TODAY 7-9 P.M. Prince Jluctrt Saflg Rftof Tuesday, June 21, 1949 WED. THURS. 2 - - - FEATUilg enough publicity had been given to the visit. Advantage might have been taken of the official's visit to have him speak to various organizations and service "clubs In the city. The committee is convinced that the value of the apprenticeship system LAST COMPLETE SHOW I THIS ONE IS & i 1 i RUPERT Z PEOPLES STORE Sa 1 Tt it r BPXNT iuvt mi lUliat tion 0 INI IIUSUIIl must be sold to and recognized by youths, their parents and the industries. The time of high wages so easily earned by teen agers during the war ln-rtustrv boom is past. There is Apprenticeship Opportunities Considerable discussion took place at the regular meeting of the Prince Rupert Local Advisory Employment Committee in connection with the interest shown in the apprenticeship system and the opportunities available for local lads. Recently an official of the I0U(N Ult ft i also an insistent and increasing I demand for skilled workers and tradesmen. These are not available and, as the older 1 craftsmen die off, there are no : trained replacements. The ap-' prenticeship system in its modernized forms must function if Canada is to become an Indus DENNIS O'KEEFE apprenticeship branch of the Provincial Department of Labor paid a visit to the city. He met various employers and found 'quite a number of them willing I and eager to take on appren-' tices. He also visited the High i School and spoke to the pupils. The committee felt that not trial nation or even maintain its present position as a manufacturing country. The local employment situation was reviewed. Employment is at a very high peak. There Is a backlog of construc SUMMER CAMP S S AND ! Z HOLIDAY WEAR ! tion work that should keep I it s ! y$i IMPORTANT QUITS USING LAXATIVES Man now regular as lay with famous cereal Sick of dosing yourself for constipation? Tired of feeling sluggish? Then read this unsolicititi letter: til v- r i r m it ...... workers employed for the next eighteen months. The need for all seekers of work, as well as all employers, to take advantage of the services of the National Employment Service was stressed. The splendid service rendered by the National Employment through their local offices - ju oratr jWl winter toal suppi, NOW, you'rf bsdu. Complete selection for girls and wee tots of all ages, J sold at Vancouver prices. B Our price must be right. A medium -sized four -room bungalow of frame construction, this house has the advantage of being expandable. By taking a corridor off the end of the back bedroom, one or more bedrooms may be added In a rear wing. The elevations are simple and straightforward. The living room has a large window with a boxed frame allowing it to project 4" from the wall face. For estimating purposes, the floor area Is 780 square feet. kiyo j M.t B.OOM mmJJm---t to-4'.ii-o' B OlNtMii . " . J I HT !! XJ- ly sure of tomforUbl. warmth and WK) I III ...... . was often ignored by citizens.! "For years, constipation was my bogey and harsh laxa-tives made things worse. Since eating ALL-BRAN every day I i RUPERT Z PEOPLES STORE r. ....... ......... health for your family from tlin first cold nip and on through winter. ORDER NOW! CALL 651 When looking for a job the worker should first visit the local office. It was only when there are no local applicants for jobs that outsiders are brought into the community. Gratification was expressed with the splendid interim re- .tt A 1 f LA' $10,0 6pee CAI HE) , 3 Ilea rjJTTrrS net have been regu nuimnTT citt o rn VJ ROOFING . . . riiiLrui ir li ii i a vu. LIMITED Lumber Huiltlinjf Supplies port given by J- U wer on uki . . Anderson. Edgar Wood SHIPS and lar, more alert in my work as draughtsman. Publish this letter, it may help others." A. Mc. C. Little, 114 Sixth St., Midland, Ontario. Constipated due to lack of hulk in your diet? You may find natural relief without strong remedies. Try eating an ounce (bowlful) of KELLOGG'S ALL-BRAN daily, drink plenty of water. If you .de this ewry day, you mav be regular all your life! ALL-BRAN is a delicious regulating food, either a. a crisp cereal or in muffins. If not benefited after using one package, art e double your money back as of Toecial courses' impressed by the suggested ward, R. P. Smith, and E. .Water-1 f ,Z l wen throu the High urse as outlined by the local man, and E- Victor Whiting, committee and will implement manager, local -office Unem-Sl with School n connection pro- hSwIn use and 't in the immediate future. ployment Insurance Commit-wTimrblSSj A review of the minutes of the tee. J. S. WUson, chairman, pre-ing industry. The Department National Employment Advisory sided. WAMM!I EX Appliances if..ninr Kerninc Kkrrni Skeena Kivrr River Clear Clear I committee snowea mat socim nisu picacnu t nit nntiw.t, WRATHALL'S TOASTERS $0.03 tu $U.J IRONS . . SO').') to SV2-, of Snags Blue Jay Going to Ketchikan Although the snagboat Easing resolutions emanating irom me Dy invitation was w. otone, m-local committee and endorsed spector of the Provincial Depart-by the Pacific Regional Com- ment of Labor. Mr. Stone's mittee had been given approval familiarity with labor condl-by the national body. (tions throughout the province Present at the meeting werewas very helpful to the corn-Mrs. C. Hunter, J. C. . Gilker, mittee. . PHOTO FINISHING Developing, Printing Enlarging QUICK Sh-RVICE Amateur and HEATING PADS $ 8.H He: r t ,. Hi re ,,Tlm OWf "trlel Wfl riss o fisued Joult lotlce t tl torn Jon .1 'ffica't rUt slid vritln . tHW Ve, fay Q ton is still at the dry dink where a major overhaul job having guaranteed on box. Made by Kellogg's, London, Ontario. IHllllllWlilllllilillM T.S.S. j PRINCE RUPERT I SAILS FOR RLANKETS $11.30 to $3U FOR ESTIMATES ON NEW ASPHALT UOOFS Professional Supplies KETTLES taken longer than was anticl-natd and the vessel not being ELECTRIC HOT WATER TANK .Slid due out before July 5, the work ELECTRIC WASHERS $119.:, CALL 3G3 MITCHELL & CURR1E LTD. of keeping the Skeena River with Putnn Control VANCOUVER ELECTRIC RANGES $22!); clear of snags and other od-structlons as the fishing season EI Ef'TUIC IRONERS S81 Builders and Contractors ' opens Is not being neglected. Tim loral srrvlce boat F. H. ELECTRIC VACUUM CLKANKU . $91. Tank Type and Intermediate Ports Each Thursday at 11:15 p in. ill! Phippen, Capt. Cecil Morrison ! K For KETCHIKAN has been pressed into service and has Just carried out five days work under direction of Northern B.C. Power Co. Capt. W. F. Robertson oi mc j ' CHANDLER'S PORTRAIT STURIO Film Finishing Enlarging Flash Photos Taken' at Home Phone Green 389 216 4th St PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. I WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT For Reservations Write or Call BKSNF.R BL0CI Essington and with members of PHONE 210 STEWART, I PRINCE Rl I'F.KT the Essington crew on board. Such other snag work as is nec- lG ; !ubU ', ncoi tBe; i CITV OR DEPOT OFFICE PRINCE RUPERT, j essat y will tfe' carried out by the I Phippen pending the return to i service of ihe Essington. ' CHIROPRACTOR i CANADA ljKPARTMFNT OF ACiRH UITfllE Prairie Farm KrhnbllHHUon Ail T E N D E K H . m , Honied t.-iHtrm will be received by tht- umlTslsn'O " ' pm. Hej; Time, Mnn.Uv July 11. I!4B. l-f -'"'"'r" r' " ram.lH toerther with uppurteiintit Mruetur i -ery w , Hrr Crook into R.w Valley The work extends troin I li n , the Osoy.wR Land Dlhtrlct of British Columbia ui ubmit n Kolowna ' aUwlica ,., hpd Ui w It" Tendt-n must bo Mibmltted oil the tonus tlon In the envelope provided. , 1,iitoiao' w work una ot The followliiK are the niHln Itenia tlllca of each: w ,rre Tommy Frascr's well known power boat Blue Jay is to make Ketchikan its new home port Following Tommy's departure for New Hazelton, the smart little vessel has been sold to Terry Myser, who was located here with the United States Army during the war and now John F. L. Hughes, D.C., Ph.C. 21-22 Besner Block Phone BLUE 442 for Appointment HOI RS 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and 3 to 6 p.m. EVENINGS Monday and Friday, 7 :30 p.m. foi ' muse unable to come during tht , day. RECEPTIONIST In attend- ance afternoons. DA h'earvesfl1 EBY & SONS I. Clearing iuh nr makes his home at the First I City. The Blue Jay will be 6; har -i- t i Strippiui? 3,10 ru. Backllll am) cu Hand Excavation )3 711001 T Coiiimon Excavation 4 (KW cu ! Canal Exettvatlon cu Hock Excavation 'rR mr Thnhn, alii.rtllMl Ullfl iTI'dCfl (. shipped north at an early date. Carrying 117 passengers, 62 of them round-trip tourists. C P R. steamer Princess Norah, 9 Metal flume, supplied nd d 2 ,i U! Plana, apoclllcatlons and form of contract arc mi " Contractors REPAIRS - REMODELLING FOUNDATIONS Let us help you plan that new home under (he N.1I.A. Phone Green 883 Box 58fi COTTAGE CHEESE New Creamed Fresh Made VALENTIN DAIRY Your Dally j ALL-WEATHER SERVICE I rb i Capt. P. L. Leslie, docked here at 11 o'clock Monday morning from Vancouver bound for the P. f. R A Offlcea: M,rih.m Hill 5 fl"rl- ppa V L A Buililiiw. tK',. Victoria Avniuc The Airport. .,., n C I.ETHBHIIKIF.. AtlertB. . A In , lor wm ,,,, n8 ' ' Plana, soocillcatlons and tender forms i Tu from the iiiirirrslKiK-d at hla office In lf ,lt o( Ton D"1 P. R. A. Office in Kamlooiis. . 1,.. ,,. nerri'" Alaska ports. Six passengers disembarked here R. F. Clark, Mrs. F. Sherritt, Mrs. P. Smith, Mrs. B. Jonasson, F. Lind and E. Olscn. chsK or a ccrtlliod choque tor the Hmotint Pn f the return ... ... . . ,ilt V.a r,4.n,Hlllt III"'" , . Ol LBIiana. wnicn nrpiiv wot - U't""' ,, : n tli in nltiT a . and bpeclflcationa In kk1 order within cue m .au.iw Any tendera which are not prepared btiu.ny 'Iiibtructlona U, Bidder- may be ";J''cU"n rr(.!rd. ,iir,,1, accepted. neceHrlly The lowest or any tender not s By Order t i R A man with ideas often needs more than his own brains and hands to prosper from his enterprise. Often he needs money ... Such a man Is the "primary producer" the farmer, fisherman, pulpwood contractor, miner. When he needs a bank loan to help him put his ideas to work, he is free to shop around among Canada's ten chartered banks for the best deal he can get. That's why primary producers like most people intend to keep banking competitive. It means a better deal, freedom from red tape, loans made on merit, not on politics . . . and it means respect for privacy in money mat'rs. bio M-CKii..m mjr ToniRht's train, due from the East at 11:30 daylight time, is reported to be on time. You Saw It In The News! Refina, haskauiw- (1441 1 . I i i 0 BROADWAY hi rpE First Aid May Save, Your Life VARIETY . . . SPICE OF LIFE YOU CAN FIND IT AT BULGERS Shipments of new articles are arriving almost every day. ' English fancy china. Silver, flatware In many designs and all at standard advertised prices. New purses at lower prices since the tax was removed-New models in wrist watches with the tax also off. Hundreds of Interesting as well as useful articles. A splendid assortment . of Diamond engagement and wedding rings. Be Prff 9 - Many serious accidents occur in ui ,y 0f efS . l to meet any emergency with a complete use first aid supplies. Get them here today. C BEST FOOD BEST COOKING CHINESE UISHLS A SPECIALTY Canada's primary producers rxrv good reason fa demand Utallarr pii n th privacy of thth bonlcina. FOR TAKE-HOME ORDERS PHONE 200 . Hours 7 a.m. to 1 (Saturdays to 1:30 a.m.) (Sundays to Midnight) 608 West Third Avenue 3rd Ave. t h Sl 0 TrsEMTS BRING SPONSORED BY YOUR BANK DULY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADV!