" Prince Rupert DoITy Rew Saturday, June 17, 1950 Sport Shots Sluggers Lead i FOOTBALL ' ' Jr. Another proof of the increasing interest in football Is the visit of the Aiyansh Athletic Foot - ... Junior softballers completed' Canadian Legion Tops ball team to play the General their first section of the schedule Thursday night with - the Sluggers winning by a 6 to three margin over the Baptists and the Annunciation-Scouts score. Motors club ;u a friendly game this evening. The Aiyansh team Is under the managership of Hubert McMillan. favor in the second half the Defeated Shnrt-Hanrted Battery Last Nite Legion attacked and, after sev 0? Seagram's j$urt Seagram's "V.O." Seaojanvi "83" 'Seagram's-Crown Royal-' Seagrams King's Plate Seagrams Special Old OA 0 o DOWN It is likely that there will be another exhibition football game In a week's time, when a team from Port Edward under Joa Daniels will meet one of the city teams. the Scouts claiming a tie. How- Last evening t North Star foot-ever Scouts' own score keeper ball game resulted in a one-sided had it S to 4, and Umpire Black-1 win for the Legion when they cby declared Annunciation the defeated a weakened Battery winner and that's the way the record will stand- e'even tv sl Boals lo nU Tnls The Juniors will start the sec-1 v. as the Legion's first win and end section of their schedule on puts them at the top of the Tuesday night. competition. . The Senior play tomorrow) Pavlikls was nearly through night with Firemen and Rupert ; but Sunberg cleared. Johansen Radio providing the competition. saved a snap rebound but wa JUNIOR LEAGUE STANDING' j wejj beaten when Armstrong very V L Pct.lnntiu rnnvfrtfA a pass from This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Boardor by the Government Tbi x eral close-in scrambles. Smith put the Legior two- up., Darrow Oome. Vuckovlch and " Alex Oomez were through but Gomea mufred the final chance. Corn-well waa Just wide f romlfellund's corner. Johansen saved twice but could not get the ball away and Armstrong made it three to nothing. Aird added a fourth, once again after Johansen had saved. Two more goals were added by Murray and the Legion finished with the wide margin of six goals to nil. TEAMS Canadian Legion: Krause; Sunberg, Eby; McAfee, Cornwell, Alexander; Baxter, Bowman, Smith, Armstrong, Murray; Yel-land, Aird, Shore. Heavy Battery: O. Johansen; For tonight'8 exhibition game with the Aiyansh Athletic Club's football team, the General Motors will have the following players to call on: Boulter, Sunberg, Robinson, Wilson, Lien, Glen Olsen, . Wellens, Currie, Price, Large; Magee, Ford, Hor-nell, Pat Wilson, McKay and Letourneau. ONE YEAR TO PAY ; i 0 1.000 Sluggers 4 Murray to put the Legion a goal .750 1 .250i up. Mazzonl and D. Oome broke up a Murray-Armstrong move. Johansen brought off a Tawks 3 1 Baptists 1 3 Scouts 1 3 Annunciation 1 3 .250 j .230 ; great save at. close range from Smith. 3axter and Bowman combined well but Dunbar and Mazzoni cleared. Johansen 'Classifieds bring quick results. Monday evening's game In the-North Star Football League wl'J bring the Canadian Legion anu General Motors against each other. - In the two u games to date: Classified Advertising Is payable In advance. Please refrain from telephoning rw! word per Insertion, minimum charge 50c. Birth Notices 60c. Cards of Thank i Death! eral Notices, Marriage and Engagement Announcements $2 00 i SPKCIAL DISPLAY, DOUBLE PRICE f punched away twice. Darrow thIOomes, Ounanoot; A.' Gomez, , ,.,rrf th hnii fiv-r " on the material and labour for your NEW ROOF ! Siding - Insulation or Asphalt Tile . 1 I rv i.u T .. l : l-1 tr --.v. I . , , IN MEMORIAM bar. Johansen saved on the line '.rm mouse, ruK.ia, uciura. ( oeiween mesa teams mey nave after Murray's corner kick. . Ye ' Referee, S. P. Woodside ; lines- f played to a draw, an indication FOR SAt.t. POH SAI.r men. Price; McAfee, Aird. the teams are j of how evenly matched. hem lov?n2 yU CUld not NATIONALLY KNOWN NAMES FOR SALE-14 ft ,1 -,rt hit Una-belt Speeder Shovels; row boat i 7 Anrt rt tnat ..,,. "' .k- than witl s Po1d-a Cranes:- Draglines: Ad ami' Atwater outb Zrl l i' land saved when Battery were through and then PavlikU hit the upright. With the hill and sun in the'r cold: Road Oraders: Littieford Brrm FOOTBALL COMMENT The sow. flattered the Lesion The Battery played all through with only ten men, being short And io those who knew him The North Star League games 8th Ave. E. or ohl Black Tod Road Maintenance Efluloment: Owen Clamshell will be Interrupted on Friday as m mimAiw m . ... k 1, p. Ill, I Buckets and Rock Orapoles: ! in mnrguu, rvrguBon, eucn aim , on mat evening me nrst rouna i in memory oi the lute John R T. U Smith Concrete Mlxeri I POR SALE Used. 7 j Clark Porkllft Trucks; Nelson! eotxi condition. Ct the Dnmihion Dn IShenr. wiy'rav taiea Julie. 17. li47l Cameron. The one man differ of j inrLAn bv his lovin wife down) Trophy will be played. ! and family. Utp ence was just too much to overcome. Johansen did a great lob The game will be between Gen- in goal saving many apparently I eral Motors and Heavy Battery ALCOHOLICS ANONVMOl'S Bucket laders for StockDlle and flnow Removal: Rloe Portable Centrlfiieal PUniDs; National Draellne Scraoers and Buckets: National All Steel Gasoline Hoi t s: National Portable Sawmills: National Rotarv Screens and Convevors Pull Information from National Machinery Co, Umlted Vancouver. B.C (tf 1 !RT- r,"a .i'Ofs asitlve and permanent' vnc sun lamo. $ao I oomDlete. $10: bed I $25: kitchen tab.J 18. and two dresM? mirrors. $5 each ' l: H Basement. I rOR'sALETfrc.,! 2 vears old with lust hifrtiiiled ni with air foam m.il burnine white enui toilet and sink ThM uriT.,u;u amuuuiiuj aim vaimuiaii uriuii ui viie iiiidi uii reieHse irom urmKine it Is a gave ur but they were nearly Dominion Day. i personal and confidential serv- ice for men or women rendered i cverwhelmed The Batterv half-' cverwneimeo. xne uaiiery nan-, without cost, or Inronveninnr For Complete Range . j Infant & Baby Wear j J and Baby Gifts fPJ f BABY BOOTIES 7f( :' J DIAPERS & i ROMPERS "uLibl f DRESSES ' Vls; ) Everything for the Baby j backs were overrun in spite of,1 The North Star competitiou bv other alcoholics who have! in ha be continued .i..,i '"" irmiuni rum aioonoL j Darrow Oomfz' efforts. Park-! will on Monday Prince Rupert. P.O. Box 130. FOR SALE 4 Dlece dinette suite, lieht color, like new. 735 8th Ave. West. (HI) (H) De useo lor nvinir .ij must be sold. No i offer refused. Phi LOST FOR SALE One Enellsh pram and one coiivmiihl huuuv i house also played all out. Pav-,June 26, whon the Battery and likis was never given any free- General Motors will meet. There dom and on two or three occa-1 will be no regular fixture on ions wheH Darrow Oomez and Friday of that week as on Si-tui-. he had made good headway their (day the final of the Dominion efforts were nullified by their .Day (Sheardown) Trophy will be Black 284. 14Cpi FOR SALE 1949 Van, LOST-S100 American on 3rd . r..-i- . r-r.-r-rv- raf"- un snwa Ave. Please return. Phone 4.. Reward. 142d f Verv reasiinable. 730 pailv N?w. :own lorwaras. Alex and Bill olaved. Then the North Star:. , . Avenue! on Third HELf WsMTI We are pleased to announce that GREER & BRIDDEN LTD, oei ween cow tiav ana tost; Office. Reward. Joe's Grocery. WA!nTD-Mldd a to care fur Dartial. hdv. small house town. Modern o. run bale rew ei usea nouse-hold furniture and hardware blcvcles for bovs and men. unoainted chest of drawer, end tables and coffee tablet, battery radios, floor covering, rifles. Musical Instruments and violins, etc.. Singer sewine machines, office chairs sleeping bags, loeelng boots end scores of other srooo articles. Oood values at lowest possible prices. B.C. Furniture. Phone Black 324. (TF) uiinc nicu uiutnuy. t vutKo-j iropny scneduie wiii continue a vltch lacked drive towards the follows: fnd- July 3 Heavy Battery vs. Krause kept a good goal and j Canadian Legion. Sunberg and Eby were always too i July 7 General Motors vs. fast and clever for the opposi- '.Canadian Legion. your local building contractors 142pt LOST Child's Dfcistic rimmed glasses between Borden Street School and Seventh Avenue West. Finder return to Daily News. -Reward. 14Q Please state salary Mrs. J. H. Smitn. li are now in a position to bring you a superior product for VS J HELP WAVTED-S with bxlcltfeD;n reouired liniiifiih'. emulovment a.vsur your building requirements, with materials from - "LbST Child's trlcvcle from tion. cornwel. turned in a good July 10 Heavy Battery name , and with" McAfee, who ! General Motors ' ! showed great improvement Yel-' : r- . FOR SALE Purebred Collie Aero Club. Phone Black 7SJ2. (140ul Rble ant)licant. Awi dups. 7 weeks old.-write Box 84. SmiUiers. B.C. ( 142pt HOLDING PRODUCTS LIM- HOTEL ARRIVALS 38 or Bub r-Mtt office. 3rd Ave. FOR SALE Black oak dining Baseball Equipment jnt, Alexander ana isnore, the c halfback line, had offensive asj well as defe.vive power. The j forward line fhowed resourceful I TED, the largest manufacturers of asphalt shingles in CAN LOST A wallet containing Important oaoers especially en--franclsement Daoer. If found! olease return to Simon Mor! rison. or to the Duilv News. riiuin uue. wm pieces. i.u. 1I,,u,rCT1 m.vi j,( Irince l.tpert O. O. Tucxer, B. Mason, V. i r 1 1 1 Phone Black .491. 112 Taxi. ADA. FOR 8ALE Bed chesterfield Reward. (143p rotary sewlna machine, mans lij' Ah,vTTi- ,.i.. Ai i .. k..ui Hp lflhie DOVS Or 21: .and constructive power. Murray Fleming, W. Murphy, O. R iarid Armstrong, with two goals . McComb, P. Jt. Choquette, Van each and Aird and. Smith one 'couver; E. J. Boyd, Stan Parke' i each, got the goals. Baxter was Terry Livelton, Juskatla; F. j FOR RFNT rocker and babv stroller. i to handle ' Dallv M Phone Blue 508 or Black .140 j -the,! SHINGLES are available in weights from 125 lbs. to 210 lbs. per square, and feature Such as Gl.oves, Spikes, etc., are badly needed by your youngsters playing Junior Baseball in the city Please Phone Art Murray at "99" Taxi and equipment will be picked up fast, neat and effective. Adams, Green Bay; K. P. Daynes NORTH STAB STANDING ; 'Mrs. G. Stobl, North Battleford; bi-! WORK WANT! FOR 8ALE- -Girl's Enellsh cvcle. Phone Blue 10. the new 165 lb. TITONY the FOR RENT Rooms. No. 20 Cow Bay. (141) FOR RENT One laree roomed fullv furnished cabin. Phone Blue 825. (143 W L D Pts A. L. Ericksoa, SeatUe; Mr. and self-locking shingle, in an at UIPEMPIjOYMENT wan : 5 II Vff Mnnl-V m-m"l Kill """ Mrs. E. Martin and Betty, I tractive design. (FOR SALE holidays. Green 885 Lef ion 1 .General Motors I Battery : 1 Smlthers. like new. 307 I lth; cnain saw, Ave East. (141PI FOR RENT Sinele and double! sleeolne room for men willing to share. Blue 433. 143u 2 13 REPAIRS , . : I BATTERY PROTEST FOR SALE Natural draft Queen Dot burner, end tables. WATCH Reoalrs or Clent oerTlce. Of-Jeweller. Satisfactiu teed. draft ina desk . complete withi board, tee 'and set sauares.. ' BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY . FOn SALE Boa, building and repair shon with valunble double bed. table and chairs Books of Knowledae. Rear 1 IU8 oil BURNER SPf1 Ambrose after six. l43pt SU)Ve Ser'iee & R' ' waterfront lot on Cow Bav, boat thed 70' bv 60' with four Heavy Battery informed relc ree S. P. Woodside at last evening's game that they Were protesting the game with the Canadian Legion, claiming that the Legion had used too many sub-stltules , If the protest is confirmed In writing within twenty- I Ronson. bhpk eTits. two under riKif with all FOR SALE Trolllnc boat "Elm holm" 14 -h o Renal, readvi AITO ("AMI' tools, band.saw. circular saw, i : TitnollMmoIk 1 far fishing l"on h nnvcrtffi! I iuui iiuuia piuiesi will De portable skill saw. sander. drills, electric motors, paint porav. etc . all in A-l coikII-tlon. Full price $5,500 R. E. Mortimer. 324 2nd Ave. Phone 88. 14l BUSINESS "oPFOnTlTNTTT Into elllnttter. Abo 7 h p. Snend vour vacate Vivian. Inauire at Prince Ru-. Katlilvn Auto tainn pert Fishermen's Credit -Union. nble housekeepn I baths, flee (145 - shower ... . . , I trnjiintnina. boiitlna. i FOR SALE Clearance. 500 tvne- n"uin film bin writers. All Standard Models g 'A, "r., b C. Including Underwood. Rem- B'!,"1." V-- " ington. Smith. RovaJ. Reeulur, WANTl" ; reierrea ta the Board of Appeal, the members of which are Jack Frew, Dr. a. E. H. Montgomery and Pat Formun. - . . li I li ..m w li . $39 50 each Inter models WANTED TO REN' i sb m mm mm .-. ... , h i ii n vi ii i it INSULATED SIDING comes In three shades of brick, with $49.50 each. Excellent cowll- 3 or 4 room motion. Monev-back Guarantee.! or unfurnisliea. We ship COD. Write Capital 318. . -ChBrmlne country home near Cedarvale with dinln? room for travellers. Over 50 acres on Hiahwav New house running water, electric lighting, fireplace, central heating, basement knottv nine panelled llvlmf and dinlne robm. Has creek 'white or black mortar lines Equipment Co.! 2098 St. Cath-j, . ruaTe casV X. w" Montreal. "ffwo built or thre. also the popular stone finish wucurc. .'(' r k ii . en fnmiirea or the new INSULTEX shingle Phone Black 833. on property ideal spot for FOR SALE 1931 sedan. Can be type In buff or birch grey. tourist camp and countrvi seen at Dan's Service Station. vctv v v : "lk .' ' . " . ' ill WANTED - .ff'S; " ' . (144p) R.W.COLLINS Authorized Dealer for ELECTROLUX Will be residing permanently in Prince Rupert Contact the above for all Service required and for Parts and Supplies popper. Jo c c; W-c' ators. Phone NSULATION of FIBERGLASS, ' West. Mines in paper encased rolls, store. Verv low priced for quick sale. Terms. Investigate this now. Call Armstrong Aaenclea. Phone 342 or Green 297 (eves (144 BUILDERS it CONTRACTORS Electrot of either 2" or 3" thickness. FOR SALE Helntzman medium slfed piano, good condition, terms. Write or nhofie W.' H. McRae. Gen Store. Usk. BC. (141p FOR SALE Combination elec yvni' 1 . . jfft maneui, Phone 451. FOR electrical contract work1 tric nie and anu oil oil stove. imre. Good ufu con wit -' .., ..r, Vnnn? ni Greer & Bridden dition. Phone Red 735 artr wi".1: u -J1 s7lteWwiu Vprm' J LTD. 729 Dailv News. PHONE 451 RE At ESTATt Offer you this service at at Phone today for a Free Dem tractive and competitive prl FOIt SALENS larce or small, call Grant & Newton. Black8'9 lm FOR bulldlne and contracting it's Northwest Construction Limited. Phone 5C3. (18m MARINE and general sheet metal work. Thorn Sheet Metal Works. Black 884. . (18m) COMPLETE- builders supplies fast service. Island Cltv Building Supplies. Blue 820. (18m FOR SALE r Rifles. Shotguns, Telescopic Sights. Laree assortment. Variable chokes for shotguns, etc. 48 rounds .303 British ammunition $2.95. Dealers e n a u I r I e s Invited Write monthly for latest descriptive folders and nrlres. Scope Sales co. Ltd.. . 320 onstration' of the 1950 Model ces. They fully guarantee the workma.nr.hip as well as the ; materials. ! For free estimate or further. had Juiv FrthJ lots f"' wft-fk tKllllin.' information phone or call at! ACCOUNTANTS III X X .' f Ni . - .11 Queen St... Ottawa. Out, (tf) FOR SALE Babv buKlv! will trade- for something of eouali value. Phone Black 660. I (tf) FOR. SALE Single panel fted.l soring mattress, laree cribJ Two venetlun blinds. Coftl heater. 745 5th W. or Red 892. (142p deiitiaT stin- tnci rill 111). I1'" ., ROBERT E. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. IneonM lax specialist. H. G. Furk Stone Building. Red 593. (20m) PERSONAL , while ii le ca'l Arnisi'"'' ne 343 oreri i i Phone FC? SATE Ennls piano. $273 When you choose your cigarette for mildness SUMMER BOWLING TOURNAMENT Team Events - Singles and Doublet Entries must be In June !5th - . to- Prince Rupert Bowling Alleys MONTADOR PLUMBINO and Heating -Sheet Me'al work. Tar and Gravel Roofing. Call 629 6th UoL-t Phrtna J1 T.ptmirnpnfi vaoi., a nunc uicuil 1171, " nrt,ie t .. 1 FOR SALE - you'll choose MiUbank Cigarettes .nHWnV""" til FOR SALE 1949 Hlllman sedan. I g;il West 2nd wesi. Cash or. Limited, - perfect condition onditlon terms no rpAnniihln nffpr re- Zn rtn oil Cai.H. P-6 U rOO" UNWANTED HAIR Permanent- nl,..1 lv rnrilratpri with Sacft-Pelo office. ,rT,,'ook Ave. inwu. x-ium" vuiiip Sales Agent (143p)i Watson Island. A STRAIGHT CUT FOR A I 026. 3rd Avenuel Phone 11 The most remarkable discovery of the age. Saca-Pelo is guaranteed to kill the roots of any hair and contains no drugs or chemicals. Lor-Beer Lab, 679 Uranvilla, Vancouver, B C. (H) FOR SALBT Girl's bike, JSS.jo SALE JSi Nancy Hill. 206 7th W. 1 "u two cf 1143P) , Conrad J i FOR SAI.E-One glllnet boat.' e-jJs Phons Green 803. (149p . Blue 1