music by Eric Wild . 9 : 00 Summertime 9:30 Vesper Hour 10:00 CBC News. 10:10 B.C. News ' PLUMBING Installations and Hrosters, mud Ami; Available! 'ately owned, repaira. SHEET metal WORK. Tar and Gravel. Roofing. Letourneau St Sons, 629 and Dan Mclnnes of If we continue to read on to Terrace fon through-M takes it. Merritt, and a sister, Mrs. mc- iv end of the Chapter, we will Blxth West. Phone 543. (tfi f 1 1 1 find that tne apostle adds the Lean of Toronto. f OH SALE 1 '" -u Ii;i'ArJT1E'T OF I.AXIH AMI FORKMTS . TIMBER SALE X-42048 Take notice sealed tenders will be lumber more the modern received by the Dlrstrlct Forester at lvPe National Prince Rupert at noon on the istli H"S manufnn. day of September. 1948. for sale 01 lion do you like our Service? We hope you. like the way we do business. We ace doing oue best to gWe you good satisfaction. We try to keep posted on the values shown in other cities and keep our prices as near as possible the same. We try to keep the best possible merchandise. We try to do your repairing and engraving as quickly and as well as i can. be done. We try to be the earliest with the latest. No one is perfect and we try to right any mistakes we bappea to run into. We try to deserve your business. Something from Bulgers is always something special. wuit if FUfST nmm iuk mi mm mwm . nal Machinery N. Van )94o VALUE OF PRODUCTION (tfi' ''"Y An any unmarked drift timber below mean high-water level which Is not In the lawful possession of or unsecured by or claimed lawfully bv othee parties adrift In the bed of the bkeena River between Graveyard Point and Little Canyon. All contracts Issued in accord with these provisions are to terminate not later thuu My 31st, 14. Further particulars available from the Chief Porester. Victoria. B.C.. and the District Forester. Prince Bupert.. 8.0. ( It I No. 27042-T t 3 and Nin.iu. LOOK FOR THE NEW RED AND WHITE GOLD SEAL LABEL Pulp .nd P.p H ll- vu 1 ' . swiii Bfj. fjm P Masset, Mttp f A" of Block M'wlte of Mas-on Ra(,,r H Lot B" of Fl. Townslte of P shown on Ref- r;r proof of ry'leate of Title P' Nootka Pack- l Limited has lia . notice ..- . la It's tb e Lien Gate ... for Tasty Meals O ChopSuey Chow Mein f from the date hereof, Mue of Title in ,ct, unless In fg objection be Registry of -C'. thla 2tr, i2 , THOMPSON, 'strar ol Tltlea. Chinese Dishes a Specialty Second Avenue opposite Prince Rupert Hotel 7:00 a.m. to 3:0 a m. J