Prince tiuvttt Daflp MtM Thursday, November 18, 1918 Local News Items... mm C MOOSE SOCIAL SERVICE MEET The monthly meeting of the Social Service committee, Women of the Moose, was held at the home of Mr3. H. Muncey. Plans were made to hold a tea at the Moose Temple December for the primary purpose of displaying the handicraft of patients at Miller Bay Hospital. These articles will be for sale and the committee is hopeful that there will be a good response from the public. A representative from the hospital will be in charge of the display. PARCELS BEING SENT OVERSEAS New Recent of Duchess of Edinburgh Chapter I.O.D.E. Presides Mrs. D. Barton, the new regent, presided at the monthly meeting of the Duchess of Edinburgh Chapter, Imperial Order, Daughters of the Empire, which was held at the home of Mrs. H. M. Wightman, Seventh Avenue East. Parcels for three adopted English families were prepared and will be sent in time for pliug Quality Delicious Flavour A shipment of Burberry Coats has just arrived at Annette Mansell's. (272) Education Week Public Meeting, Civic Centre, Friday, 8 p.m. (It) ' Harry Archibald, MP. for Skeena, left on yesterday afternoon's plane for a trip to Queen Charlotte Island points. The annual general meeting Skeena Progressive - Conservative Association, will be held at the Civic Centre, Nov. 18, at 8:00 p.m. Business: to receive reports and election of officers for the ensuing year. (271) Mr and Mrs. W. F. Manning are sailing tonight on the Prince HOW CAN I ? By ANNE ASHLEY repose Q How can I set the color in FOUR CANDIDATES FOR MOOSE LADIES The bi-monthly -meeting of the Women of the Moose wa3 held in the Moose Temple last evening with the Senior Regent, Mrs. Thomas Glenn, in the chair. The social service committee reported on its visit to Miller Bay Hospital and announced , . , ... ,-,, u December 3 to. raise funds with which to carry on their work. Ed Coughlan of the local welfare group will be approached to give a short talk in thejiear future. The child care committee announced that final arrangements have been made for the Christmas Tree to be held December 18. Four new candidates were initiated into the order. Refreshments were served by the library committee under convenorship of Mrs. M. Vier-eck. Thomas Connelly, Chicago pole buyer, who has been in Al aska on business, arrived in the city on the Pripcess Louise this - -a Micnaei "uiwisr morning A By taking a basin of luke- -t, nf warm U' nnnrhm l.i a t !IES FOR RANLEY uss for the Df the late I held this 1 ., -.i. .. at, lilt U1U1U1 r-i ation wiui . tvev. 'friends who' m-vcar old at Anyox and -rv Country o -' fcc- . r Knnnllflll nf tuft-tat-tHctA ,1 v. - . vuiuunc, uicu i . Bnalririfr Ilia knnrll,H..Lt.r. Committee members present . ... were Mrs. A. Hamilton, chair man; Mrs. J. Carr, Mrs. S. Hau-gan, Mrs. C. Matson, Mrs. H. F. Home, Mrs J. Bacon, Mrs. P. Bond, Mrs. Ketcheson, Mrs. J P. Moller and the hostess, Mrs. Muncey. Old Timer Doing Well In Hospital A. S. Carier, wnc, was acmit-ted to the hospital about a month ago, is able to sit up daily and finding rest and attention doing him good. He speaks in most complimentary terms of the hospital staff. Mr. Carter is an old timer in the west, being 88 years old. He has , been living here for the past had about 15 minutes. Follow by former washing in the usual manner. in ow can i make lighter were omelets? A. If one-half teaspoon of baking powder to every four eggs is added, then beat thor-d, oughly, the omelet will be lighter and more tasty, Q. How should oiied floors be cleaned? A. When sweeping .try pin- ning a cloth to the broom. The fifteen or twenty years. He morning from Ketchikan. He travelled to Alberta in the early i will visit this district on busi-eighties. ness while proceeding East. cloth will become oily and collect dust and lint. This also makes the floor look brighter and cleaner. A weefrfy shopping and Information service for today s woman m S.O.N. Dance, Scandinavian and modern. Friday night. (272) Shipment of ladies' Croydon Coats has just arrived at Acme Clothing Store. (272) 3 . !W. J. Davies, Queen Charlotte City merchant, arrived in the city Wednesday afternoon by air on a business trip. At Sheardown's, one hundred 49-pound sacks of No. 1 Quaker Flour, a real buy at $2.50 while they last. (273) Passengers sailing on the Princess Louise this morning for Vancouver were Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Fawcett and Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Shepperd. Meetings of the Prince Rupert Horticultural Society have been deferred until next spring. There was onIy a sniail turnout when a meeting was called this Tues day. The list of provincial incorporations for the past week includes Tobey Ventures Limited, $45,000, Prince Rupert. The new company is planning an apart ment block project here. City fire department answer ed a call at 6:30 this morning to the residence of D. Carlson, 224 Ninth Avenue West, where an oil stove had flooded. No damage resulted and the services of the firemen were not needed. Tsadore Goldstein, pioneer business man of Juneau, and Mrs. Goldstein were passengers aboard ttie Princess Louise this morning going through to San Francisco where they will visit until after Christmas. Announcements Ml adTertinemMKB a tni column will be charged for b full month at i& cent a word Presbyterian Fall Bazaar, Nov. 18. Bridge, Whist and Crib, Nov ember 18, 8 p.m., Catholic School Hall. Education Week Public Meet ing, Civic Centre, Friday, 8 p.m. S.O.N. Whist Dance, refresh ments, every Friday, 8:00 p.m. Valhalla Whist and Social, November 19. 'Salvation Army Home League Sale, Nov. 23, 2:30 p.m., Sons of Norway Hall. Cambral Chapter, I.O.DJ1. Sale November 25th. St. Andrew's Cathedral bazaar fovember 27. range Ladies' Bazaar, December 1st. United Church Bazaar, December 2. Queen Mary Chapter, I.O.D. E., Bridge and Cribbage, Civic Centre, Dec. 3. CCF Bazaar, Sons of Norway Hail, December 4. St, Peter's Fan Bazaar, December 9. St. Peter's Y.P.A. show "Fantasy," St. Peter's Hall, Dec. 10 and 11, 8 p.m. Moose Christmas Tree, Saturday December 18, 2 p.m. sharp. MONTREAL, Nov. 18th. Just, imagine how lonit would take vou to aemh!e and clean the 18 choice inurements that go into SHIKKIFF'S FRUI'l PUDDING! Ami they're Fuch carefully selected ingredients of top quality! Dates and raisins and currants and mixed peel combined with a rich PILGRIMS RAISE CROSS POINT NAVARRE, Que. Hf Pilgrims from Canada and the United States visiting the sanctuary of Our Lady of the Seven Sorrows in this Gaspe Peninsula village, have donated enough money to erect a cross on the grounds. The cross will be raised before next summer. TRY A CLASSIFIED AD! 1 J.Siia i X spicy batter steam cooked tit the pimdinR golden-brown and even textured! Hut wait 'til you TASTE Shirriff's Fruit Puddme! It ha. that old- time Fruit Pudding flavour and nroma that makes vour so nice to come home to of a cold blustery evcuiugl Let this delicious work husband at the door . . . olten. at your grocer's. George for Vancouver enroute to Courtenay, where Mr. Man- ning hast been transferred in the service of the Canadian Bank of Commerce. Mr. and Mrs. William McLean and son returned Monday evening from a holiday in California, having visited San Francisco, Los Angeles and San Diego. They travelled south by bus. Mr. and Mrs. McLean, on the homeward journey, motored from Vancouver. E. A. Rasmuson, pioneer busi ness man of Skagway, president of the Bank of Alaska and Re. publican national committee man, and Mii. r.asiuuson were passengers aboard the Princess Louise " this morning goini I through to Minneapolis for a i visit. AIR PASSENGERS! TODAY To Vancouver W. Osborne, F. A. Pentland ji., w. Yeo, J. W. Bruce. To Sandspit Mrs. F. LaSstte. WEDNESDAY From Sandspit Mr. and Mrs. B. Roberts. W. J. Davies. H. Kccfe. From Vancouver M. Michal- uk, H. Williamson, Mr. and Mrs. C. Cooper, J. Vogwill. To Vancouver S. Madsen, E. Wahl, M. Marshall, Dr. Cote and Charles Tupper. , 4 To Sandspit F. LaSettc, F. N. Rutledge, Mr. and Mrs. W. C Washburn and child, Harry Ar chibald, S. Young, A. J. Scott, Ed. Green, George Green, ' A Collinson. TUESDAY From Vancouver J. W. Bruce and Miss E. Kinnaird. From Sanclapit Miss E. Cros bie. r-VJEAK- UERVOUS cranky 'every month'? Are you troubled by riwtrww of female functioual rerKiirfiiRl.Hrtwmy? Does this mika you feel en timi, high-st rung, nervouM at such times? Thin do try Lydia iu. Pinkhain's Veeetnble Cotnfiound to relieve such Bymptonts! I'lnkham's Compound m tnado enpecuiUy for women, and is very helpful for women troubled this nay. Any 1 rrurmtore. LLYDIA E. PINKHAM'S coo A Friend Tellt Me she's just, given herself a new cooking motto . . . one tlie'll never forget. She tried several brands of corn starch . .' . including BENSON'S CORN STARCH . . . and now it's for Belter Cooking" as far as tfhe'a concerned. Thousands of Canadian homtmakers agree with her that Benson's is a cooking "must . . . thousands are twitching to Benson's every day. Try it in custards puddings or meringues. Re minimum ihvM an t.K nonces, runeri MotloM, lonuun Announcement: fi. DOUBLE PRICK adyaftce. Please refrain from telephoning. Lombardi's Made-to-Measure CLOTHING Specialists in - hand-' needled and bench-made clothing. Fine English Saxonys CHALK STRIPES, GLEN CHECKS AND PLAIN TONES. Hard Finish English Worsted PIN STRIPES, SERGES AND FINE PATTERNS. Imported Scotch Irish Tweeds DIAGONALS, HERRINGBONES, TWISTS AND DONEGALS. For excellence in quality of cloth . . . for unequalled value and fine tailoring . . . BUY A LOMBAKDI. , "'J FOR YOUR 'CHICKEN IN THE ROUGH CALL RED 705 ' CIVIC CENTJCE DINING 110031 A. MacKENZIE FURNITURE V ltd. A Good Place to Buy BED MATTRESSES Ask .foi. them by name. Beautyrest, Deepsleep, Slumber King, Lady Beaty and many others for your Fall requirements. Phone 775 327 3rd Avenue Sailings for VANCOCVER VICTORIA SEATTLE Tuesday, 1:30 p.m., Camosun Sunday, II p.m., Coquitlaro. ALICE ARM AND PORT SIMPSON (Stewart Fortnightly) Sunday,. 11 p.m. FOR SOUTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS s.s. Coquitlam, Nov. 7 and M FOR NORTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ! s.s. Coquitlam, Oct. 29, Nov. T3 and 27, 10 p.m. FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Aeent Third. Ave. Phone 588 NOW AVAILABLE LOOK FOR THE NEW RED AND WHITE GOLD SEAL LABEL sults with Benson a aro better! The Nicest Thing Next to You is Nylon Tricot! It s at last made into lingerie that "will " wear well " in your affections! . . . slips, nighties and panties. The panties you know about, for C'-l-L knitted nylon panties made lingerie news a year ago. lou loved tnem fur their wasliabilily, their wear-ability, their feather-lightness. Now you'li want slips and nighties of knitted nylon because, properly set, they simply won't shrink or stretch and they need no ironing at all to keep them in "brand new-looking " condition. Yes', nylon tricot will wear and wear bcuut dully with just, a fraction of the attention other lingerie requires. And, remember to look for the label " Made of C-l-L Nylon Yam ".' Christmas. A parcel of clothing was also ready for Princess Elizabeth Hospital in England. At the suggestion of Municipal cnapter, parcels for needy friends of two Belgian members are to be prepared with the as sistance of Cambral Chanter. It was decided to hold a rum mage sale some time in Decern ber. Increased activities are being planned for next year bv this youngest of Prince Rupert's I. O. D. E. chapters. The monthly raffle was won by Mrs. Major. Delicious refreshments were served by Mrs. J. Micholuk and Mrs. T. Clark. D. G. Slader of the social welfare department is sailing on the Prince George tonight for VanrOllVPT nhffrn ho mill inmH ' the next several weeks. -i v - r v ' J SUES STAR DAUGHTER Mrs. V. Veronica Keanc, mother of Veronica Lake, screen actress, is shown as she insisted that her famous daughter had signed an agreement in 1943 guaranteeing her and her husband (Veronica's stepfather) $200 a week "in consideration of their filial love and affection." Mrs. Keane produced a photostatic copy of the purported agreement. Veronica says that no such paper ever existed. TWO CASH PRIZE WINNERS in l'KINCE RUPERT Area MRS. E. HOLMES 648 Taylor St., City MRS. J. MICHOLUK Box 497, City Every week there are two' cash prize winners in the Prince Rupert area on Malkin's Melody Money Time LISTEN IN CFPR 6:30 p.m. Every Friday TRY YOUR SKILL FOR CASH PRIZES Prince Rupert Florists 300 3rd Ave. Box 510 Tel. 777 Flowers for AH Occasions Commodore Cafe m . .. ir r COMPLETELY RENOVATED "Better Than Ever" Best Food and Service in City Phone 17 for Send-out Orders Third Ave. David Chow, Mgr. Tile Art ot Cake frosting is no trick, with Mich an easy to uprcail mix- . turn this elciratil, Soft Chocolate tru-ting- Made with jnv their last res I : g place in Fairview ns, George Casey, B)1 on, Edwin Peter- y' Turbitt and Allan i acting as pall- I I 1 Vomen's Committee y committee of the $e Moose held their K'tinE fit the home Thompson. Si.bers present were tray. Mrs. R. McKay, fir reck and Mrs. W. I as well as Mrs. in, senior regent, iiess was discussed. Vere served by was discussed fa:r.ents were served ! ptr word Der liuertkm. . vi iunn&. i-eam g du engagement f SPECIAL. DISPLAY. rUsing is payable In I OK SALE . f Young "ill's winter duimois lined. 10-14. -s. Call evenings be-l,aml 9 p.m. 332 7th & (273 I 2-piece mohair iteriield suite. Al a Phone Red 872. (276) I ") room bunsalow at W-st. Fireplace: needs Price $2750.00 Si(1; $3,100 furnish-t.stro.ii; Agencies. 307 3rd. W. 12751 i SELL New and Used Hardware, etc. We i :htlv used Radios, .oramaDhones. Kitch- Vacuum Cleaners ncy Tables. Loireing J bbrr Work Clothes, siiws. New and Used Ranees for Wood, I Oil, Kitchen Chairs, 'a Typewriter in best w and Used Hard-nice Desk. See us "our furniture needs, huv or sell. NITURE CO. Black (tf) 1M7 SWH Sedan. f CK 735. - (2721 7 1941 Dodge Sedan r;s shanc. Phone 'Iter 5 p.m. Ntm Wartime House . II 1 1 1 K y cw un laitKu, machine. Priced to ,i"UM 6th E. 3 lots, h 'love immediate oc-Only $3300. Terms. iiouscNcar Conrad ftonrrcte basement, sa buy ior cash $2750. J0N , A G.E N C I E S -307 3rd Ave. (274) . Fully equipped If rnvartl Llpsett." Ens' ' mill completely S' $7,000 for quick ncBlack 465. (274) f , Lady's bike." Phone . (271) 937 Ford Sedan. (271) hr'SAI& Trolling uL 2-400.00 as is. rn on Co-on irrirl. ADOlV nt. thn off Inn (274) fa!47. Fal'K0 -tn E,i ," m L u'uck complete Hoist and Com- Sl'ecl Deck i & lswed Trans- " ures front, ,i alt SUai'P Rvnollonl 8.800 i-ieuv.e,'L -lv t Mot, $3500.00.' Apply 'S Ltd.. Phone -6, (275) K ''eckinti a 1931 10. Green' 605. (272) Two excellent 5 'uts off n5''c"V at. toon nn '"ice for $700:00! N 275. (271) tR r ... BUI victor elec- ' cw orana new. BAKER'S CHOCOLATE, it Im. the flnwleus texture . . . rich flavour . . . and ilerp-lirown colour . . . that are pos.-iblo only when you use Baker's the choculato that's all pure chocolate. SOFT CHOCOLATE FROSTING fragrance greet your liome-frum- xou ll lind blnrritla truit ruauuig Ij.j v Oopsf . . . "hut cliaiiiF.I Tim mnii knife pii)ie(i and now vou have' an uiuioymg cut that won't stop lilpotl-ii)ir. No tiiri" to lave it proorr ai-tcntion? C'Ikw up! ... in a ot wcoiiil.- vow can ku on with Vour cookinjr clinics if vou apply ' IMLMA.S FIRST AID DRE.S8-IN'Ci rmlit uwayl "V ou spc,'is Dre.-siugrf tin1 luudo with an pvb to Urn probicius of housfwiven. Made of a papT-thin suiitanco that's Wiuiliubl';, smooth, can't fray, slreldics all way and hlomU i"h your fkin ruiouritigl What morn could imvonn with in a tirst aid drwiiig? ThafV why I think IM-mus is Mich it marvelous hoOM.'hold huvword.. Ask your druggist for Dulinas Die.' in a- . . . tliey re anti septic . . . thev ll keep cut clean and germ-free! . 3 square j Bako-'s Unsweetened Chocoiate. melteri 1 tablespoon softened butter n. ia uo khui.ji-.u w.,..-. The Festive Sco sof. is Fast Approaching . . mm anil it's a good idea knowing you'll be uway from home p. good many evenings to look into tho matter of viifi Ih-IMixit rinrcs nt th-; BANK W Ml INTHl'.AI.. riacing voor valu-nble: in a litWM Satety Deposit; IJox is the tiiri..-t. easiest w.y( I know of kerping thciu safe whila you'rii " partying " away from homo. A 11 of M Safety Deposit Box is good protection against lira and theft . . . and its r'-nt cost less than your daily newspaper! So why not crranse with your H i f M nmiuiger to rent one now? Have of mind whn. you li-avo your homo unguarded! hut, raequins Hand Cream was orig 1 cup sifted icing sugar 1 egg, unbeaten Vt cup stronu coffee la teaspoon vanum . ... u .... Combine ingredients in order priven. bcatma with rotary ess beater until blenaed. Place bowl in pan of cracKcd ice or . ice water and continue beating until of right consistency to ,fnad about J minutes). Makes enough frosting to cover tops of two 8-inch layers, top and sides dlixlx 2-inch cske. ton of 13 s 9 M-in caKe or small angel food cake. For all-chocolate flavour, substitute milk for coffee. ft Your Huioond A Grouch in the Mormngr i no spread gloom through the liuuse before brrnkftud? Hern a the. easiest, pleasantest way I know to quickly cluinno his moods. Give his spirits a real lift, with a ctearaittfi, fragrant cup of CHASE & SANBORN COKKKh. It will make an " early morning angel " of him for ho won't be able to resist the "heavenly " flavour of Cham & Sanborn's new blend! Caretul H-clum of rich, iti coffee berries assures that di'i'cmlible and delicious flavour, bo.whrn ,rnlmr ..olfi e on to iicrk . . . vou can l" Mire it. will rOU KENT FOR RENT Newlv decorated 6 room house on Bus Stop. Apply 841 3rd Ave. W. (273 FOR RENT To Quiet couple, 3 roomed house with bath and range. Apply 215 4th E. (tf) FOR RENT Furnished room for two. 650 7th Ave. E. Phone Red 471. t FOR RENT Room with use of kitchen. 233 7th West, after 6 ..p.m. (272) FOR RENT Office space fully equipped, central, for information Phone Red 878 or Box 1249. (275) WANTED W A N T E D Car batteries, car radiators, brass and copper. Daying eood Drices. See B.C. FURNITURE CO.. Black 324. WORK WANTED WORK WANTED Younn girl capable of babv sitting. Phone Red 332 or 1329 Overlook St. (271 WORK WANTED Excavating, clearlnu lots, handyman in general, Box 417. Dailv News. (274) LOST LOST Ladv's Tudor wrist watch between Borden St. and 3rd Ave. Cameron. 801 Borden. (271) PERSONAL PFRSONAI WE'LL SHOP FOR YOU. It you know what you want, but live too far away to find it vourseu. write w me Select Shopping Service. Dominion Building. Vancouver PERSONAL If you are thinking of buying your own home now is the time to investigate prices. We have a. number of houses listed at reasonable figures. Come in and tell us about your housing problems and maybe you too can ' become a home owner. Robert E. Montadpr T.tmitefi. 274 TENDERS Tenriort mill hp received bv the undersigned for the purchase! of the boat "Kearney uu moored at the Fishermen s Floats. Highest tender not necessarily accented on or before November 22. 1948. M. Hansen. Box 631, Prince Rupert. B.C. 272' MACHINERY FOTR SALE TO SAW better lumber more economically use the modern and un-to-date tvpe National Portable Sawmills manufactured bv National Machinery Company Linuiea. vaucua"" B.C. METAL WORK PLUMBING insolations a Reoairs. SHEET M ETA-WORK. Tar and Gravel Roof-intr. Letourneau & Sons. 629 Sixth West. Phone 543. Dally News Classified Ada Quick Results! . BROWNWOODS J spread early morning cneer wncti Spend a Holiday in the West Indies? It s only a few f li o v t hours Hwav by T. C. A., the "North Star" .! Vl fan'-; sire so very reasmable ! Yes. bcgnining Di-rrm-bcr 2nti, you can tiy din-ct froiu Canaila to NaMau, lungston or Triuidud . - . when you go by 4H-l'tteeenerr " North Star" skyliner. You'll add extra pleasant, days to your holidays and you'll enjoy everv minute of your trip, for TRANS-OaNAL. air lines has thought of everything for your comfort. You'll enjoy the pres-mtriKcd cabins . . . deliciou complimentary meals aloft . friendly steward aiid stewardess service. All this will add nn to a vacation you II never lorget! Did You Know I inally, made tor doctors and nurse? who wasti their hands thirty to forty times a. day? It keeps hunda smooth and wl it? no matter what IIHr chores. No wonder 1'ACQUINS HAND CRKAM is preferred by more women than any other hand cream in the world t I'm never without a jar in my de sk several mm at home Try ill You'll be thrilled by its non-sticky, non-greasy jofmw-l its pleasant fiaar.ince. Ask for at. your nearest drug or department, store . . . Vacqtim? Himd C ream I Another PRICE RAISE Coining! All Building Trade's rate? to rise, effective in this area January 1st, 1949. ( In these days of. rocketing prices, every dollar saved is of growing importance to the property owner. Those of our fellow citizens, who plan repairs, alterations to homes or business premises before spring, can effect a saving of approximately 20 by having their work done BEFORE January 1, 1949. This notice is posted in the interest of all concerned as a public service but our company would be pleased to offer advice and suggestions to anyone directly interested Estimates of course, are free. - Hoping to be of service to you, we remain Yours respectfully, NORTHWESTERN CONSTRUCTION LTD. Phone 563 (..273) Off to Market to Buy Food for mothers are doing every uay: for Heinz Utraimd H'lby Foods! the .mvrnlin ft OZ.. V.'WIHUU - ie'ies specially and expertly ecoked to baby-ready .l,......l.l.ov tibrlity . and to his youthful ta.-te! Aud after '-. i;...., h,rtl-.H,.v h,rtl-.Hi.v he'll he'll like like Uemz lletnz Jn'iior Jwnor FootU tinxix tor Baby? Why not, do as thousands of . "VT,i on U lind Hum in seaicu tm elmpoed vegela- Veiret:,hle Beef - D.nner - , all . good . remember you re buying lor for him juid that iaiuoue HLl .... vane. u. ....:i':., ,.ir:tv. Meats diced and ', -i ......... j a pnmntftp Dies Iit;s?tiw3 iuiu i - can be!" One laip.irtant thing to baby . . .the best is none too good Ubtl luteal, (jaulilii 11 oa. liiui