TUEOR YON DIVORCE t ''" """J- f A. S. Nickel son. President Orme chair and a fihiart was in the tfrfare nitptrt paflp rectos Thursday, November IS, 1948 STYLE Takes "Nl a f SCOTSMEN OR NORSE News of Francois Lake W1MNIPEG, Winnipeg's director of recreation has a theory regarding the cause of the rlgh divorce rate on the American continent. He says it may be lack of mutual recreational interests for husbands and wives. vote of thanks was tendered the speaker by pr. Jens .Munthe. Allan Sheardown, N. R. Youngs and Duncan McRae were named a committee to make arrangements for the club's annual from fest inM fnailian of t!i St' Gyro Club Hears Some I Ancient History About 11 c 8-lver Standard Is T' underground, have . I been timbered, and continue Up' to Expectations producing. It is expected that The grade 'of ore and recov-' this month the third stope will ery .pf. mineral values at the iso be producing, aftt'r timber-E.lve'r Standard mine in Octo- tag is completed. br, remained up to expecta-j tions, says the Omineca Reiaid. i Classified .Cniioiiig ray;.! Canadians tuffs. Wear J New Year s Eve party. tlSlllll. '! otcasi,.nc ' "t Harold Rindall is a Workmen's , A new school bus a huge yel-ilow vehicle has arrived to be 'used in taking children to and i from Burns Lake and Francois jLake schools. It is now possible for. those taking High School in j Burns Lake to live at Francois ! Lake. Compensation Board official) but he has also delved deeply j into ScoUt-h history and it was to be gathered from what he told the Prince Rupert Gyro Club in a luncheon talk yester-i day that Scotsmen, or the most "an Squirrel will of your tavurite suit. J ""tA Ii - ' J Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hank? and family have moved across the lake and are staying in th Log Cottage at the Landing Earl is working with the Co-op of them at le&st, are really i Norsemen. The backbone of thej Scottish people were the Scots (originally Kelts) who came over1 from Ireland, and the Norsemen, who came from Scandinavia. The principal traits of the Scottish npnnl u-pro tVii,- : " 1m jii " . "a"" ana sparkling evenings in , s " 3 1 wr j L? j -Tfl i Tt't l -Is Y" Gi J SWEATKR. Love,y Mrs. Reed arrived in Prince Lewdness. which to be Pretties loi- tha CHRISTMAS KEAsnv . d. - i iimi t: . SIXTEEN and use or Personalia Butoi No Interest No Carry Chir. J ueorge on Saturday evening j tracfd to tneir CelUc forebearSi from Vancouver. Mr. Ifc-ed met j and their loye of ,nd(,pendence he-there and brought her home ; ,lnd flKhUng spim to the Norse. in the station wagon, arriving tongue aild Ian. ; home late on Sunday afternoon. : Buage was strong in its Norse ' - influence and many Scottish Miss Brunton returned on nothin nanMfs were more than funday afternoon from the Norse ,lth -Ui, in ,,,., Si 3 - - " " " - - - - . . rrn r ,.. . 1 Br k Ul V school teachers' convention in 0f them. The oldest Scottish' ii miii imnmram-'? : Prince George. ' can. the McLeods was found - BULGARIAN PREMIER AS PALL-BEARER Georgl Dimltrov L. , . n ' ted by the Norsemen. The Mc-j prime mniisier of Bulgaria-, is shown t right front) serving ai pa)l-bearor at the funtral of General Boils Gancv, director of tv.ia ui umuwu ii- uonaias, xora or the isles, ceutly visited his claim here. He were purely Norse. The Frasers is pieased with (he progress and on (he other hand, were origin-: development. If the recent ally French and the Stewart's snowfall is not too heavy he came from Normandle. their or- I Bulgarian civil aviation, and other victims of an airplane crash that occurred on the border of Bulgaria and Turkey. The plane carrying Oanev and others was allegedly attacked and shot down by a group of Bulgarian army officers who were leaving Bulgaria illegally. iginal name being Fitzhilsrh I hopes to continue the development The road to ih. e'fitm I t Tliis ia Education Week Xovf ruber m, j I "When You Finish, Maybe You Could ll'no Ru.scu a IJttk Yuli-Hniinv U" which was chunked after arrival. Mr. Rindall' talk was couched ' ', .. AVAILABLE AT PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. LTD. PHONES 651 -652 i .should be completed this week. I . Bolivia ranks second to the United States in the production ! of tungsten in the western Timely Topics from Terrace Mrs. C. R. De Kergorameaux, Terrace Reporter in humorous vein and was lis-; tened to with much interest by ; COAL, LUMBER and BUILDING SUPPLIES tlie service club members and one guests lu the person of Aid. hemisphere. jl Sorry, no can do! We can't fix rJ The Girl Guide Association pauU, but TIRES are another -s C rH hlory! Whether bltuittd by buck- X. T j 1 shot or just Buffering a slow .J'-yj leak, we repair them good a. IfsfJ I new! ASIC if your car needs (flfti J complete oyeihaul, we can dcSkJJf Lfi that too! $h& I iz -ism g.wig'g ' 'j MHHilllHIHHHIHIIHIIHHIHHHBHIHBbHHHBnilK, held a meeting in the Silver Tip Cafe for the first time since May and it was decided to meet hereafter on the first Tuesday afternoon of each month. A badge committee was formed and appointed to It were Mr. C. J. Norrinnton, Mrs. N. Olson and Mrs. Mallett with Mrs. D. K. Kerr as budge secretary. For the winter months the guides wiU Meet every Saturday afternoon. Plans were made to hold money raising functions for the Guide camp fund and the first of these will be a candy sale on November 27. Following the meeting, refreshments were Thorn Sheet Met LIMITED j served. Mrs. G. Hipp left on Satur- I day morning train for Prince ' George to attend the wedding j of Miss Sheila McKenney and FUf CLEAN YOUtt REPAIR YOUU INSTAL A NEW AND DouUs Keller. i W. A. Txirkpatrlck made a trlD I io Smithers last week. j Make lo Order anythitie It the Rlifft MrtilU'H lira u l AHTfTT lll ll llt Ea: RUPERT MARINE REA ! W. H. Willlscroft and da ugh- :er, Kay. left last week lor ail Indefinite stay In Vancouver. Joanne Kofoed left on Monday J lor Prince Rupert. j Dclphine Johnson left on' Monday for a lengthy visit with ! her sister in Vancouver. ' i Mr. and Mrs. Miles returned on Thursday from a holiday spent on the pralrie. (J. rLAl'SEN & SON) U'e Take I.lstlno of BOATS FOR SALE OR CHART liROKI KS IX BOATS. MARINE AMI HSIIINC. EQI "1 TRY-RUPERT MARINE REALTY FOR QMC'K SALES OK CHARTERS u.kI liUtt i.f t.lnrLfs Wat' TlronU f r 5 -l rv ii , , ( VOU r?E RIGHT.' ITS THE MEANNESS") rr-vi V.- "" JZJ v,comins our ofme-im just r" , , I -: :hicyoung- IlS I I ilM GTTtlv4; ON IN YEARS yajj I . ' I I I p , , iii . A , t ' fAND I'M NOT LONS FORTHlS J It 1 ',-V' ';vVs;'Vw 1 VvONT WAIT UNTIL. TWa0-'1 WORLD -IT'S TIME 1 HAD VM--A WRNING-- START - - 7 A CHANGE OP-HEART AND .1: V RIGHT V--LETS SEE I'ttll IN HPART I'VE ALWAYS ) I MY FEET If"-- f I "IF" 1 ki- 7- , , S . A weLDjTHE KINDEST: I V ARE i yAT t.mcc i PJ WEAN YOU'RE GOING ) "7 '' C ILLV Z7 ' 'I CEGWT7) xSr i, : THINK OF CTr " ' I f OP ME AS MEANA . - : Ymysou Yir T on, you'll see f t Hti7&r r. : ; N-fcJXV V K -'A H ' V A change rV. d' '5 sq B . I . K WHO SAID J DO YOU MEAN YOU WOKE ME ) I Vi n r'V?- 1 1 ! 1 r K ... ; k f thats queer--i JrA'X I i 11 HIT we pi it yV " . f I ( SLEEPY---1 GUESSW i HIMIQBEO i X" 'V. 1 WHAT 1 1 i SaU.1 NEEDEOWAS IJ ( "on Th W.lI Wrl j .S' UgOOD FK5HT i ;; VsOFA JZM "T X V S5 ( MAN TO ) HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert PhooH Ki. mm j L. Rosenberg, Vancouver; H. t' FISHERMEN jSiindspit; Mrs. R. Davidson,' j M issett; Mr. and Mrs. Sander- ' son. Alir'e Arm: n ntlnin Vic. 1 toiia; . H, M. pruton,. ,Vancou- ver; j. c. Lit tier. Victoria; Mr. ill jand Mrs. D. Fawcett, Victoria; : J. J. Vo-'ill. Vancouver: S. Me- Repairs lo Hlfill SPEED ENdlNts t specialty; We' have the latest in cbinery and upccially TRAINED to handle this class of work. Let us W engine now, do not wait until the last nun-that overhaul. If you art; ll.iaki:'jr 1 haul, we w ill be glad to look your and make our recomnicmlat'' ' I'""' .', better still DROP IN and talk if over"1' Cloy, Vancouver; J. Wood, couver; Mr. and Mrs. L. John stone, Terrace; P. R. Edwards, Vancouver; W. J. Long, New Westminster; ' E. A. Nagel, Van-; couver; X Barker, Vancouver; D. sten.rom, Vancouver; E. Lar leijr, Kumealon Lake; E. 11 Shop Foreman. RUPERT MOTf.r nbinsn,- K'.unealnn Lake; E. l iKiira?, Vaiu-ouver; E. MacDon-ald, Vancouver; J. M. Sawver. ' PHONE 5fifi Pasadena, California; L. Mur-t ray, Vancouver; S. Skog, city; . ir aninnni f S.r I i "I liJK iii. "i pi John l I,. Uucli u2 Besiief 1 H. Williamson, Vancouver; I. ' , Good, Vancouver; R. Vinblad. Pacific; Miss E. Crosby. Sklde- Queen Charlotte City; W. J. Os- gate; W. Temiant, Kamloops; borne, Terrace; J. W. McKay. L. M. Jorgenson, Vancouver; S. Vancouver; O. H. Oernacy, Van- R. Ring, Vancouver; R. Snay- couver; V. Abott, Vancouver; S. chuck. Edmonton; E. W. Stra- Odlum, Morlcetown; J. Dunlop, ther, Terrace; Miss M. Head, Smithers; D. MacKay, Terrace; Terrace; D. W. Cootes, Amherst. Mr. and Mrs. Hannesson, North N.S. j '' I'linne BU An(1inttiw' "WI,?i- 10:30 Am. i.m":. ..... RK.'E TERRACE i-c sfiomoons. U F W HOlfl Skma Restaurant TERRACE LLOYD BAUD Eft, PROPRIETOR GOOD FOOD GOOD SERVICE Open 8:30 a.m. till midnight. Closed 9 p.m. Sundays DINE AND DANCE Bring your friends and enjoy yourselve? AFTERNOON TEAS 3 TILL 5 PO Phone