Local News Items . . . Bevel CedarSiding Prince Uupttl Da tip ram Tuesday, June 21, 1D49 POT 'Securitv i vn..i Right' Vote c.CF. june 27th C" Grade -per 1000 f.s.m. $7500 SLE I S FOR VOl R U MBER REQl lREMENTs LECTURES IN FIRST AID I Lectures and practical first ai4 work made up the program o? the weekly meeting of St John, Ambulance Brigade at the week ORANGE GROUP MAKE NIGIITWEAR FOR CHILDREN Past Mistresses Association of the Ladies' Orange Benevolent Association held their monthly meetine at thp hums ,.f s,r I tt carry complete stocks of finish and dlmensl(m FLOORING, SIDING, SHINGLES, LATH, etc end. .,.v. R. Av. E. Eyolfson vuiiauii delivered ueiiverea the uie .w -4.4,0. j Agnes Murray, convening for thp it ,um. . .' J. T. Beckett left today by air on a trip to Vancouver. Douglas FrizzeU is leaving this afternoon for a brief trip to Terrace and other interior points. Legion Ladies Auxiliary Tea and Home Cooking, Wednesday, June 22nd at Mrs. Chas. Anderson's, 219 2nd Ave- .' . . (144) Visit Brownwood's. 25 reduction sale today and save! ! " ' "' (144) ALBERT & McCAFFERY LTD. si-t-i-uic mmc Liie practical worK fir-ct 1 , 2 npfl"C.e taslaUaUOT was directed by Mr. Eyolfson and Spend July First at Terrace. C. N. Recreation Association special excursion train will take you. (H) A. E. Williamson Iclt by air yesterday on a business trip to the Islands. Harry Blackburn left yesterday by air to return to Vancouver after spending the last three weeks in the city on business. Earl Batt returned to the city on the Coquitlam Sunday afternoon from the Queen Charlotte Islands. C.CF. Broadcast, 10:15 a.m Wednesday. Mrs. H. G. Archibald. (lt) Miss Peggy Pullen is arriving in the city on the Prince Rupert "EVERYTHING FOR THE BUILDER" t ' -.. y I , J. C. Graham. New officers of the Association I - are: 111 ATlf UP ADC PHONE 116 t j Don't KluoeM blackheads dissolve thorn. Got two ourteos of peroxino powder front on draff atoro and apply gently with wot. hot i. 'ltiey dlssolvo tvn diaapBamr by thia aafa simplo mothosL v Aiiri ir f r i r it m snwhi mD(. .voiului, ivna, r. cmson. Vice -PresideVit, Mrs. Mary Smith. Secretary, Mrs. Charlotte Smith. Chaplain, Mrs. Hugh Killin. A quantity of flannelette cloth was received from the Protestant Children's Home at New Westminster and following a short business session, the mnwrc ,.w . o r i 'yuiucra nan, rraser iicd Advertising is payable In advance PiPa ,1r, . . Ifi,treet. P-m. Nomination and onint!. Classifieds. 2r no- , .ce- ,Plea?.e refrain from election of nfnr. rv.. GREET EINSTEIN DN RTRTHFIAV A ,.r t-, r. .uiu tomorrow moraine from her v e 50c: . Birth Notices 50c Ca7ds oCnSStS" gCt t0 attend O - ' - giuuj ui U.IT. UIUIUICH, Moving, Packing:, Crating: Shipping and General Cartage and Storage For Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service, call Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Limited Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues Established 1910. j . Phones 60 and 68 uujses warning duties at Royal recenuy arrived in tne U.S., greet Dr. Albert, Einstein at his Jubllpp Jumiee Hospital, TTncrtitol 7r.n I Prinppl'nn Princeton, N.J., M .T Hrttvia home aa fV the "father niUnM ..i4-( ..:-., as of relativity" celebrates his immediately started to make it rmm "tigm nut wuay py BIRTH NOTICE iit .Mr. , . a r on a business trip to Van- into boys nightwear. When finished, they will be sent i i thp I M II If ! couvcr. LMAN-At the Prince Ru- 'LOoT Victoria, to spend vacation with her mother, Mrs. H. F- Pullen. ' Mrs. Tommy Fraser left today for New Hazelton where she will join ' Mr. Fraser and take ud Home. r r All Wnr I-iniHfnH utn Dirtnaay. un ms lap is Leonora Aragonas, five- Second from left is a cousin, Elizabeth Kerzek, 11, who tfas meeting him or the first time. Seated beside the professor is William Rosen-wald, national chairman of the Jewish Appeal. The children are from the Reception Shelter of the United Service for New Americans in New York; . K..uarp in .,;;t 'T":LBi! ?V William Osborne ir . nf TPr uehter, Shirley. 6 pounds, An apron, made and dor a tort ... linnet vuluis. iiicnx , . ' by Mrs. V. Menzies was rafiw ounces. 10 mr, ana Mrs. J. .man of Port Essington. "uiuu nnaer " ""' m me Please i...w phone i Green 800. (it) . city today. He arrived hv r the winner being Mrs. Frank El residence in the meantime until tnis morning and , will return FUNERAL NOTICE WANTED lison. moving to Terrace where thev home this evening. will make their future Derman- !?S0N-In the city Sun- wtANTED-OdT7osoT"carpen- i Judge W. O- Fulton left on ,u..v nmies "-"' "u uainunir Hhimn SUNDAY SCHOOL PICNIC ENJOYED DeLuxe Delivery Phone 383 Phone ,pson of 1151 8th Ave. oiaclt 515 after 6 p.m tua Age 65 years, eitzht - . ' . , ent home. Miss Rosemarie Hartwig is arriving in the city on the Jackie Viereck, Barney Kerrigan, Genevieve Powers, Jimmy Stein-berger, Ralph Olsen, Molly Sin1-mons, Ernestine Moorehouse, ijimmy Carlson, Jimmy Baldwin, George Henry, Bert Tip iw. Rev. K. A. Wilson WORK WANTED Married onduct services at Gren-I woman recently of Vancouver last evening's tain for Smithers to conduct a session of County Court. . "Staff Sergeant G. A Johnson low. i,iiapei at 7:00 uesires iuu or part time posl- Prince Rupert tomorrow morn- In spite of showery weather, ing from her nurses' training st. Peter's Sunday School and . . . Hllflnn .4- T- I T..l.i1 1 Prompt and Efficient Service A. MacKENZIE FURNITURE LTD. A GOOD PLACE TO BUY r SPECIAL Continental Bed, Full Sue, Restmore flat ribbon spring, full size. Ace spring fill mattress, full size $71.00 See our carpets just arrived Phone 775 327 3rd Avenue r.n .'.I. b? forwarded by , receptionist, also some selline ton, Russell Morrison, Bill Mor wunto ai, xwyai juDiiee nosmtai. phkio n.,oc- r,,.; u, ' ' ' I L.n.K lor ntormanf i.-. 1 ana LVninrj pyruriiinna ni 7 ANYTIME ANYWHERE ;amily plot. Burns Lake cali mornings and leave mes-ery B. C. Undertakers sae- Phone Red 412. (145) Victoria, to spend vacation with frtenT 1 Rnnie Hemmons' Mrs' W' paren parent, and ana Irlends- held neltl their their , ' Seymour and Mrs. J. McLeod. her parents Mr and Mr v t Hartwig Wv ew Pf ? rT? ? Arrangements were in charge Eytcheson & Ponder) of the provincial police returned to the city by air Monday afternoon from a trip to the Islands. R. E. Benson returned , to the city on yesterday afternoon's Phone Blue (144) 413. tltl) OF THANKS '""J "" or Mrs. W. B. Skinner, Miss Jean Miss Rnlvplir Mnrtr arm o. Dortation was nrovided bv . the ' n .. . . iers of 'Job's Daughters' FOR RENT . 0 li4 ani.c - r - -- -j omitn, miss uaisy flraern, Miss in the city the Northern 'Cross, skippered on Prince Rupert by Dorothy Smith, Mrs. F. Baldwin tomorrow morning from her Rev- C. A. Lomas and David 1 maun me parents rr : and shrine Club, who so TF?1 accomodation- Phone Mrs. H. Thomas, Archdeacon E. Hodson and Frank Baldwin. .'" i"-" w iiiuKe our lit) Jamboree" such c,,. - h financially anri so- kX. RENT nZ.. Sleeping '.-'"tfi. room i close . plane from Victoria where he attended the Masonic Grand Lodge convention. C.C F. Broadcast, Wednesday 12:10 noon. H. G. Archibald. Special mention mm! T"ue ureen m. (144) Dlacecl ic?d ferSou thp rmi,nr,oc F-5ne sleepinrroom. 843 9th AI i Ave. West. (144) iswiai ior tnis purpose, 'ere thanlv frt ciin nurses's training duties at Royal Martin. ' Jubilee Hospital in Victoria to During the afternoon, softball spend a month's vacation with was played, races were run and her parents Mr. and Mrs. H. swimming was enjoyed by the Mork, Seventh Avenue East. She brave ones.. Ice cream, cokes will be accompanied by Jher and candy were served during friend, Miss Joan Challoner of the course of the day. Victoria, who is also a student Coming first and second in nurse at Royal Jubilee. , the races were: Shirley Thomas, ' SS'e eymour Arne Smith' Rev. Canon Basil S. Procter ' L1yd Hauser, Karen retnmPrt t t.h nit.v h,, w Crame, HELP WANTED vwes? ...... fcw XJIli Furr er. ijino- vfnt, aruRS. Rupert Peonlps' ' - Harold W.'. Hamilton, comptroller nf Hnmp rn rii.-trivtr,ro Wallaces. KtL,15 l: pRi-D graduate Grant and - f.huuuvv nurses iiuioia " " -" - - - w "Jiiiij u.ui j "r.!.? fEP.:rmanert .r l.em- Ltd., and Robert Adair, asslst- rw- 1C, Mrs. il r, NBC. Pnu-Pr r hardware, Bulklev Mar- imi)S0n Harriuiaro ;io and Electric, Shear- yesterdav yesterday afternoon afternoon from from Mas-, Mas- Lorraine Ritchie, Allan Mellor, Going Fishing? Minutest ance & Hardy, Variety aser & Pavnp Rrriu;n. Tommy Redhead, Mary Scott, sett where he spent the weekend, addressing the graduation alts Si Nicekerson jjBeverly Ann Doxsee, Bobby For a holiday fishing trip, plan to travel McCafferv. Van's Fisheries.. Gordon & Norlh Star BotUinu exercises of the Massett High! jTJrk'acr' Details1 of nt comptroller, arrived in the salary, accomodations, etc., city on the Prince George Sun- KSRoS? oTnr-practical ?nyd XfV.T XT" Nurses and nurses aids Salary , and after a bricf vis't i nere on runRinn from $100 00 to $142.00 ' official duties, left by car today less $30.00 per month lor by c- A- KelIett. the local board and laundry, rlct manager. They will return Maids needed for permanent to Vancouver vancou" bv y wa'v way 01 of Prlnrp prince positions or summer relief. Salaries ranging from $81 00 to Oee and the Cariboo-$100.00 per month according! to experience less $30.00 pre-! Armine Boas, provincal sanl-hiundry rn1, b&rd d, returned to the city by Apply Medical Superintendent! alr yesterday afternoon from a Miller Bay Hospital, Prince ! trip to the Queen Charlotte Isl- :iDseus and P. Burns School and speaking at Sunday services in the Anglican Church there. Adams, Paul K., Judy McLeod, Blanche Glrardet, Barry Kurd-ziel, Gail Gomez, Carol McLeod, Jimmy Russell,' Billy Seymour, Lucy Olsen, Michael Powers, Bobby Redhead, Aina Carlson, Kind donations. FOR SALR "Forestall a Depression.' the quick, easy way. hJiminate long, tiring journeys gain more time to spend at your favorite lake. CALL 476 For Information on Charter or Regular Flights Queen Charlotte Air Lines Ltd. Vote C.CF. June 27th. enclosed in envelopes i "Offer lor Stoves'' received by the Under- up to Noon. Monday, 1 1949. for any or all spvpn Arm, TSin is.t ANNOUNCEMENTS Advertisements in tnis column will f anges. stored at the ,,,., r t litary Hospital Terrace WANTED Chamber maid. Ap- Ir r,rti,,. ' X.c: olv Bavview Hulpl ma. be charged for a full month at 25c per word H.M.CS. Haida I.O.D.E. Tea, You Saw It m The News! m M'vvuiai uta.y ue , - I ' lLu" . 4'e V.niCI tn- WANTEn-HmKnlrnonpr t llvoi 1 Scaled tenders will be received up until noon July 12th, 1949. by the June 25. f I MCl.nch ur. Prn. . ZZZ 'I'" "! FOR SALE I.Uirmary Terrace. rnone "lue ?67' U4a) hest or anv t.pnHr ntt nnvc ur a mtth Aitnwi. u. Catholic Bazaar October 5 and 6. VrT3 cirp c-;.. . , 7 i-niei forester, Victoria, for the construction of an office and stores I building at Terrace, B. C. Plans and specifications may be! nhfatnul ? . V. 1 ........ . . ........ ' r'1 accepted- , desirinu Dailv :,ews route vv . uixutj -oiiiKci vscwini? ma-. chine good condition. Phone' St. Peter's W. A. Fall Bazaar, .'Vr . COMMISSION, i should file their names at tne jiu Buildjngs, Daily News Office. at) Terrace and Smithers, the District NOV. 3 (Ui HELP WANTED Young man ior front end and lubrication Forester. Prince Rupert, or the Chief I . T -ntri ,,1Tj ' t Porester. Victoria, on a deposit of Legfon Auxiliary Bazaar, Nov- 5.00. which will be refunded upon I ember 9. 'eturn of plans., etc., in good con-' prpshvtor)a m n-orx rreieraoiv single. Apply Bob Parker Ltd. (tf) IE-Used shingles, sel- tar $1.00 per bundle.! (140)' dltton within thirty riavs Blue ;!72. . . (H9, FOR . SALE194. three-ton long wheel base Ford truck, $1500, good condition. Terrace Machine Shop and Garage, Terrace. , (149) FOR SALE 15-18 watt amplifier with 12" speaker complete unit, mounted in cabinet, practically new. Sacrifice for quick sale $5000. Phone 530. Dave Jones. (145i IIP, T"l Tl' A XTV,1Tn v-i-.-I, 1 17. I xiE-ir v nn i cu neiau cierK with meat experience. Bulk- i New and npi fnrn The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Tenders must, be Riihmif.tpH In an " THE Skeena Construction & Cabinet Co. Builders and General Contractors FLOOR SANDING AND CABINET WORK CONCRETE WORK AND REMODELLING Houses built under the N.II.A. Plan-20 clown payment-balance in easy monthly payments over a period of 15 to 20 years. Free Estimatecs . FOR FURTHER INFORMATION PHoinE BLACK 224 P.O. BOX 1676 I.O.D.E. Chapter's Fall Baz- ley Market. (tf) roofing paper, first Daint If.no'.n. Hnb, envelope marked "Tendef for the aar, NOV. 24. - . v -J D'-'KS. Pillld hipui'lpu Construction of Ranker Station REAL ESTATE St. Andrew's Cathedral Fall l'd (Vnoiuritaro 'hot-' Buildings at Tjerrace," (154) Bazaar, Nov. 26. Saturday. Jl'.nolcilin. new electric for rati? rare,, Vir,c h-hv. h u'iislers Ant ele.c"l Rod revenue. Fullv furnished, l' new rues, beauti- in,-ii.Hi.nT nhim, miAhim. PIUS. new CUnS and nil hm-nor rmi Whot ,ffnriI') ' Black 276. (145) tverything at the ices gee B. C. Black 324. (tf) PINEAPPLE BANANA DESSERT 1 pkfl. Royal Slrawbarry Otlatin 1 cup boiling wator 1 cup connod plnoapplo ulc 1 banana, tllcid ' Dissolve Royal in hot water. Ad4 pineapple iuic. Chill. When sitghtlr thickened, fold in banana. Turn into individual molds. Chill unul firm. Unmold and serve with whipped cream. Serves 4. FOR SALE 8 room house. Call in aiter 5. 1142 Park Ave. Green 224. (147) -Good, second hand ' winnows nil kips ' you like. Phone mo RAI.E Housp. 213S Seal ..... A UIV lit Bnjoy your dog Cove Circle. Call Black 825 fj4 v;' -32' x 9' combination ! aiKl t.rnllincr hr;. r THESE USED CARS U51) FOR SALE 4 room Wartime furnished or unfurnished. Sae- I'liwr rnelnp Komp' ly to fish RhiP fiS9 I rifice for cash. Apply 1532 (til 2nd Overlook. (144) move i 'V KNOWN names Wrtr, n Tf ....... .. .. .. I . . . .. . Ri.,i. c-i irim onir. vjne acre 101, ut:w Drairir.-i. 'UJ,V11S-I house, water and lights, wood ' "I v ' I iVtn' . shed, chicken house and big I i iprs- ,eS- Lltt r j v. Pford BIOS. Dnl-rlpn Annlv Rill Prnss. I Nourish Every Inch "nMa,tenl Terrace.' . (147) REASONABLE PRICES TERMS TO SUIT 1913 International y ton Panel. ... ' 1946 Ford H Ton Pickup. . . t " 1916 Ford, 158'' Wheelbase, 3-Ton, Chassis and Cab. , ""vt viauiiiiciii ... h rmiPrAVP2S5.:-iFOR SALE- House. 5 rooms ,, with wine! Strawberries red, ripe, and uicy that's what this grand new jelly brings to 'mind! Serve Royal Gelatin Desserts plain, mix them with fruit, top them with cream, make theoi into fancier desserts ... their sparkling colors, their world famous flavors, will have you saying, "I've never had jelly so delicious beforef Try them ill strawberry, raspberry, cherry, orang and lemon. and batn- 2700.00. furnisnea klifi fr,,Pt- irie,.n ''J1, 'rucks. Nelson tnsnixm tun Ha vs rove Ave. Rlplr'i?;?t?ei (148) Feed your dog GAINES nour v ''. nice rui i- f 1 '.Ka' rumps; Na- rnp RAr p- K rnniri h.insp Phonp ish etiery inch I That means health fur him more fun for bcrapers and n, ,nt, : ;,, t i ji nth natlnnn All utnpl - ui i-t" h,,i.t- 'f Ave. East. (! -".in, iiauiuiiai 'Pens an,t . , .... uu v(.niLYH5, pmation from Na-Pthinery Co. Ltd., I. B C. nr. World famous v. lit i 1811 "ni it. a for flavor. you too 1 For GAINES is hrnntl- tested dog meal biologically proved to ba nutritionally complelt for every breed. You'll save money I GAINES costs lesi to feed than any other type ' of dog food. Il's all' food. Some other types contain 70 moisture. Why pay for water? Buy nourishment 1 Buy GAINES ! A 5 lb. bag makes from 10 to 12 lbs. of ready-to-eat food. Easy to feed Just add water (soup, milk or gravy). For variety -try GAINES K.RUN-CIION, which is GAINES Meal compressed into crunchy bite-size pellets. $1200.00. Can be ,uwri Motors Ltd. (tf) 5 h n ITifnni'tia Y rAUSCUSl mutor,' also electric. 1 J 1 SIX ROOM wartime with large range, and oil heater $2500.00. FOUR ROOM wartime, improved foundation, part basement, $1500.00 down. FOUR ROOM house on Ambrose Ave. cement foundation, excellent condition. $1,200.00 down. FOUR BEDROOM family home 5th Ave. East, hot water heat, double garage. Full price $5000.00- FOUR ROOM house on 11th Ave. A house you would en.loy living in, available furnished or unfurnished with terms. For information or insnectlon call Robert E. Montador Ltd. (tf) fcord player- Call H. Reil 41 1 (147 1 1CI" -Washing machine. ame fur $25.00. Box (145) h ,T. kudu Kucnt-n i1 tllnine rnnin KiiiUv , butteri 9 Daily News. A Representative Warehouse Stock to Save You Time and Money from: ' T ; Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. Ltd. , 1 ' ' General Dry Battery Co. of Canada Ltd. ' : Canadian Westinghouse Co. Ltd. (Lamp Division) - Imperial Wiping Rag Co. Ltd. . . ' G. H. Wood & Co. Ltd Dustbane Co. of B.C. Ltd. ; and others at ." ; V i PRINCE RUPER1 SUPPLY HOUSE WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTOR 713 Second Avenue Phone 633 P, O. Box 772 ,s. kce (148) in "S it et lver- 1941 Sn.J 1 and ins ,m' mot, tor, 2 new tires. . ...-in I lie- W( FOR ALL YOUR ; PRINTING REQUIREMENTS i REGAL PRINTERS! PHONE 24 i ' 222 Second Ave. Box 423 ; a to METAL WOrtS "est. (154) Babv mineral Complete Meal for ALL Dogs 'on. Ph?",a ' PLUMBING Installations ahd Rennirs. SHEET MET A It WORK. Tar and Gravel Roofing. Letoumeau & Sons, 620 Sixth West. Phone 543. (tf) (1461 WHEREVER DOG FOODS ARE SOLD - a ... i 25 lb. BAGS 2 lb. 5 lb. AND lay ed B'tlrollmK boat-?t a reasnnahiP A Product of Gsnsrni Foods l'v 'n nth East. 0-188 (155) Advertise In the Dally News to'a,