a it ' i ft. i V i "T PROVINCIAL LIB3A3T, ' ' 113 n lis a. , fa I ii . YT7 ii TICTOP.IA, 3. C. Daily Delivery NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NIWSPAPIB PHONE 81 Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port- "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest." VOL. XXXVIH, No. 202. PRINCE RUPERT, B. C, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1949 PRICE FIVE CENTS '- ' 1 - ; Seeking aciroc ifi Coast utlet rycABs zace River orthern Territory Presents fore Royal Commission s Sign ; j -if; , &4 - f ases Be IBS fcJfia33k 3fCl I Urges Extension Of Lines into Populous Area Not Now Served TAKES OVER it) POLAND WAKSAW fi One of Russia's top Army commanders, Marshal Constantln K. Rokos- It, M I - - I f "M t :,v. , ' I nt which end- t .1 .il'O ,0 OlU INJURED MINER FLOWN TO CITY The re-opened Premier Mine claimed Its first accident victim. Tuesday when James Grieves, a 45-year old miner was flown to Prince .Rupert for treatment for a fractured leg, sustained in an mishap in the mine tunnel. enl,,nycfS anaumi' thua litigf'st steel iied in a- p , Msf 1-- . , ' ' f i i T 3ft ' -1 . s n-a'; vsky, has quit the Red Army to enter the Polish, cabinet as Minister of national defence. Rokcssovsky was born in Poland 53 years ago. His appointment to the important coun- intern inmure OTTAWA (CP) Arguments for the extension of railway service into the Peace River area of Northern British Columbia and Alberta were presented today before the Royal Commission on transportation. Boards of Trade and Chambers of Commerce of the Peace River Block advocated construction of railway lines to link the area more direct-, of the C.I.O. Grieves was flown to Prince Hie day tlie Union I - " 'is .... "if . ' -'i- . w asn'emrni, win j0 4 producer, Jones a po. F Rupert by a Queen Charlotte give him a strong voice in gov- Alrlines Norseman piloted by crnmcntal as well as military poug McQueen who landed the affairs of this Soviet orbit craft at Seal Cove at 4 p. m. country. Tuesday. The plane, under Rokossovsky commanded one charter to the Department of Steel Corporation. wnt tun. 's 111 ,lne !y with the Pacific Coast than by the present circuitous route to Edmonton. In a brief It was asked that hlfhun st'I pact. LAST RITES FOR CITY PIONEER r imOE CANADIANIZED NAVY Here 13 the three-man commission which InvestigaU'd "mutinous Incidents' aboard ships of the Royal Canadian Navy and urged "Canadianization" of the navy in Its recomendations. Seated, left, to right, are: L. C. Audette, a member of the Canadian Maritime Commission; Rear Admiral Mainauy. flag officer Atlantic Coast and chairman of the commission; and L. W. Brockington an Ottawa lawyer. Standing are W. y .Vickware, left, of Halifax, chief commission counsel and Cmdr. P. R. Hurcomb, judge advocatt. of the fleet. (CP Photo) ;trJif of 25,000 work- of the Soviet army groups that Fisheries, had been' drafted in--liberated Warsaw. Since the to service for the emereencv flight. nem Si eel agroe- end of the war he has commanded the Soviet western army in parts of German territory occupied by Poland., the Board recommend to Parliament that an early start be made on lines to connect the settler1. Peace River regions with Hinfc3 Creek, Alberta, and Dawson Creek. British Columbia, and iaes n;r iiiipiuyrt-o , a;i- ut 65 who havo Rites of the Roman Catholic Faith were solemnized yesterday morning at the Church of Annunciation by Rev. Father F. Ravner O.MJ.Ior George E. IHL W LA i HER servicv to receive a pension oi Siuu a St. Clair, one of Prince Rupert's s'N'iul security. eynopstn His Coal To Work Lewis Orders Miners Back real old timers who came here j( 65 willl 15 to 25 that there be a connection with the Canadian National Railway at Prince George. DR. GREENE IS SPEAKER from the Yukon in the very receive proportion- early days, was engaged in the IMPRESSED BY ST. LAURENT C. A. Berner, who returned to the city from the East Saturday nlfiht, reported to the Chamber of Commerce on attendance at the annual convention of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce A deep low pressure centre remains stationary this morning 250 miles southwest of the Queen clearing of the townsite and for a few years operated a 'hotel (the old Houston, long since i Modern medical and surgical Charlottes. A storm front associ CHICAGO (CP) John Lewis today ordered Li.s ihtrikiny soft coal miners back to work after a res processes and treatment of varl "Red" Union ated with this centre passed over disappeared) on Second aven- : 9 JotHWK II (V . Ltd. I ious maladies were included in a ue.He was particularly well- the coast last night and was olution had been adopted by the 200-man policy com- fMsrnnrKf, f milf.h nmfeKsir.nai at Montreal. E. T. ApplewhaJte mittee of strikers to go back to work until midnight of 'interest which was delivered be-(crossing central B.C. this mom-ry inrt tntouvrr Up M. P., had been there with him November sounder terms of a United Mine Workers!1"' ' "uZ .vUlUUIXIIIH ..... . , . , .,...,....,- .Ui,tM Registered ,1 MinfrQM uhlfih i.Vliirofl .111 r I mj'. I V'1K SMlll : 1 IUS ,i ..c T3..it;..i. u; i i. its ..... alion of British Columbia at amounts on the West coast of j PITTSBURGH 9 The United Vancouver Island were generally ' trw,.!-.! workers, expelled from known in the French Canadian colony and In Catholic Church circles. He passed away Sunday "mornTiif In Prince Rupert General Hospital. The late Mr .St. Clair was born in Quebec City eighty-seven ' years ago He is survived, be-! sides his widow, by a son, Wil- !-frid. : ; ' Following the solemn requiem pnrt of the time, MY.'Brrne'f met many distliif,-" uished personalities Including Prime Minister St. Laurent who, Mr. Br-rner said, had a "surprising grasp" of Prince Rupert affairs, being well acquainted v ith the C.I.O. only last week for its liiiw.v 'r i,'v,i . . . . . ... i. ... mj j . . - - .. ... ...... . is do:ie as an art of good faith , - designed to contribute to pubUc( iif nCPTIflM AC ' convenience." He believed, how- LV I lUll UT ever, that chance of a srttiemcnt kh AIM lfTT of the dispute were remote. !rH rrcllDlll IS J'Z monthly meeting last night in the Nurses' Home of Prince Rupert General Hospital. A film on the administration of oxygen treatment was also shown with Pierre LeRoss handling the projector. Miss Margaret Stecves, P.H.N., left wing policies, was threatened today with loss Of mort than 107.000 members. Most of these, a survey showed, intended to string along with he right wing 05 ',2 10.35 ... .03 ... .05 Vie ... 1.45 . ,37 . .0(1 ... 5.90 365 .04 . .18 2 50 .04 1.18 .40 mass at the church,, Interment in! tern .. -i Briter . IDonaid Meanwhile at Pittsburg the giant United States Steel Corporation is going to a Joint peace Copy of a bill now before Pur-lament at Ottawa pertan inj to C.I.O. the strategic location of Ine port, the fine harbor, the proximity to the Orient etc.'Mr. Berner was thanked by the President for Jih attendance at the convention and his excellent report. was made in the Catholic section of Fairview Cemetery meeting wilh the United Steel over an inch. Cloudy weather wiUi scattered showers will be general today. Parts of the interior will be sunny on Thursday but little change is expected on the coast. Forecast North Coast Region-- Cloudy wiUi scattered showers today and Thursday. Little change, in temperature. Winds easterly (15 mph). Lows tonight and highs tomorrow at Port Hardy, Sand-spit and Prince Rupert, 40 and 46. inspection of fish and marine president' of the Chapter, was nlants for export has been sent in the chair and there was a Workers iCIO, a spokesman dis good attendance of twenty-nine to the Prince Rupert Chamber ri closed oday. "A meeting will where Rev. Father E. Mohan O. M. I. officiated. The, pallbearers were Henri Lctourneau, Joseph Garon, Louis Amadio, C. P. Balagno and A. G. Turcotte. Commerce by E T. Applcwhaite, M P., and has been referral to members. Refreshments were served. At the same time the C.I.O. an-nounc?d a nsw union of electrical workers, organized to supplant the U.E.W., had won first employer recognition in a contract signed by two fiims employing 1,075 workers in Yonkers, New York. fomier . probably be arranged with the union tomorrow," a spokesman said. Three other large steel companies have already reached settlement. i TRYING TO KEEP CUT-OFF OPEN 'tfj .... the fisheries committee. The bill provides that "no per: son shall import, export, sell for export or have In his possession for export any fish intended for human consumption unless the iish is wholesome and fit for CaDt. Quinn Coming Here To Inspect Naval Reserve In His Old Horn-! Town This Month 'wutlian "UNFAIR" LAWS CONDEMNED BY NATIVE GROUP - Commerce Chamber To Elect Officers . Corref-pondcnce between Dun-cun K. Kerr, secretary of the Associated Boards of Trade of Central British Columbia, and the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce includes a letter tel- .. .17 OS . .08 450 .25 135 . .00 7.30 1 15 13.2ft 14 2.05 .. . 3 05 30 .08' human food." Further it provides that no person shall export any marine Urrtuc Nominating commit tr? of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce consisting of President O. R. S. Blarkaby and past presid Captain Howard L. . Quinn, D.S.C,. R.C.N.. Director of Naval Reserves, is carrying out his annual inspection of Western Naval KITWANGA Skeena River branch of the Native Brotherhood of B. C. will continue, its fight for revision of provincial plant or product thereof unless iu,g Df representations which it is inspected, graded, marked , were made by the Associated or designed and labelled in ac- Boards with a view to having cordance with the regulations. I ule Canadian section of the The bill provides for full in- Haines Highway kept open dur- ents Dr. R. G. Large, G. A. uun- laws which its members feel voi k. Divisions and will be in rnnct w p F. Stone, Stone, J. J. W. W. Scott Scott an and Rupert November 24. He is 0 G. c C. M11(,hrli Mitchell, wjll will dvaw avaw Up up specllon of fishery products and lug the winter. The chamber all steps of production as well as was advised that the highway Canadian ALASKA VESSEL MISSING JUNEAU The Co-foot vessel Salmore of Juneau, with five persons aboard, is missing after being unreported since leaving Cordova October 5 for Seattle with five persons on board. The Coastguard says it has checked all southeastern Alaska ports. CANNOT PYRAMID RENT OTTAWA Minister of Finance Douglas Abbott a rial of nominations for 1950 officers of the Chamber. New officers take over the first meeting in January. unfairness on the struggling Indian population. x Harold Blnclai. vice-president of the Skeena River district., outlined representations made to Premier Byron Jo.mson for redress from "unfair" legislation the prescribing of grades, quality had now been closed for the Tiirimti) and standards of fish. season. i accompanied on the trip Dy uar. W. A. Chllds, R.C.N. (R. Assistant Director of Naval Reserves, and Lleut.-Cdr. (E) A. H. Graham, Engineer Officer Naval Reserves. It is Captain Quinn' s first sued ion tour of Naval Divisions and urged members to continue their inslstance at a Brotherhood states that landlords will not be allowed to pyramid meeting here. In Western Canada since his ap- bv 20 or 25 percent rents which may have been in Damage to register! native .iim..nt. rs Director of Naval Sin 'Iters .10 . .15 . .57 . .32 . 1 4 i i 105.50 111 .01 . .40 4.C3 0.85 .3!! trapllncs resulting frcm the De creased by ten percent two-and-a-half years ago. The partment of Lands and Forjats policy of granting timber rights to logging companies in areas Iteserves on September 7. Capt. Quinn s .visit to Prince Rupert will be of particular interest since he started his naval career with the old Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Reset ve here 25 years ago. being trapped was deplored by :!:!nv,i! 'k-Uie Mr. Sinclair. British Columbia natives, he said, quoting from his leute: to (Continued on Page Four) r JdtTvitft; r .-' !-5q Wants to Know Of Coastguard The Chamber ol Commerce lv.i communication to the Xo- sent a increase will be on the basis before that advance. FAIR DEAL1 WINS NEW YORK Smashing Democratic victories in . New York's United States Senate race and the city elections in many parts of the country yesterday set President Truman and his party high command chortling today over the outlook for 1950. Democrat Herbert H. Lehman easily knocked out Republican John Foster Dulles of the United States Senate seat Dulles has held down since last July On an interim appointment. Mayor O'Dwy'er was re-elected in New York. The only Communist member of the city council, Ben Davis, was beaten by a coalitionist. FOUL PLAY SUSPECTED Quebec partment of Transport cxpic HOCKEY SCORES r.V.WAW.VAV.VA'.W," Pacific Coast Vancouver 7, Seattle 2 New Westminster 4, Oaklard 4 San Diego 5, Los Angeles 2 San Francisco 4, Fresno 3 Tacoma 5, Portland 1 Oakland 3, San Diego 1 lng surmise at a propui hreak no old minesweepers Lac, i&'ct Lake !R"d Lnkn Vancouver which it was felt may vessels. Information be used as coastguard is being sought as to taken to what steps are being ,.07 .10' , .13 .08 .58 .0C: .i .00 .63 .12 3.35 .63 1.7 .37 2.11 69.25 .n 2.15 .04 V . 4.15 . .35 . 2.71 .. 2.01 ' Cwblii.il rrrV j. . . -? - "T. ?s , s M''i provide the coastguard. " .... as .. How "sun . v,tc oertfti view of Moose Factory Island on the Moose River, a few FOR 1NUJ.AW nuu,i - tonnnnnn Tnriinn. hnKnliAl helnff built New Telephone Directory A new Telephone Directory is about to be published. All changes of listing must be in by November IS, in writing at the City Telepbune Ofllce. CITY TELEPHONE (262) DEPARTMENT. construction sue n u -y- ------ -- .n. fr, James Bav. shows VANCOUVER Possibility of foul play is being investigated by city police in the case of a woman, Feme Blanche Fisher, whose body was found floating in False Creek last night near Burrard bridge. There was a wound on the forehead of the 45-year-old downtown store clerk. ---- - the buildings oi me msionc iort, moose raw t t In .the haekcround are are by the federal goycrnmen background multi.mllllon dollar hos Thursday. November 10, 1949 .:,) 'Gordon "'IRotlt ' 01 rf tihp lne Oldest SeilieiIlt.-liuo in wi'v,,", v.. c ... , . Hich 4:04 17.7 feet toi-y, one who t b. and nd ihurt hunt in n the the James Bay area. Tuberculosis has been a 9 C is pttal will serve Jg 15:29 10.9 feet big killer oi me (CP pnotol Low 9:28 9-9 leei "River filler ... 2 '29 5.1 teet death toll.