lrfiuc fiupc pallp jftrtof Wednesday, Norember 8, 19i0 i 'J n fc DOUBLE WELCOME 1950 IN TERRACE t h t l'-l. VOUU FlMr . Meinbei Worlting On Load Line E. T. Applewlnite, MP. for Skeena, is keeping alive at Ottawa the matter of the International load line, with a view to removing discrimination against the port of Prince Rupert. Correspondence on the matter his been received by the Chamber of Commerce from the Skeena member, t WHAT MAKES THE OCEAN VX- it i TERRACE Terrace will have two dances this New Year's Eve again as the Civic Centre Association and the Canadian Leo-ion who for 19 years have Sale Now On WALLACE'S CLEARANCE ROAR... W HEN YOU SEE sponsored litis dance, were un-1 able to get together and hold' nno foil rnmmunitv ri.mce or) ren's Wear Dept. rom TAllara 1) J a U S... t wvrw run , ntn GOT ft Vcttiont cabaret in rho Civic centre. There will be the second annual New Year's Eve Cabaret at the Civic Centre and the Legion dance in the Oddfellows' Hall. The matter came up for discussion at the directors' monthly meeting of the association with the receipt of a let BARGAINS GALORE GIRLS' AND INFANTS' WEAR The Wall ace Way! : f itsOn" ter iron, me anauimi Bio EVER SEE A COW IN A BANK? R. J. Crowe, manager of a Roy.l "miii,, requesunK uie rriu ui wie unu i Rank branch in Ottawa, receive! a cash donation on oe tiau oi tne umtea CONFERENCE DATE IS SET OTTAWA Prime Minister Et. Laurent announced yi'Mcnliiy that all provinces had ngic -j for that night j Nations International Children's Emergency Fund. The beauty handing 0VCT the M Alia Ehlers, a refugee from behind the Iron Curtain. NO Kn T Legion ,, dpwni5 delegates hniin. being at it , , "wney on ,re . Indian and a ua,,, giri. Canada and 25 other the meeting a general meeting 1 countries are helping to feed six million hungry children in Europe. Picture t.'i. was called for rnday evening! waiparcois movie maae in uttawa. by air mail yesterday afternoon. It was posted in the eastcr.i tity at 7:30 Monday night and reached here by yesterday afternoon's regular air mail. The recipient Air Mail Letter Comes Speedily Monistown, New Jersey, to Prince Rupert in twenty hours such was the speed record for a letter which was delivered here last to deal with this matter rr-J ill tv Though in need of funds to advance the work on the building. was Henry Montesano. AVOID MSAPI'OINTMKNT ORDER YOUR Harbormaster Appointment , Correspondence to the Prince' Radio Dial 1240 Kilocycles CFPR (Subject to Change) ! Rupert Chamber of Commerce from E. T. Applwhaite, M. P. so Xmaa M Vet WEDNESUAT P.M. 4:00-Bernie Bradcn Tells a Story 4:15 Stock Quotations and Interlude for the sake of harmony in the town the association offered, at Friday night's meeting to co-0etate with the Legion to the extent of sharing 50-50 with them the net proceeds of a New Years Eve Cabaret j ointly sponsored. This, the Legion was unable to accept, nor did a further meeting of the two executives clear up the matter, so now, each organization will go ahead and make their preparations for a grand New Years Eve. TODAY j for Skeena, deals with the mat- ter of appointment of a harbor master and port warden at j Prince Rupert, authorization oi which at an annual salary j of $3300 to $3900 was being ar-! ranged for. The harbor master oZfJifJ KIM Hoxcd Assortments That will be sure to pleat c0iy member of the family at. . would also act as ship surveyor and would conduct a school of navigation. Capt. James Cuthbert of Vancouver, the Chamber was advised, was interested in the position. 4: 30--Maggie Muggins 4:45 Young Man With a Song 5:00 Rendezvous Room 5:30 Musical Cocktails 5:45 Keyboard and Console 6:00--Supper Serenade 6:15 English Favourites (j-.oO Varieties 6:45 "Saddle Rockin' Rhythm 7:uu CBU New 7:15 CBC News Roundup 7:30 Peter Pears and Benjamin Britten I'm' Hon. E. T. Kenney, minister of lands and forests, arrived in the city on the Prince Georgs ojdav after a brief visit to Powell River While in the area, Mr. Kenney r MAMA k 1 V Hi Mellow ... softly fragrant . . . and robust of body, Old Inspector is first choice in B.C. Mth men who really know fine Rum! mm Missionary And Eskimos Lost WINNIPEG -r Army authorities said that1 a missionary and two Eskimos are missing will also pay a visit to his home town of Terrace. 8:00 Sylvio Lacharite Conducts IlKSVUt BLO( K, 3RD AVE. Pill oU Arc You I'lanning I ToIJuild? j ? ? ? ? ? I Then plan with I builders, mnn who know how to select J materials and use " them to give you the most satisfac- lion. Call on us. ' W keep costs down, J but give you the ; ery best. GREER & 1 BRIDDEN : . CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS RED 561 P.O. BOX 721 QlutIhy Meat Ma in the Eskimo Point region j north of here on the northern j shore of Hudson Bay. Army uu- its at Churchill are standing by pending call for paratroop- CASE neurmc 8:30 The Seven Who Were Hanged 10:00-CBC News 10: 10 -CBC News 10:15 Painters in Profile 10:30 London Studio Concert ll:00-Weather and Sign Off THURSDA1-A.M. 7:00 Musical Clock 8:00 CBC News 8:10 Here's Bill Good 8:15 Morning Song 8:30 Music for Moderns 8:45 Little Concert RUM ers or rescue squad. Officials 1 FRESH cm Itoastprs F'ryf m Foul I'HONK lit AC K 801 FOUR YEARS OLD IV k .7 t OVER say that a missionary whose surname is believed to be Di-onne and the Eskimos have been unreported since Octboer 30 on a seal hunt in a motor canoe between Churchill and Cape Hen This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia LIMB OINUINI HIMIIK l MAKIttO THIS I rietta. in Sliouldfr . BUV Rump Roast ( li lit k Roast 9:00-BBC News and Cora'ty 9:15 Morning Devotions 0:30 Morning Concert 9:59 Time Signal 10:00 -Ellen Harris ii y-K I 7 ANNOUNCEMENT Sidney Gonkk, Optometrist P(RK ) 10:15 Morning Melodici I'fff 62c ll. Shoulder '. 50c Ih Ice Eiiin HOLLYWOOD cafe" CHIROPRACTOR John F. L. Hughes, D.C Ph.C 21-22 Bcsner Block rttone BLl'E 442 for Appointment hoiks' 10:30 .rn to 12.80 pro. nd 3 to 5 p.m i:vi;mv Mnnimy and Friday. 7:30 pra 'or those unablf to come during the doy. RKCEPTIONI8T In ttend-noe afternoon. Graduate of Los Angeles College of Optometry is pleased lo announce that he has opened permanent offices in Prince Rupert for the practice of Optometry in Rooms 2o and 24, Besner Block. Complete Visual Analysis (.lassos Prescribed When Necessary MOST UP-TO-DATE CAFK IN THE OPEN FROM 3:30 r.M to 3:30 A.M. We Specialize In Chinese Dlshei CHOI' SUEY-CIIOW MEIN Fur Outside Orders PHONE 133 10:30 "Melody Time 10:45 Scandlnavlai Mii(in 11:00 -Air Kindergarten 11:15 Roundup Time 11:30 Weather Report 11:31 Message Period 11:33 Recoraed Interlude .1:45 Personal Album - r M -12:00Mid-Uay Merodita 12-15 CBC News J2:25 Program Resume 12:30 B.C. Farm Broadcast 12:55 Recorded Interlude 1:00 Afternoon Concert 1:30-CBR Presents 1 :45 Commentary Women's Talk 2:00 B.C. School Broadcast 2:30 -Records at Random 2:45 Behind the Scenes 3:00 -The Music Box 3: 15 -Western Five 3:30 U.N. Commentary Office Hours: Dailv From 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Evenings by Appointment Telephone 212 r BROADWAY CAFE Movtnc, Parklnir, C'ratinf Ehippinir and General Cartage and Storage For Complete, Reliable ano Efficient Service, call Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Limited Cor. 2nd ano Park Avenuef Established 1910 rhonea 60 and 68 Fargo Tmr BEST FOOD FINEST COOKING TOR TAKE-HOME ORDERS rnoNE zoo Hours 7 a.m. to 1 a.m. AVAILAIJLE FOR IMMEDIATE DEUf Jack Wells of Wells Curiae Ltd., after a visit to the company's local busii.' It ft by yesterday's plan.? un his rctu;n A SPECIALTY Florists Bos 1193 BALAGNO Phone Green 781 I 2- Ton Chassis and Cab, 152" v with reinforced frame & 2-specdJ 3- Ton Chassis and Cab, 170 with leinforced frame & 2-spd ' Mother YxiowsTwsfl '-o Vancouver. "1 So Fresh and Flavorful I ' 1 I n I 1: 1.11 i ' L . Rupert Motors rhones: m Office, 'M Sliop Dissolve Icll-O in hm wjier package Raspberry EBY & SONS Contractors KFPAIKi - REMODFM.1NG FOUNDATIONS let uh help you plan that new home under the N.II.A. Phone Green 8R3 Box 686 Jell-0 2'3 tups hoi woter I I (or use juiie drained from rjtlruit. wirli water to make cups). C;hill. 'hen sli-Ivly ihitkcncd, '' :'.iH irnit ami grapes. Turn itirn desst' rt las:,csand thill. Mal"s (y srrs-inps. cup drained grap fruit Pflinent - yvwwwwrtwwvvvwv Jfcn. ,XS Xs Sumotuout vet so Simnlel I Ql tEN CHAKLOTTE AiltUNKS A'YnllTK Prwtv us a nicturw- and run more ilfliolufiil t, u rl. I ' . " " " I I A change In fares Between Prince Rttprrt aiiH f;0 J tlve Oct 15, 1949 toy autnoniy ui mh of Canada. I Commodore Cale New Fares Will Be . . . Single Fare they arc to look at frtsli-H.ivortd Jell O desserts art delicious enough to make a grand occasion of the simplest meal. And Jcll-O desserts are so thrifty, too. It's easy to understand why Jell-O is jr ether flavored so much more enjoyable. For when you buy Jell O felly Powders, you enjoy the advantages of over 2 generations' experience in making jelly powders that folks like better. Seven wonderful "locked-in" flavors. Serve a Jell-O Assert or a Jell-O salad tomorrow. Jcll-0 is a trade-mark owned by General Foods, Limited. 1 package Otanga Jell-O 1r4 cups riot water 4 teaspoon salt ' cup heavy cream cup orange marmalade Dissolve JeH-O in hot water. AM salt, thill until slightly ihickcned, fold in tream, irvhip-eJ oniy until thick und shiny, but not stiff. Fold in nittrrtuUde. Turn into mould. Clull until hrm. TJn mould. Ciirnish ' with additional whipped Vriam; if desired. MAes 6 servings. SI J.D0 S25.20 .()7c Return Fare Freig'it, per II). OITEEN-CHARLOTTE. AlKMNES 4 "Better Thn Ever- , jScst Food and Service In Cltj Phone 17 Tor Send-Out Orders! J Third Ave. David Chow, Mgr.J MMltKI'l 470 1 Box 280 Prince nupert. B. CJt- C A Product of Oertarcjl Foodt