I I I I I scribed Liberalism at the annual Prince Rupert Daily News Silver Tip Troe Boocrecy i meeting Friday afternoon of the Monday, November 13, 1950 -. J Skeena District Liberal Associa 1 Looks Good In in i tion. Lioeraiism ana ireea-jm ganizalions .where policies were Farewell Party - j y.ere synonymous, Mr. Clark declared. I born and leaders found, was Future development and op The party of freed am of action, He asserted that the j .stressed by Mr. Clark. In these Valhalla Hall 5 " erations on the well-known Sil though, reliaion and race, Vrine.s cf I.ilvralism had been i --strumental i organizations -the ordinary clti-! ver Tip property in the Bear in bringing Canada zen was able to work toward River valley two miles from Big through riesnitp vicissitudes of j About thirty couples gathered Missouri will be planned by W.J p:i::cia.e3, cf democracy, wa the u Q r- ond nthnr fi i f f ionl Mfto tf thp i the development aijd progress of at the Valhalla Hall for a- R Tooth manacrina riirppt.nr. t ( the country. wihVl nr!n1nal rt tVm pnmnntiv an;i;r fcr Central and urirlrt'e thirri ffrnatest." t.rarlino Mr. Clark expressed particular prise farewell party ' in honpr.,01, , fST PORT. ONofellll nSL I in Victoria whence Mr. Tooth! northern B-ih Columbia, de- nation wlth the nlgnest stand interest in the organization of rar. anu Mrs. t. Aiiaerson ai.a enplaned on Saturday after at-!," " ard of living. "We have provd the women and ihe natives. the latter'3 mother, Mr A. tending the annual meeting of' ground tunnel 120 feet as well ..that democracy works," ho Hoeks, who are leaving, to take the Skeena District Liberal As- as 430 feet of open cutting. A claimed. Due to Liberal pra;- up future residence In Massej). y htnsnori sociation here as delegate from- shipment from this property last tices under such great leaders In the first six months of this Dancing was enjoyed to . the. . , Stewart. I year yielded $107 per ton in val- as Laurier, Mackenzie King and year Canadians earned $167 mil- music of M;.ke Colussi and1 hH1 ,,m All With a crew of three men a! ues j ounce of goid, 73 ounces St. Laurent, a high standard of lion more than in the same per- accordion. Refreshments wera ;..., For satisfactory program was carried' of silver in addition to lead and unity, security and democracy iod of 1949; in the half year to- served at midnight after which" out during the past year includ- zinc values. A surface assay has had been attained in Canada, tal labor income reached $3,862,- the guests were presented willa )ica nca . lng further driving of the under-! shown 350 ounces of silver. The importance of local or- 000,000. gifts. j , . tU'lMffllM? ding power:., back- Id States, will meet ,urg this week to rt ol strategic rail, Announcing a great new motoril erways to cover the UNION 0SAFRICA t. This is the first i conferences pro- fcE.C. to co-ordinate i's transport servi- the north-south Cape-Cairo rail-1 finished. Desoite the setback if way; opening up the heart of, the groundnuts scheme vast 'darkest Africa" by linking the1 economic development Is predict-great lakes to the latitudinal and ; ed in Southern Tanganyika and VOrk fur tnis vast, exists in the form d routes, but these longtitudinal railway lines. j it is now proposed to extend this WORK BEGUN I branch line to the shores of Lake South Africa Is already linked Nyasa and beyond to meet the :0?veloped piecemeal. with the Rhodcsias and the: projected north-south railwav . dictates of nation-st and to meet ur services in the dif- iries. from Rhodesia to Kenya. southern portions of the Belgian Congo, where the continent's great Copper Belt is located. It The proposed rail link between ! the Rhodesias, cither througn . blue-print scheme now remains to complete the : South-West '.frica or Angola inicrnational trans-have been working (Portuguese West Africa), are JVILbui; ; Ll u Li L1(J -j j .LHJ t-3;v IJLziviL' LI lilzJ, ?r: m m mm m Mmm w ; ' ' ' ' M ilSlllHi.i:t ' j rf! bn;"r J ' '''' - .zssf ' ' ' " z.uuu-nire railway to A-'iiya. Work has a'riady plaited Ir said to be receding as an iramc-; t;hs to be laid be- the Tanganyika groundnuts dirtte target. But th'.s might be area where ths first railway offset by proposals for the ex-""nsction beUv?(n Mtwara and ""sion of the Bcnguella railway trence are the west-of the Atlantic and nt; bringing closer the great dream of : the Port of Nchlngwa is being from Angola. ed to lasting pcacj? Or how and with added emphasis, that murcn uiuncr away? me poppy u-,ev cannct see why with cost of has been worn. Parados have Ueflccls .'M'.n Snr-easin?, the longer hours 'n'-y work. Every time the r.thpt fellow manar.s to get a vr.ge ir.l;e, ths mjre the farmer been held and problems pandered. Kow hard shall we work, unselfishly for peace that means peace? Or shall w."! b? merely fomtnisc repeatin the same thing a year t- rn" nit rf his exhausted looklr.q; wallt. Don't make th to Stephen Foster hence? last month, 'way the Suwance River. farmer sor.?! If he got right d-vn No one denies the struggle In to it he could make you wish Korea has not been grave. It you'd never been born, cannot, today, be considered fin- such a stream, but iot far, far away. Florida, it's only a Ished. Not until the United Nations opt nrnnnri to t.hp Now Tt Latest geological report from ?ht from the homes When Foster vite Can Be Told stase. can there be Ottawa shows Alberta has re that cannot die certainty anywhere. serves of about 7i trillion cu blc feet of natural gas with new now, doubtless had Perhaps, today, it's Ontario farmers are saying, wells being discovered regularly Our atom scientists equipped test engines' 'with piston rings treated at tFTe Atomic Energy Commission's Oak Ridge Plant. For the first time they measu-?d wear as it liappcnvd determined with Geiger Counters why motor Ub tail. An entirely New "RPM" was developed! nd dreary but it sure pie nude up their K'nally vas a Sher- ni matter what thought-privately. 4ij vZ-? vf-i;i3i"i; "m-T ' Kr '' i r - ! v I ! 4-i - ,v VV 4 - 4 " f K ' " ,J- 1 I 'A he livrd !n Baker on. The building he I now being dismar.t- .HIRAM- WALKER'S SPECIAL 0L CANADIAN WHISKY wmes down to this. !ri'.clf.-tivc. As for t wa- a mere detail real consequence, ed that Communists amy in Canada, "-ate underground in ' ueneral war. It is i UVy will exercise v ' ,J,U I V"" Cold-operation tests under rigid controls were used to simulate stop-and-go driving conditions, toughest kind a motor meets. New "KIM" was compared with the best of conventional motor oils. Results were startling! f 111 M and rmd"nce should ate C o m m u n istic j Above all, avoid ! tt. example of the -' t, v?; - ...t,Jt r ''"" THE QUALITY WHISKY AT A POPULAR PklCE auuM hicr nr India, mnv MoH-r-c 11 r&m. Chinese invasion i reduce the threat Canrihi rellvpd In -vinicare. Well, the ' ''ill try anything a I ".x"'' t-" The superior quality of "Special OlcT is not merely a byword. It is a Hiram Walker traditionl tJTIUERS OF THE FAMOUS "fjfiHxrft'an WHISKY TIps advertisement is not puoiished or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by Hie Government of British Columbia. ;fa- (ron tndav? rT'"v dare it be predict- New RPM Motor Oil was proved in laboratory tests to double the life of average automobile engines between maior overhauls due to lubrication. Severe road Berviee backed it up. Bold with money-back guarantee of satisfaction. OA A I fl hrannli gawniiijs lite 1 v-r. id ; f A 1 A I .:,:f.:ta i in r i si Extra corrfort and less work fo you with a Coleman Oil Heater Low in Cost Efficient in Operation Available now at ; I ,in the toughest test a motor gels ! . 1 Re dili..: e . Mill 7 j a RUPfdt All tests showed the same thing . . . that no motor oil gives you better protection than New "RPM." Compared with conventional motor oils, it doubles the life of average ailto engines between major overhauls due to lubrication. It cuts in half the wear-rate of critical engine parts. It doubles protection against gummy carbon, acid, corrosion, rust and varnish . . . maintains the low-oil-consurnption life of the average auto engine twice as long. Sold with a money-back a f tm FILINGS Phone 311 KcBride Street. HB0UND dy. Nov. 18 BROADWAY CAFE guarantee of satisfaction. esdy. Nov. 29 rdy. Dec. 9 "Premium TwoiU dMwnated 6v th Anurican Petroleum Inttitu'. . lun ami Rest Food contact 'ts' Geeral Aeent W'q tsko better care of your car IK. (Il. V West Finest Cooking Hours: 7 a.m. to 1 a.m. For take home orders Phone 200