- , , H ince Rupert Daily Newt Monday, November 13, 1950 AIR PASSENGERS Films iw.,LR A 1 Liberal Ass'n Hears Member Sees Danger in International Situation Importance Of Indian Vote PROMPT t,,. H mum :.otKvi m.4th,;:.58TiK Victoria Report From Vancouver (Friday) Mrs. G.iddes. A. C. DesBrisay, ! Lieut. Cmdr. J. M. Gclby, Mrs. U. Bishop, Mrs. D. Chorney, F. J. Heinsworth, M. McCallum, Mrs. C. Llpsin, J. Rnmsay, Miss J. Olson, Miss A Nichols, Mrs. Ore,.,, a, by J. K. Nesbiu " """ I 4 Emphasizing the importance and danger of the present Internationa1 situation. E. T. Apple-whalte, M.P. for Skeena, told the Skeena District Liberal Association on Friday that, while hop-tnu for the best but preparing for the worst, It might become nec n u ' , , : i Anno 'uncemeif To Vancouver (Saturday) W O. Stenhorn. J. D. Wadding. Mrs. H. J. Weise and infant T N. Kettles, J. E R. Wood, Clio Vuen Que. Miss L. N'chcls, Miss D. Hagblad. C. P. Bussinger A Campbell. A. C. DesBrisay, F C Hnley, W R. Tooth. To Sandsnit (Saturday) c GictdinRs, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Jones, William Donaldson. 1 ,rru'tlC2 Add Anscomb Widely Travelled Wages at All-Time ' High Readying for Another Session VICTORIA Finance Minister Herbert Anscomb .holds the record for more travelling than any other c-'biiiet.' minister. He now beats even Premier Johnson who has Lt,.n twice to England in three years and taken innumerable trips to Ottawa. Mr. Anscomb has been to Eng- 324 2nd k( B02'J3 Phoi land, too. Last spring he went Lieutenant Governor. Hon. Clar 'A; P. Gardac & CO. to Newfoundland to present inr, Mr. Applewhaite said that his titling had 4100 native, the largest number of any constituency In Canada. The natives might well control the next election and it was important that the message of Liberalism b" carried into their communities Chartered AccouiJ CANADIANS ARRIVE IN JAPAN Officers of the Canadian Special Force are shown on the pier at Yokohama, Japan, shortly after the ad vance contingent of the brigade arrived on their way to Korea. Fourth from the right is Maj. Roland M. Bourgeois, commander of the advance party. In the background is the U.S.N.S. James O'Hara, which carried the contingent on the longest leg of its trip to Pusan. ' V , (CP PHOTO) A. L. BhLL, C.A ence Wallace, taking the leading role for the first time. The 1951 sessional entertainment at Government House will be more brilliant than usual for His Honor and Mrs. Wallace are determined that during their regime the official mansion atop Rockland Avenue hill will be the scene of many notable social events. r essary for the government to put 'on further controls and take other action in its defence planning. Mr. Applewhaite declared that it was Important a strong Liberal oartv should be maintained. He described the party in Canada as being second onlv to tv churrhes as an asset. He warned a g a 1 r s t over-conf Idpnce and complacency in view of the present Parliamentary strength. It was most important that the party be kept in power. It would be a tragedy If It were not. After I ail. the Opposition had little indeed to offer. It was easy to be loyal to a leader of the culibre of Prime Minister St. Laurent p man nf honestv and ,nthns-iasm, Members of the cabinet were sincere and able and .icnc were more esteemed or respected than British Columbia's own minister, Hon. R. H. Mayhew. The member urged the necessity of local associations keeping their fences up between' elections a.? well a 1ust before election activity. Fifty-five percent of the voting strength was that i,f women and it was gratifying to hear that they were becoming active. ) ANOTHER ILor first ! RADIO DIAL 1240 Kilocycles CFPR &nth Avenue House Damaged Fire early Sunday mornlnq; THOR AUTOMAGIC JINK 8:00 CBC New? 8:10 Herd's Bill Gooa 8:15 M;ining Song ' 8:30 Music for ModeiM 8:45 LitHe Concert 9:00 BBC News and Commentary. , 9:15 Morning Devotion 9:30 Morning Concert " :t9 Time Siki.h1 10:00 Morning Visit '.0:15 Morning Melodies 10:30 "Melody Time" 10:45 Charlie Kunz Presents 11:00 Kindergarten' of the Air 11:15 Roundup Time ll:st Weatner Report 1 Messnee Per.ui 11:33-Recorded Interlude :45 Scandinavian Melgdies ' - P.M. 2:0-i1d-Dav N.el.Kil caused about $1,200 damage to a I hoiie owned by Ole Andcrrnn I at 563 Ninth Avenue Wst. Fke wa.s In the clothes closet and a bed room. Extensive damage was caused by heat. Sunday .n'trrnon a fire In a trailer r.?ftdence on Fras?r Ft. was spotted by firemen from the fire hall. The blaze was brout,ht under control before any dam- i (Subject to Channel MONDAY P.M. 4:15 Stock Quotations & In'l 4:30 Mafic Adventures 4:45 Young Man. With a Song 4:55 CBC News 5:00 International Comty. 5:10 There's Music in the Air 5:30 Dixieland Jazz .!- oupnei SWeuade 6:13 Martial Airs 6:30--Musical Varieties 6:45 "Saddle Rockln' Rhythm" 7:00--CBU News 7:15 CP'J News Roundup Commenting on the presence ase was caused. of native delegates at the ncct- King to Visit. Four NZ Cities WELLINGTON, N.Z. O The 1952 roval tour of Nw Zealand is likely to be drastically curtailed when compared with the program mapped out two years ago befbre the king's illness. The revised Itinerary is likely to provide for calls only at the four chief cities, Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch and Dunedin, and attendance at one large Maori gathering. The program for the cancelled 1949 tour provided for travel bv plane, car, train and ship. It is probable that under the new plan, the royal family will do almost all their travelline by ship either In the battleship Vanguard, or in a New Zealand cruiser for the coastal passages. A. G. Harper, under-secretary of Internal 8ffairs. will 'eave for London shortly to discuss de British Columbia's mace to the Legislature at St. John's. Now he's preparing for a trip to New 2'taland to represent the Britifh Columbia government at meetings of the British Commonwealth Parliamentary Association. Average weelcly earnings of male workers in B.C. have now reached an all-time high. Last year, according to the annual report of the Department of Labor, the average weekly salary was $49.1 compared with $27.97 in 1918. The lowest in those 21 years was $22.30 a week in the oppression year of 1933. Last year the provincial pay- ; roll continued upward, totalling $!30.00u,000, an increase of $50,- ,1)04.021 over 1948. The construction industry forged ahead to complete its fmost successful year on record saitnough some curtailment was noi.ed in the lumber industries where production was somewhat hampered under extreme winter conditions. ' Despite this, the construction industry topped all previous records to lead with the greatest increase, up over $6,500,000. Metal-trades industries gained by $4,000,000 while the total covering the group of miscellaneous trades and industries was up over $3,500,000. The lumber Industry, which hid reached an all-time high in 1948, showed decreasing payrolls in 1949, off some $12,300,000 from, the peak figure established the previous year. The shipbuilding industry con-thvji'd to decline, to show a further deirease of over $4,700,000 5;om the 1943 figure. Pulp and paper manufacturing recorded a u.op of more than $1,800,000. If yoj want to earn more money that any other laborer get a job in the pulp and paper industry. Last year the average wcei:ly wage in that industry was $)4. 10 highest in the prov ince. Averaje wage in the lumber industry was $51.40 a week. 7:30 Songs for Earl: Evciilnp 1:00 Sons of the Wert 8:30 Guy Lom'oarcio Show 9:00 National Farm Radio Forum Continental Varictic 0:00 CBC New '0:10 CBC News 10:15 Provincial Affairs Mrs. D. Stceves 'ri-aot.o'v vibnister Orch 11 '00 Weather Forecast PULP AMD PAPER WORKERS AppUT.tlors arc r.ow being cor.Rlclcrcd for shirt supervisors, bler.rheiy operators, cooks and acid makers for modern high a'pha pulp mill. , . , Apply OI'F.rtATING SI PKUINTF.NDEXT. COLUMBIA CF.LM'I.OSE CO. LTD., Itox 1000, Trinre Itupert. n.C. -204 12:1b CBC Nwt 12:25 Proqrnm e.suiiir 12:30 B.C. Farm Broadcast 12:55 Rec Int. 1:00 The Concert itour 1:30 Musical Program 1:45 Comty. Allison Grant 2:00 B.C. School Bdsct. 2:30 Records at Random 2:45 Something Different 3:00 The Music Box 3:15 Western Five 3:3r Listener's Choice. NOV ON DISPLAY Saanich Plumbing S Healing Corner th Avenue and McBride tailed arrangements for the tour with Buckingham Palace offi clals. If, seems only yesterday the i9s0 session of the Legislature va.s prorogued. Yet, here we are In the Legislative Buildings get-t.iii it-a'ty lor another to open tn;ee months hence. ,1 The first sign of a legislative ' fcssion is when Capt. W. R. V "':ticr, the sergeant-at-arms,' i- , ... in the buildings to get t'i iivs going. Capt. Webster has !U !i iCl. 1 &oon Madame Speaker Nancy Hod';cs will be calling at her i. f rice each day. She hasn't been' mound the building in months.' ' The 19ol session will see a new; REAL ESTATE INSURANCE INCOME TAX RF.TURNS PREPARED The R.C.A.F. has a code language all its own brief, concise for quick, clear understanding. R. E. 2nd A"e Mortimer . (Near CFPR) ru, "Vampire 555.. .Clear to Itud" Control to pilot) "555. ..Roger" Pilot to control touvr) In those few words, a clcar-tycd young Canadian pilot in a strtam-lincil Canadian jet knows that the field is clear that it is time for him to "tome in" and confirms instructions. Perhaps YOU, as another alert young Canadian want to tome in too. PILOTS RADIO OFFICERS NAVIGATION OFFICERS JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd. Third Aveuiit Th R.C.AF. ho immediate rtd of young man to train ot If you arc between the ages of 18 and 24, physically fit and can meet the educational requirements, there is an imnK'd';llc opening that will give you valuable training in the modern field of aviation, and an opportunity to serve your country in a ' vital arm of its defence. R.C.A.F. RF.CRUITINU lln. """ "42658 9921 - 101A Ave., Edmonton, Alta. mom . rl,.s, rn.il , .VW '-'"' hup'"""'"' "I'ziJ. ' tuiMI' in I mini rtquinmcnti optm'P -w (ln)(fcfi) DC W(S NAME (I'ltaic Trim). STRCtT ADDRESS ' PROVINCE. CITV ACT TOD Ay -CONSULT THE CAREER COUNSELLOR AT YOUR NEAREST Af. RECRUITM UNIT- - - r mail thil coupon EDUCATION (by grde anJ province)- ..AGE... r3 1 ; caf ie ' 'r-' x,, i wio'.c Cafci 1 :x!:;Vu;v . siiil.v .did Mix1 Ffwwl" li.mc H fur Send-Out Orders ' ' Da via Chow. Mgr. . ..vaBifcifiaflttafcMI , ,