Hockey . TRIBUTE TO DEAD iContuiueu fioiu page 1) Jl'NIOR CTTIrXS' DAY (Continued from page 1) Prince Rupert Doily New Munaay, November 13, 1950 winners, who played an exceptionally clean game. Tomorrow night sees the .Senior League first-place Co-ops playing the second-place Brownwoods. A win 'for the' Brown- i eary, wr loss, stating that at least it was a good lession. For Brownwoods, Art Olson was a tower of strength on the offense, covering his check well and controlling a lot of the re- BASKETBALL Brownwoods Score NHL Teams Dividing Up !m Oyer Gordon ond Anderson 67 fo 37 Toronto Th. . i caL Hockey LeaKue is hrmbin. ; '-"ruay woods would tie up first place. lney would have the privilege If the shoemen play like they and tne duty to vote in civic did on Saturday they are Just elections In the community in, about a cinch to win. Scuby's whlch they lived He wlshed, ho1 Thunderbirds will play High gaki tnat ome of the voters h Green, and Cooks meet Mansons , conlact wilh nad had in the Junior division. ; Uje training BtudenU were re- LINE-IPS 1 ceiving in high school. j Scnior ' Mr. Thain explained that the BROWNWOODS Sunberg 5. city counlll was made up of a Carlson 9, Olson 12, Thompson mayor and a number of alder-4. Lavigne 3, Bill, Spring 27. n,,,ln prlnM, Kimcrt, eiiiht duplicate, he said. City Clerk H. D. Thain told students that as future citizens halt of whom were elected each year. The mayor, he said, was elected every tyo years, and four aldermen annually. There were three classes of voters property owners, who had the right to vote not only at elections but also on bylaws requiring expenditure of funds; householders, who paid a poll tax, and license holders, who paid a tax to be in business. Brownwoods romped home with the most decisive victory of this or just about any other basketball season of recent years in the senior division when' they trounced Gordon and Anderson by a 67 to 37 score on Saturday night. It was a great victqry after the many heartbreakers that Brownwoods have lost by one or two-point mar : bound play, although Gill, Flat-! en and Holkestad for G & A were also get'ting In for the rebounds. Olson made 12 b'.g points, mostly from under the basket. Carlson made nine nut wasn't putting much spirit into the game. Sunberg and Hartwi played driving game and, alon.j with Lavigne, provided plenty of speed and color. In spite of Gordon and Anderson's loss, this writer still predicts that th?y will be winning plenty of games before the season comes to an end. INTERMEDIATE Hiuh S'hnul OnlH tnnk a firm game in the pivot spot to swish made 27 points, 17 of them in the first half when he just about broke the hearts of his rivais. His team play was superb andjnod on first place in the Inter. his energy and drive certainly mediate division .swamping save his teammates the incen- chants by a 58-to-26 score. Motive to go out and win. During Chesney clicked for 23 points the second half he was used and Kristmanson played a good In all cases, he continued, voters panied the singing of "O God wlth New Yolk Rangers Sair-were required tfl be British sub- Our Help In Ages Past" during dav nlPnt but were blanked last jects and over the age of 21. the service which opened with nl!ht bV Detroit. ; sparingly as the hardware men ' were checking h:m hard but the hoop for 10. Coach JacK Sedgewick, Kristmanson 8, Si-when he was on the floor he just Evans gave every player an op- monson, Letourneau 10, couldn't miss. His shot from 30 portumty on the floor and his SOn 5, Morrison 4, Young 2, wnoie ream snowea me peneni Blackaby. Total 58. of good coaching. Referees Ciccone and David- For Merchants, Christoff was'son ( outstanding, scoring 15 points, Junior and by far the most effective RUPERT HOTEL Mclntosn, man on the team. This team smith 4, Stcaey, Parnell 2, San- gins during the past, two sea sons. Ray Spring played the finest game of his sport career. He HERE'S THE WAY TO BUY For Less CALL RED Si 'ORDER NOW FROM D g S GROCERY isei out ana to tne side while I away off balance after a par- jticularly hard check was one of i the highlights of an otherwise j rather dull game. , I Gordon and Anderson played kuou oau m me nrsi nan 10 nwiu uiuwjiwuuus uuwil WJ u il- ito-12 lead. Jimmy Flaten worked use a irojan an evening, trying, to spark his team. Holkestad The city clerk said qualilica- tions would probably allow every- one in the school to vote. In a municipul election, the mayor wa,, required to own property to 'the value of $1,000 above en- cumbrances and to have his nomination backed by two citi- gens. The property qualification had to be in effect for at least six months before the date ot election. Similar, but not the same, qualifications were required of candidates for alderman. The four aldermen receiving the greatest number of votes were elected. In case of a tie, the re- turning officer cast the deciding f - --Wllg 1UIO two distinct standing divisions with Toronto Maple Leafs Detroit Red Wings and Chicago Black Hawks in the first Montreal Canadiens, New Yuik Hungers and Boston Bruins in Urn second. The Map!e Leafs had spectacular winning streak broken by Detroit Red Wings who won 3 to I Saturday niuht but Kl, , ...... ... , . ,u 1 nlgni witn a" w o shutout over oosicn uruins at Boston Detroit and Chicago won both week-end games. The Montreal Canadiens tier! ,Ile wern-ena scores NATIONAL LEAGUE (Sunday) Toronto 7, Boston 0 Detroit 4, Montreal 0 Chicago 4, New York 1 Saturday Chicago 4, Boston 2 New York 1. Montreal 1 (tie Detroit 3, Toronto 1. The league standings: W D L F A PU Toronto 9 3 2 47 28 21 ' Detroit 7 3 31 20 17 Chicago .... 7 2 37 25 10 Montreal .. 4 30 33 12 New York 6 19 39 8 Boston 17 37 7 ri,: 1 .. Hartwig 7. Total 67. GOLDON ii ANDERSON Clc-cone 5, Dumas, Marshall, Holkestad 9, Gill 6 .Currie, Flaten 13, Smith 4 Boulter Matthews. Total-37. Referees Calderonl and Dom-inato. , ' Intermediate MERCHANTS Wesch 2, Plac? 2, Jordan, Christoff 15, Eldsvik 1, Dumas 1, Parnell 5. Total 2u. HIGH SCHOOL GOLD M Chesney 23, Ratchford 2, Tait 4 . key 11, McKay 4, Helin, Donald- soil Total 21. high SCHOOL MacAfee 10, ciccone 6, Mathews 4. Krist- manson 3, Christenson 4, Blackaby 5. Menzies, Williamson. To-tal 33. ; Referees Teng and. Macdon-aitt. . I E. W. (Joe) Griffiths, who has represented Canada as an of- ficiil and as an assistant coach at two Olympics, will retire next spring after 30 years on the faculty Of the University of Saskatchewan. In 1937, the university named its new stadium, "Griffiths Stadium," in his honor. . Griffiths came to the University of Saskatchewan in 1920 'is its first director of physlcaL'edu-cation. Later, he was manager of the men's athletic board and 'played a fine gate, getting nina Jl'NIOIt points and feeding Flaten some High School Juniors also had I nice passes that helped his 13- a one-sided victory, taking the point total. Once again this game from Rupert Hotel by a i team was able to work the bail 32-to-21 margin. Danny MAfo j up to within shooting position scored 10 for the winners and ; but at that point did not seem played a nice game. Sankey, for j to know what to do with the Rupert Hotel, was high for b'M , sphere, eiber fumbling it or let- teams with 11 points. Although ting the other side get control, one-sided, it was a good game j Coach Garnet Montgomery was to watch, with only 15 fouls call-philosophical about his team's ed and only two or these on the Imllot. Mr Thain offered fur- Jiaue ouiuiuuy. rrince nuperi ther advice and assistance to the veterans gathered at the Cana-junior dUin L1011 naI1 for refresh- city clerk. lona Hardy Classified Advertising Is payable In advance. Please refrain from telephoning, word per Insertion, minimum charge 50c. Birth Notices 50c. Cards of Thanks, eral Notices, Marriage and Engagement Announcements SPECIAL DISPLAY. DOUBLE PRICE r, eTnl not Pi'M'-hed or MavJ by Control Board or by the Goverumeiit of British ij, was appointed director of var- lne Doy ocoul Jamooree at vai-sity athletics irr 1948. He was leV Fcr&e- Pa- 'as Biven by Mag-president of the Saskatchewan nus l- Olson, branch of the Canadian Physi- The afternoon's program end-cal Education Association for ed with a basketball game be-several years and in 1938 "Was tween the senior girls and the assistant coach of the Canadian teachers, which the latter won Olympic swimming team In Ber-' 26 to 19, turning the tables from lin. He was a track and field the previous year. pared to die for our country but also live for it, dedicating outlives to the service of God. Thereby may we always the memory of those who gave their all." Df. Wright also offered the Remembrance Day prayer in the absence of Rev. Charles L. I.o-mas, honorary chaplain to the forces. At the conclusion of the address, as pipers played a lament, wreaths were placed at the basa of the cenotaph by Mayor GeorgJ W. Rudderham, on behalf of the city, representatives of the Legion organizations, and others. Bugler W. J. Ranee sounded "Cease Fire" as the service upeiieu ana a iwo-minute ' si lence was observed Then the solemn rmtns nf iVio Last Post" I uroke thfi ..., AfLer the . Reveille" the pro- ceedings closed. The combined hnnd nonm- u uanadi," after the peal of, the Cathedral bells hud signal led the 11 o clock hour, and elos-1 ed with the National Anthem. ( The cenotaph guard, in charge of Capt. J .A. Teng, included' Lt. Cdr. J. W. Golby, HMCS Chatham: Flight Lieutcnnat Douglas Stewart and Constable G. D. Roberts, Royal Canadian Mounted Police. The guardians were P.O. Douglas Christlson and AH. Sidney Alexander, Navy; Gunner James Sleeves. Army, and Sgt. John McDougall, Royal Canadian Air Force. LATER AT I.EGiO.n Following the Armistice Day a ,u u" ""prompiu eruer 1 .linmcnt at the armory lor a banquet. Guests at the head table were Past Presidents C. L. Young-man, W. J. Ranee, Ralph Smith, Sid Bird and Harry Breen; Zone Commander J. S. Wilson, President J. Nicoll, First Vice-President Rod McLeod. Second Vice-President Alex Halg, Honorary Vice-President Lt. Col. S. D. Johnston, Mayor George Rudderham, E. T. Applewhalte, M P.. Lt. Cdr. J. M. Golby and Bandmaster Fred McKay of the Greenville Concert Band. A delightful meal was served by the Women's Auxiliary. Following the banquet was an entertainment featuring Pipers McKay and McDonald, Nigel Hale and others. Fred McKay spoke a few words on behalf of the Greenville Concert Band and others at the head table spoke briefly and appropriately. ' II j V it a "Splendid J j n Berlins-' L ,? v ", 6 A j h . i I Im) JJ7 H5"'1 j This advrrtiseroent is not published 01 j displayeo by the Liquor Control Board Si by the Government ol British Columbia Prepare For WINTER! Check your Furance and Chimney Now,! We have the most modern vacuum equipment for cleaning furnaces and chimneys. PHONE 834 raoM SHEET METAL LTD. CHECK YOUR FURNACE f IN MEMORIAM In lovme; memory of Jeannie Knowles. who died Nov. 12. 1949 A wonderful wife, mother and a'd, i vnr mm was ueuer uoa never, made. j A wonderful worker, so 1 and true One in a million .that wife was you. Your husband an,d daughter Patricia. Utr.u FOR SALE "u,lln receive. ' lient, 8 1 65 ft '-35 Li, CmhI kw . J Prince Rupert 300 3rd Ave. B,xi. QUALITY fitl Kur Dowutroddf and Wurh MAC SHOE H0SF1 Rnii 774 Si Buy the Rest- E Famous ELECTROL Cleaner and Air Small supply no R. W. COLL Authorized D PHONE 4: Contact abovf SERVICE & SL MARGARET M optometr: Room lO STONE BUUI PHONK BLUE St p.o. box m SIDNEY GOt OPTOMETRI'1 ommlete Visual OFFICE HOlfl W5P 9 a.m. Mezzanine FI! Geo. Cook's nrtM D rjn, dlj" k J Pt w New - i .tnm service ...)ltlonal g"aran feet sauii"1-" serTice 733 5th West, Business and Proles NAT7?37 KNOWN NAMES FOR SALE-McClarv "Duchess" , Sueeder Snoveis: range, wick burner, copper B rrnPl'V'-m fA om s coil urates for reconversion. - KPad Graders: Littleford Bros.' Rune firepn A44 nfi Blact Tod Road Maintenance l4if ili IHi Equipment: Ow-eti Clamshell FOR SALE com-Buccets and Rock Grapples; bination range oil burner, nasn i snown very wen uus sea- ouii, iiu will iitrru ix luat iiiuic; practice if they are to take oven any dui me last place in me league standings. i Classifieds, 3c per Death Nutices. Fui. $2 00 ACCOUNTANTS PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. ln'.ok. Tax. specialist. S. U. e ui Stone Building. Keu ai)3. BF1LDERS & COXTRACTOKS PLUMBiMj ana iitulin -iineet Me-ai work I'ai uiiv Gravel Koolinu. Call t29 bU. Wesi. Pnont 043. Letouincui. ana 80ns. it, MODERN Palntine and Decor ating Spence and MatuiK i-'none BlacK ZLa. evenings 01 noon hour. P.u. Box 11 il. ait COMPLETE builders supplies lusL service, iomiiii Citv ounu-liic: ouuuiits. Blue K2u- 11 Sill I REPAIRS wail-11 -Repair ueouna a oromut efficient service. Oeoiue Cook jewener. toatuslacnon uuaran-Leeu. OIL BURNER BPEClALlat-SWJVe hervice & Keoaus U U Ronson. Black 5U3 iu REAL ESTATE 5 room house, basement and furnace. Excellent condi- non. 2UO0 clown. 4 room Wartime, excellent condition. $1000 down. 4 room large, fully turnish- ed. $2000 down, 3 rooms, two lots, good foundation and nart basement. $1000 down. 4 rooms with cement basement and many improvements. S15UU down. ROBEKT E. MONT ADOR LTD. Evenings phone Green 935 (2ij8c) OWING TO OTHER interests will sell profitable, easy-to-operate business on easy terms to person qualified. Business now showing two hundred and fifty dollars net per month and can be increased. Full price $2500.00. including stock. Eight hundred cash balance' lkie rent. Box 835. Daily News. (256c) IFOR SALE Furnished house. I 1136 Hays Cove Ave. 12o9p) , WORK WANTED WORK WANTED By young man with high school eradua- 1 lion certifiMt,e. Will consider, anything. Phone Black 152. ! (264p) ' WANTED 1 WANTED Newton rifle, calibre .30 or .35. Write Box 834, UallvJ ' r JUi I WANTHf. top maijvitt rttruts f aid tor scrao iron steel, brass copper, lead, etc Honest eradirt. Promut nav- j ment made. Atlas Iron & Metals Ltd.. 250 Prior St.. Van- couver. B.C. Phone Pacific 1 6357. an cast hrass corme? coDner. batteries batteries :inrl r.'irii ators. Phuiie 543 Call 629 Mr. west tf WANTED Housekeeping Job or looking after children. Write Box 832. Daily News. (2G6p) URGENTLY NEEDED by married counle and baby, suite or house. Phone Mrs. McGuire. bavov Hotel. (264p) WANTED 3 or 4 lwmlsemT-furnished anartment. immedi-1 ately. YoiinK couple, one child. Box 833 Daily News. (204p) has been chosen for that post-. tion. $U0 FOlt ORCHESTRA A feature of the assembly was the presentation on behalf of Prince Rupert Trades and Labor Council by A. F. Robertson, faculty representative on the council, of a cheque for $100 toward the school orchestra. In making the presentation to President Bill Toderas of the Students' Council, Mr. Robertson said the gift was on the understanding that there would be further support in the future. Bill Toderas thanked the Trades and Labor Council on behalf of the students for the generous gift. A brief resume of his trip to Lieut Cdr. J. M. Golby returned by air Friday from a trip to Ottawa on navy business. Mrs. A. Solloway arrived In the city on Friday's plane from Vancouver to join her husband, who is traffic assistant at the local office of Canadian Pacifls Air-Mnes. J. E. R. Wood, after one of his periodical visits to local road work for which his concern has the contract, left by Saturday's plane on his return to Vancouver. , F. J. Hemsworth, resident mining engineer, returned to the city on Friday afternoon's plane from Vancouver where he attended the convention of the Canadian Institute of Mining and Metal-urgy. O TAILORING for Ladies and Gentlemen LING, the TAILOR 220 Sixth St Phone 649 OIL HEATING at its Bcsi MARCHAND SPACE HEATERS Convenient, Economical High mechanical efficiency. VORTEX Automatic Burners 30 saving in heating costs. TERMS ARRANGED Smith & Elkins LIMITED Plumbing and Heating' Phone Vi-i P.O. Box 274 FOR SALE FOR SALE One chesterfield solid oak dining room suite bookcase, tables. G.E. radio light iixtures; also picks, snoveis. sieagenammers. can 120 5th West. (264p; FOR SALE New chesterfield beds: beds complete: un minted chest of drawers; sewing machine: kitchen stoves: heaters; hardware; coffee tables, end tables; bedroom suites; scores of other useful furniture at lowest prices. See B.C. Furniture. Black 324. (tfi pnilltinpn wiTh ornrpo tnp rnu $ti0. Phone Red 990. (204c) FOR SALE 1950 Meteor custom : sedan, exceptionally low mile-' age. Phone Blue 365. (lwkp) j FOR SALE 1949 x 1 ton pick-. up, low mileage. A-l condition.! Phone Blue 872. (264p) j FOR SALE Mossberg .22 repeat- ing rifle, like new. Phone! Green 883. (266p) FOR SALE 9 x 102 rug. 447 ! filh Aw iT'ict (205) ..'"iT" HELP WANTED D?B"T?RmWad !ar .J Wrist Twister." Franchis: now being granted. Small in-; vestment. Write Box 831, Daily! News. 2G5pi ' PERSONAL : ',w?LL DO SEWING washing ironing any time. Phone Green (264p) PHONE YOUR Fuller Brush Dealer between 5 and 6:30 p m. ! at Black 990 for demonstra-1 tion of our Christmas specials. ! 281p) ROOM AND BOARD j FOR RENT Room and board in i i;rivaie noine. mone Kert 140 or call 1333 6th East. (2C6p) ; ROOM AND BOARD for two! pii:ine.s.s people. Write Box' 830. Daily News. (26bp) FOR RENT Room and board I for one man. Red 660. (tf)i- 1 FOR RENT j FOR RENT 41 U Drive. When iwcus cuii.e, miow mem Uie city with a 41 U Drivp Phmo 41- Grenvllle Court. Fraser St. i (205pi I FOR RENT Two rooms kpU. i contained semi-f urnLshed j I Quiet couple only need apply ! 1 Box 529. Dailv News (5.Ui j FOR RENT One double (slngls) heds) and one single newlv furnished bedrooms Rrpnk- iast 11 oe.sirea. Phone Red K60 after 6 p.m. ufei FOR RENT Comfortable "sleeo-ln? room, sinele or double. Dailv News Box 835. (265c) FOR RENT Housekeeping accommodation for single person or couple. Phone Black 277. (265c) FOR RENT Room for rent. Green 404. (207c) official at the 1948 London' Olympics. ( Last spring Griffiths was. chosen for the honor award of the Canadian Association for1 Health, Physical Education and j Recreation, given for "distin guished and meritorious service as a mature leader in his field In Canada." Old Country Football (English league, First Div.) Arsenal 5, Sunderland 1 Burnley 2, Wolverhampton Wanderers 0 Chelsea 1, Manchester United 0 Ev.erton 1, Tottenham Hotspur 2 Huddersfield Town 2, Liverpool 2 Middlesbrough 1, Derby County 1 Newcastle United 1, Fulham 2 Portsmouth 3, Charlton Athletic 3 Sheffield Wednesday 3, AsLon Villa 2 Stcke City 1, Blackpool 0 W.est Bromwich Albion 1, Bolton Wanderers 1 (Scottish League, Div. "A") Airdrieonians 2. Raith Rovers n Celtic 3, Falkirk 0 Dundee 0, Motherwell 0 East Fife 2, Clyde 1 Hibernian 2, Morton 0 Partick Thistle 1, Aberdeen 4 St. Mirren C, Rangers 2 Third Lanark 0, Heart of Midlothian 2. HOCKEY SCORES FRIDAY . Pacific Coast New Westminster 6, Vancouver 2 Victoria 4, Tacoma 1 Western International Kimberley 3, Trail 5 Mainline-Okanairan Kelowna 3. K.rrlsdale I SATURDAY ' Pacific Coast Vancouver 3, Tacoma 3 (tie) New Westminster 4, Seattle 1 SUNDAY Vancouver 4, Portland 7 Western International Nelson 5, Klmb.erley 4 Cost of administering Canada's family allowance payments runs to about $80,000 a week. 1 A. P. GARDNER & CO. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS A. P. GARDNER, C.A. . A. L. BELLr C.A. 324 Second Avenue Box 203 Phone 88 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanf nt Waving Beauty Culture In ah IU branches .'04 4th Street Phone 655 COLUSSI'S MUSIC STORE Agents for the finest in Musical Instruments PIANOS TUNED AND RECONDITIONED 21 0 4th St, Ph. Black 389 RORIE & LAIRD ACCOUNTANTS & AUDITORS Besner Block Phone 387 P.O. Box 130 HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE iHWF.RAL CONTRACTORS BulldliiK kirI Repuiri of nil kinds ROOFS - CHIMNEYS OIL BURNERS PHONKf Black 334 P. O Btix 1 670 MATTSON'S UPHOLSTERING Phone Blue 818. P.O. Box 520 330 Second Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. TRAIN bCHEDULE For the East Monday, Werlnei.Jay, :J 8:00 p.m from the East, ! Tuesday, Thuraday, dahirdaj 10:15 p.m. ... iviiai.-, Clark Furkhft Trucks: Nelson tsujKet Loaders tor Stockpile , and Snow Removal: Rice Port,-: able Centrifugal Pumus: N-a-' tional Dragline Scrauers and Buckets; National All Steel1 Gasoline Hoists: National Portable Sawmills: National Rotarv Screens and Conveyors Full inlormation from National Machinerv Co. Limited, Vancouver. B.C. (tf! .303 BRITISH calibre Remine- ton, Savage and Winchester 1 P-14 buld action fi-sluil. snnrt-1 ing rifles with 26" barrel. Ex- 1 cellent condition including j nicely finished walnut stocks: ! ntitxi, rice :eontvU quaiuv. $27 not sa fied ' rflU'-n rifle at, our ex-; Dense for full refund Immp diate delivery; will send COD. Write for catalogue. Canada's Mail Order House. Box 852, uttawa. Ont. uf) - ... . i CLEARANCE RAlR?m nifloc only $19.95. Hi-powered En - neia Mocler P-14 with built-in 6-shot magazine. Blade foresight, rearsight with ranses to 100 yards. 26 inch barrel. Fullv guaranteed .Box 43 rounds ammunition with rifle order $2.95. Prompt .shipment COD. HUN'IEKS SU rr L Y COMPANY 193 Sparks St . Ottawa. Ontario. (Hi FCR SALE Used radios with1 marine band Standard and; short wave. Floor nmdels and table models. Guaranteed.' Phone 6. McRae Bros. 2G5c,l : FOR SALE Electric radiator, as new. Call 441 7th East. 205pi FOR SALE Used doors ?'" x B'fi". Call 629 5th West. Phone 543. an FOR SALE 1941 five passenger coune. A-l condition. Radio, heater and pood rubber Aonlv to Bill's Garage on MfKnde St. (264 pi 1 FOR SALE Chesterfield suite like now; camp chairs, etc. Phone Black 338 (270n) FOR RALE Hohner piano ac- .virdion 12 bass. Reasonable. 1052 6th East. (269pi FOR SALE HOUSE TRAILER. Ix7. located behind npw Liquor Store. (265p) FOR SALE "sk rat ''oat fairly j cod condition. Reasonnhip. Phone 747. (269c) . FOR SAIR Baby biKgy. Phone Green 688. 266p) FOR SALE 1P48 Chpv Fed fi A-l. Phone Green 279. (tf) ,