FAb BA 1 TP... K -K 4i 1 11.00 Bernie Bradt-n Tells t a Story 11:15 Liberal Federal Talk 11:30 Weather FoteCMt 11:31 Mess PnM ':: iio Dial :'; Kilocycle TO METUkaTa Plans are bein ,.. . . 4 EXECUTIVE OF SOCCER MEETS Prince nffjcrt DafT? HeI Tuesday, June 21, 1S49 !To! WORLD SERIES iSMLiDSM FILMS ENJOYED. in a"-starfa.,.bairwam?l4': !MeUakatlaIorthei?V' 3er tio. moors surrounding v f I'M. moor prison. England Sing; oDened the scoring In! Not onty vere baseball fans-. 11.33 Recorded lntttlude 11:45 Famous Voice. PM 12:00 Mid-Day Melodies j uu .iun (in At a meeting of the of the Prince Rupert I Association last evcnlr.R .ui,.v. v,,ceo thp coun-'.. . i nf Runriav's nimff nnd old elen an actlon- i ' 1 ):. details of th GREAT SUSPENSE DRAMA SHOWING auig. vwmii ' " - - trie wcuuu b - j - ji . j . .v,,,01 Tiiii . -.i K-n virk Pavilikis , fni nirtnrlal treat but a goociyi 12:15 CBC News yet been " worked ou "t,',, that the team will J , ' netted for Boy Scout r-ivic Centre p.ai.s win. .. i . ... . nri rame -. wa 12:25 Program Resume UE!eS,!"dr , -Es-! ironTferror which ; with a .hewing of Wodd to rthe final of the Dc:v.:r.wi ""ai- uul mis has rut k, uun..s , -- nd where series baball pictures rrmay Day lootoau cup. 12:30 B.C. Farm Broadcast 12:55 Recorded Interlude John Galsworthy's "Escape," said to be one of the greatest KiisD-r.?e dramas of modern i q tv h . t- v wi L waa . -. . - - . evening in we this compeuuo.i ...i v , .. left when the side was afternoon and In h. was a3 ' nc ..'.. lT..,r 1 in .rill nhiv Ln? Cj''2- Torino in th nrison. ana wara- ,ucn"6 : .,j rnmrp 3 s evenea i r: ivi wnire auuiuunui". cian r r-nade times, showing on the screen ens were combing we ; moor - , nth with a .ingle j hundred and fifty persons at-: oral Motors team. The tana- RAIN POTPnvrn in in film- several several escaped escapea convicts conv.iw. "f -;Mrcr. ui? aw. . ort into' , hP two shows and d col-m Lesion gained gained tlte;r their P nf th,. nanltol Theatre film-. , anv n--- vunx'- - - , . . t , TTa. .nn dnn ,u ni.ncr ' ; hw rneau " , result. result. Rex Harrison the sixth ,hpn when Win-Mictions wln.i,tlons resulted .d ln ln generous generoiu re- re-J in jn the the final final by by r :?) t call UAME 1 :00 Intermezzo 1:30 Afternoon Concert 2:00 In a Lighter Mood 2:15 Musical Program 2:30 Musical Program 2:45 Federal C.C.F. Talk 3 lOoMusk-al Program 3:15 What's New 3:30 Divertimento CO--- Last eveniiig-., lj!ba!I scheduled bt-u-wn the ,j feation -starring Rex Harrison cihspptpd tc to the the lead in subjected the Oe - convicts were PadJorawTU ! win e actor Battery and Pegty Cummins, is the 8C0 off spomp. j Heavy check be or e e of the lucK t, . , who into' an identification one run to F. E Anr,d. chalman eral Motor, ry of a , man .MtrP plunged tn ficht entering the moors, and aUer J .xth h nen Llnd.say singled Prince Rupert Boy Scout A.sso-'and got a bye into thi I..--f sTTU I So ; Whenever Harrison n chair and ; round. The game i, .-t i-ri of ? '.'f m S leaving. no to the underbrush to avoid, seventh, however, saw Produced the audience four j DoinillloIl Day between tne - ; T:uk nailery antr the Canj adian gion in the City caned off on amount : . ... ., .i... r..t On KmuM iUft .... ,f tlll O.ISl'OUU liu,i: . . of rai. .Hi the mov e po ice, a nomacr ui savoy regain irau , - - ! all off Le-lwill to the Dominion Jam- nt.ad,r. nniirV him' In four runs, go actual i police surrounded surrounded him brought brought ,,. SimnnAson andjboree in Ottawa this summer., D,s.sati.sfaction wa, exPr outside camera range to ward torneau j Armln Boas and the failure of the Park, R-.-.-i r scaped convict, ine mm maiw the first times Harrisons and Miss Cummins have been paired on the screen. Many of the manhunt sequences of the film were shot in GREATEST SHAVING VALUE EVER OFFERED! off zealous hunters of I. .... , hv Lindsay's Fred Conrad assisted with put-, 0 reuly to a requeM m un . - c...t l.i . f,i till 1 1 1 1 !p.t Ii i life life escapees. escapees. ! t inrtiiv came home on ting on ine snow uuu auuu pari ui L rt.i.ihie bv Pavilikls and Pavi- i uniform acted as ushers. j of the Acropolis Grounds in a nouun. v ;j,. f,-rth!ll names. Tn !0 CO -l 10: 1.1 I 10:T.- ' 1 ' :' ' ' to mm llkls scorvd off a smgie oy iviiM-i " gan. ' !hit.s in five Umes at bat and request will be renewed , ;., o . w iu,rt tn the ninth,' i. in that the footballers be a.lott- 1 1 Attention Housewives Treat the Family to a Delicious Dish of REAL FRESH FISH three official Umes at bat. i Arney, who got a base on nuns. ! was scored by a hit by Pavillkis ; -- A .l. 7:00 (Monday, Weuhe.say a. .a i""- . 'evening. At present the bu bailers have the grounds u:i 1 Sundays, Tuesdays and Tim .-j days. I Postponed games ln the Ninth Star, City League conipeiit ii.n were set as follows: TERRACE MEAT MARKET II 1 2 2 2 1 who came in on a single by Gur-1 The ended 8 to 5 vich. game j 'for Savoy. i Pavilikls ran up a .1000 record j by marking up four hits off j four official times at bat. j " Windle scored two runs off two. WITH 10 GUUTTE BLUE BLADES IN DISPtKSK Ge'trge E. Peters, Prop. MEATS : IJL'TTKR : KG OS : POl'LTRY Commercial AB R Shier ss 5 0 Guthrie 2b 5 0 Windle c 5 2 Corn well cf .... 3 1 Howdick 3b 5 0 ' Linney If 4 0 McKinnon rf .... 4 0 Vanetta lb J 0 Letourneau p .... 3 2 Davis cf 1 0 38 5 Battery vs. QUALITY SKIIVICK June 29 Heavy General Motors. ! Julv 6 -General nr. 9:f'.f) Ccmty Urns Motor y.w.v.v.w.vvAV 0 to fit every type of job FARGO TRUCKS i "Chrysler-Built" in Canada 0 11 Canadian Legion. July 13 Canadian Legion v.-. Heavy Battery. This Friday's game will be in the North Star-City Le.'u- tween General Motors and Cana ':- 'j .::!! -0:-:' !):W n ; ' 10: loin 'i 10:1.". mm The following models In stock at Rupert Motors Ltd. for Immediate delivery: idirs I mm 120 W.IJ. 1-ton Express W.H. 2-ton Chassis and Cab with 152" dian Legion. Present at the meeting v.i re J. S. Wirson, presiding. S. P. Woodslde, R. P. Smith. G : n Olson, Jack Eby and Perry H '! '. i I , .fi. ! I I I Ji Savoy AB R II B. Simtindson ss 4 1 3 M. Simundson cf 5 0 2 T. Arney 3b 4 2 1 Lindsay p 5 2 2 Pavilikis 4 3 4 Morgan c 4 0 2 Ourvich rf 5 0 1 Foster lb 5 0 0 Seherk 2b 5 0 1 41 8 16 Savoys 010 001 4028 Commercials 000 0112 1015 Commodore Cafe Cafe I Reinforced Frame and 2-Speed Hear Axle. 170" W.H. 3-ton Chassis and Cab with Reinforced Frame and 2-Speed Rear Axle. Combines Instont Bloda Changing with Superior Shaving Comfort 5 ii f "Betb.;r Thn Ever" BASEBALL SCHEDULE IMITED and Double-edge Economy extra thaving luxury . . . Enjoy change blade preto...with the amazing new Gillette One-P.rce Razor and Gillette Blade Best Food and Service ln Clty J Phone 17 for Send-Out Orders if Third Ave. David Chow, Mgr.J Rupert Motors - .3 i PHONES 8G6 AND 566 summer. Games will be plnved Umpires A. Letourneau. M.? 7.. Monlesano, Karasowskl. Dispemtr. Make thavtng three times a week, wra'in r permitting Sundays, Tueu.inys and Thursdays. faster, easier, far more convenient. Buy your now) SPECIAL LOW-PRICI June 21 Merchants vs. Sav oys. e.tli-. m,Vt Ont-PtM Uut aoi Citlrtt, Dupwisw , PI V June 23--Merchants vs. Com v"""" , ( ri mercials. June 20 Savoy vs. Commer cials. , June 28 Savoy ys- Merchar.ts. July 5 Commercials vs. Mer chants. July 7 Savjy vs. Commercial:;. July 10 Commercials vs. M r- I Business ... Professiom d chants. Soccer Schedule GEORGE L, RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor Income Tax Returns Compiled Besner Block Phone 387 III ,0 0 II "3i I5YT0WN MACH WORKS Agents for SIMPLEX and CUMMINS D1ES& E; Sales Service and F Boat owners and dustrial EiiRines are to 1 to our shimwm various engines and equipment problems. June 24 General Motors vs. Canadian Legion. Schedule for the North Star Trophy football series Is as follows : June 27-Heav Battery v? Oeneral Motors. Mm fldfRg lFiiuSilinis KEN'S RADIO CLINIC For Satisfactory Service CALL 53 718 Second Avenue West a M r.AR CANINE n. i .rn!'l CHARTERED ACCO.- 1118 Melville V ANCOUVEH- GREER & BRIDDEH CONTRACTORS AND mn.nins A; : i .n A. HUNDEIDE WATKIN'S DEALER 517 Seventh Avenue West Phone BLACK 890 Box 290 is training : p-tliee work i .stations. I i if them Pnlice Ddk t fitaverton 1 t ire a Tr, ) i month, ii'-xt Poll UPHOLSTER" phone Blue 818 330 Second PIANO TECHNICIAN Tuning, Voicing and Repairs MIKE COLUSSI Phone BLACK 756 972 10th' East ice Dons I. Pale of s "Wolf" This ex-ne Intel- CONSTRUCTION ALTERATIONS REPAIUS Prince KUP"" a v ere. IIANDVMA Federal payments have been twice Increased since 1945. The new' pension basis Is now Increased to $40.00 a month, (in B. C. $50.00 per month In total) providing greater comfort and security for the aged and blind. In British Columbia, Old Age Pensions of $100 per month are paid to a married couple of pensionable age. Supplementary income may be added to provide an annual total of $1320. In other words, the $100 pension Is equal to 3 of $40,000 which the earning member of the family v would have had to save In his 40 working years at $1000 per year. Protect your stake in OPPORTUNITY PROSPERITY SECURITY ri FLOOR SANDING Dry Kindling Wood 50c Sack Delieved Scrap Wood Random lengths $10 per load . PHONE B U .W TRANSFER Green 186 A SPECIALTY HOME GENERALA Building and kinds PHONES ! I urn ssi p.o. nox 72i , ; -,- i t . A 'A NOW AVAILABLE MARGARET McLEOD OPTOMETRI8T Room ID STONE BUIDINO "1 r-'i "3 SUITE 5, BMtf1 PHONE BLUE 593 P.O. BOX U84 EBi n fx i i ! 'A a ' ' t ' HKI BEAUTY oormanen' outvCul FOR YOUR ROCK ti CONCRETE WORK CALL BLUE 939 M. J. SAUNDERS New, Modern Equipment All Work OuaVanteed LOOK FOR THE NEW RED AND WHITE GOLD SEAL LABEL Its bra"1 .1 t5c ptf don p.ld (of trtiptltt lib.d by ny B.C. Bicwtty PH tlilt Jvi?itlif m nt Ii not pubtttrttd Of d'upUytdby iht Liquoi Control Botrdei k th CoxmoMt J UiUiK Columbia, nni 4l.h Sire" ' In Shccna Support TC(I AppleVhaite Yoiir Liberal Candidate.