Historic Castle Site of U.X. Conference trfnre Hupm Daflp r3ctos Tuesday, June 7, 1949 IALBERNI AT "7 ! SAFETY COVE Waiting for Salvage King to Ray Reflects . . . ... and Reminisces aa lcaependent daiiy newspaper aerotea w oe upbuilding of fKucji 'UP' Md ll communities corpni.ins northern and central British Columoia ItuIboruM u Second Clmaa Mall. Poet OHW Department. Ottawa) Published eerr afternoon except Sunday by . - , . . Prtnca Rupert Doll; Newt Ltd.. 3rd Avenue. Prince Rupert. British Columbia. - Q. A. HUNTER. Managing Editor. H. O. PERRY. Managing Director. i 4 4 uoa i want. it. MEMBER OP CANADIAN PRESS AtTOTT BUREAU OF CIRCU uA I ijn a 1- 5 A graceful tribute to the memory ofc a man whose faith and enterprise remained unshaken CANADIAN DAILY NlWSPArtR ASSOClA l jwct : SUBSCRIPTION RATES xttr. , Ctt Carner. Per Wee. 20c: Per Month. 75c: Per Tear. 8 M. J-fc -0TT . Br Mali. Per Month. 60c; Per Tear. 5 00 -a 11 rn 4 Hrinf HH- to. Prince Rupert After .Mishap The lighthouse tender, Al-berni, in sinking- condition after her trouble yesterday morning, was towed yesterday afternoon from Clark's Point to a better beach at Safety Cove where she was- put ashore again to await the arrival from Victoria of the salvage steamer Salvage IK. T Jm - V ft4ii i MKfS KHAR. Pu More than twenty years a?o. an artist with a perverted fancy ( painted on the curtain of the ld Westholme Theatre what he thought the Prince Rupert ; harborfront would resemble by 1950. The- general effect was' ! n lit nrllfVo Mow VnrL- m!V und whose vision could not fade is seen in the selection of the name Charles M. Hays for Prince Rupert's new hotel. Jt will be a permanent reminder of a pioneer whose life was the cost of his far-reachlnff plans and MEN'S PINE Sf,J King. j SflTS-Perf,r Special 1 -ft LaiL 1 O LCllUll : f) ECENT YEARS have-brought into sharp focus ' K the contrast between individual freedom within the state and ruthless exploitation of the individual by the state. In spite of the subversive activities of a small group, most Canadians are today genuinely ; 1 i it. -..,.., .i-fl-. rf mix rlomnf ruKr- SVS- Department of Transport Aeeat N. A. Beketov left yester METS DRr;SS-ANJ s. much more dizzy; Times' were j slack, but theatre-goers could not accept such prodigality. This : was- too' much.' It was beyond fondest dreams. They smiled indulgently and let it go at that.! But don't be too. sure, old timer, i Today, we're talking in millions.! as a matter of course. A few " rANTSw PPI-fwt fit. Specials The deep sea fishiny season for 1949 barely a month has ended. Halibut catthes and prices have been: good: sa' that's that. But) don't shout in. a loud; ringing voice thaC the average fisherman finds money easy and abundant. It may seem so Kornborg Castle at Elsinore, Denmark, where Prince Hamlet of Shakespeare's drama lived, will be the site of an Adult Education Conference, sponRored by the Tniled Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (Unesco), beginning 16 June. vy KiiAKr P; snk, all shn Per pair .. BOYS' TKE Slim,, conviiiceu ui uie suieugui w nvnvv.w. , tern and the need for keeping alive and glowing a thousand can be classified as chickenfeed. OVERS and SH'EVrJ to some, but the truth Is he astiortnu-nt, Spwial .. earns every copper. As a rule, it comes the hard' way. And day afternoon by aircraft for. the scene of the trouble. All departmental vessels in the area have converged on the scene to give their assistance. ! Last nig'.it. after two fish, packers the China Hat and Klatawa had towed the Al-berni to Safety Cove, It was re-pdrted that Captain Joseph Peterson and his crew were safe, all escaping without a scratch. After being given temporary repairs to render her seaworthy for the tow, it is expected the Albernl will be brought the 200 miles or so from Safety Cove to the Prince Rupert dry dock. BOYS' l r ui rt that's not' the- whole story. --nuill DRESS FASTSUWrt To tell people the kind of stuff they love to listen to and tell it In a way that enchants is a gift. Some may be pie In the sky and some, strawberries and cream, but Premier Douglas- ot'Saskat-chewan appears to be an actor as well as a politician. Over the radio, Friday evening,, he had lloE I Specials A war party of Algonquins moved In on Parliament Hill, savs word' from Ottawa and. after a brief skirmish' with pro ' full recognition of the blessings which we enjoy under pur way of life. For some time now, we have talked about the need for full participation in community activities and a full acceptance of our duties as citizens of this great Dominion. "Talk is cheap !" and "actions speak louder than. . words!" are two old maxims which spring readily to mind and now is the time to see that our talking" is translated into action. One of the first duties of a citizen is to exercise his franchise and to vote according to the dictates of his own conscience. The ballot box has become the symbol of our freedom. And yet, in our last federal elections, more than 1,500,000 Canadians r.ntr.A V,,'c -lufrf Pvino Rnnprt haA its sharp tective staff and the RCMP, (the faithful all yelling. were in complete control by noon. After a look at how tne white man was running the country, the Indians, led by Chandler & A copy of the Evening Herald, direct from- Dublin, no- less, has come our way. First time it's happened. In fact. The front page shows live news a well as a scattering of advertising and illustrations, and all the other pages are readable and informative with bright make-up and timeliness. One of the oddlvies of law developing from the adoption of Newfoundland as our tenth province Ls the fact that the Island Is now the only province allowed the use of flour enriched with vitamins and PORTRAIT STV Film Fin!shim - I Flash Photo Taken Phone Green 389- ; their chief. Freeman Menass, decided to go back to their Mlni-wakl reservation. "There is talk about giving the country back to the Indians," Freeman said to ther press; "but now that we've seen, the condition it's in. PRINCE RUPERi SMITH & ElJ of the indifferent and apathetic. Xon - partisan "Get-Out-the-Vote" campaigns, using the slogan "Vote as you like . . .but vote !" are to be commended. Here is an opportunity to translate our beliefs and nnr wnrds intn uprinn as nrfranizfltinns and' in HAVE HAD , YEARS OF I1; PLUMBING J Listen Toniglil . . 6:15 P.M. Hon. W. T. STRAITH Minister of Education 8:30 P.M. Hon. Herbert ANSCOMB Minister of Finance Tonight CFPR ,; : iPubllsljed ' b.Vj the B.C. Coalition Organization ' ' - ' ' r l t : VOTE FOR J. D. McRAE , Your COALITION Candidate dividuals. It is a call to such organizations as the- AND HEATINO EXPERIEf.X' PIIOXK 174 f r nmnono -ii- ArMmnnnrt t r r-wai v h aiv n r--k tiivtt tinmen me miijui laiiLe ui ins li aiicmse aim nis uuiy " to exercise it. TRIAL IN SASKATCHEWAN ' PASKATCHEWAN is the only place in Canada O where socialist remedies- have been applied. REAL EST4 INSURANT INCOME T RETURNS PREP.'. R. E. MORTI' ' T 1- ! 324 2nd Ave. (Nes: The record in Saskatchewan is available for those who may be curious. The Regina Leader-Post, which has watched and experienced these remedies from close range, sums them up very f rank'Iy.' Bringing of key industries under state control was tried in Saskatchewan", but, points out the-Leader-Post, it hasn't worked out very well. Stag- gering losses followed the taking over of many Tl'.'1t "Wilill .nlii'- .:.. nvi.l ha... T 1 .. . T .-. . - T..1.. in your bank book BALAGNO A Phone Orfii 78' GUESTS AKK i:SLAI.I.V IN AS FXPAN'SIVK MOOO AKTKR A I. UNCI IKON OR I) INN ICR DATIC at th( Advertise in the D (JOW.IINMKST IH1 Niitlii- Hi V'llili" l.tmii Notice Is hffbv si c: iPVfiith llliv of Jump ii" sirnwl Hruncli N'imtiir at t!ic Ciiiiuill.in Lreion iirr- .'tvIo Ix1:"' i"' ply tu tlif Liqimr Om" u CI ill) Un-ii'-i1 In P nils.- fnrmer'y m Oftlwni' fHHrti-rs. a f.umr rHisirin'ii''n. !) x 30 wilh adttiSi'J sltuntr llfK.n certain 1 fd as 1 1 1 Hart u( Wwr of the BiilMlivl.iim ol ' 1 mid l'Wi. Kmvp S lilrt, Miip lMii: 'd 11 clivlslim l Blm-lt J Iiloc k E ns slKii on M talnlnj? nppruximati'ij Prlnre KiipiTt Unit District. In the Provin Columbln. U) rntitlf (if the mid Club w W mines a reawmable 1"-"' for personal cn'raP premises, and cntnlin? purchase liquor ,rnm ' to sU by the Kluss tht. chused to Its nimwrs" consumption on the C In accordance with V Hie "Oovprnmrnt 1M Qi'ic Cjwtri: Dinwc, Rocu Your bank book is a. little hook .. . . yet in it you can just about trace the outlines of your life story. It pictures at a glance how much you've spent, how much you have left. It's one of your most personal most private belongings. It gives you a full' accounting, figured to the penny by your bank's trained staffs Clear as a bell! Your bank book is a limited' edition one copy only. What is in it is known only to your bank and to you. Multiply your bank book by seven million' and you get some idea of the book-keeping job your Canadian chartered banks are doing- There are more than seven million deposit accounts like yours jiuiin.iai, iiiuucLiiea ami jiuw rieiuicr iuugia ruefully refers to several of them as -"problem children." In Saskatchewan, says the Leader-Post,. : the C.C.F. government has closed its shoe factory ..and tannery, is operating its brick and fertilizer -plants for only a few months in the year, and: is warning the public that unforeseen difficulties are being encountered in operating its fish plants. "The clanger to the small businessman," states Mr. Coldwell, "comes not from the C.C.F. but from !rbig companies which are continually swallowing up or eliminating smaller competitors." In Saskatchewan, points 'out the Leader-Post, - the C.6.F. has gobbled up a box factory and miscellaneous small bus lines. It has muscled' in on the operations of insurance agents and small lumber ' . men. Perhaps it is just as well that the C.C.F. came-into power in Saskatchewan. To the people- and? business of that province;, the experience has been costly and painful but at least it has opened; the eyes of Canadians generally as to what a victory for a socialist party really means. For Reservations add Chicken In The Rough 1'hone Red 70S ( DON'T MISS THE FUN AT the rrnulatnins promu'- under. Dated t Prlnre Bf- llth day of May. CANADIAN LB;1' ntiinch s -. ... ; . ,. LIMBERLOST For FISHING, BOATING, HUNTING, SWIMMING DANCING . . . AND MANY OTHER SPORTS Fun for the Whole Family at LIMBERLOST; Make your reservations early and be sure of your Happy Holiday in the Bermudas of the North. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT 11MBERI.OST . LODGE LTD. . PHONE 563 OR UNIOl STEAMSHIPS OFFICES PHONE 508. (PhlUP Secrei 'T.OVKKNMrVT "J1 otlr-e of MM'IK-'"1"" TnifiKter in j... f lone no slKned lntnul. to appli Control Board for con. f V.temnB' THOM SHEET METAL LIMITED wishes to announce that the Latest in Portable Welding Equipment' HAS BEEN ADDED TO THEIR ALREADY EXTENSIVELY EQUIPPED SHOP 253 First Ave. E. Phone Blacte 884? "Jaf'cee" Convention City Prince Rupert 861, l.ssuea mlses situate it 314 OT ! I , Slat monopoly of bonlrt J would open your kJp occovf I to th tyo-of th , JT Slot offiewt . , i SPO'I S Q R E D BY YOUR B AN IC "l V ..." ' ' i , 20. aecnou . .. numbered three .nd Bnd elBht re - ORMES DRUGS iiert Lami "s'"' ,: DRUGS No. 3. on.-r... -. , cert" " ,slt,.t upon HOLLYWOOD cafe the subdivision erf Plumbmsr Troubles? Map '"" MOST tJP-TO-DATE CAFE IN TIIE CnTT A518 of an "''. , PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS STORE HOURS WEEK DAYS, 9 A.M. TO 9 P.M. SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS 12 NOON TO 2 P.M. .7 P.M. TO 9 P.M. 1H6S: and J", ClocR 3 '". I ,,, '8 ce- OPEN FROM 11:30 A.M. TO 3:30 A.M. JL rk CAIX BLUE 846 We Specialize in Chinese Dishes ILLZV Vr BAPCO FLO OR ENAMEL m For FLOORS, LINOLEUM and WOODWORK Supplied in nine attractive cojors IT DRIES' IN FOUR HOURS THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. Daily car delivery service from 9 a.m.. till 6 p.m. Emergency bicycle delivery from 7 rj.m. till 9 p.m. and Sunday . proximately ,.rt Land H-i Dted p "i4. 10th day ot WW l oK; CANADIAN ,OI,illP PTTrtP sttrv rnmv mptm f , WiXl no For Outside Orders PIIONE 133 SAANICH Plumbing & Heating 1 jrtrf1 CLASSIFIED ADVERllSINa IN THE DAILY NEWS PAYS!