1 Prfncc nnprrt Daflp Hrtos Friday, March 2". 1949 i'ScracesiiiCli tirchli church. A young married woman once told-me -that she-eensidered time far too precious a thine in sit for an hour in ehurth but if, it was permissible to brinir some nittiner. she mieht iSd iimL,' " wwpw Ofrorc -o -u upbuilding of Print-. Rupert V4ikn n'"r """PT'ing northern and central Wish ColumbU? rXTt.-irieea M Straw Cia Mail, post. Office Department. Ov Published Mm afternoon except Sunday b Prtsce Rupert Daily News Ltd.. 3rd Avenue. Prince Rupert. British Columbia. O. A. HUNTER. Managing Editor. H. Q. PERRY. Managing Director kfrUBEIt OF CANADIAN PRKSS - AUDIT BUREAU OP CIRCULATIONS CANADIAN DAILY NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION ... " 3 euBscRrpTioN rates f. ty Carrier. Per Week, KV: Per Month. 75p; Per Year. 8 00. S&5 .5tfrr. f -ll. Per Month. 50c; Per Year. 5 00 .:. " be able to feel that it wasn't! quite such a waste. -She wasn't! DIRECTORY SATURDAY SERMON ; joking. More people than we i REGULAR BAPTIST CHURCH (Fundamental!.. 02 6in E., Near High School Phone 3i9 SUNDAY, MARC1I 27, 1949 12:15 p.m Sunday School. (Classes for All -Come!) 7:30 f m. Gospel Service. Speaker: G.R.S. BLACKABY Subject: "WHAT! NO PORT DAY?" A message for today). Wed., 3:30 p.m. Mission Band. Wed., 8 p.m.Prayer Meeting Frl., 7:30 p.m.-Young Peoples Peoples WE BELIEVE AND PREACH THE FI LL GOSPEL realize think precisely in thesa terms. They are highly responsible citizens and are determined to carry It all on their shoulders and, as they grow older , j TOO CONSCIENTIOUS ; REV. BASIL S. PROCKTER, St. Andrew's Anglican Cathedral Service In all rhiirr-hes at n m. and 7:30 p.m.; Mimlut School ut l?:I3 except ax Hnowii. ANGLICAN' CATIIKDRAL 4th Ave. W at Dunsmulr St. . HoJjf Communion H HO a m. Sunday Schtxl 2:00 p.m. Canon Basil S. Prockter, B A., B D. Rector: (Blue 733) FIRST BAPTIST 6th Ave. E. at Young St Ml t later: Rev. Fred Antrobu'a (Green 8Z) Becoming Real Centre -'viiiv. nit. llllCCt CtlivL lliVt, Mvuimiwiv jv I there is a high Incidence of I r." "s u.tciy UH.n stomach, nervt and heart troubl- MEX'S I.... tneir exaggerated sense of responsibility. 1 tion t j amon3 them for the reason that want to criticize them, but I would love to say some-'the human frame Is not made thing1 which would 'really help. to carry that much responsibility The people I mean" are predominantly in the j and the creator intended from MEN'S bRFSs f i 1 uckiiiiiuiii - - mat -ne snouin younger marnea group, meyi . iivc ine iieavy ena oi ine loaa. laust-spfcj,.- have some family and they are So I say to the best oeoDle LETTERBOX TELEPHONE - SITl'ATIO.V ""W A Kind, really trying to do their level best both in the home and outside the home. But at times I wonder if their approach is not j if s t a little "too too." They feel very strongly that they have I know that it U pos!tie to fall into the sm of being too conscientious. You and I are not God. And if there ls no God above, what is the good of anything that la good? Jesus said: special ! from j J BOYS' Lo.fj IXC Editor. Daily News: ; 'Further to my comments on the installation of an ic exchange in your citv I FIRST I'RKSBYTKRIAN 4th Avenue East Minister: Rev. George E. Sendnll (Green WW I FIRST t'MTKII 836 6th Ave. West Minister: R. A. Wilson. M A. (Green 613) FI LL GOSPEL T4HLRX.tr I F 221 6th Ave. West Pastor: Paul A. Barber (Green 620) SALVATION ARM Fraser Street CO.: Major W. Yurgensen Directory Class 2:30 pm. Sunday School 80 D m - (Bl.ick 269) ST. PAI L'S U THF.KtV 8th Ave. at McBrlde St. - , Pastor: S. Soilnnd (Black 610) make-fiPEc... brought children into the world much -ome unto mr, all y that labor ! nlfli'pH nil mu Qriimanti.' j onH thnt tKipv nre urv ; - ...j . s n . 1 1 v iii..-) aiiu j " - 1 j data on your proposition be- responsible for the care and wel and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." j iuie my son wno is a graduate rare oi ino.se ennnren. it is an-f Electrical Engineer (1941) on ficult for them to think as their AS TIME GOES ON, Prince Rupert is becom-f ing more and more recognized as the northern centre from Queen Charlotte Sound to Alaska and from the coast to anywhere in Central British Columbia. With available transportation in the M ay of railway, highway, boats and planes this is thejogical hub. Strangers come and go every day. In summer, the harbor front and streets are busy. The coming six months should see more traffic and general activity than ever before. STV JOHN AND ST. JOHN'S AFTER THE END of this month, the postal-service of Canada will have one of its many headaches slightly more painful than ever before. Commencing in April, the chief city in the new province of Newfoundland will be St. John's. It has a population which used to be around 50,000 and"no doubt more now, is a seaport, and generally speaking, is marine-minded. A few hundred miles away, in the old province of New Brunswick, stands the chief city of St. John. It has a population of around oO.OOO and, generally speaking, is marine-minded, j automatic plants and electric- ancestors thnutrht, that chndi-en ' l a! engilieerinff in eeneral u ith nr a liRritnoe unA oift tvnm r.,,A SPECIAL First Presbyterian Church First Baptwt Churcfc (Young Street) Minisier: Rev. . Antrobu Phone: Res. Green 812 Fourth Avenue East Minister: Rev. O. E. Sendall B.A.. B.D. Director of Music: Mrs. E. J Smith ST. PETER'S ANGLICAN Seal Cove Archdeacon E. Hodson Sunday School H OC a m. Evening Prayer 7:SO p m. (Blue 8i7) eight years of practical exper- and that the responsibility is a' if nee since graduation, and Divine thing which the Creator practicing in San Diego. He designs to share with us. No, I consulted with the automatic i they must take all the respon-i engineers of the Southern Cal-; sibiiit, on thelr own shoulders.! ifornia Telephone Co. and they, with reeard t0 the hours ofj all agree my proposals . are the work and the hollr3 of imn logical solution of your prob- the burden ls fierce In M 'eni i ' .' . time, duty must be done In order Here is a summary of their ! t0 t on !t is part " of the fam-conclusions: an automat- , , . i, j T onerald "y dU one ic plant cannot be V"'"'' An organized system of shorthand was developed and used by the Romans as far back as "6J B.C. COTTAGE 11:00 "They Knew Him." Anthem: "Stand Up for Jesus." Mission Bund and purents will attend. 12:15Sunday School. 7:30 "The Poor Fool." Anthem: "Dav of Wmih - 31 Announcing MISSIONARY CONFERENCE Rev. Samuel Cassels of the Sudan Interior Mission will show moving pictures of Africa. April 6-H. Flace: First Baptist Church April 8, 7, 8, at 8 p.m. Presbyterian Church April 11, 12. 13, at 8 p.m. The pictures are highly Instructive, and were taken only a few months ago, and Include scenes on medical work, leprosy, slavery, heathen practices, forms of worship, riles, etc. New Creamed . f VALENTIN Your U. ALUWEATHES it a profit under at least 7000 n1 "cuvef ln nom good : .... v. :' , '. . 1 of belonainK to orcan za t una i subscribers. The plant would which do good and one must,! Monday, 8 p.m. Young People's. I VKA TI1ALLS PHOTO FINISH 1ST, j l Developing, Printine I Enlarifiiir J QUICK SERVICE J Amateur and , Professional Supplies i have to be equipped for harmonic ringing, as well as aU dials being specially built with four additional letters one for keep pace with one's social ob-j ligations j So it comes to pass that the best people go to bed too tired) each rinffins? firnupnnv if vnn Household wished to continue selective anrt worn out to pray. Thev can't spare the time to come to ringing on party lines as at Prince Rripert Florists 300 3rd Ave. 3ox516 Tel. 777 Flowers foi' All Occasions bo here we have two eastern Canadian ports, similar in size and having something in common, yet with the letter "s" making more of a difference than one might imagine. St. John, before this, lias been addressed as St. John's and always nursed resentment. And it's the same with St. John's, when the other way around. It looks like confusion and then, along the stern and rockbound coasts. STALLING ON COASTGUARD : present. Under automatic, the 1 party line ringing is aceom- equipped for harmonic ring- piished by using the ground as ine to match the The Salvation Army ! Major and Mrs. W. Yurgensen i a return for each- side of the with .. . j . . .! v"v,",,ua t.tu.H-u , dunufli, JVIAKCH Z7. 1949 une using code ringing, and with multiples in order for: Holiness Meeting 11 eung 11 a am m' must , be carefully . installed.! MPh noratnr ...i : . UNWANTED HAIR Appliances W. KELVIN ATOR REFRIfiEUATORS HOTIOLT ELECTRIC STOVKS $l R.C.A. VICTOR RADIOS $2 PHILHS RADIOS $?,! EASY WASHERS EUREKA VACUUMS ffl FAWCETT OIL STOVKS (installed) BENDIX WASHER I'nwanted hair eraillt'aied from the human body with Sai-o-IVlii ointment, the remarkable discovery of the ae. Saro-IVlo Kills the roots of any hair! H) l.OK-BFKR I. A ( K A TO III F..S filS Granville St.. Vancouver. II.C. , . - - k- in ur uuk iu! directory, Z.TtO D.B1 ) otherwise noises will be picked reach all calls. If there should1 Sunday School 3 nm up by earth currents, lnterfer- be no room on the .present! Salvation MeeUng. 7'30 nm ing greatly , with the conversa-1 switchboard for additional mul-! The D.vlsional Commander' '. ! tlples' thls could be overcome, Senior Major , lt , , , and Mrs War- They, also agree the solutionis by using inter - conner-tin? ! render will conduct the evenfn. to add additional 9 tchb,,art -Continued ATm on Page 8. i service., TWAS WITH satisfaction British Columbia recently heard that a Coastguard was tn ha BENDIX IRONER i x f " ' I , . That's what you get in the 11. Ml t V ff 3 G ULl , HOT! John P. I Hughes, D.CM Ph C. 21-22 Bcsner Block Phone BLUE 442 for Appointment HOI RS 10:30 .m. to 12;80 pm. and a to 5 p.m. f: i:im.h Mmday and Prlday. 7:30 p m. fm tboae unable, to coma during thi day. RECEPTIONIST tn aitend ance arternoons. DELUXE ond SPECIAL DELUXE MODELS Carl ZaHli, PHONE T, M. FRASER ST iished on this coast but later developments indicate that there 'might have been some chickenleounting in advance of the hatching process. The 60-foot boats proposed would be entirely inadequate. It is not that the need of a Coastguard service is questioned or disputed. British Columbia marine interests would be glad to co-operate with Ottawa but there does not appear, after all, to be much disposition m the Ottawa quarter to really get going. The federal attitude is that estimated costs are too high. The situation all comes back td where it was priginally. jThat is, no Coastguard, and little pros-' pect of speeding up in the direction of doing something. f TWO CITIES KrIXCE RUPERT is British Columbia's most T northerly seaport. Ketchikan is Alaska's most Southerly shipping and fisheries point. The two are about eighty miles apart. And it is here a transcontinental railway served by America's lowest mountain grade has its Pacific terminal at Prince Ruperts harbor-a haven rivalling" San Francisco Oi" Sidney. . - Ketchikan is the southern entrance to an empire in itself nearly half as large as the United States of priceless strategic value, and with stupendous natural wealth. Prince Rupert is the northern gateway to a province infinitely richer and vaster than many a nation. It's still rather early, away up here. We're all pioneering. Yet the day may come ere long when these two cities will mean much, to the whole prince m J For J Construction Alterations - Rcl i j, nrc GREER & BRIDDE CONTRACTORS AND mill Ph Sandin a Specially T Red SKI WMWrVWMWAWWi'',,","WAV'1' vnnr uc a non adTFRS FC m I Ik s M J Jfer SEEDS AND fertilizer! GARDEN NEEIj PERFORMANCE The powtrful Dodrr L-Hrad engmt h fewer norma pam to ni Mcr to adniK and kerp t-)srofnl. hs amazing smooth nessoritinatn uith unique 3pomt flmeina CT m'iw suspension. OOMY COMFORT The famous Dodge Moating Rid is smoother than ever. New. longer l!8lj inch wheelhxe further improves the Dodge "tradled . between - the -lies' ride allows ample head and leg room. i9 and VISiaiUTY Yoo get . Wide irw of the roaol through the new higher wider windshields (,Im area is 37" greater Nnr, more efficient wipers sweep 61 more giant area. Defroster Tents row the whole windshield. ADVERTISING IN THE DAILY NWS BRINGS RESULTS. -.-111 WWJ j EQUIPMKM Ormes Drugs DRUGS m us. inn il WE DELIVER" 1MB BFALTIFUL NFW Dodge Deluxe and Special DeLaxe models are tars you will want to see, own and drive. They're ew . modern as tomorrow . . . with natural beauty that flows from true automobile design. There's more elbow room, leg room and head room . . . greater visibility . . . plus an amazingly s-m-o-o-t-h ride. Get behind he wheel! You'll appreciate the "many improvements that add to the Dodge reputation tor pcpendability Economy, Roomy Comfort and Smooth Riding. The famous Dodge Floating Ride is even quieter and more restful because of heavier insulation, softer rubber body mountings improved springing, new "sea-leg- shock absorbers. iou II like the and power economy of the 97 h p L-Head engine . . and the many "extr," economy features sucb a. an oil filter, floating oil intake and self-cleaning fcel fitr m the gas tank, which are Ua,,J.r4 eoaiipment. These new cars start easier, stop faster; you can see over the hoods- so. can get in and out with ease. ' See these great new cars today at your local Dodge-DeSoto dealer s showroom. Compare them feature by feature with other cars in their price class . . . then drive them and you'll agree that they are the outstanding automobile in the low-price field. OF TASTY MEALS f- Reserve Your Seats Early For I KENNETH SPENCER . The Great American Basso I Civic Centre, Thursday, April 14 ; PHONE 81 riilnese Iil",s "nior siTKy i enow LINDSAY MOTORS lTBrf Am At Second Avenua opposite Prince RP" f l(le f 7:rni.ss. t i.tin . n phone 1"3 i'" "