1 SMITHERS MARRIAGE ids of Heats NEWS Prince nuperf DafT? JJcft Thursday, April 21, 1949 7 Dunn sang A. H. Rosewlg's "Ave Jr t " "ymns s8 included Mother Dear, o Pray For Me " ''On This Day o Beautiful Mother." "To Jesus' Heart All Burning." The church was well filled with the many friends of the to IARF MADDirn tvr Miss Genevieve Middlcton Becomes Bride ol Frank Rimell TERRACE P.-T. SALE SUCCESS mm HOSPITAL CHAPEL young couple who TERRACE ENJOYS SACRED MUSIC VJT - 1 An unusually snort honeymoon at Telkwa pretty wedding took . ulac.e nn I On their t. " . i s SMITHERS A quiet wedding 1 1 -s; T "lb - . - v tui u, tuc C0UD1C Easter Monday in. St. Joseph's will take up residence at Perow.l TERRACE The Terrace terrace Par rar Catholic Church when Frank Intimate m.. . A.: ' . . PREPARED MUSTARD was solemnized in the Chapel of the local hospital on Sunday, when the hospital's engineer, James Thomas Atrlll, son of Mr. ? and Mrs. William William Atrlll, Atrlll, took took a as Special Easter Services at United Church ft i . v Herbert Rimell. son of Mr. and were entertained after VT " AsSOCiation's an th , Mrs. Rimell. Enkrby. took as ceremonv at th. un Z Jf nual Easter tea. held last Sat MONTREAL, April 2l3t Here's aa opportunity you can't afford to miss I Such a wonderful chantt to give your hair the "magic" flattery of the v KRKML SIUMPOOI lor just 10c, a 2oc bottle of the new Kreml Shampoo is yours , . , and I'll wug'-r that onre you've used Kroml, you'll never llir.iin tint 1 1 rt ,.t .1.-. 1 Ave TERRACE To lovers of sacred his bride Genevieve Lucille Calderwood I urdav the Oddfellows Hall, , . Middleton. daughter of Mr. andl The brid. nrt . 'was as successful as ever. Ex- fit .i..?ylvla. Ks.i!ska- dau8h Mrs. George Ernest Mlddtetnn', Sylvian uZ."'"" umM;a fc ' I --" i' uiing Biiauiuwi iimi mane your t , Jiair brittle and laik-lustre i The new Krrml has - -n .ifc ill . vnhirnl nil il,.,t , u.: Tu 8room 6iwiu cut tut tM tuc uju'i ,.m" : "i 7C VC1 KJl 01 Mr- lvir. ana d Mrs -Mrs. hibiu rst blts nf of tv,. the children of -ier J '"""w1" slice of the we cane cake and and Mr, Mrs. 7 4 the WJC Kslesk9 Ksleska. - The r cmi,v, , marri. ,, master services nere were "T'1"' iFrl Fowler continued mttw 'mentary school were hung nfirfnrm k -..v ""!" "7 something to Wit an(i ntl-Sri.cimv in t.no.rn A.l T.' 1 . : , , , be remembered The bride, given in marriage' for them. Mrs. J. Dnn n on the walls together with the:frpv hnanitJ "".l UOQ. with grea great pleasure. In the bv her fathpr rarrlgH ,v,if ft,? r. i . .. . DiCtures nf phcVi Msec o.-, t.ir " wioymui. j , '" ". tuwiw pourea me tea t: 7 prayer book and white -teacher. oraver vri.,, too r,..v. . Stanislaus I ViCeS f the Woszniak and u Lu- , Q o.ki-, ... children's choir, undpr t.h ran. ingredient called l olisan " (h) that makes rinsing " winkiuiek ", yet thoiough-ven m the hanlext of water! Send on. dim, in a et., to m. -Ha.bara Bront WU CWnt St,, Montreal, P.Q. t il ,.J your 25c f.!, , if I Shampoo to you posHaste-and you can discover for illT ' a Bhiny your hair caa be 4 iovy .l. .... . . -aiunun. sienen tnn rowis. ... i able leadership of Mrs. Brandts, a Dutch HC WCOmPf t.n Terra na ine an worn in each class ter " , was particularly good and there , Thp vnil . beads, gift of Father LeRay. and Ve7na o7mn sed h gues" guests, wore a gorgeous floor-length j white satin period gown with a I ' B.C PAYROLLS" 'r1 Besides at the groom's home near le e. ? Pleasi' They sang 4U..B want aii.L-u oy iwo uny '-..... wnung. the sewing wrMi . taster Angel" and "It is thp bout A New IobbvFrom An Ok Craft-Uol curly haired attendants In floor and home-cookinn stall there ' SMITHERS SEES Joyful Easter Time." The Odd- Pacific was a novelty stall and a plant M, '. r stall. Grades 7 and 8 had a staU i . . ..ps- .u .luvK a nug ! mis booklet not only gives the fascinating hustory of hooked rugs in our country LL,,r ki lS yU ctly. how to 8 about this pleaiurable business of hooking them! If f.mt fellows' Hall was packed and the children of the Sunday School length daffodil yellow frocks-little Mary Alice and Catherine Jean Calderwood. ' The bride was alsn aiicnHoH MOON ECLIPSE of their hand work containing" npTur Gavan' Mrs- ' u,..t. . Hagen, Mrs. Martin. Mrs rimn. were were an there. Som nf tho 1 ' ' 1 iriiiYrm... , . 1 i """ mats ana v.ti ... . 7 vera, .j . ",a such rewarding resulte! All V-i need ... set of f j - you wooden frames burlap bit I, of cloth or wn - 1 bogoklt0.kS- C?l0rfU'' A1Mabr,C Tl'NTEXDyt'and J& rd P oli7 y Wnt,en! ""'-Barbara Brentf 1411 Crescent S?, MonU " : ?S'118 10?." ''" '" tmk, "pert-. by her sisters, Celestine, In a I Hearirg tha,t . the recent floor-length blue moire gown ' eCaPse of the moon was not with bouquet of carnations and seen ln Prince Rupert, Smithers roses, as matron of honor, and 'atedly reports that it was I . vlufKlA fVtn.A 1 11 other hand made articles, the wc"' mrs- . I baXPV aiwnaance proceeds from which went to i Kltchen Mrs, Mcllroy, Mrs.' 8 the junior Red Cross. In charge i H- Smith' Mrs- Haaland, Mrs.': Rev- p- H. Mallett announced of this stall were: Miss A. Lips,!016" Mrs- phlHp. : ( that there was a Sunday School Anita Brue and Pearl Haugland.'l Cashier, H. Noakcs. enrolment of 106 children with A painting of still life, donated! Mrs. van Stolk, as president an average attendance of 84 for Breakfast i-oreen Aviivii in in a a nuui noor-lenizth -leiigm nlrt oia "" wcic, v ' " uui, naruiy soec- . . . taMiloi tacular , ... v. a- . i rose jersey dress with bouquet enough a u i it ii ti i . t ii uj incnuun. watching all However, after of stocks. 2 Cltt AM OF WHEAT " 1 Its a dita that make.' banquet" of breakfast ... and for extra apietitp appeal ... you might like to add raisins, fig da4cs apncoU or prunes to "Cream of Wheat" while itW ine lamer 01 Mrs. a. camp- Wi "lc aoiyciauon( welcomed the; 1C 1IVC weeKs. Koll bell. rinnrln Grade 1 1 fTHOCto guests. t ' . ' evening w as a 1 teacher, -vnviiv-l , was TVUkJ UUl auc- varying sized - J " " " O Mrs. Amdam. Sundav Rphnni 1 crescent peeped dimly through tioned off in a Chinese auction U l 1 ., L... 1. i aillt is essential to balanced diet. In ,11 find an easily sonomiral milk con-: necessary minerals inj for healthy :uum packing The groom was attended by John Dunlop, and Frank Watson acter as usher. luokiug. jiicn eerve with brown tugar and nrilk;-? M-mmm I ... it 'g good t . , . and so good for uii"r ior 5 Minute "Cresrn nf Wlt." ,nt..in. me ciouas ana mist . it .. was oy mrs. r . uavan, ana went to Mrs. Mcllroy. GOOD ANGLING BERMAGUI, Australia (f) One of United States leadlne superintendent, presented J. H. Smith with a jar of money which the children had donated during the past weeks since the disastrous church fire. It amounted to $25 with the mornine's chil Those in charge of the stalls . .. ... ennrhing Iron ... and it provides Caleium and I'lios- phonw for diets deftcrcnt 'i these elements. What's more it cooks Jo delicious digestibility m just five minute, of boiling ! Brighten up breaJifast to-morrow with S Minute "Cream of Wheat" I were: ii They Horf YOU In f Mini when thrv , I Jc.rv.emoliy was evehlne 10 see an al"iot fun LC moon ridlne h'8h ln virtually and and the nuptial h . mass was said cloudless sky by Father Paul Sanschragin. i The earthquake which fol-.f6- U.r1 WaS decorated lowed next day was completely with daffodils and a full choir unnoticed -although a more was In attendance . During the dlstant one -a few years ago signing of the register, Mrs. J. made Smithers feel "sick - Here'. A Recipe for A women anglers, Mrs. Kip Farr-ington landed four black marlln in 10 days' fishing-' at this New South Wales resort recently. She also caught a 37-pound vellow- Happy ' 'if IC MILK Novelty, Mrs. Kennedy. Plant, Mrs. McGilvery. Sewing, Mrs. Wold. Home-cooking, Mrs. Clifford. t: 3 Home, created these seven i fromth dren's collection and was for the church re-building fund. - Those receiving buttons for attendance were Gary Aleer. Karpn wonderful powder-shades! Yes. the Vacuum Packed I and OF e, taken xaKen r- he" BANK ' fV',- f.;. MOXTREAI 0XTREAL f FAMILY- VJCi",, Pourers Mrs. Cote, Mrs. C. tail, claimed the" record of Its Cook Woodbury experts rolour-keveil theii- i de Kergommeaux, Mrs. Bailey, kind ever caught by, a woman . . SIZE RECIPE 6JZ KtW WOODBURY POWDER 1(1 Vniir IWrann 1 i 1 1, - whether -red-head VOU re blonde hrnnptlt FOR SAVING FOR HOLIDAYS, FOR EMERGENCIES OR OPPORTUNITIES 1 t 1 Household Savings Account for Father and Mother , , . , 1 " Sunshine " Account for Sls' ter's Holiday 1 Savings Account for Junior'." 1 1 '""""11 r I ' rr)1' 11 skl 1 it 1 K m irv REM ' thing-- '. D nMnir . wu'? irn ' r"7 i i lIlMlllEa C WELL,OAWGONNIT.') TiL f (CANT GET fNi TWERE i Farquam, Marlene Johnstone, Doris Loveless, David PeekeVout, Stanley Ross, Jimmy Sikler, AnnJ Smith, Brian Smith, Susy Sik- j ' ler, Tommy de Kergommeaux, David Mcllroy, Jessica Nelson, Maureen Finlayson, Barbara Hagen, Dennis McLeod, Linda CBrieh Claudia Phillip, Hazel Reynolds, Lewis Smith, Clarenca Baker, Lloyd McLeod, Joe Sparks, Arlene Stokes, Ida Lee Llewellyn, I uig foe coUege expenses. j 1 Packet of Canada Savini 1 or somei)lace-in-betweenl Be sure to gee this famous powder and choose your favourite, most flattering shade. And you'll discover that the New Woodbury Powder clings longer covers skin flaws better. What's more, it contains a' Very special ingredient that gives a smooth-as-sat in finish to your skin . . . and it'a mixed in Woodbury's new " super-blender" that whirls colour into powder and powder into colour at terrific speed. The .result is fineness of texture and richness of shade that have made the New Woodbury Powder the 4 to 1 favourite of American women from Coast to Coast 1 Bonds held by the B of M. - Do not allow to cool or dry up, ! v iuu, ,1, ingrvutcjiTs The recipe may be adapt. t us Danny Thomas, Mary Ann Bran-dls Lynne Farkvam. Jack Llew- jellyn Neil Thomas, Marilyn de Kergommeaux, Lloyd Llewellyn, And, remember, all ingredients in this recipe may be obtained with 'J' the assistance of the friendly, ' "' helpful people on the counter at, -your nearest branch of the B of M i Selma Farkvam, Shirley Reynolds, Mar jorie Thomas. At both morning and evening jUI RtpssSa); r- ik Lpej . .... , StOO.'I'LLTRY Il l I . -- -'V STAPING AT ME-OPEM ? A P'rhapt The Sight Of The first Spring Crocus will inspire , --v: :. ou to create such, a dream as tbist For it'a hard to equal Xr?K services, Mr. Mallett delivered' ne oownngm deliciousncss of an Angel Food Cake! V?si2W V ? CiKE i01? Package. Befitting the season irost it with a fluffy boiled frosting, tinted a delicate yellow, and dust Jt lightly over with shreds of snowy coconut Remember, for feather lightness . . . exgumie Btlrrlng addresses to large con-! gregations. Mrs. Lloyd John-, stone sang "The Holy City" in' the evening, and there were' several anthems by (he choir aug-l mented by several male voices. ' The anthems sung were: "From1 rw Ma LaKe riour, " ' "me 3 fine ' ordinary flour. m u- i .WftTirm i Olivet He Rides," "All in the April Evening" and "Hallelujah to the Here Soup To Please A Man served with lots of .. flppcdfp-apiieal. Just 1rv this recipe, made with HLLNZ ' VOSDLSSED VEGETABLE SOUP 'King." MEAT PIE WITH BISCUIT TOPPING !i lb. raw beef, diced, or 1 cup diced, left-over meat " f-,r,. tD.spns. fat J 10-oz. can Heini Condensed Vegetable Soup i The stage of the hall had been suitably decorated for the Easter services by Mis. McAdams and a committee of helpers .and the Rev. Mallett thanked all for their help . , . .. . Mr. Norrlngton's record oi the bells of St. Margaret's, West-' minster, was played at the close of the service. Vi tspn. salt t ; ' , Dash cayenne pepper Dough for 'j standard recipe for baking powder biscuits''' SifJT.Si 1at' " mcat '5 usd' 00k thoroughly. Combine meat. ..ia..i. S'S'lU'n T?K an,d Pour.into well-greased casserol. is xj . M xsii Pat biscuit dough to "4 thickness and cut with ii oleCn1MC00UdeeAFr';'Ufeer V'SCUi,S! on top of xture. Ba'ke In M g minutes or until bucuits Screes 2 to 3 are golden bron. Yps Hnina f!nn,LnEn.l , ...... : i:t. . . "! ' Wnshegoescxjtj I ffe- i-1 C reeui?--Io-V-'l ; -- I ' 7 MV HANDS CAUGHT ) ftJ1LV ' i . . ', y"" vr--uwe . . . ana popular! r our taste-tests, two among dieticians, shov.cd an overwhelmiujr.. preference Ior lleiur boupj, over other popular brands 1 j Your Dinner Table will be wear Hove You tver No- treed how accidents seem to happen to a ing "Spring Green" when vou add the crisp crunchiness of a green salad to l v brand- new dress? Best 'way I know to i -: " p (THE UIIUAil Qry Jl1 PI II I 1 " f jfiw -T . .' 1 . 1 DeLuxe Delivery Phone 383 Phone 00 prepared lor of this kind is "" y o u r in e n u. M-mmm luscious lettuce with just a sprinkiinc of baby onion slices and narslev ! A si'twl liLo co nave r.atltui.NK f'T.T-' AVTVfl VTT'TIl l.n.,.1..1 Tt 1 . tins deserves a WK'nw MAZOLA i '""'.' 11-3 ucaui 10 grease mams salad t on fabric3 of aU kinas . . yct lrp.inr liL-r. ft Prompt and Efficient Service ANYTIME ANYWHERE absohilcly harmless! Just; folloir the easy directions and w;ffMj, " grease spots disappear in a iiff AUCTIONEER from dresses hats handbags upholstery! Don't 'just take my FRENCH DRESSING 1 cup Mazola ',i cup cider vinegar I tspn. sucar 1 tspn. salt 1 tspn. dry mustard 'i tspn. paprika Dash cayenne Few drops Worcestershire Sauce Place all nigredienfs hi a ticht-ly covered jar and shake well. Shake also each time before serving. PHONE 383 J. II. MA I It! woru ior it, that I'.ncrgina works like magic . . . get a tin at your drug or department store for as i I J ITS . PBW iyjT-- IT" II 13 'I I "-n: r I I little as 25c, then try it for youi"; self. 1 Wit ATHALL'S PHOTO FINISHING Developing, Printing Enlarging QUICK SERVICE Amateur and Professional SuoDlies Good News! . .. SliiriilT Gituterbread Mh is back ngain on your grocer's shelves! SHIR RIFF'S GLGERBUEAL MIX combines in one package nil the ingredients that made Grandma's jtiugerlm-ad a "work of art"! Sugar, shortening, inola.--, Hour, eggs, baking powder, ginger and spues are prepared in a mix and packed in moisture-proof bags. Ready for you to add water heat ami rmn " V'"'i inaia an mere is to it no fussing with ingredients no bake day kitchen to clean up! And the RESULT: best gingerbread 1 ve ever tasted! i r-s. H " ' Kfr? y i' 1 t i f m00f f I rf- ,( HERE THEV COME, AFTER -1 , ' ,, ( I J I ; i V TWO HOURS-TWO HOURS " L I , y - V -V OF ASONy ACHE, ANGUISH, ) Ml There Are Any Questions iu your mind about certain aspects of fcra- tliit.a I. I . - I l.li .1 l .'ill i . ...... ii.i (m iic, urn's iiuumci mac win ncip you! simply wnto to me linrbiira Brent, 1411 Crescent St., Montreal, m7j unr tree copy oi i ilia booklet giving frank facts ' cm this oubject. I'll send it, to you in a plain wrapper. Meanwhile, here's nno fnct. I'm o,im mill Kn f - ...v ... ii.,, ui lutjl IU JUU. iliousnnds of women have discovered a wonderfullv safe, "i iiiiiiiuuu iivKKiic . . . caneu iVJiM- Tniyt! 1UJ. T-i Dainty and convenient, these vaginal suppositories are powerfully germicidal' yct absolutely safe to delicate tissues. A-k your druggist for Zonitors to-morrow ... and send for jour free booklet now, while the offer holds! i BAPCO FLOOR ENAMEU J-J iiiij;, . I ct- W, King FMhita SynJicitt. Inc., WoflJ tiyhtt reared, ljjjjgiiip SJg V'-Uf 1 Tf?lED TO GET VOU ON THE " I I I I .1 tiCrrk ( PUT HIM ON THE SOFA TOI '- I ';vPVpHONE TEN TIMES TO TELU f I I I $ S AND I'LLWARM UP jVl! U I . Vfi VOU I Hip THE KEV r r-a SiT -T THE COFFEE v ' I "Jl Hf n--':)Sf?lGHTTHE,?E UNDER JJJ nZ rVvn f''.J1 ' J ' VANCOUVER VICTORIA SEATTLE Tuesday, 1:30 p.m., Chilcotin Friday, 5 p.m., Catala Sunday, 10 p.m., Coquitlam ALICE ARM, STEWART AND PORT SIMPSON Sunday, 11 p.m. for socrn queen CHARLOTTE ISLANDS s.s. Coquitlam, April 22, May 6, May 20. FOR NORTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS s.s. Coquitlam, April 29, May 13 FRANK 3. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Avenue Phone 568 FOR FLOORS, LINOLEUM AND WOODWORK ranse 1 miirK I Maro9'c Sage Green 1 rTWlivT 1 Golden Tan- Dutch Blue j DRYING Dixie Grey' Russett Brown Navy Grey Mahogany Brown THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. & CLASSIFIED AD IN THE DAILY NEWS WILL BRING RESULTS EARLY ADVERTISING COPY IS APPRECIATED " -