irjlA.B.V. ih vicryl.., 2. c. ORi.lES DRUGS Daily Delivery NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Published ot Canada! Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest' PHONE 81 VOL. XXXIX, NO. 98. PRINCE RUPERT. B. C. THURSDAY APPTT on insn t,t,, ., PRICE FIVE CENTS JY CABS ; ijuries f y w lying L w severe injuuc l wain sustained ac- ELMORE PHI LPOTT- Defence Chiefs l-it, . j f if' '1$ '! ' I iji&J ! - Warning In Washington ; WASHINGTON, D.C. (CP) Warned by de- fence cmes today tht the cold war has grown more TT.-.T,..! e.. r : i i i Now Is Time To Settle German Problem; Unless This Done, War Is Coming Two Approaches Advanced by Noted Commentator to Women's Conadian Club swiftly today to add $300,000,000 to defence funds and extended the draft act. First, the House of Representatives appropria- : : tions cor rittee, at an emerg Douks Set More Fires '"While the German people are still confused wo should seize the opportunity to settle the German problem properly," advised Elmore Philpott in speaking to the Women's Canadian Club last night. "If we do not another war will follow. Unless we act quickly, the Russians may make a deal with the old fashioned IL- Nude Women Endeavour To I extension of the Selective Scrv-Indress Provincial Constable ice Act. ... . nationalism of Germany whica will completely demoralize American policy In Western Europe, Russia is in a position to make OLD FAITHFUL. While automobile were stalled along the highway leading into Rosenfield in southern Manitoba, a horse and buggy managed to get through. This photo shows Highway 14A south of the community, shortly after flood waters swept over the area in the worst flood the district has had since 1897. Dozens of families were marooned and rail anri rnaH traffic t f. ACP Photo) this deal right now." Mr. Philpott advanced two ap-Vilson. proaehes to the German que.i- tion: Parent-Teachers Hear Report j A sn0rt term policy, all 'powers agreeing to withdraw reduce German arms to compare with those of Switzer ,0n Recent Vancouver Meetings ' Instead of the relar monthly meeting of the NELSON cnjn vn (P) Two xwo East fcast Kooi-i K.oo 1 enay vUlages yesterday again ! suffered ed the wrath of Doukho-'1 bor fire raiders. Two more dwell ings were burned one at Kres. tova and one at Shoreacres. During the- past week fifteen i homes have been burned by the Sons of Freedom sect, the re. I ligious group which accoraj nude parades and prayers. Nude women at Krestova endeavoured to disrobe Provincial Constable Robert Kidd but sue ceeding In unfastening only two buttons of his tunic. Q.C.C. Yoman Flown Here ', I Fnnce Rupert Parent-Teacher Council a joint meet- ing for all members Of the hah in Hio Qnri;tnn;.im rf School. i The purpose of the joint meeting was to provide land. 2. Long term policy, working to transform the United Na- tions into a federation of western democracies, one force and one policy, admitting Germany as a sovereign state and the Germans as citizens of such a It-deration. Mr. Philpott said that the 1 Germans seemed to have learned that war is not a good idea and, if they were shown a really democratic form ot Knvertwnent, they would ac cept it. There was no sign of a return of Fascism in Germany, said Ure speaker, but there was rampant German nationalism and some signs of anti-semitism. Right now Germany was split Hnun tho mlrlrilo Tl) rrmi9.11S i valleys tonight will be accompan-A mercy flight by a Queen led by snarp ,rost. CoasU1 areas Charlotte Airline aircraft piloted mns(lv ar. .ith pnn, nnrf,,. ar Looking Bad For Formosa TAIPEI, Formosa (f Corn- munist guerrillas, penned lor months in the ruceed "Five Finger" Mountains of Hainan Island, yesterday swarmed to within four miles of Yulin, Na- tionalist escape gate, as the gen- eral on Hainan Island said that Generalissimo. Chiang Kai-Shek had ordered the Island abandoned. This abandonment order was denied here but "there were reliable indications, nevertheless, that the report was" true. Fall of Hainan will prevent transfer of sorely-needed war materials for Formosa wjiich may ,u,c" " " v"""u"" invaders before long. Halibut Fleel i If MtWIintt j I A lilt i AUcr After wpckg of preparauon, i,.,iKt halibut cirin,w or. rood,, t.n push the starting button for tho quest of the deep sea fish. Up to Wednesday only two vessels cleared out of Prince Rupert--both American. One cleared forf Sitka and the other for Peters burg. But before the sun sets on Saturday Uic fleet from in addition to I boat. .rom Vancouver and across the border, will have de parted. The season opens May 1 It ls estimated the Prince Rupert fleet numbers at least j00 boats, Vcssels for Arca No 2 can clear as from today but it is believed, most boats will be on tne move Friday. Clearing dat-; for Area o. 3 was Wednesday, Except for a few small casual itches, there is little expectu- uon that any of the fishermen noted newspaper column- are fthead or Great Brltain and that Canada should help Britain "because we need their markets in our economy as much as they need our products." Ninety-two members of the Women's Canadian Club listened with keen Interest to Mr. Phllpott's discourse. His subject was "What We Saw in Germany." He was introduced by the vice-president, Mrs. Thomas B. Black, who was ln the chair " ln the absence of Mrs. G. k. . ; president. The chair man thanked the speaker ana a question period followed Mr Philpott congratulated Prince Rupert on the achieve- ment . in m rivic civic life iiie which naa jorS Centre. the opportunity for all members to hear a report from F. R. Wright, local delegate to this year's B.C. Parent-Teacher Fed-era Uon convention held recent ly in Vancouver in the Point GrYy JaniorHijh School, Ker- risdale. " Women were definitely in the majority at the convention, Mr. Wright declared, 500 women to 22 men. "Mrs. Becker warned me j before I left that I would be popular,'? Mr. Wright said, "an.i she was right. ' Mr im rpnnrteH t.hfl the following resolutions had been' dealt with at the' -coiiven tion: 1. A 'resolution advocating the early release of students from school for farm help, was referred to the executive of the B.C. Parent-Teacher Federation to be taken up with the Department of Education. ,2. A resolution recommending that action be taken to abolish the sale of firecrackers was de-, feated. The deleeates felt this to be a matter for rental con-, 'e West .1) I'lUf Illy VUI 1 ... ,.' jj a coroner's jury ft ,ipnnnn 51 t to the cieaui ui j-'er Allied Gagnon. ,1 m General ni- y, following a iob-. at Ju.-kalla camp charlottes Friday he victim was uown 3y Queen cnanuwe accident uttuum Friday. He was in Y P 'n- wiisun, cm- jrman r. ........ I, camp anu a icuuw witnessed me aoci-t inquest, conducted M. M. Stephens, he v that choking rig-irning to the don-i: readied tlie point ,;; and Gagnon were km blew a whistle .nain line. HC said a caught in a root. Lain line tightened, broke loose ana nd "head high." struck on the head knew what hit oppwl and rolled ascioas -nan, Mr.! as carried on uj over 1,000 leet to trorn iiieit, a "uiand ,jn to the camp ! away. A piane picfc.- '.aree-quarters of nn j Gagnon stood too main line as lii1: returning. He said .ear a safety hat. : was -about 35 feet m line.. His partner, t much farther. personnel safety the company from save testimony. Hi , hard hats are supine mailing to u.s; . he sail!', it is coiil-fallers and buckers ie ue ef the head- xprt&sed the opinion d hat could have Em's life. Sergin told the jury attended Ga.non, t the logger suf-; ne injury to thy lase of the skull. He from the nose and The doctor also irked hemorrhage - eyes. He said the deeply unconsciou.3 Jmost non-existent. ::i respiratory failure :norrhage involving -iry center in the result of a severe ufh damaccd the nd associated struc- 'Ctor declared. In SCOkKS today ft'wial League :a 5, Brooklyn 2 New York 1 EDNESDAY American New York 10 St Louis 6 "'1 5, Philadelphia 3 't Chicauo postponed National 3 Cincinnati 2 liia 4 n,-, ...... c I 1 "wwrvil. J I at Boston, postponed f" liilernalioiial f- Sclera 4 'iC Yakima 7 itje Coast f Los Angeles 4 ? 1 1U- Seumc 3 i 6- Sacramento 5 $ TUESDAY S"1 'nternalionai 2- Tacoma 5 Victoria 1 ri5- vakima 9 !2;San-anienlo 3 . I san DioRo 3 f 1 Ll Angeles 6 2 P' April 28 1950 -10:21 182 feet 22:56 194 feet - 4:17 7-1 fnet 16:37 4.9 Sound ency si-.-,. ,a, voted an additional $350,000 000 lor air and naval defences on recommendation of I Defence Secretary Louis John-I son and joint chiefs of staff. It. also came out for a two-year Dsf if tft j f Ufff-V , QvllSU I UCJ Evened new WESTMINSTER (P Los Angeles Monarchs last night whacked New Westminster Royals 3 to 0 to send the Pacifis Coast Hockey League series into the seventh and final contest Saturday night. THE WEATHER Synopsis Rain and snow was falling this morning over the southern ln-J terior and as far north as tlie Cariboo from a storm moving across the State of Washington. Clearing weather In the southern terly. wjnds. However, more rain "appears to be on the way from a .,orm movln ln from th- p.. lflc Tne raln expected to reacll prfnce Rupert by Friday morning and Vancouver and Victoria by late Friday afternoon. Forecast North Coast Region Mostly .clear today, increasing cloudiness overnight with rain commencing early Friday morning. Rcmain- cool. Northerly winds 25 shJfUng to southerly a5)' this evening and increasing to southeast (30) by daybreak. Lows tonight and highs tomorrow at Port Hardy and Sandsplt, 35 and Prince Rupert, 32 and 50. A general business meeting with a good turnout of mem. bers Ders was was held d 1 by the Sons of Norway In the organization,' hall Wednesday night. President John Fredheim was in the chair, Refreshments were served after uie meuus oy Mrs. u. oirana " "ci umwe. J.'linst.ii. I -i Hi) Aumaque 30 Beattle .04 Bevlourt : . .31 Buffalo Canadian .14 Consol. Smelters 100.00 Con west 1.28 Don.Jda 61 Eidpna '. -31 'is East Sullivan 6.75 Giant Yclluwknife 8.20 God's Lake .35 Kardrock .42 1 Harricana .06 Vj Heva 07 'j Hosco .09 Jacknlfe 07 Joliet Quebec 66 Lake Rowan 15 Little Long Lac 46 Lynx 26 '4 Madsen Red Lake 3.00 McKenzie Red Lake 55 McLcod Cockshutt 3.50 Moneta 35 Noranda 69.50 Louvicourt .22 Pickle Crow 1.7a Regcourt 05 San Antonio 3.50 Senator Rouyn 26 Sherrlt Gordon 2.35 Steep Rock 3.15 Sturgeon River .23 Silver Miller .73 Upper Canada 3.50 em rut.a u .v. men mey Knew tvuia .u take over the whole country and they did not want that. Still Efficient As soon as one crosses the border into Germany, one is aware of Bhe efficiency of German officials, Mr. Philpott said. The German people may, nave. v-vfc -PVlJi i i I i city's four P.T.A.'s Was RfU Ti,.;.,i u;u Red River Is Still Rising , WINNIPEG to The Red River struck again last night at a 27-mlle stretch on its wan- dering course through southern Manitoba. This time it brought insidious, creeping paralysis "ther than a sudden deluge. After a d of lui;klnS Vithta was a bit of receding here', and a bit of rising there. Just south of the border the river swelled silently to set a new record leve and surpassed the 1948 peak a few mi es nor n. For Emerson, almost on the 4ntrnatlonal border, it was U second assault wave in four ' 1 . ror dominion t-uy, i.aieiuer, St. Jean de Raptlste and Morris nadian course did the level remain consiani. j Mr. and Mrs. M. Sims, who ar- rived from Edmonton by train Tlle.sday evening, are enjoying ... , their vlslt 111 Plince Eurt- t, Their first trip here, they were r pleased at the good weather the clly is enjoying after having , ,, . , . ... been constantly told that nothing but rain exists here. They are 'visiting their son John, on the staff of the Daily News. They ex- . . wv . . . - . . , tVl A,ho,(a caPital on Monday's train. was carried and passed on to the proper authorities for action, 9. A resolution advocating the supply of milk to school children by the Provincial Government at a nominal cost was passed 172 to 118. This was the Only resolution On Which ,1 , standing vote was taken. 10. A resolution advocating the spite of much controversy. 12. A resolution advocating the placing of kindergartens on the same basis as elementary schools was passed, with the convention going on recora as wishing to take steps to improve the status of kindergarten. many dangerous qualities hutjprmce Rupert they have good qualities too, nc; said he considered the German people as a whole to be healthy, lro, . lit was a deadly clutch after a 3 A resolution advocatine the' Png finger. . , baLtr of Cex" novels was Only at Winnipeg and points also defeated. Delegates felt rth on the Red's 110-mile Ca. towns was halted for 24 hours. ; AIR MYSTERY SOLVED SEATTLE The chief pilot of 1 Boeing air field here has solved the mystery of the strange object seen flying over Vancouver Tuesday afternoon. - It was a B50 bomber flying at great height and with a wake of vapor. It would have the shape nf a huge ice cream cone, he said. -V- GETS TEN .YEARS, v; ,' NEW WESTMINSTER Alvin Roy Letoux, who held up a branch of the BtVc of Montreal here recntly and shot the manager, Alistair Jack, was yesterday sentenced to ten years' Imprisonment. He told tj the court he had no inten- 1 tion of shooting. Mr. Jack was sufficiently recovered yestcr day to he released from hospital. Burglars were iTntcr-crpted last night in an a tempt to remove the safe. Two arrests were made. CONTINUING SEARCH . VANCOUVER Three Royal Canadian Air Force planes set out today to continue the search for a private plane missing since Monday night on a flight from Trail to Vancouver. Two mc.i were on board. FOUR ASPHYXIATED : . MONTREAL Four of a seven-member family were asphyxiated yesterday in a gas-filled home in the East End. The dead are all children, aged H to 3. A defective furnace, losing coal gas fumes, is blamed MARTIN LOSES APPEAL VANCOUVER The British Columbia Court of Appeal yesterday unanimously refused an appeal of- Gordon Martin agas.r.t a refusal of the B. C. Law Society to allow him to practice. Owing to the unanimity, Martin cannot appeal to the Supreme Court of Canada, BUTTER PRICE LOWERED . OTTAWA The wholesale support price of butter has been dropped 5c as from May 1, Minister of Agriculture told Parliament yesterday. It will ' be 53c in the East and 52',-c in the west. ' NO CANADIAN WHEAT OTTAWA India, which bought 11,000,000 ' bushels of wheat from Canada last year, is takirnT. none this year, Minister of Trade and Commerce announced today. One of the 'reasons is that India wants to be self-sufficient. Rev. H. S. Forbes, pastor of the United Church at Ocean Falls, sailed for the paper town aboard the Princess Louise yesterday af- , ter a brief visit in this city and at Terrace, , and happy. He found some hope in the fact that the younger , people were friendly while the older were sour. j The speaker told of amazing-1 ly good roads in Germany and of beautifully cultivated farm lands where there ls no ma-, chlnery at all only animal and women power,, no men being in evidence on the farms. I by Norman Jermyn, brought Mrs Banish of Queen Charlotte dfty .u mia morn- i"ff- A stretcher case, she was taken from the plane at 9:40 by city ambulance. Out awing ; X- . j i . , ' 'ing CANBERRA .-Strong police patrols uarded the House of ' Rcpresentatives tonight when Prime Min(ster Roben introduced a bu, to oulIaw , . . . he st ' ,n Cojrm"n, A"f- 50; tralla- biu would dissolve the party, declare it unlawful ana appoint a receiver for Its assets, aLmtu "u Ule was heaviIy Buarded in case oI Communist demonstrations. Only persons with written authoriza- "ou weie aununeu tu uic ou.m- (Courtesy S. U. Vancouver Bayonne 03 Bralorne 8.80 B. R. Con 03 V B. R. X 05 Cariboo Quartz 1.27 Congress 26 Heclley Mascot 34 Pacific Eastern .05 Pend Oreille s 5.70 Pioneer 3.20 , Premier Border 03 ',4 Privateer 12 '2 Reeves McDonald 2.35 Reno 03 Sheep Creek 1.13 ' Silbak Premier .36 Taku River .14 Vananda 16a Salmon Gold .07 Spud Valley .06 y4 Silver Standard .87 Oils-Anglo Canadian 4.95 .A. P. Con 32 Atlantic 1.95 Calmont 50 C. & E 8.00 Central Leduc 1.40 Home Oil , 14.75 Okalta 1.80 Pacific Pete 5.90 Princess 47 Royal Canadian 05Va Toronto Athona 13H ine cities oi uerniany wac(Wm be back mucn earner man "unbelievable chaos" whereas in a week Tiaai conditions in England there are practically j Hecae Straits, they say, will no war scars left. In Germany, nave a tendency to delay deep however, after all these years, sea Operatlons. Good prices are the cities are still heaps of expected, for the halibut in rubble. stock here has been pretty well In spite of this, there was the cieane(j up, contradiction of Industrial de- velopment which Increased ( Brilain yet&s Help this, too, to be a matter to be , . . . . utuit Willi uy puieiiLa. . 4. A resolution advocating 'that each individual P.T.A. be lnformed. as to how the dus they pay to the B.C. Parent- Teacher Federation annually are spent and also that a copy cf the minutes of the executive meetings of the Federation bo provided to each P.T.A., was de- featcd. It was felt that the ex- . , outweighed the good. 5. A resolution ,r e q u e s t i r. ' special classes for "retarded" childen was defeated, as the matter Is nlreadv heinff loked into by the Department of Edu- j cation. 6. Aresolution advocating parents be made responsible for damage done by their children1 was nasseri for reference to tlie proper authorities. 7. A resolution recommend- j ' ing that the carrying of knives nr other wrnnnns hv inveniln. ' be made illegal, was also passed 'on to the authorities for their steadily through the war ana was now going on so well that lst and radl0 commentator, who products shown are of Just as visiled Brnain and made an ex-good quality but cheaper in tenAeA ot lhe continent price than those of England. last fall told the club last night In the Ruhr Valley industrial hg thinks worse times yet aeveiopment was aimumg uc- ckired Mr. Philpott. "The thing that bewilders the Germans," asserted the speaker, "is how they were beaten by Russian savages, British blunderers and overgrown American school boys." Fear of Russia is very real in ' Germany, Mr. Philpott told the ladies, as was also scorn for the Western powers. j The British policy of demol ishing their docks, their art! ficial gas factories for obvious reasons has made the Britisn very unpopular. The Germans are more friendly to the Amer icans who are inclined to action. publishing of a children's maga- It was stated, incidentally, by zine, was defeated for the rea-several prominent delegates, in- son that past experience had eluding Walter Mulligan, Van- proven such an enterprise to ce couver Chief of Police, that the a non-paying proposition, epidemic of "hoodlumism" in 11. A resolution advocating the Vancouver had been played up revision of elementary school far out of proportion by the report cards was carried, in press. , ' 8. A resolution requesting that the Province assume a larger sare or the cost of education, that one percent out of the i-uiee perceni social service anu Municipal Aid Tax be used en- 1 theiy for educational purposes,' fraternize, " " Mr. Philpott .. sa.d . . . he - did ,,,, not ( French cS.o. see feet