EDUCATION Prfntt .Gttjjwt Daflp fietos Thursday, November 18, 1948 Long Service C.N.R. Employee Retiring SHIPS and Cat MMWM A . J iOPEN HOUSE AT jCONRAD STREET ) Under sponsorship of its t Parent - Teacher Association The retirement of J. A. Mc- Katie"- vnntor presented by Miss Lai! a Hjsoy, secretary of the Booth Memorial High School Students" Council. CANADIAN-BORN BLOOD- . HOUNDS SUDBURY, Ont. AV j Seymour, Sudbury prospector, WATERFRONT Leod, after 30 years of service, with the Canadian National! Railways at Prince Rupert and Prince George, was recently an-! She pointed out the inadequacy Booth Parent-Teachers" . Association Hears Speakers Five different viewpoints" on of the present school building by believes he has the first partd nounced and recognized. Until' Having been delayed ,v- student of bloodhounds ever whelped Oonrad Street School held "open house" Wednesday afternoon and was host to more than 100 mother. who enjoyed a special - prtnce RuDerti ucation nrob- stressing the uie lack ih oi of s in Canada. Born on Thanks- rl giving Day, the pups four ' inan nan a oay on accouni. ui facilities 7"! v", government , not? biy an lurwiv la wm wp twnwrf exceptionally heary freights to e tort to toe freight agent . of- '"V" office for the student council. f,uB'm, reiresnmentg and a ' A tlin K.nHAn. ...11 . .1. - mnlaa n m A i am AMItl,a n A dUcharKe at Alaska points, C- ai ueorge ana u " Parent- uumuch nwcm f which ,iti u ,w idtuuca i P R tMr Prints ionise. as in that city that fellow Memorial mgn school view of the classrooms. The event was arranged in tf - MSIf ' rant Vrad MxHrow wa tn nnrt worsers ana mends surprised nw.Muuii, veruiS preceaea me aaaresses a resolu- expected 10 oe iramea ror ne search of lost persons. ;iZ su or double your money back connection with Education from 8:15 to 10:15 this morning him with a party at his home, representative, of tha tion ready was aed passed supporting SyKi Ed- one Week and both P.T.A. members southbound from Skagway and L. O. Armstrong, freight agent. School Bogni, teaching profess- uWch ureed tSt in tlifc8lI-Q AC.ver.aiy -Advertise In the lJairy Nctet- ii. a piea.-nt one. The guests ver. The vessel had a good-sized nim a weii-hiied purse The series o; concussion was the provincial government tlvop the three per cent sales tax from school books and equipment. I Mrs Earl RppVrr niAmhnrchln along wun a gill to Mrs. Mac- a special featm held ti tcunec- v.-ere received at the door by list of passengers, three Grade Five students, Mol- Leod. tion with Education Wejk and followed a brief business meet- chalrman teportea Ul8t mem. ing attended by almost 100 P.T. bership in the organization is now about 40. A report on fin- fincps urn r pivpn hu VTi- r.cnro A. members. Dr. R. G. Large, chairman of BORDEN ST. P.T, MEETING Civic Centre . Dates . ly Simmons, Drue Patrick and Nina Mostad. Geraldine Moore-house was in charge of the visi-tors' register. Visits to the various classrooms fallowed and the mothers were invjied by the teachers to in.oct their children's handiwork. Refreshments were served in the brt'.' with Mrs i r Interesting Addresses by Mrs. Men's and Young Men's Paftt' the Prince Rupert District School Hm and on p T A llterature Board outlined the problems Mrs c j. Q Olson Rev. BasU which have faced the board in s Prorkter preslaent, wascLair- connection with construction of , ni tin, new schools and the progress, The meetlng ct)ncluded wlth which has been made toward refreshlnents, served in the home F. Wright and Joseph Chell i FRIDAY . (Sports) WHOLESALE Krai good make and fit From nm.m to xt.rrrl ,1 The regular meeting of the Men's mni Young: Ht u ' VVtw- ' Borden Street Parent-Teacher a.m. 9:00- that end Bo Me Hi Gym Class i . 1 1 ... i economics room. r ti,.,.,,, nauciuun liai cvciunu was. Stuart and Mr. nmnnentea nv two aaaresses Considerable study, w. said, went into the board's decision to one bv Mrs V. Wright on the re. 1 2 :30 -King Edward School Gym , TRT A CLASii--iED AD' JANITORS' SUPPLIES for Hotels, Restaurants, Schools, Hospitals, Offices, etc. DUSTIiANE and D-IJ Product. Brodie Brushes, Mops, (J. II. Wood & Co. Industrial Sanitation. sted Suits. Sinrle snd do a!?," r breasted. ..Well tailored -4 fit Men's Raia Coats Navy Oa? All sizes $letKl Men's all wool lined CrutTt , Coats. Best Make and lv- Reg. SIS.aO. Special ltXT V Men's Dress Caps Good -as sort men t. . All wool. Specla Reduced Prices" construct a new school on the King Edward site and - to plan consu uiciori ot one unit ot a new high school to supplement I and to eventually replace the j present Booth Memorial struc cent Discussion Group Course ' Class given at the Civic Centre un- 3:30-Rop-Ree Jr. Girls tier the auspices of the Unlver- 7:00 Adult Badminton Club rity Extension Department ' of ,7 :30Rup-Rec Teen Age Boys British-Columbia and the other! (Basketball Practices) by Inspector of Schools Joseph j 4 : :00 - 10::00 ChelL ' . (Special) Mrs. Wright spoke of the i:W Teen Age Girls Craft ' methods adoflted by - the in- I Group convening. Sorviteurs were Mrs. V.ihk.m Smith, Mrs. L. Colussi, 3;:-.. K. Petersen, Mrs. F. Jen-fe:i and Mrs. R. Ferguson. Mrs. W. Davidson acted as cashier,: and contributions to further P.; T.A. work totalled $26. A group ot Grade Five stud-' tnls, who are also Junior Red Cross members, presented a plav, "Twins' Birthday" inspired by the recent Royal birth $1.0 to $fiV Men's Work Pants, Good Make, RUPERT SUPPLY HOUSE All sizes. Dre-shrunk ttructor and then the requisites 8:00 Rotary Club Chorus for conducting a successful dls- ;8:00 Mixed Adult Card Parf t-usslon. Practical, experience 8:00 Camera Club (Teen) had been given those attending ! 8:00 Education Week Public ture. Development of plans ."or the new buildings has been a tin e-consuwiing operation, Dr. Larie declared ,and the initial work is not yet completed. It probably will not be until next year that a bylaw to raise the money for new construction w'.U ne presented to the people. Dr. Large presented sketch Reg. S4.IMI Special I Phone G32 venue lioy School Boots anal Ox PERSISTENT STREAM TORONTO, (f -A stream, formerly running through Toron- ,.and the summing up of the re Meeting 8:00 Swing Class (U.B.C.) fords Solid Leather. Sizes 1 to 5. Special from $.",)) Boys' Pants for dress or school to, was put into underground ent-Teachers' Association and sewers in 1902 to make way for visiting Junior Chamber of Com- the University of Toronto lib-ir.eree members heard the school rary. But occasionally it rises, Well made All sizes. HViTl SOF sults of the course supplemented by a cartoon film had been most helpful. Speaking on the large subject of the aims and objectives of reduced prices from r"'-' DELIVERED FREE Phone 654 drawings of the proposed new King Edward School . and the new Booth unit to his audience. ) Rcaoci sun ciassiried advertisers are requested to submit their copy to the office. Telephoned advertisements often $2.75 to 425 1 PLANS Hoaras ounamg program as flooding the library basement outlined by Bruce Brown, mem- j anci forcing librarians to flee Shortcomings in the present Tells Parents lead to mistakes against whtea Booth High builuing mn education, Mr. Chell prefaced his remarks by paying tribute to the value of the work of the Parent Teacher movement. With regard to the aims and objectives, the speaker suggested that of Projects Der or tne Hoard oi scnool xrus-. upstairs with valuable refer-tws. I ence books. Mr. Brown, guest speaker at King ..Edward P.T.A. Tuesday P0!its rauch ,css to bulld than a fneuaHjsnewBcai.noiRuaiiwr streased by vice-Principal R. D ,ng Edward Par- .Bin., a.i u.o.uc t h sfhiw . Therefore it wa3 who toW the gathering Education. Mr. Chell comment- fletand what would have seemed ed on the order in which the educaUon a generauon aims were staled, an order ago are normal requirements to-the which he said would surprise dv- "Horse-aiMl-our uninformed. Modern educa- edu.-tion.also recognized that each are out of place In the atomic .hiw'i-pmriipfi inrtividual atten- age, he said. t PIAL17S nMSHINTi k. Printing view of the functions of thKurefstea ,hat one unit of the ' these varied with the period un-board of school trustees as wellir,ew hi.,h s(.hl)0i and a new ele- der discussion. the Plaee anfl as a detailed outline of the pres- mt'ntary sch.x.l to replace King- the PPf concerned.. Objec-ent building program drawn up r.-i..H .,.nirf hB h.,iit ; lives of the present generation rine ' .-ERVTCE 25c per doicn paid (or cmptict libeled by any B.C. Brewery Thti dvertinmenl n not pvbliiktd iipUyed by the Liquor Conkol aWd or by the Government of British Columbia. by the Board. , M.inv M.iny vital vital Questions questions were were an- an- are aluerenl Vrom lnos OI lienerations. Objectives in the Thi r,,n!i mlv be done by An appeal fof- the best in both lur and bl Supplier I "It was decided some lime swered as Mr. Brown continued, ' said Mr. Brown, "that a Why had nothing been done "Any u,ii" ,.,nn, ni,,. t thp methods and tacilities was made future will change change too. too. ago," l iliviiiti cinaiiLi tujjvu. that education becomes , rnn,,!Kin Mr r;hpll discussed by Mrs. Geor3 Hill, who ad- nine new Jiiniur-Kpnkir Hv-h -huol j? hnnl ihiK nhint A irrnt ripa.1 was' rtUc 14 die" the &pealter Uuesuons members of dressed the gherinj as a par- sliould be built. This plan had been done. In a building . asked by Moving, Paeklnf, Crating Shipping and General . Cartage and Storage For Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service, call Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Cor. 2nd and Park Avenue Established 1910 . Phones 60 and 68 ' tihelved for two reasons build-' program there are many steps.'. meniea- ... ., ! the audience. en ',,' Broadly speaking, education R- 8. Blaeh-by warned m. once -rum, nnrt and the tymn ; Rioht now a . rough ,oH draft rirft tr Al; pn,hll!asuc vote of thanks , . hopes to Rive "the child an ttoiboth speakers was Bearmy k"" ' biu- COTTAGE CREESE New Creamed Fresh Madf . VALENTLV DAIRY TJeparlment of Education, after 'King Edward School uig Leooeiicy lowaio speciauxa- endorsed by the members. negotiations, agreed to pay one . accepted by the Board. This T " ' demand, may be met half of the cost of rehabilitat-1 draft and one for Booth School anil Af Ya mi-irt facnnnLithititu tn I 'is I Your Daily at tiri? a ftTPO O SERVICE CO T7Tf",TJ' ili-iJU- ALL-WEATHER W A nun, OCXVflU Mrs. H. C. Flood presided over tion in educationu methods, the business meeting with Mrs. pointing out that the ourj.ose oi Linney as secretary. ; education was the development I I j i I lng Booth Memorial School ovr a period of years. When finish UHU Jk ilia UMU 1 V U UlflUHUllll , .11 . . . , . were shown at the meeting.. . .. : . ... , . , the community and to It, Mr. The new elementary school . , .. ,. , i:i .oi CheU said. How this objective Following adjournment re- or n complete, weu-io'-naeo per- V. JUiU api UAimawij vww- m,Eht. ,net as by served and an sonality. Unit one of High School.' rreshments were ,00. Heating Call .. . i i. . i J' referring to the course of study al l uyJiTS' VIEWPOINT would coit approximately $400, opportunity given ail u De-come better acquainted. 4 , 'as Issued by the Department of ed this building will be safe and will last at least 15 year. This work has been started "The BoartV iurned its attention to elementary school needs." Mr. Brown went on. "A ELKINS was The students 'viewpoint 000. Total estimated cost was Box 271 $030,000. Provincial government' tor about $325,000 or $350,000. paved one half or $325,000. The: new J building program was 4i, then !fitv uty nf of Prince Prinpo Rupert Rinwrt'a snare share ' s nopea io kuuiiui snrln. uus u 4? f)Ourf'sfrj drawn un. An elementary school wouiu ce approximately bo per ' L" "7.. The Hih School would be . ; cent. Outside school's share XMAS PHOTOS would be the remaining 20 per cent. The bylaw submitted to ratepas could, therefore, be JkU.ssfhan 7 v - " II I I I CANNED FOODS f Order Early Chandler & Cowcill For Appointments PHONE DAY: GREEN 339 NITE: BLACK G1j 216 4th Street Watch These 4 Teething-Time Serve ticfftt fluffy " fl&Wjmm$ often f Troubles Of Baby built on its present site, with all the space. within the circle plus six lots on Sixth Avenue obtained by the school board from the War Assets. The elementary school would be situated on its present site along Green Street. The condition of the present ' 'i)ding was terrible ,said Mr. Brown. A hew school was essential. The building leaked, the rurnace room became swamped during heavy rains .There was not enough room to hold tha growing population. After Mr. Brown's outline of the 1 building : program those present discussed their Ideas' on the subject and enjoyed coffee and refreshments served by Mrs. K. KnuUsen' and other ladies. 4 forv -r-s Doa't k-t your haby fret TjcrdlesiOy durlrts twthlitg lime, Oct s bux of bsby'a Own Ta Ukts uited so aucwa. fully for over 0 years by mot hern. They help aweete sour little Btumsrhl. and Fever V FratfolrMit ContHpalion chell ; I ume Minn 'ne 3(13 I ! ' JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST 0 t - JlTiTlS Regular IJffTT, BUCKWHEATS I I SIt or J'A . I ECONOMY Ba. I flwir out tiRrmftil waatea tliat make bsby fretful and rtvtlois. rlhen aee how quickly l;aby'a Imr usually ftuutmlea .nd yuur tiny in ltvn4i retlul and etttitcntee, felo "t leotiy" ptuff no dulling effwrt. Ihey can ' !e ns.d witli full ctmlidenue. aity erualied Ui a powder if denirrd. be h the aal fiile ask yuur drutceit tuduy fur llaLa Own UVUcU. lib tiuu. land ! John Bulger Ltd. By CHICK YOUNG '-Little Jack Horner! BLONDIE Third Avenue x Cafte ... for Tasty Meal Si7 Chow Mein Electric Ranges LATEST IMPROVED QUALITY MODELS Wo are pleased "to announce to our customers that we have received a small shipment , of electric ranges. ONLY A FEW ARE AVAILABLE While they last, immediate delivery is guaranteed. The Northern B.C. Power Co. Chinese Dishes a Specialty "nd Avenue opposite Prince Rupert Hotel to 3:30 a.m. Phone 173 for Outside Orders ATTENTION SK11ERS: Our ski stock this year is larger and offers everything you need for your winter's skiing. I VQU BfCH W IT )(V(X( SAID GRAPE v I . .' J-UH! UP RUM JEUVV I DID NOT-) ( vVELL.TMATS US, f I SAVED MYSELF- v-V-aj' ' I - I SAO r- ycU . i sa,D F-Jr-v WHAT I f!T M I ANOTMER'TRlP Sales Resistance. llll'lKi- v i ' JOV AND COWFORT CMltDREN BRING VJf 1113 CO.vWERCIAL! J , DADDY. WITM ALL J J-i-iW AU.1XE CUTt UTTL6 THINGS I SiAV ' -rj . ALLOWANCE )Xify iT Vf C-X! -W-'jd JK UI"--- Kr) ,Jf V'1tPPj5v45 rsM sJ i' IPcjm Phone 210 ' " Phone 209 O LIMITED Due to our larger stock we have had to open a ski department In our basement store.. We cordially Invite you to drop in and inspect our stock. Hollywood .Cafe Newest and Most Up-To-Dato Cafe In Prince Rupert Open from 5:30 p m. to 8:S0 a.m. ; , FOR outside orders Phon 133 CHOW MJJKI We specialize . in Chinese Dishes CHOP SUEY j 1 lLX W Ml'H.l.l. o a ' ni 411 w tr-i If "lh to 2th "EDUCATION WEEK"