r r S5 2 prfnrr tluprrt Da Hp "r?cta0 Wednesday, November 9, 1049 MID-SEA ii xi ni HTriMi-n PRINCE GEORGE ..., Mi Ray Reflects ... ... and Reminisces SAILS FOrt An lodepeodent My nurspfl-rr drvotrd to the upbuilding of Prince Rupert and ail communities comprifing northern and centr.il British Columbia (Authorized as Second Class Mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa) Published ever? afternoon except Sunday bv Prince Rupert Doilt News Ltd , 3rd Avenue. Prince Rupert, British Columbia. O A HUNTEK, Managing Editor. H. O PERRY. Managing Director MEMBER OP CANADIAN PREPS Al'DIT BUREAU OF CIRCULATIONS ! CANADIAN DAILY NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION I : SUBSCRIPTION RATES !! KN'8 Wf, MEN'S u.v. OMJ Cartlar. Per Wee. 20c; Per Mortin, 75c; Per Tear, 8.00. ffSE- ftjtHD R Uall Pot Unnlh WW ItAn ' r r ' Tuns a month before Christmas And, squeezing a cent The landlord thought darkly Of raising the rent. MSTOPCOAr dmmediate Benefit ; interviewing. But it was pleasant 'being wth him. There are ruany j anecdotes concerning Samuel' Langhome Clemens. Some years fter his death. President Wood-iow Wi'.son visited Hannibal, the Mississippi river village where 'Mark lived as a boy. He strolled , j casually along and inquired if anyone knew w here Tom Sawyer j and Intel rx'diai Porta Each Thursday at 11:15 p m. For KETCHIKAN WfONKSDAY MlDMGin For Reservation! Several score veterans and aux- MEN'S DRESS am -bJLj 4,3 . 1 ft A Nc e to.' F-VEN if Central British Columbia, more than anv- J iiiarv members tooK part m the i A.., fnA f K. l.t -1 'annual church parade last Sun- MEN S mm ' Sll jday, and the turnout was in every !0W ) espect. smart and creditable. Yet, 'had lived : sin Now Write or Cai: CITV OK DEPOT OFFICE PRINCE RUPKR'' BO. jwe cannot resist suggesting that, j with a single exception, everyone ( "Never heard of him." j As for the Finns, remarked another, a family from Flnhi was more or less out of st ep. id , j had been living in Hannibal a resolution has been submit- while. The visitor asked about A ted to the federal Parliament concerning a badly needed coastguard. Approaching the question. a- uti t c-c.. ill iiiiiti iva, 1 o .Liunit iu i. t wt;7L uiau for making aluminum, it will be ten years more at least before it will be possible to manufacture on a marketing scale. This is what those in authority say. Yet the beneficial effects will be immediately apparent because of the more complete way in which Canada, and especially the new north west, will become known to the United States. Nothing- would more surely fasten the attention of Americans on Central B. G. and keep it there, than an announcement telling of the proposed launching of such a huge industry, and the progress of each stage of development. It would make Skeena and Central British Columbia better known to our nearest neighbor than ever MEN'S il LEA 7 h breakers; npfcial MEN'S All i, CRIISKR f(UT special MEN'S hKEss Sll: 'rom MEN'S INI,RI!HE, Spwial Puddin'head Wilson. ! "Oh him," said a man who had ; been quietly listening in. "Sure i ' knew Puddin' Head. Voted agin'i him twice." ! jil says: The present distribution jof marine responsibilities among several government departments MP'i FIRST COW - - He never milked a cow before but Ralph Maybank, MP for Vimiipeg South Center, donned six-gallon hat and went to work for the United Nations International Children ' Emergency Fund. Maybank, parliamentary assistant to the Minister of Immigration, it an alternate dele-gate to the United Nations. Canada and 25 other countries arc helping to iced til million hungry children in Europe. Picture was part of a movie mad in Ottawa. Girl is Miss Alia Enters, a refugee from behind the Iron Curtain. would s?em to be less efficient than a unified co-ordinated serv- it p Tt. is not. in ncrurd wit!-. 76 MEMBERS IN Best Hamburgers In Town tioiial dignity to be repeatedly POM D AH D T A obligated to the United Slates 'Weatherman ay.: "Cloudy Coastguard. You said It Old- Vtotnr.orul-.in in Or.nr.xt Ot a-l Rain. .So don't stay out I ..... ...u . ... VUMIUU ULICI timer. Hut what s really wanted Parent-Teachers' Association I MEN'S RAINf OAT, fitting i MEN'S (JABAItDiKi Eull lined J MEN S COVERT f ; O US-Tups in u I fit i MEN'S DRESS PAS ! assortment, perfrot 11JVV Committee Not Coming to City A federal commUee on pilotage, which is coming to this coa t will be unable to accept an invitation ot tne P-.ince Rup.;-t side and get ; rome in and, feet soaked." Chamber of Commerce to visit Prince Rupert, the local Cha.i.ber has been advised. The Cham'uf r a month ago decided to aU the committee to visit hera sj that the need of pijotage serv.'c? at this port might be established. is less dignity and more action. I numbers 76, the monthly meetnu NO FOG, ANYWAY "HOUSANDS OF" SHIPS have called at and sailed V from Prince Rupert. As a factor to be expected AT I SNACK BAR fr I of the group, held in the school, j was informed by the membership committee last night. An Increase in membership is expected within the next month. Under chairmanship of P Downing who acted in behalf of President H. H. Thorn, who wa. absc-nt, the meeting held general i discussion in matters rtfocling Says General Ike Eisenhower: " The best example of perfect security is a man serving a life sentence in a federal prison '' He does not, of course, mean it precisely that way. But anyone can catch the drift. Too much "security" can indeed become permanent punishment. a pair and MEN'S WOOL . W ORK PAXTS-AH Special from , OPEN 6 a.m. to 1 a.m. DAII.1 Just off Third Avenue ALL-WOOL BLANK '318 6th St. Ph. Orders Blue 92 ffl Have ' Coke in plain grry, kluk lels at a very spfl from BOYS' LACED I liOOTS-All size,. LET US FIXIT some have been overtaken by misfortune while in the north. But looking back, over past decades, losses -Jiave been comparatively light. vy.This port is' not free of fog but it is of little real "-consequence.; Here, the thick, chilling, long-continu- ing obscurity common to so many cities is next thing to unknown. The grey, blinding density is still one of the numerous menaces of the sea, although there -is greater defence in modern navigational devices. Fog's destructiveness has sunk fleets and cut short the lives of multitudes. Prince Rupert has always been discussed because . here there happens to be a generous rainfall little - -- more than occurs elsewhere on the coast. Near ab- sence of fog is never mentioned- But rain never' sends shipping to the bottom. , ' the school. Acting Secretary Mrs. Mark Twain spent a few hours Darrow Gomez reported on the in St. John, N. B. during a sum- latest meeting of the Farenl-mer aftprnoon ycurs ago. Up Teachers' council, which she a-from New York he was guest on tcndcl as delegate, a hot weather yachting trip. a Tho meetin-? :ieaic, an arldrPSS cub reporter undetook to inter- by M. F. Stuart on the great pvr-view him. The author of "Tom 'amid of Cheops in Egypt, afVr Sawyer," "Huck Finn," "Puddin'-' which two films, one on the vfsi' special i t BOYS' SCIKMil. r " I S ffw BOYS' RAINCOATS iiuinj. From neaci wuson and other racy last spring of the Harlem Globe-yarns wore a somewhat baggy trotters basketball tcim C1.it tin U.l 1 . BOYS' ALL-Wooi JACKETS 111! lmu o- B'rrn mane oi The meeting concluded w restless white hair, twinkling the serving of refrenmet.ts. eyes and an old briar pipe', with " authority. He talked slowly, and A li for it tilbtr way . , . holb in a lazy way, He did most of the AcU erllE: tne oaly News' triJe-marks mean tbt lam thirty from the government and felt that municipalities were entitled to a resumptioa of grants wluch iHid been discontinued in 1032. - i WthorlsMl bottUr of Coca-Cola undar MnUact with Coca-Cola Ltd. NORTH STAR BOTTLING WORKS Phone 132 Prince Rupert J CHANni Fl Chamber If avors Library Grants Trie Chamber of Commerc? Monday night 'endorsed a campaign of the British Columbia Library Association whicn Is f.e?k-injipripyincialaid for public libraries.- Aid. Blab referred to the u 3l:Ai,rovinclfll library service i 9'?n rwal areas were gi'tl ing Specialists in All Types of Welding and Platework Phone Ulack 88 1 THOM SHEET METAL LTD. PORTRAIT ST Film Finishing if Flash rhotoj Taker I Phone Green 389 4 PRINCE RUPEE i Prince Rupert Gyro Club was in monthly business session at its regular weekly luncheon today with President Maurice Brydges Aluminumware Of DM- 4 TO PLEASE in the chair. Various matters of club business were dealt with. NABISCO. Advertise iri trie D I The 'Missu FINE PRINTING at swmvw mm 1 OF TASTY MEALS Aff REGAL PRINTERS - Ml r IS A c a. . Rex Ca rhiiH-sr Dishes a S CHOI SUEY -AT THE- PHONE 24 222 Second Ave. CHOW ,M tecona Avenue opposite Prince Kupert Hutei 'U .m. to 1:30 a m Pbone 173 for Outside i SALE CONTINUING ALL WEEK 1 :i Box 1118 Phone Red 400 518 3rd Ave. VV. fill WITH Top Values at Low Prices :!.; ! I IN JACKETS 4 W'4 - PHONE 79 3 CRUISERS lllaUiirr My youngsters expect teacher to have lots of energy! So I eat crisp, nourishing NABISCO Shredded Wheat for breakfast. This delicious, golden cereal is made from pure 1(K) whole wheat. And we need whole wheat in our diet every day. Why don't you join the' crowd of husky NABISCO Shredded Wheat eaters - TIES SWEATERS plianttarl enjoy tnis grand energy-cereal tomorrow , AME CLOTHING STORE Third Avenue s Vex. ; r--m.mm- . a p . rr e g t 4 ft gf 0 BE WISE THIS CHRISTMAS - GIVE HOURS Weekdays 9 a.m. to 0 p.m. Sundays 12 Noon to 2 p.m. 7 p.m. to 9 P-m. SIXTI I STREET and THIRD AVEN eei'&ovs ecu? aeeeti c2s I M zatsir? ----- SHI grf OeS4Trt77tf0 HOT Sil . 'mcafnrvrpCL cm Ju.l odd sail to 1 cup boiling w., h. ...rporX, """"" - School for Tomorrow 42 'sc'k ewyjOpafeyeS IT'S AS EASY AS A. B &s ttme To Buy on Our! CREDIT PLAl You can have the Electrical Gift of your choice put away now for Xmas in) ORDKRYOI-ROIFTSTO The newspaper boy ... . the boy , who deliver your papers. is a typical Canadian boy. He is the business man of tomorrow. And as a carrier, ne learns those lessons which will prepare him for a successful future. Carrier Competition Starting on October 3 the Dally News Is sponsorlna a carrier competition with a bicycle as first prize and manv other valuable cash prizes. The boys will be awarded points for obtaining new subscribers for dependability and for efficiency In collections. So any help that you can give your carrier will be appreciated by him and he in turn will try serve you his customer .... to the utmost of his Pay Vi Before Xmas a- i. ih. Rt in r.iy MARCH AM) OIL HEATKHS VORTEX OIL HURNERS IKON FIREMAN STOKERS Plumbing & Heating Alterations CALL IS TOMORROW WHILE OUR STOCK IS COMPLETE aW .-.iwas?LWl'ri A V Starling February W SEE - Christ3" NORTHERN B. C. POWER CO. LTD. BESN'ER rCVra Dm RIOPK rwr PHONE 210 SMITH & ELKINS LTD. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. STEWART, B.C. f PHONE 174 MANSON'S YOl'R FRIENDLY JEWELLER BOX 274