8 l?rfncc XXuvtn Daflp r3cUi Thursday, November 18, 1948 Soulhw k Modern Etiquette By ROBERTA LEE r DICKENS MUSEUM The house In which Chari. Dickens was born near Po mouth England In m2 Zl opened as a Dicker Muyeum s SOUTH WEATHER DELAYS FLIGHT Bad weather in the southern Dart of the orovince was re Mono, Q. Is it necessary for a woman New to say "please" and thank you" to her servants? 6' ii c ta r sponsible for delaying today's Canadian Pacific Air Lines flight to SandsDit because thp smith. A. While not exactly necessary, still this is never out of place. A gracious "please" and a sincere "thank you'" eo far row morning, rathe r tlian tempt a late landing here The flight will arrive back in Prince Rupert at 10 o'clock to morrow morning, the CPA Ilf" ol" flee said. em leg of the flight was unable to make 'scheduled connection at the Island air strip. towards promoting efficiency among one's employees and as Mint, au., RUPERT MENS AND BOYS STORE Sale tf Men's j :Amd TBoys' Wear Don't Come Unless You Want bargains BUY NOW FOB CHRISTMAS! RUPERT MENS AND BOYS STORE sociates. The Prince Rupert-Sandspit Q. Is it all right for a woman to introduce her hjshanri n TODAY TO SAT. flight lert at 2 o'clock Instead of 1 o'clock, as scheduled, remaining here for an hour rather than cause nasxpnepra tn wait V x s , A v ' "m "Mr. Smith"? j A. It is Dreferable for t.ho wifa SAT- OO.iJ , - O -w ' - - - at Sandsplt for the arrival of to say "my husband," or merely CROJBYFONTAINE uie Vancouver pane. Jim." Q. Should one reply to a let- The delav is also causlntr thi- er that announces an eneaee- Prince RuDert-Sandsnit flich . ment? to remain at Sandsplt over tonight. Because of the short A. Yes. and with ninwrp P V - UCHNICOtOI pressions of interest and best period of daylight In the after 6:45 Smoke Rings 7:00 CBC News j 7:15 CBC News Roundup wisnes. fCPD Kadio Dial vl Tlx 1240 Kilocycles ,: taubject to Change) 1 1,- I? : ' V"! Oj S: noon, me returning flight wjll remain at Sandspit until tomor- 'mm ; 7:45 Singing Sam 8:00 CBC News 8:15 Mornlnz Sons ') .ju Eventide 8:00 Nation's Business 8:15 Vocal Recital 8:30 One Nite Stand 9:00 Organ Melodies 9:15 Varsity Show 9:45 Betty Philips 10.00 CBC News 10:10 CBC News 10:15 For Your Information 10:30 Nocturne 11:00 Weather & Sign Off FRIDAY A.M. 7:00 Musical Clock NEW SERIAL QT A Dtp n . ' THURSDAY KM. 4.00 Tony the Troubadour 4:15 Stock Quotations and Interlude 4:30 Stories of Adventure 4:45 Easy Listening 5:00 The Happy Time 5:30 Hawaiian Echoes 5:45 Platter Parade 6:00 People Ask 6:15 P.T.A. Ed. Week ' 6:30 Musical Varieties NEW MINISTERS Two new faces appeared in the cabinet of Prime Minister St. Laurent as he announced its personnel following his assumption of office. They are R. H. (Bob) Winters left, 38, member of parliament for Queens Lunenburg, N. S and Stuart Garson, former premier of Manitoba. Mr. Winters is minister of reconstruction and Mr. Garson is minister of Jus-tlce- (C. P. Photo) 8:30 Music for Moderns 8:45 Little Concert 9:00 BBC NEWS 9:15 Morning Devotions 9:30 Morning Concert 9:59 Time Signal 10:00 Morning Visit 10:15 Morning MplnH ins P:! FOR i wlia5ATLT "TEX GRAING 10:30 Round-up Time GOVERNOR GRl'EMXG (Continued rrom Page One) Alaska now, the governor said it compared favorably with what A U. .1. favor of nhniitinn r, were accustomed iu:45 Scandinavian Melodies 11:00 Let's Play 11:15 Hit Songs of Yesterday 11:30 Weather Forecast 11:31 Message Period. 11:33 Rec. Int. 11:45 Famous Voices. Gruenin saL hP ' 5e"!n.g.rrora the UnUed Ste , . . ana wnicn was restricted 'lMrltlea "o nn would be "craduallv diminkhPri u . if Mm The strongly expssed wish ZZ, the people of Alaska nnnlH vi-rf . .. mirying f mi ini iiiiii HiKnn ly be ignored. 7" ;""""" m ireignt . .to Alaska now. Govpmor Ci rilPninfr 1 I IV v P.M. - 12.00 Mid-day Melodies '.2:15 CBC News 12:25 Program Resnmp . PrTn ' r,.L GVernor Grupnl"S continued interest in declined, pert', local problems whVn "l aS ,the PsWUtl and informed of thP thro, II iof h, his own P,lUcal ture. It' 12:30 B.C. Farm Rrnarixait - v. L tfco 12:55 Recorded Interlude olition of thP Tinf f ph Z: . lnas been Predicted that he is s K ENSURE YOUR SUP v-v WiatCI UUii nrAftu nr(oin rt lam iu ic-ijiaui as gov mstaiiations here agreed that such a move hardlv sppmprt rCt. ernor for at least another four f " Am costA Less Than (. J a Serving ! l J)0 Symphony Hour 1:30 Bernie Braden Tells a Story ' 1:45 Commentary and Talk 9 nn k .. . ; , r. . . . BY onable under present international conditions. years by which time, under statehood, the office will have become elective. Governor Grueninu was ac Governor Grucni'nt? devblopmcnt Droblrms uhih SHOPPING EARLY! companied 6v Mrs. Gnip ninfr v ... Alaska and Prince Rupert had While in the United States, they iittuunai ocnool BdC. 2:30 Musical Program 2:45 Don Messer and His Islanders 3:00 Ethel and Albert. 3:15 Spotlight .On a Star 3:20-Sketches In Melody 3:30 Divertimento 3:45 BBC News win aiso visit California and Mexico. m common, one or the outstanding being the ise of this port as a shipping and commercial route Tl -- ALL TYPES NOW ON I ft w uus loniiory. Sprakirief of much fannrtinn at the produce whfch was getting into i lft f lw -J? . RUPERT RADIO & ELECu i it- Christmas . . . rum Mhj .. IPX 4t& SHOPPING NKWS HH A . . . Anna WOOL PENCIL-SLIM SKIKTS AMI NOU WOOL SWEATERS ... All Simimll Just what you art- luoking tut to complete that Christmas shopping ii FISH BLOl'SES NOVELTY STYLES-AII t E 1 -TV-: aliuu ,.,,(H. , ' Sizes. Perfect for your Gabardine Suit 'GIFT BOXES FREE' Kuy with confidence at ANNETTE MANSEL 1? o; PACIFIC COD DKKSS SALON 525 Third Avenue West J "7 b""v ct t.n4r.. 1V2 V2 cup P '.l?r.r.trd . OI.ngc i" il miet. nrnSC ' 6j rjLR i ;d rind- - WJZty&Sj PAH THE Weiv Products Create New Markets Fufc producU pp.,ed .nd p.ck.g.J in n.w .d ,nl.rMtinf w,y dem4nd " Ubli,,d m.rku .nd c,.e w n.t, Th,ou,h ptoc.Min, ,Mt.feK, mw pack.3inS .nd m.rfcelis mhod,, A,. ' Con,p.y U Con.Utly on h, .! 0 .Chi,v. public tcceptancc of n.w producU. Thi. for of .rpri In t), lnU,e,U of A. .KouMnd, of Bti.i.h CoUbi.n. wK ffteUl 'by tn, d A. Ubt industry, b.c.u,. pf0ducU ,w .nd n.w -A .. ,,,., w fof th. fi,Wm,n .nd .11 employ.., i h. indurtry, wKiel, injy ben.fici.lly ,ff.cu p.yroll, throuihoul th. pfovfne) Our new stock is gradually arrivjnlM tlre are certainly many very new designs this year. , WE'VE CHRISTMAS A shipment has just ronie in fi famous "Coro" pePle and lhe pr quite reasonable at $100 to $5 00. Choose today from our A-D' lCMOn 01 a""!"! Christ- -nas Cards and nau u-.u.... . ia-"b.i. Come in early and select We'd like you to have a Iook 8 j, , w that sets For smart Jewellery a price that fits the purse visit vimcuur collection Ik j BRITISH COIHMBIA PACKERS T.miTrn fcM' "ccuTciiEbn r ninnn. ... mmf Ptiketj md Dittribuiart of CLOVER LEAF SEAFOODS. RUPERT KUPERT RitAun roceu ' ' BKAND FRESH AND FROZEN FISH c c t c Alonf th. Briii.1, Co!mbi. CotiL . ' Limited Tliird Ave. and Sixth St. Phone 79