I Cotton became a marketable j crop In the United States in 1620 although It was mmnm-a- Prince Rupert Daily Hews Thursday, April 27, 1950 COM'"" Ray Reflects ... fSinW- lively undeveloped until the in- r ...,,n;, skeena. venuon 01 the cotton gin in 1793. Lands Minister Is Coming North about May 17 lor a visit to this city and his home town of race, according to word received ...nicw lane, and Reminisce . . . tne East Kotenay, and r' ... Westmin- Past Mistresses Of Orange Dine Mrs. Henry Smith jr. has been Mistresses'. Association of the elected president of the Past Ladies' Orange Benevolent Association for the coining year with Mrs, John Johansen as vice-president; Mrs. Harry Paulson, The teeth of nearly all sharks Hobby Fair Under Way Art is a big feature of the annual Hobby Fair which opened at the Civic Centre this afternoon. The whole small gymnasium is devoted to displays of art from far and near. An outstand- f :,( !fl MOW, ' appointed ...minted to to Uie Uie Hon. E. T. Kenney, Minister by Jack McRae, M.L.A. " for of Lands and Forest and mem-1 Prince Rupert. It is expected ber of the Legislature for Mr. Kenney will also visit other Skeena, will be arriving hers points in his own constituency. and ska'.es are set in the gums ff mittce 11" on railways, rather than the' Jaws and fall yum in away and are replaced more or , .Pimraph lines It was on the dock in West St. steamships of the C.P.R.) drew John that the first Doukhobors toward the wharf a sound, more ever to set foot in Canada, landed like a cnant than a hymn or song. The surine mnmm. came f'n the groups on deck. 2ret Eastern Liberals, less continuously . When braising any meat that Show which is distinctly differ ent. It continues through from nlls been floured, it is better to secretary, and Mrs. Maud Vier- and breezy. Papers ' had been Voices were low ,and with a good deal of solemnity. eck, chaplain The annual din- pmi, coiupn&eu m tne uway to Saturday, afternoon at id '' " MU"'J- 1Ile "'own wm n',r, ,:', ,v, ,. I paintings of Jean Cameron, not-'evening. .stay on the meat better than If .playing up the coming of th.c ' it is browned very quickly. dinine rnnm ed Canadian artist. Nearer home I peace lovers from Russia and It was their way of expressing public interest was wide awake. ' gratitude for bavin g been You will he delighted with this fragrant tea .. are displays from Prince George 1 The word "Doukhobor" was so brought safely across the Atlan- ...v,.u6 U1C ui.hu-., w,e .au-rand -ean Quesnel MisjJ Faure,s ies adjourned to the home of Mrs. j lccal aH classes are a,s0 effect. Vic Menzies the fur. monthly lvplv am! ppnproilslv rmrmlM, I new it couldn't be properly pro- tic. St. John's police chief, the I nounced. The whole business i late W. Walker Clarke, watched meeting at which Mrs. Frank El- I naa an alluring mystery about it, ! them file ashore. It was clear , or seemed to. It was said they that anything in the shape of jJL';on Pres'ded. The sum of $10 was voted to be sent to the Prot- with many new and striking pictures. The general hoboy fair completely occupies the large gym ; would not fight, authority or officaldom held the 'estant Children's Home in New instant attention of the chanting strangers. One burly figure -he minster. Mrs. Agnes Murray Practically all were of sturdy nasium with handicrafts and MONTREAL, April 271 h Every womim kaows that lovely hair- can do tcnvilera for her appearance ant morale 1 That's why I'm to pleased with my discovery of a home permanent that's rrally kind to my hairl Ki' hard Huilmit, who ore the specialists in hnlr-e ire. know it's the Waving Lotion that make nil the difference I And now they've developed a Homo Permanent Waving Lotion that 's been geion-tilieallv proved to be 22 mom rffeetivel That BUM healthy build and in early middle , might have been Veregin-stud- was . winncr 01 a raffle- Next oddments of wide variety ar life. Sheep skin and long boots l ranged along uie walls and on lied the chief, from a respectful "-""6 ' n al nome j distance. He also stared at brass Mrs. John Johansen. iormea part of the dress of some. As the liner, (one of the 'Lake the tables. Notable are the plays of those who took sewing i buttons that shone, blue uni- One of th? earliest recorded i form, smart cap and insignia He arid home furnishings courses at means smoother, prettier, (mrinior nirls r7;r!s that ore ronntr 1m! That's why I always recommend a RICHAIIL HUDNUT HOME PERMANENT for lovely, manageable hair! Make It The Firil Word on your home-fiimishmir shopping ' list for. 4-,.Ur a U 1 l.ltllilfM .. hastened over, and removing his cold spells in England occurred the recent University of British lve a reverential dow. "oo. wnen me ground was Columbia extension course con- irozen irom mid-January until I tna fire o : rrti.. All this was a few years after '"ol "'.""B- mattress is tne -xast word - m comtort I J ho - v I Wll "Airfoam" Eull-Depth mattress is pillowy, featliorlight latex foam whipped to a frothy, sir-tilled texture, ffS1 J then molded and permanently "Bet"! Its soft rcsili- I )nc tncy supports every inch of your body easily anil 1 1 the turn of the century. High ult, was,a food shorge and mmsJaam. Always ! : pressure was being applied to the I "c"lum "use. cultivation of the prairie p.ov- ducted by Miss Ailcen Cross. Down one wall are striking displays of ingenious art work and handicraft of the schools, some of the projects Being, indeed. Intriguing. These are only a few of the many hobby show features to correctly. This wonderful mattress is completely "sar- Brool "mildew-uroof" repellent to eerms and i inces. and growth of lonely look- ,,,,, , . . , . , '. , . . , rolled immigrant trains, long and " ing towns into humming cities. Lrm,. . ' Kb crowded. Canada had From the ports of the Marititnes vermin and neither creates nor holds dust, it s clean as clean can be snd lasts years longer! It's cool in summer cozy in winU-r and it's a real blessing to allergy sufferers, for (Joodyenr "Aiifoam'- is lintlcss. Thesa are just a few of the reasons why "Airfonm" is the brightest, newest news in home furnishing 1 To find out ALL about it amply writa to me Hmbam Bnnt, 11,11 Crescent St., Montreal, I'.Q. for your FREE COPi of the amuiinglr iltuttrated "Goodyear Airfoam" booklet I become accustomed to them but ti.e Doukhobors, in a sense, were detached. These were different. Just how different no one could even dimly imagine. HAMBURGERS We Women just can't help being IV-fn Good Time For Mother' Day-tend lor this free booklet that describe the pereet llnthcr's Day "Just what they need out west," said a cheerful citizen who had never been far from home, as he a lutlc practical about Spring. It's such a lovely time of year that it makes us want to freshen. Mi which' there are contributions from city and district. Miss Aileen Cross will be giving lectures afternoons and evenings on subjects relating to household science and home economics. Home made moving picture presentations, with unusual and intimate touches, are other added features to this year's Hobby VICTORIA REPORTS (Continued from page 2) ' treasures. He does this -II - MORPHYi pit! ei .' The famous up our homes and make our- RK'H.A IAHDS InUu AUTOMATIC delves lovely. watched the arrivals boarding the colonist cars waiting at Sand Point. To a strictly limted extent, yes. Some lived out their days, in Canada, industrious and law abiding. But who could see that half a century later, the fanaticism then already stirring would become literally glowins, and self-willed victims, nude and too! And, of course, the basts of loveliness is personal daintiness. Don't risk offending duo to perspiration odourl Just make sure your charm ia protected by NONSl'I it's the truly effective. liquid anli-perspirantl Did you know that many doctors recommend it? It's safe to use won't harm fabrics and it's truly gentle to the skin. Just a few seconds with Nonspi stops perspiration be ELECTRIC TOASTER will bo one of mother's prized household possesstoDS for many Mother's ljays to cornel For this jully automatic toaster with its wonderful new improvements is pkiHully made by expert British craftsmen for years and years of breakfast cheer 1 You'll find it at leading department stores... so reasonably priced at $22,501 So do write to me now Barbara Brent, 1411 Crescent St., Montreal, P.Q. for information you'll twin! lo harei about the monderful gift you'll rani to buy for Mother Mr. Ireland is 36, native ' of Vancouver. All his life he's been on the hop. He took his B.A. at U.B.C., then hurried off to "University of Toronto got his M.A., ! PREPARED MUSTARD notorious, be wandering around the smoking ruins of what had )cen their homes. Mere is a CHRISTIE 8ISCUIT fir every taste am fore it begins, bo simple to apply, too... with its convenient, completely sanitary applicator! News For Mothers Of Teen-gs Here's Something to lighten V stayed another year on al scholarship. He taught at South! Burnaby High, in between times studied at the Hudson's Bay - Company Archives in London, Daughters! Cossard havo created a per- by T.R.lYl. rim brighten spring house - cleaning ...ENERdINK CLE AN I NG ELLTD! Here's bowitsuvesyou time, money . feet girdle for 1 her ... it's the in the magnificent archives at the Library of .Congress in i fed up! Your Dad wants I lyA -AN new GOSSAR-DEIi! Made of I L. light, airy mall J 1 tcrials that wash p in a wink Washington, D.C. In 1940 he became B.C. Archivist. A few years later he went 'Butwhere'll I get really fine cold meats? HeS Don'tcookJDad'll love cold meats like Cooked Ham or Mac Tknow Dad'JI go for meats from an Authorized Swift .Dealer. His Table-Read 5 same old supper every A don't need iron light! What can I cook and Cheese Loaf Meats arc into the R.C.A.F. He returned in 1945, the next year was appointed librarian-archivist. As loii as people of B.C. grow so fussy i J lofs new ! r ' i i j y I a ' ciap! I it nd energy. Energme works wonders cleaning tubs, basins, tiling and refrigerators . . . stubborn stains vinish and porcelain surfaces just shine! And you ran easily got. rid of ugly grease spots on your rugs and upholstery with Encrginc. Use it to remove grease spots from winter clothes and drapes before storing remember, grease spots are breeding spots tot moths! Encrginc is absolutely snjc contains no acids nor caustics! You'll find it's a household 'must' tako my auvico ond put Encrgine on your shopping list today at drug;" and department stores for as litlla as 25c more history conscious, Willard Ireland is happy. He doesn't care how this is done. Flippant historical stories in the news ing Oossar-Deb is all the young giil needs for a slim, trim figure ! These wonder-working girdles weigh just a few ounces, yet smooth every bump 'n' bulge! Do choose one of the figure-flattering Gossar Debs for your daughter! They're available ia several different styles at belter stores everywhere and so reasonably priced ! And, by the way, I hero are famous Gossard foundations for jvcry figure type and ago group Tlu- Swift Autlioricd Sign al your butcher's assures vou of the What Could Be flieer than to papers have their place, he be-'ieves, because they create an 'ntcrest in history. ,A few who ea.d such stories go on to more orious study. Next time you go Into the 'ibrary and archives and see a oung man in a soiled smock, and a smudge on his nose, don't lismiss him as the office-boy r janitor. hear this said alHiut you "Who's that woman with tho most nutritious, hcst-tastinR cold meats Swift's Premium Table-Ready Meats. Made o'f selected meats and pure spices, Swift's meat loaves and sausage are uiumdilinnally guarantee the finest of their kind. Huv them with confidence! TABLE-READY MEATS IS. l fovdy hair?"I Well, here a a golden opportunity for yon viM&mM I LuuiWJ w.a (' Eauy To Vndemlani why babies thrive on 11ELSZ BABY EOODS1 Carefully, expertly cooked to baby's taste . ..Ucins Baby Eoods are just, right for tiny tots V toddlers! And, of course, these fnmous foods ate backed by the Hems reputation for quality. That's why mothers everywhere choose tho meat products, soups, cereals, vegetables and desserts cooked specially for baby in Heinf gleaming kitchens! Next time you go marketing ask your dealer for lleinz Baby Foods in tho convenient 5-onnce tin that's vacuum-sealed for flavour freshness 1 to make mire your huir is lovely I A 30c bottle of kXREML SHAM. POO ean be your for just 10c. Simply tend 10c to me Barbara Brent, 11,11 Crescent St., Montreal, J'.Q. grid I'll tend you a regular 30c bottle of Kreml Shunt-poo. I know you'll like itt It has a very special "miracle" ingredient called "Eolisan" that leaves your hair cleaner than ever before. What's more, Kreml Shampoo lias a tmiurai oil base isn't drying to your hair as shampoos based on a detergent formula tend to be. It takes more tomatoes to I Alicayt Think there's a real thrill Vre ' Taken A Tip - i from a fashion model i- Kjr":' I know. She says her I V -d f in setting out all ' job depends on her r good health and ';,s f i 1. ..,.. .i... I iiA V the necessary ingredients that go into a truly fine cake. Eggs, sugar, baking powder, salt. she nink-e n linliit. nf ' ; glass the "gentle press" Ubby .nil vn A r Aflfl mT 9 this beauty habit 1 . , . she drinks the S ,i1l XX w . fJl j IJ2-50 juice of one fresh lemon in a glass of water first thing on arising every morning! She says it perks her up wonderfully and helps keep her kin fresh and clear. You see, unlike harsh laxatives that "tie you up in knots", this natural fruit juice gently helps your system regulate itself ... helping vou keep taste the delectable shortening, chocolate, vanilla... and, most important of all, the cake flour! You'll not, be wasting vourf'me ingredients when the eaka flour is SWANS DOWN CAKE 11,01," 11! I've found that Swans Down makes consistently finer, ilutlicr cakes . . . cakes that aro always successful! Eor you play ex(ro safe when you use Swans Down. You see, it's milled by specialists in making cake flour and it is made from tho choicest of soft wheat ami sifted over and over again until it's 27 times as tine as ordinary flour ! 1 -no bitter- regular the healthful wayl So, for health and beauty's sake, keep a supply oi lemons always on hnnd! But be mire, they're St'NKlST CALIFORNIA. LEMONS . . . they're tho finest, jutcicst of all! Picture Yourself shopping in Olivrra Street, tho Mexican quarter ouisiac xioiiywoou, aiitoruia. Anu.incrr rigianrar you is movie star, Ava Gardner! She's chatting with, a little Mexican boy. That gives you a rhanco to ptare without her seeing you. But beautiful Ava knows you're staring! She's used to it. It's part of her star's life. And she makes sure shes well worth staring at by using flattering WOODIiURY POWDElt! Ava Gardner is just one of the Hollywood stars who chose Woodbury Powder six to one in response to a recent survey. Delicately perfumed Hr - C-iXilFS W Woodbury Powder has a very special ingredient which adds a smooth, satin glow to your skin. Anil thero are seven divine shades to cling lovingly I ... 19c 37c and two. Pour Husband has discovered there's a "sore" side to Spring garden OU8lE YOUR MONEY BACK it you " ' '. IKq) oil (our libby 'l "0ntl. Um"' Product. JUICt, SOUP, MCHUP ond CHILI SAUCE art th. ing., .heres tne answer to oh prcmiem! pi,o.a. 3 LINIMENT brings wonderful relict to muscles sore from digging and planting! In fact, Sloan's U a wonder lor all kinds of aches 'n' pains! It brings amMingly quick relief to foll:s suffering from sprains stiff necks neuralgia or rheumatism. You see, its penetrating heat gets right to the root of tlie ache... soothes it relieves the congestion. I'm never without a bottle of Sloan's Liniment Winter. Summer, GENTLE PRESS" TOMATO JUICE Spring or Fall ... it's such a comfort! Ask your druggist for Sau'a Liniment tomorrow ...it's only a b'Hilel