Jyrinrc Kupcrt Dai'I? J3ctog Thursday, November 18, 1948 IMPORTANCE OF WHEAT C.N.R. Tropdy Presented at Royal Agricultural Fair in Toronto h Announcement... ii Opening Saturday, Nov. 20 is ?f. t X r, H TORONTO The opening o: 5 PIIRBX (liialifv the Royal Agricultural Winter household RGARET NIXON FLORIST papers Fair yesterday was marked by the presentation by R. C. Vaugh-an C.M.G., chairman and president, Canadian National Railways, of the new C.N.R. Challenge Trophy for the world's' championship in wheat. The trophy, which is for annual competition, was received by i. A. Northey, president of the Fair on behalf of the diretcors. In making the presentation, for YOUR homp, ' ; ! r : 7 'r VVri i.rr 1 "lit PS?- ERS FOR EVERY OCCASION WITH FLOWERS Daily arrival " "" ''''' ' 1 whMkA,.-JJui v,,, ... J 1 w v. - iwiiiMIIIIIHBi 111 Mr. Vaughan stressed the value of wheat and agricultural prod lb from hot-house to you. We are as your telephone, or better still, stop in 'tret acquainted. T i -, -3 at l tirtM 4 1 tee dboh j nflTi ucts to the national economy and pointed out that wheat had assumed a new and vital role in the world"s war recovery program. He said that the national system felt privileged to participate in any effort to improve and stimulate wheat production throughout the Dominion. 322 Third Avenue Formerly Occupied by Scuby's Furs PURE TOILET" TISSUE Tin higti qu'itr Pp tr now Fcil Soft. Sfconf, absorbent, and economic!. N.H.A. DESIGN -OF -THE -MONTH Here is a plan with features that make it desirable and practical for location on rural or suburban lot when the owner has planned to have a garden and wants direct access to the basement and also the bathroom without entering other rooms within the house. The kitchen is located at the front. A serving counter and cabinets form the end of the dining epace in the living-dining room, making it possible to set the dining table and nmove the dihes without )pving th kitchen. The first floor contains two bedrooms and a bath with adequate closet space. The second floor may be finished at a later date to include two additional bedrooms. The roof construction is simple and the stair is so arranged that no dormer is required. Designed by M. G. Dixon, B.Arch., M.R A.I.C., Ottawa, the area of the house for estimating purposes if) 1,120 square feet, including second floor. The exterior dimensions are SO feet by 24 feet and the minimum required lot width is 42 feet without driveway. IfJKKKN 7X7 JM). IlOX 1491 Mr. Northey . stated that the Canadian National Trophy was typical of the great railway or- i ganization which , had served tdvcillsiiig always hi '(7! HAND-E-WRAP', the wheat growers so faithfully throughout the years. Evidence of the interest taken in the 7 f --.C-0r t t I Christmas E Met! homt-size huvy Ked ppw . . hundred of uses in the hem. Conveniently Recked in handy "teif-off" pck9 with metal cutting cdje. ALE R, SEEKS TERRACE BUS FRANCHISE At the last meeting of the Terrace and District Board of Trade, a letter from John Gur-vich of Prince Rupert was read. It requested support in the matter of providing a bus service between Terrace and Prince Rupert which service, the letter said, he was prepared to initiate. He was already applying for a license. The request is being endorsed eminiscences since the days when th CP.R. By W.J. J Reflections buildirig westward, switched south and went to the coast by trophy and of its stimulation to the wheat growers, Mr. Northey said, was already reflected in the number of entries receive? by the fair this year. They more than doubled that of 1947, and the international aspect of the entries was shown by the number of American entries received. This is the first year that the Canadian National Vorld's Championship Wheat Trophy will be on display, having been received from Birk's, Toronto, by the Fair. It is modernistic in design. The main shaft it a NOOK-NAPS Neatly folded papal table napkins . . . attractive pattern . sic them at every meal ... save washinj and money. of consequence and conceit. For way of Calgary, leaving Edmonton feeling like a poor relation. we all have it, more or less. The A brother of Field Marshal Montgomery may be coming up our way. H is enroute to the, Arctic coast. He is a canon of cold, impartial Hies th re morseless record place it there Mackenzie King, once he becomes accustomed tx the feeling of reduced responsibility, can travel a bit, should he feel so to remain. You were going to do so much and so many badly the Anglican church, and will be stationed at Aklavik. If he makes as good use of his artillery as his distinguished kins nprierl (Viinoja Vm vnnH a- "f OFF t rreai bronzed streamline wheat stalk, with gilt ear of wheat, rising to ACHES & PAINS MUMS complish them all when others I msPsea- rmain 1S' T has ex been a Ume when couldn't. But the fUes. with icy, more comfort- finality rules that your boast-"f man did, the north will know "ii 's Snow Suits & height of approximately three the most complete evangelizing n Baby Blank- actually led JIFF TOWELS , . i Keep a roll in the kitchen . . . and in your bathroom. Excellent lor drying hands, ' .. wipinj or duitini . . .highly absorbent. ' in its history. feet. It widens at the base to show a grain train with eleva- ing and certainty nowhere. I Prince Rupert. Last time, Fred Stork and a band helped wel- in Stock THE tor in sliver, with gilt stocks of SORE THROAT To take a little journey back come him. He spoke in the)Wheat at each side. The win-' Westholme Theatre and more ner eacn year will receive a sil-than once drew near to the'ver tray, with an engraving of through the newspaper files is Edmonton is already pretty well served with hotels, but It seems a new one a seven mil SKOPPE a useful exparienci if for no other reason than that it can footlights for the sake of em-j the trophy upon it, and a cheque U. Blue 180 lion dollar affair no less is on the cards. Times have changed pnasis. jh miuuKi u,x iic 01 Liasi year me iropny 7 reduce one's customary feeling was chief speaker at a lurvclieon. t was worl for the first time by He's Jseen around, but always on business. Mrs. A. B. Kelsey, Erickson, B. C HEAVY YIELD CUDWORTH, Sask., ffi Sas Proctor & Gamble's TIDE has swept in a wonderful FACIAL TISSUES Specially designed for convenience, folded and packed (or easy use. Soft, extra strong ... ideal for removing make-up. The shortest day of the year, according to highest authority, will' be December 21. We beg to dispute this. Fearless of rebuke, or stern reprimand, we assert the shortest of the' whole 3C5 Ml.. IITTTI katchewan has a hoodoo municipality in name only. Proof is a sign on the municipal hall of this village, midway between Saskatoon and Prince Albert. It reads: "Offices of the Rural I will be December 24 particular Municipality of Hoodoo." ly the last few hours. I ail' I'V Better English By D. C. WILLIAMS soap -no other "suds" -no other washing product Advertise in the Daily News! I "BUILD B. C. PAYROLLS" Z!ZZZZ!Z MADE IN CANADA pwn-will get your family wash as CLEAN as Vide! view wo7a- 1. What is wrong with this sentence? "Where did you res sC -7 -y GET THE PACIFIC urrect that hat?" 2. What is the correct pronunciation of "aborigines"? 3, Which one of these words is misspelled. Plagiarism, plaus MILK ible, plaintif. .. HABIT! I .',BDIAT!0 EvaporaTeD Km m mi ml ' ANSWERS 1. "Where did you find that hat" is preferred. 2. Pronounce ab-o-rij-i-nez ,a as in at, o as in obey, both j's as in it, e as in me, principal accent on third syllable. 3. Plaintiff. jhz wouid'S CUAHEST, BMGHUST, WHIUST wash CHRISTMAS DECOMTIONS ;i For Your Home and Tree ' 'SC. . BELLS WREATHS H ;A' This is one habit that's good for you, and so satisfying! It's Ideal for baking, cooking, as well as drinking. Try some today. PACIFIC MILK ... only Tide gives you all this. Oh, what a wonderful washday! Tide fiefs even your heaviest wash cleaner than any soap or any other ashing product! Tide leaves clothes free from dirt-tnd actually removes soap film, too. And Tide perks up soap-dulled colors like nwftic . . . actually brightens them. Does it safely, too-you can trust all your wasliablea to Tide. And white things? Say! In hardest Water, Tide gets them more dazzline white than any other washing Irradiated and Vacuum Packed 6rcetmgs athtistma$ productiknown! Try Tide next washday. There's nothmt like it , hi i i - . V . 1 Men of the Outdoors i i V 1 1 1 1 TREE BALLS TREE TOP STARS" RED AND GREEN ROPING SNOW. ICICLES Full Range of Christmas Tree Lights VUIS)LM CITS CLOTHES CLEAMEB THAi AMY 0THER- WASHPAY nomi YOU CAM BUY. wry fottmmm ..it 518 3rd Ave. W. Phone Red 400 $ Hew miracle suds! More suds In hardest water! Klnd-to-hands uds that look different, eef different! Wonderful in the dish' pan, too! Try Tide for dishes ... see how they sparkle, even without wiping! you owe it to yourselves to have the best in work clothes PANTS Practically any type of work trousers you can name we have O RAINWEAR- Everything for wet weather from rubber boots to rubber hats UNDERWEAR You can rely on us to supply the design and weight you want we specialize in Stan-field's For a very good buy in ... . BLANKETS See Our 4-POINT WHITNEY'S $35.50 a pair 8-OUNCE GREYS $14.95 a pair ACME CLOTHING 13 A IP T IS E TIBET GOLD1 POWDER BLt E PAMPAS CKHJ1 DAWN PINK WHITE MELLOW BUFF IVORY PAGODA GREEN PEACH i ! . the friendly way to remember those near - and dear to you. To best express your individuality, your thoughtfuiness, choose distinctive "tX. cards. Come in and see our large display. Mcflae Bros. t LIMITED I .' v.":i,; .:;i:i4V:5,S:'';viW:.vS;Si5-v- ji: V - The Wonder Wall Paint THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD." EARLY ADVERTISING COPY WILL BE APPItECIATKD j "'fctaas .! mm H m