8' LAST TIMES TODAY 7:00 - 9:00 P.M. Mine Uupcrt Daily ftctos Thursday, April 21, 1949 Canada and New Alliance 'Mm STEWART NEWS Latest from Portland Canal Mining Centre It's a Hannv-Cn.lhS- Canadian Club Speaker Has Great Hopes for Atlantic Pact Discusses Bearing on Dominion ThP North Atlantic oact is aveMoneu . I on Meals! aw w fl AY MlTKTt"! cavn Auxiliary supplied the With the date of the provincial election set for June 15, political interest is mounting here. W. D. Smith has intimat FRIDAY AWn c.. Bob Barwise and Bill Boe-decker left last Thursday for ed that he is willing to run again in the interests of the the Morris Summit mine to look ... n with DENNIS MORGAN - Dorothy JANIS PAIGE v x In "Ann Ciinrloii AH.. Coalition government. So far over the buildings with a view as can be ascertained, none of , to clearing them of snow and the other parties have decided j repair any damage that may upon a representative but therS , have been occasioned during the most important international development in the Interests of world peace and security since the inauguration of the United Nations organigation at San Francisco, Eric W. Morse, national director of the Association of Canadian Clubs, told the local Women's Canadian Club yesterday afternoon. "For the frustrated nations of the North Atlantic, the new pact represents a sword while the United Nations is the ideal that eoes with it," he said. ''Each, may be some surprises in store for the constituency. the winter. They expect to proceed to Tide Lake afterwards to the Campbell property which is under lease to Mr. Boedecker uiic ouuuay Hm A very successful cribbage SATURDAY MATINEE far-' the sword and the ideal, is com EVENINGS 7:00 - 9:05 ADDED MICKEY MOUSE "PAPOFF IN PAIN" (Narcotics) Where else could you get such a nourishing dish pancakes uar- for so little monev? Serve Aunt Jemimas often! wheats. e,uiorsiw .' , .. 3'i lb. ECONOMY Thi n QlMRr L j u-j Oatft CmipttV Canada limited drive was held by the Stewart arid associates. branch of the Canadian Legion ' on Saturday in the club rooms. ; ,Mh?- A; B,ehnsen TVhe HOTEL ARRIVALS ladies -L; first prize, Mrs. R. Bar- . wise taking the consolation a------------ ---jrrs-: - r: prize. Constable George Nelson J. D. McCorinell, Ketchikan; was first for the men with H. Bowen, Carlisle; F. Warne, Harry Bennett receiving the '. Vancouver; A. J. Touchings, consolation prize. Isaac Soder-iPort Alberni; Mrs. H. F. Bea- plementary to the other. If things work out as we hope thev will, the North Atlantic pact will be for Canada the goal lov was the winner of the draw- ven, Sandspit; P. D. Bannering. The ladies of the Women's , man, Vancouver; W. Black- what we had already agreed to pay under the Charter of the U.N. Fourth, it Is leasy to beat chests and prepare while Czech coups and Berlin blockades arc happening. What if Stalin decided to play being good? Shall Canada be equally ready to shout down pacifists, . fellow-travellers, and "peace councils" when the need for continued military preparation is less outwardly apparent? Fifth, while still retaining the vision of San Francisco, Canada had to make a detour from the broad highway of universal collective security down the side-road of regional collective security. There are now two regional security arrangements in effect: South America (the Rio Pact) and Eastern 2urope (the Soviet and her satellites). A third (the North Atlantic) Is being born, and a fourth (in SET. Asia) is needed to complete the picture. These will put the U.N. on a sounder basis, for regional commitments are less remote than what had originally been thought. Forty-five members of the Women's Canadian Club gathered in the banquet room of the Broadway Cafe to hear Mr. Morse, wh ogave a most inspiring and informative address on "What The North Atlantic Pact Means for Canada." Mrs. Thomas Boulter, vice-president of the Women's Canadian Club, was in the chair and introduced the speaker. Mrs. Nancy Hodges M.L.A., was a guest at the meeting. Prior to the afternoon meeting the executive of the club met for luncheon with Mr. Morse, who gave a most Insplr-nection with Canadian Club matters was discussed. Mr. Morse, whose home Is in Ottawa, has been visiting Canadian Clubs across Canada for the past month. FOR ALL YOUR PRINTING REQUIREMENTS Modern Etiquette By ROBERTA LEE has announced it formally. Q. After a'death in a family, should the calls of sympathy be returned? A. Such calls are not returned, since the family is in mourning OUTSTANDING WINNER more, Vancouver; M. C. Wish-art, Ocean Falls; H. Estlin, Prince George; W. J. Hays. Vancouver; D. N. Yearwood, Vancouver; C. E. McKenzie, Vancouver; Mrs. M. Powers, Smi- of a 30 years quest.' Three watchwords, said the speaker, must always be Canada's security, prosperity, unity. In view of her vulnerable economy, her vulnerable geographical situation and tips abroad, Canada had twice in the past 40 years been drawn into a world struggle. It was fantastic to think of the possibility of Canada being neutral in any large scale war in the future. There was no country TO ALL K Priiitt STRATFORD, Ont. Olga Kwasniak, 13, brilliant young London cellist, has won the legal Sec... and is not making social visits. Q. Is it proper to speak to ai man by using his last name! only, such as, "Good morning, I Perth County Music Teachers 'thers; Mr and Mrs c p Bus. Federation Spring Trophy three j slnger Telkwa; Mrs. N Hodges, (ED. SAUNDERS) Q. When a young man becomes engaged, is it all right for him to tell his friends before it has been announced? A. No; the announcement should always come from the bride-elect. He should not tell it even to his intimate friends until after the young woman umes. ner uiest victory was j victoria; Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Wil- Second Avenue PHONE 21 at this year's Stratford Music P.O. W son, city; Mrs. A. Caldwell and i Smith"? A. No. A person of good Festival. daughter, Endako; K. M. Lec ikie, T. C. Healy, New Westmin breeding will always say, "Good I morning, Mr. Smith.'' You saw u in trie News! ster; Dr. J. L. Hart, Nanaimo. RUPERT PEOPLES STORE THE Skeena Construction I Cabinet Builders and General Contractors FLOOR SANDING AND CABINEt WORK CONCRETE WORK AND REMODELLING in the world with more to lose or less to gain from another war than Canada. Specifically Canada must avoid war, help build a thriving and well-ordered world and reject policies that seriously divide the nation. NAMES FIVE HIGHLIGHTS Summing up, Mr. Morse highlighted five factors: First, Canada cannot hope to be neutral in any future struggle involving the great powers. She should do everything possible in advance to prevent war starting. Second, Russia is realistic enough not to start something unless she is sure of winning. Third, what promises to be an effective coalition for peace is at last in prospect but it is going to cost us something. At least an instalment must be paid, now the balance can be a check which may never have to be cashed. The total amount is neither more nor less than Houses built under the N.n.A, PIan-20 down pi J oaince in ey monmiy payments over a period oil; u u years. Free Estimatees FOR FURTHER INFORMATION PHONE BLACK 221 P0 Friday and Saturday ONLY SALE NOW ON UNIQUE GATHERING PILOT MOUND, Man. p" Seme 80 members of the McKcl-lar family gathered here recently along 'with 200, .pioneer friends from Clearwater and Pilot Mound to celebrate Mr. and Mrs. H. Norman McKcll-ar's golden wedding anlversary. MORE MILES LADIES' SPRING COATS $14.99 ONE PRICE GROUP Regular Up to $45 Only seven coats to choose from, but sizes 14, 16, 18 and 20. ' At this price you can't miss. No exchanges, naturally. savoy RADIO cm For Satisfactory S fl I U j Call 53 V J I r" j :; 718 Second Avenw Carl Zarelli, Prop. i ... A' M ALfkLI PHONE 37 P.O. BOX 1397 FRASER STREET FUSSI PRINCE RUPERT "A Good Place tc " " 11 SOFA COICH-Mak 'J bed, in heavy tapes': I COTTAGE CHEESE steel couch New Creamed Fresh Made arms VALENTIN DAIRY Your Dally ( ALL-WEATHER SERVICE Phone 775 327 Thiro 1 TO THE GALLON ! m :- i 1 M 1 ' 1 ' -Xj$ LADIES' SPRING suns $.4."-$19.99 TWO PRICE GROUPS Regular Prices up to $53 Your Choice These are first -come, first-served but there's a good selection from over twenty sujts and all colors. Sizes 12, 14 and 16 only, but if you wear these sizes you're amazingly lucky. Choose either gabardines or wools. No exchanges, naturally. GET A FREE BLOUSE Farcett Torrid Oil to Gives You . . . n r. AMINES: CONVENE All This And Heaven Too ! FREE FREE FREE FREE ! A Bflouse FIREE With Each Sale Suit We've selected a group of blouses priced from $4 to $6.50. Take your choice One FREE with each suit. tEFFICIENCI t'ECOXOMt with the Syncrom-maae j Checir thi mod'i 1 fflffBf7l5 I FEATURES means up to a " Sold on Easy Budget T; See them now at I X3 AMPII LUGGAGE SPACI McBride Street toarf. ! rwM, i HW Irv Mm tl This Is All Merch andise We Want to Sell ! AT THESE PRICES YOU'LL WANT TO BUY! REMEMBER -Only a 2-Day Sale RUPERT' PEOPLES STORE LING the TAILOR As ou cruise wiftly and comforlaWy In Ihr ntw, roomier Mill MAN MINX you will b amazed at its ability 10 maintain high average speeds (or hours on end with up 10 35 pleasurelul miles to the g.illon. This 19)9 HILLMAN MINX is truly a triumph of British engineering, built tor the roads yen ride onand to give the utmost In pcrformanLC with minimum maintenance, year in and year out. In every way. the new MINX Magnihcent maintains and cnlunccs its world wide reputation tor all round dependability. See it . drive it . . . compare It . . . now! tOOTIS MOTOIf UMITtO 170 toy St., Tpionio, Om , Monlreol Ai'poil. Dorvnl, t O. NOTICE! Clothes remaining 1 and unclaimed after one year art iio sale unless customer advises us to w Ploo Dft AFTLESS VENTILATION 'WM pIMtl bo ftont NOTE FftfSt TOO tv -Id ttoni ttot, U44, Utyn ( iprmg Mimton, body and rtwun m one pntt for ' llrKQlK QflfJ ofl( Oplf- H vrndthlrlaj and rr tfjw tor u to 30 nri ..; Ittl Ifm Lotbhftij hy-JVowi Wat-Mj IWief tui, lymh,,,,! 9mt l1t tcircosHfliir.g (raff Jr)tarft. ...n THRTAlPl c:th Street 'v 66V oiav" rgggyl. "TV 'TV J ml wvmnt . . - , . ,fir fl EVERYTHING A MAN LOOKS FOR IN A SHOE - ORMES DRUGS Automobile Owners - SUPERIOR AUTO & BODY SHOP PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. DRUGS GOOD LOOKING! COMFORTABLE! LONG-LASTING! FREEZE-UP DANGERS ARE OVff 1 PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS STORE HOURS WEEK DAYS, 9 A.M. TO 9 P.M. SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS 12' NOON TO 2 P.M. 7 P.M. TO 9 P.M. HOLLYWOOD cafe Most Up-to-Date Cafe in the City OPEN FROM 11:30 A.M. to. 3:30 A.M. ING SYSTEM. A CAN OF lN TIP SYSTEM-J THEN KEEP THE COOLING FOR WARMER WEATHER DRjY SAVE AND MA SERVICE IS INEXPENSIVE Agents For SLATER SHOES Daily car delivery service from 9 a.m. till 6 p.m. GEORGE HILL & SONS LTD. Emergency bicycle delivery from 7 p.m. till 9 p.m. and Sunday OF TROUBLE LATER ON. LINDSAY MOTORS PHONE BLACK 69 We Specialize in Chinese Dishes CHOP SUEY - CHOW MEIK FOR OUTSIDE ORDERS PDONE 13J P.O. BOX 737