,LI Col. to send a drill team to Spokane which will give colorful SSE! ity to Prince Rupert, Diane '"ijttt r3rfn Rnpm Daflp r5cto3 - Tuesday, June 21, 1949 !0r Spokane jderwood, Noon Webster, Margaret Strachan, Oerd Lien, Hea-ther Brewer, Carole Moorehouse. I Marjorie Tattersal, Mary Strachan, Margot McArthur, Claie Ritchie, Norma McKay, Sheila Bennett, Lorn a Donaldson, Diane Kennedy, Ethel Moore-house, Alice Nickerson. Oive Advertise in the Daily News! j'S UauKhters Had Suc-juI Financial Campaign Precise action in their plaid , U"' orms wl readily agree j Elsewhere in the Daily News1 today the Bethel expresses its' formal acknowledement to the' many people and the public gen- ' wally who contributed in vari-' ous ways to the success of the1 money-making efforts, particu-' larly the Gypsy Jamboree The drill team led by Mr. and ' Mrs. Alex Mitchell, drill in-; strurtor and guardian of thel ; also will be Mrs. James Simpson, and the Misses Jeanne Husoy, Rusty Thain and Dorothy Keigin. The members of the drill team are: Edith Jordan, majorette; Donna McArthur and Susie Knutsen, platoon leaders; Mary McAfee, Kathleen Smith, Ruth Ketcheson ,Mary Addison, Barbara Teng, Joanne Langridge, Melaine Brechin. Ineer Peter Bethel respectively; Mrs. Robert Gordon, Bethel mother, and George J. Dawes, associate guardian, the drill team will leave on the evening of August 12 aboard the steamer Catala for Vancouver whence they will proceed by chartered bus to Spokane. In Spokane they will be mat by the girls of the local bethel in whose homes they will be billeted. j Meeting the party at Spokane B S ! 1M TUP Dr ili,- ,r . . . t , - cnurman of the ways and means committee of the S S'8flDauhte-. announced that the financial objective has been attained. The drill team will take part In an International competition in August and is con ident that it will make a creditable showing. Tho.se who have seen the mna.t team in HONEYMOON 111 WHEELED HOME Who Travel highly successful jamboree culminating a Strand, Rena Ingram, Agnes Honeymooning In a Smith, Margaret M uf events 10 raise money former into a - v ifc V tl I C1 bCU commodious and well appointed son, Marion Shenton, Jean Cal TI8H COLUMBIA IN PROBATE , In the Maltrr of the K.liitc if lior-th.v Mllilred (' 1 1 :t, l)e raM-il. Intrtaff TAKE NOTICE that by Order of His Honour JndRe W. O. Fotton. Local Judge of the Supreme Court or British Columbia, I wbs on the IfHh day ot June. A. D 1949, appointed Administrator of the Estate of Dorothy Mildred Coultas. lata of Atlln, In the Province of British Columbia, who died on or about the 12th day of January. 1949. at Atlln British Columbia. All persona Indebted to the said estate are required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith and all persons havln? rlnims avfnt. th home on wheels are Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Maxwell of Canoga Park, California, who arrived in the city at the week-end. Mr. Maxwell Is engaged in commercial moving picture photography and has a contract with the Los Angeles school board to take educational pictures of Alaska ARE WEDDED III CITADEL Miss Constance Paterson Becomes Bride of Roderick said Istate are required to file them ana tne north. His trrtrV r with r.-ri., . Crumb The Salvation Army Clta'tel, attractively decorated, tvas the scene of a pretty wadding Thursday evening, when Miss Constance Lillian Paterson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Pat- emWazoned with the sign ''Max- ,ore the 31st day of Ju'y' 1949- fal1- I ln? hi"h distribution will be mailt well j well m Enterprises and drew COn- having regard only to uch claims ot slderable attention In the city whl i snail have been notified. Streets yesterday DA3E at Atlln- B c - thla J ua'- day of June, A. D. 14. Last year Mr. Maxwell drove I albert bdward roddis Official Administrator Atlln, British Columbia i north over the Alaska Highway "j w . riimzc xx il pert Was mftAH in ...u.i. j and camp out nwr ika rininuc (152) Edward Crirmb, ' son of Mr and Cut"off' Pr9dng from there' PM . ' . It, VnnW r; IN THE orTDDM SUPREMa COURT OP BHI- TISH COLUMBIA fffito Vfywntfmitr gni Si ir ' LOLlise. It WAR fit Wnlnoo nn thrift IN PROBATE IN THE MATTER OP THE ADMIN- 1 Vfarrel-iiTer conducted tlie Inter-' tr,P tT,'lt iwt. a sf-hvri renrrr-i esting ceremony in the presence er Martha SheTton, who Is now j of many frtends and relatives of his wife- ere nrarrted tn the bride wumonua jusi oeiore May 16 ISTHATION ACT" " AND In the Mailer of the Kstnle of Jules Segiiln. Deceaxeil. InteMate TAKE NOTICE that by order of His Honour Julic W. O. Pulton. Local Judge of the Supreme Court of British Columbia. I was on the 13th day of Jtme. A D. 1949. appointed Administrator with ' the . will annexed, of Jules Seeuln, hite of when they started out on their The lovely bride, In her floor length Jersey gown styled with lace and sequins, carried a bouquet of pink roses and carnations and entered the church on long trip. Mrs. Maxwell sailed on the Princess Kathleen Friday for Hrines for a visit and Mr. Max- the arm of her father Well will proceed north rater vith Prince Rupert. British Columbia, who died at Prince Rupert. British Columbia, on the 2nd day of January, 1949. All. persons indebted to the said estate are required to pay the atnourft of their Indebtedness to me forthwith and all persons having claims against the said estate are required to file them with me properly verified on or before the 3 1st day of July. 1949. fuilln which distribution will be made having repaid only to such claims of which I shall have been notified. DATED at Prince Rupert, B. C. this 15th day of June. 1H49. GORDON PHASER FORBE3, official Administrator, Prince Rupert, B C. (152) Lilian nusseu, iormeny the vehicle. They will drive of Prince Rupert, of Chilli- now north over th Hairres Cut-off wack, attended bridesmaid. as Bnd relurn to the United States Bown7nH 8 7 y llUe Crep! over the Ahrsk. Highway, gown and carried a bouauet of . , . . pink carnations and sweet peas ." Mr m lf T T'T', descnbed Einar Carlson was the grooms-, f,'1'0118- Mfwe11 man. 1 lllem as 'roui; compared with Miss Esther Meier presided at1 th AnWrtcan roads but they had the piano for the wedding music, i no d" The trip was a Mrs. Ytreberg rendered the sel-1 letsurely with frecntent Stops, . . . . . . .,.,;.. i arA r- rl n t -nlm,n u AT I fVw ; I ( : Vby eLLj J rLL tLi rLi BENDS'-GIITB : ' : ' .V:' ( . X-: , - , - . ' ' ' I ' ' j ' 4 ' ' i SV " Si', d;. t i h. ' t! si r ,1 i vi. IF m ctuua uecause uunng tne m.o wu; mic way. signing of the registrar. ne ot the most interesting of At the home of Mr- and Mrs. 1 tn sl(e trips was from Lytton Waksdate, 1622 Hays Cove Ave.'lnt Dog Creek where trees had friends gathered to pongratulate to be cot and road virtually built the bride and groom and ex- to get In, four wolves and a tend their best wishes. Congrat- bear being encountered, ulations were also extended to Mr. Maxwell at first followed Mrs. Patterson, the mother of photography as a hobby and the bride, and to Mrs. Terry who iater turned it into a profession SAVOY acted in the absence of the which is not only highly inter HOTEL- W. L. WOODS, Prop.- PHONE 37 P.O. BOX 1397 FRASER STREET PRINCE RUPERT groom's mother. Major War-render was master of ceremonies. A delicious lunch was enioved by all present. The lovely three tiered cake was then cut by the esting but profitable as well. Mrs. Smith, Mrs- Edgar, Dorothy and Dick, Harold Pierce, Clara Pierce, Mrs. C. Ca risen, Mrs. C. Cassidy, Margaret Gibson, Ven-ette Marshall, Joyce McDonald, Mary Calder, Mrs. Ytreberg, Mrs. Van Pykstra, Mrs. Erick- bride and groom. On behalf of the Prince Rupert Army Corps, Major Yur-gensen expressed words of congratulations to the newlvweds Salt Lake Ferry son, Mrs. Terry. , j and also voiced appreciation to the bride for her friendship and neipfulness jdurinq previous years among their group. Mr. NEW ROYAL Patterson, on behalf of his wife and the bride. exDressed his Make your ballot count deep appreciation to all- The groom responded. for a strong, united Canada under the Daily Service Except Monday SCHEDULES Tuesday,.. Wednesday ..a n d Thursday Leave Cow Bay floats, 4, 5, 7 and 8 p.m. (Extra trip 'Thursday afternoon, 2:30) Saturday Every hour start-i:ig at 11 a.m. t Sundays Continuous service commencing 11 a.m. Last boat leaving Salt Lake at 10 p.m. Phone GREEN 391 or BLACK 926 The couple sailed on the HOTEL A Home Away From Home 50 Rooms Hot and Cold water Prince Rupert Thursday nieht. leadership of Rt. Hon. Louis St. Laurent After a short honeymoon, they expect to make their home at VOTE FOB GREATER SECURITY for you and your family PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. the east coast, in St. John, New Brunswick. Those present at the reception were: Major and Mrs. Warren-der, Major and Mrs. Yurgensen, Shirley and Julie, Major Mrs. Chambers and girls from the Home; Mr. and Mrs. Waksdale, Phone 281 P.O. Box 1961 PICNIC DAYS AHEAD Mr. and Mrs- Wilkie, Mr. and , f Mrs. Sparks and Jeanette, Mrs. j i A. Hamilton. Mrs. Fred Antro- 5 INDIVIDUAL SECURITY Employment, trade, Income are all at new high levels. Taxes have been reduced. New factories, new developments of oil, mineral and other natural resources arQj creating more wealth, more jobs. SOCIAL SECURITY The Liberals have put through all thesf social benefits? PHONE RED 441 FOR YOUR SUPPLIES bus, Ruth Shattuck, Esther Meier, Mrs. Garten, Mrs. Perry, Mrs. - Penner, Mrs. McDonald, Old Age Pensions, Pensions for the Blind, Family Allowances, Hospital and Health -P"'- Prince Rupert Florist 771 300 3rdAve. Box 516 Tel. 777 Flowers for All Occasions trants, Unemployment Insurance, rioor 1 'rices under tarm products, the Liberal aim f FREE D E L I V ERY IE-IT MABUXETJ 5 8G9 Sixth Ave. E. 5 M nation-wide tontributory old age pensions and contributory health insurance. NATIONAL SECURITY The Atlantic Pact against aggression and war has the complete support of all Liberals. lit. Hon. Louis St. Laurent waa one of its first and strongest advocates. Canada stands united and ready. in cooperation with other democratic nations, to do her part in. building peace and security. SAFEGUARD YOUR SECURITY, JEpcol Radiophones PRINCE RUPERT BOWLING ALLEY OPEN DAILY FROM 3:30 P.M. TO 11 P.M. Saturdays 12 Noon to 12 Midnight PHONE RED 709 Bowl in Clean and Pleasant Surroundings IDEAL FOR SMALLER BOATS ... Ja NORMAL RANGE 50 TO V-V YOUR STAKE IN CANADA'S FUTURE m 100 MILES . . . RECEIVE ON MARINE OR STANDARD WAVE. r i 1 M RM n D PRICE $300, Installation Included L5 Proven design Adaptable Compact Easy to Operate JOHN H. BULGER DPTOMETR 1ST John Bulger Ltd. Thlfd Afeno o INSERTED BY NATIONAL LIBERAL COMMITTEE KEENA- SUPPORT Ted ApplerEiaiG Your Liberal Candidate