prince Uuperf Danp Hctes "ThursdayApril 21, 1949 (JO fJEAR COUNTS Reasonable Ideas for Housekeepers !T0 NEGOTIATE iMINE STRIKE En route to the northern EVERYONE HAS When you buy Work Boots, you expect thm to stand plenty of punishment. Leckle't can "take it." They're extra tough In comfort einprtlv cFpr 1 AT SUCCESSFUL PARTY A successful party Is usually 1 with i - j V- miila from durahle leather. Look for Leckle Work Boot at your shoe store. ' GOOD TIME fen before adding the second layer. Soften the remaining tablespoon gelatine in the cold tomato juice and dissolve irt the hot tomato juice. Season with the remaining Vi teaspoon salt anil Worcestershire sauce.1 Cool. When mixture begins to tnicken, fold in the remaining 1 cup chicken, peas and onion. Pour into the loaf pan over the first layer. Chill 2-4 hours. Un- mould on a platter of greens. Serve with salad dressing. Yield: six servings. MOULDED FRl'IT CREAM 1 tablespoon gelatine, Va cup cold water " 1 cup fruit syrup '2 cup sugar 1 tablespoon lemon juice 1 cup canned fruit, diced 1 cup whipping cream Soak gelatine in cold water for 5 minutes Brinsr fruit svrun to boiling point, .add sugar and soaked gelatine. Stir until dis- solved. Cool When mixture Is partially set, add lemon juice and diced fruit. Fold in whipped cream and turn into a mould, rinsed in cold water. Chill thor- oiihgly before serving. Yield sU servSngs. 4 JELLIED APPLE SALAD 2 tablespoons gelatine 22 cups apple juice (1 20- ounce tin) V teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon sugar 1 tablespoon vinegar Vi cup finely chopped celery 1 cup chopped apple Soak gelatine in Vi cup of the apple juice for 3 minutes. Heat the remaining 2 cups apple juice to boiling point, add soaked gelatine and stir until dissolved. Add salt, sugar arid vinegar, blending wtll. When mixture begins to set. fold In chonned ri i i Y. ii m I 'TO one at which everyone Including uie nosiess, has a thoroughly goua ume. Elaborate entertaining is out of date but simple parties may be semi-informal or very casual. The buffet meal, allows for much or the preparation being done hours ahead of time and gives the homemaker time to on fresh frock and look her prettiest before the guests arrive. The fact that evervone L 1 . . , 1 neips incmseives lends an air of. Lumpanionaoie friendliness that, aiways starts any party off well. it means that a larger number of guests may be accommodated at one time and "the more the merrier" is a truism which applies. Food may be set against an effective background and blend into the color scheme so that it is pan of the decoration Home f-r-mrmiistc mmocf some lauds that are Colorful, easily served, and easily eaten and t.hpi-PfaiP am .vr.,iii,., r buffet service. CHICKEN LOAF 2 tablespoons gelatine Va cup cold water V2 cups hot chicken stock or bouillon 1 teaspoon salt Dash of pepper 2 cups diced, cooked chicken Va cup chopped celery M, up shredded raw carrots Vi cup chopped green pepper Va cup cold tomato juice 1 2 cups hot tomato juice Vi teaspoon Worcestershire sauce 1 cup cooked peas 2 teaspoons minced onion Soften 1 tablespoon gelatine in cold water and dissolve In the hot chicken stock Season with Vi teaspoon of the salt and a little pepper. Cool. When the, Mother KhousTv gesr Rinse raisins in hot water ' and drain. Chop eggs coarsely :and Combine with carrot, raisins, pickle relish, salt and Tab-I asco sauce. Soften gelatin in cold water and dissolve over hot Radio Dial 1 1240 Kilocycles (Subiect to Change) TllURSDAT -KM. 4:00 Tony the Troubadour 4:15 Stock Quotations and Interlude 4:30 Outdoor Stories 4:45 Easy Listening 3:00-The Happy Time 5:30 Hawaiian Echoes 5:45 Platter Parade 6:00 Canada at Work 6:15 Freddy Martin and Orch 6:30 Musical Varieties , 6:45Smoke Rings 7:00 CBC News 7:15-CBC News Roundup 7:20-Eventide 8:00 Nations Business 8:15 Recital ' 8:30 Home Town Stories 9:00 University Round Table 8:30 Alberta Rar.chhouse 9:45 Clifford Evens 10:00 CBC News l0:U) CBC News 10:15 Island Stories 1Q '30 Nocturne ".uu weacner & sign orr FRIDAY A.M. 7:00 Musical ClocZ 7:45 Singing Sam 8:00 CBC News i:15 Morning Song 8:30 Music lor Muceics 8:45 Littlb Cci.ctrl 9:00 BBC NEWS 9:15 Morning Devotions 9:30-Morning Concert 9:59 rime Signal 10:00 Ellen Harris 10:15 Morning Melodies 10:30 Round-up Time 10:45 Scandinavian MelGdleS 11:00 Let's Play 11:15 Songs of Yesterday green by adding a few drops of green vegetable coloring to the, apple juice. , j Mm. 2? &m&r Chrises PREMIUM SODA CRACKERS ' 551 ,."" WORK BOOTS.)' HOW CAN I ? By ANNE ASHLEY Q. What are a few remedies that one should always keep in the household medicine cabinet? A. Iodine and mercurochrome for cuts and abrasions, witch hazel for bruises and sprains, ! epsom salts for a strong purgative, ; boric acid for an eyewash, and bicarbonate of soda for indigestion; also ' bandapes, cot ton, and adhesive tape for wounds. Q. How can I loosen the dirt minine settlement, of Tulsemmh ! SJ'Vl trO Via COt, a Via nlnn. - open negotiations between gold miners and the management of the Polaris-Taku mine, Harvey Murphy, business agent for the Union of Mine, Mill and Smelter Workers' arrived in the city from Vancouver by plane Tuesday afternoon. Today, Mr. Murphy planned to continue his journey by charter Skeena Air Transport plane to Tuteequah Where 150 miners were reported to have stopped work late last week following a strik-vote over wages'. Mr. Murphy said this morning that he believed that negotiations could be -re-opened and the dispute settled without closing the mine which is the biggest gold producer in northern Brit-, ish Columbia. "I have wired the men to remain at the mine until I can grt there and clear the matter up," he said. The fact that some 30 miners have left the mine, having gone south Monday on the Princess Norah, . did not impress Mr. Murphy. "That's about a normal turnover,'" he said. Every spring a percentage of the men leave and go south." Timely Recipe COTTAGE SALAD LOAF 1 cup seedless raisins 4 hard-cooked eggs 2 cups shredded carrot Vi cup pickle relish Va teaspoon salt Va- teaspoon Tabasco sauce 1 envelope 1 tablespoon) plain gelatin 2 tablespoons cold water . 1 pint cottage cheese 1 cup mayonnaisse ' lettuce a 4. 5 ysV B.-T-AJ Plumbing Troubles? CALL BLUE 846 IAA SAANICH Plumbing & Heating a Ads Bring Results! t m ihe Daily News IWERS! rty In a new sub- k available soon . . . ritw lots at reason - Lim. N.H.A. district. your reservations with . . . STRONG GENCIES BW. Phone 342 Mate Insurance (98) I in a blanket before laundering? gelatine mixture begins to celery and apple. Pour Into one A. Soak the soiled blanket thicken fold in 1 cup of the j large ring mould or 8 or 8 in-over night in a solution of cold chicken, celery, carrots and dividual moulds, rinsed with water and borax. This loosens green pepper. Pour the mixture cold water or brushed with oil. the dirt and makes the job. of into a loaf pan which has been chill until firm. Unmould and washing much easier. rinsed in cold water or brushed serve. The salad may be tinted f SOFT . . . STRONG . . . PUREX house, hold tissues give quality with economy . . . favored choice of discriminating , ; housewives . from coast to coast. TASTIER BSCAUSt THCrilt CRISP-CMS KCAUSK IHmi CNmSTICS I T:r y " "A '2 a1 : - i water. Stir into cottage cheese and mayonnaise. Mix well and t'ombine with raisin-carrot mixture. Turn into a loaf pan and chill until firm. Unmold and garnish with lettuce. Serves 8. 'a--asissst & Contracting, 'J A? t I TfS. NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Horn 60 Room, Hot and Colo Water PRINCE RUPERT, B C Phone m P.O Boi is -" s--rj&mysi' Boat Owners IF YOUR BOAT NEEDS New Stacks Exhaust Pipes Ventilators Mufflers Tanks Halibut Shutes PHONE BLACK 884 WE ARE EQUIPPED TO DO ALL TYPES OF METAL WORK THOM SHEET METAL LIMITED 2S3 First Ave. E. mm The Fishing Industry is Eveiybody's Business jor your New Home! OR AN ADDITION WE Msrk.t vslue of Diti.S Columli.t fish c.lcH In 1947 w $58,250,000. Third on the li.t of our 9't n.lur.l resources, the Industry tmployi .round 50,000 people. When the c.lch is plentiful, when market, .re receptive end price 8ood, pactlcelly everyone in the province sUnds to benefit, directly or indirectly. Thi, Comply, with it, a.e.t of fishing itation. end proc.inS pl.nt,, It. widespread m-vetins org.nii.Hon .t home end .broad, contribute Importantly lo the .le.dy 'end lnr,.in9 How of trade that mean, prosperity to all our people. HAVE THE BUILDING MATERIALS YOU WILL NEED , INCLUDING : SIDING All Types PACIFIC Stevedoring FLOORING Fir and Hemlock SASH and Door Stock BRITISH COLUMBIA PACKERS LIMITED Pscktri nd DifWMon of CLOVER LEAF SEAFOODS ... RUPERT BRAND FRESH AND FROZEN FISH Cold W d R-ctl- Plants U FLhln, SUtlon., Cnn.rU,, Alonj the Btitith Columbia Coart. . ; COMPANY LIMITED CLOVER LEAP General Stevedores and Contractors , Stevedores for Canadian National Railways! PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. LIMITED Hi HEAD OFFICE I PRINCE RUPERT, RC. CABLE ADDRESS "PACIFICO" PHONE 651